St Patrick’s College Newsletter 7 14 November 2014

St Patrick’s College
Newsletter 7
14 November 2014
P.O.Box 14-022
Evans Bay Parade
Wellington 6022
Ph: 04 939 3070
Fax: 04 939 3077
Email: [email protected]
Dear Parents and Caregivers
Thank you to those parents who attended Senior Prize Giving and
our Leavers’ Mass last week. They were both wonderful occasions
tinged with sadness as another great group of Year 13 students
completed their time at St Patrick’s.
Major award winners were:
House Shield – Watters House
The Leadership Gold Medal – Te Poiakino Hohua
Victor Ludorum – Izayah Mauriohooho Le’afa
Proxime Accessit – Runner up to the Dux of the College –
Luigi Cacace
Dux of the College – Liam Doonan
Left: Mr Mills presents Old Boys’ tie to Quaid Martin-Laumatia
Below: Liam Doonan, Dux of St Patrick’s College in 2014
Prefects for 2015 were announced at Senior Prizegiving. They are: Thomas Noble-Campbell (Head Prefect),
Yohan de Rose (Deputy Head Prefect), Peteli Poasa (Deputy Head Prefect), Teichmann Collins, Sam
Gallagher, Ciaran Hyland, Harry Ireland, Rusi Jagose, Tino Lavea, Alessi Mendoza, Ethan Meredith, Tuli
Poasa, Puhi Samuel, Gus Stone and Charlie Winn.
ERO Report
We received the “confirmed” Education Review Office Report on our College last week. It is extremely
positive and affirms the excellent work that the College does. Some of the key statements in the report are:
 The Marist charism is evident in values and practices and permeates College life. There is a strong
focus on the holistic development of students through academic, sporting, cultural, creative and
spiritual activities.
The values of pride, respect, caring and being a ‘good man’ are promoted and students develop a
sense of brotherhood and belonging. They have a diverse range of leadership opportunities.
Students’ wellbeing is supported through extensive pastoral care and mentoring.
Parents and whānau are highly involved in school activities and partnerships to support learning.
A significant focus on improving teachers’ analysis and use of achievement data has occurred since
the October 2011 ERO report. Effective use of reliable assessment tools allows good tracking and
monitoring of student achievement and progress over time.
Leaders and teachers are using data more rigorously to make positive changes to learners’
engagement progress and achievement. There is greater accountability and increased sharing of
good practice within and between curriculum areas.
Departments and teachers are using data more effectively to reflect on their teaching to: identify
students who need additional support or are at risk of underachievement; review and make changes
to programmes; group students and respond to individual needs; develop appropriate curriculum
Student voice is making a useful contribution to teachers’ review, and informs their decisions about
teaching content and approach.
Most senior students achieve well in the National Certificates of Education Achievement (NCEAs). As
school leavers, they gain the qualifications at levels significantly higher than students overall
nationally and in similar schools. Nearly all Māori and Pacific students have gained NCEA Level 2 by
the time they leave the College.
The College caters well for students with special needs. They are provided with suitable
programmes and support that responds to their needs. The College involves external agencies
where appropriate.
The College’s curriculum effectively promotes and supports student learning. Student leaders and
teachers clearly articulate high expectations for students as successful learners and achievers.
Teachers use a range of effective strategies to engage students in a positive, constructive learning
environment. They include: high expectations for learning; developing respectful and supportive
relationships; lesson content that is relevant and interesting; lessons that link to prior and future
learning; well-paced teaching, that maximises use of learning time; students leading their learning
and providing each other with peer support; teaching that is targeted to student needs; relevant use
of digital technology to enhance learning. These strategies result in a positive classroom tone with
high levels of student participation in learning.
The College is well placed to sustain and improve its performance.
Teachers are reflective and are increasingly examining the impact of their teaching on learning.
The new Rector has a considered and thoughtful approach to managing change. There is a focus
on developing leadership capability across the school. A culture of collaboration is strengthening
across the school and is focused on improving outcomes for students.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in four to five years.
The Report is a public document and will be available for anyone to read on the Education Review Office
website from Monday 17 November or it is now available on our website.
It was great to be able to bless our Rowing Club’s new ‘8’ “Tangeroa” at our final assembly on 29 October. The Rowing Club
has done a wonderful job in fundraising to pay for this boat and we
thank all those people who have contributed.
Special thanks to Mrs Jo Coughlan who led the fundraising campaign
and to Ms Lucy McLeod on the staff who put in a lot of time to
rowing in the 2013/14 season.
Left: Fr John Walls SM blesses Tangeroa
New Enrolments
We have been busy testing and interviewing just over 180 Year 8
boys who will start at St Patrick’s College in 2015. We welcome
their families into our community. Congratulations to the following
Year 8 students who were presented with Academic Scholarships at
Senior Prizegiving: Lawrence Birch, John Flynn, Seth Sison, and
Donovan Tull.
Staff Changes
At the end of this year we will farewell Mrs Halina McDonald who has been appointed Assistant Principal at
St Catherine’s College. Mrs McDonald has been an excellent teacher of Biology and Science, was previously
Redwood House Leader, and has organised and coached badminton. She has been an important and highly
valued staff member. We thank her and wish her every blessing at St Catherine’s.
Mr John Heselton will also leave us at the end of this year. He is returning to Auckland. We thank him for
his contribution to the Maths Department and to the College.
Ms Teina Smith will be on maternity leave for Terms 1, 2 and 3 next year and we wish her every blessing on
the safe arrival of her baby.
“Change for Change”
Thank you so much to all our families who contributed in so many different ways to our student led
fundraiser “Change for Change”. At the end of Term 1 Kalyb Masoe-Hewitt challenged our school
community to raise $20,000 for Chanel College in Samoa. He was thrilled to announce at our final school
assembly that we had exceeded that goal. A great effort.
Term Four Dates
Term 4 continues to be busy with many ‘end of year’ events. Please diary these events
Monday 17 November – Women’s Group meeting at 7.45pm.
Thursday 27 November – Women’s Group Christmas BBQ to welcome Year 9 2015
students at 6.30pm in the staffroom.
Monday 1 December – Staff only Day at College. Parents’ Association meeting at
7.30pm.Women’s Group meeting at 7.45pm.
Friday 5 December – Whanau Christmas BBQ in the College hall.
Saturday 6 December – Polynesian Parents’ Asosi fundraiser FiaFia Night Dinner in the College hall.
Monday 8 December – Year 13 Leavers clearance at 1pm. Year 13 farewell BBQ at 5pm. Polynesian
Parents’ Association meeting at 6pm.
Tuesday 9 December – Neville Shield Athletics at St Pat’s Silverstream.
Thursday 11 December – Junior Prizegiving at 10am in the College hall, and parents are most welcome.
Formal uniform must be worn. Junior Reports and Newsletter. Term 4 ends.
Congratulations to all our students who were nominated in the College Sport Wellington Sports Person of the
Year Awards held on Sunday 2 November. We had students nominated in over 20 codes, with five students
taking honours in their category: Ash Aiono (Volleyball), Eden Cruise (Cycling), Marcus Karamanolis (Cross
Country), Izayah Mauriohooho Le'afa (Basketball), and Tyler Roberts (AWD).
Ash Aiono
Eden Cruise
Marcus Karamanolis
Izayah Mauriohooho Le'afa
2014 Victor Ludorum
Tyler Roberts
Sam Millmow
John Sio
Enoch Tautolo
Congratulations to the following students for their achievement in the Australian Mathematics Competition:
Nicholas Morris – High Distinction, and Matthew Chu, Louis Gradwell, Olaf Manz, Joseph Sison, Vincent
Wong and Matthew Yip for gaining Distinction.
Congratulations also to Enoch Tautolo (Year 12) for his selection in the NZ Junior Kiwis Rugby League team
that played against Samoa on Saturday, Sam Millmow (Year 10) for scoring a century at the weekend in his
2nd XI cricket match and to John Sio (Year 10) for his selection in the Volleyball Regional Junior Tournament
Congratulations to Antonio De Gregorio and Jack Hansen who have been selected for the New Zealand
Under 20 Handball team, with Harry Ireland and Francis Pedersen being named in the reserves. Emphasising
the strength of St Pat’s at this Olympic sport, the 14 man squad includes 2013 Year 13 students - Jacques
Cuccurullo, Jack Gallagher, Lachlan Harrison, and Luke Ireland. The team will contest the Oceania section of
the IHF (International Handball Federation) Trophy 2014 in a tournament being held at the local ASB Sports
Centre from 8-13 December. Our boys will be up against teams from American Samoa, Australia, Cook
Islands, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, and Tahiti, with the winner going on
to represent Oceania at the Intercontinental phase of the IHF Trophy – effectively, the world championship
of the sport for development countries.
Congratulations to the following for gaining Top Weekly Notes this term:
John Cecilio
Themba Clarke
Don Cedriex Gotico x 2
Lewis Halliday x 3
Paul Ireland
Nicholas Morris
Caleb Ward
Alfonso Dela Cruz
Joab Nagrampa
Ren Tamayo x 2
Vincent Wong
Nathaniel Bickers x 3
Jacob Farr x 2
Thomas Fitzgerald
Finn Lowndes x 3
Simon Zhang
Teichmann Collins
Jose Vaquero Lopez Negrete x 2
Baramey Kadeth x 3
Cameron Laing
Thomas Noble-Campbell
Jager Sowman
Tobias Stephen
Barnaby Verberne
Randal Benito
Luigi Cacace x 3
Daniel Chaji x 2
Liam Doonan x 2
Ciaran Dorey
Paul Geneta x 2
James Jenner
Youhan Khosho
Samuel Lyth
Marco Mollo x 2
Marcus Seumanu
Dominic Sowry
Gus Umali x 2
Michael Vega
William Zheng x 2
Prayers Please
In November, following All Souls Day on the 2nd we continue to pray for the souls of those who have died –
members of our families and of our school community. We remember in our prayers the grandfathers of
Tyrone Lealofi (Year 10), Jack Nelson-Murray (Year 12) and Nate (Year 9) and Jed Wiggins (Year 11), the
great grandfather of Fynn McKenna (Year 10), the grandmothers of Matt and Conor Hunter (Year 9), Elias
Liolis (Year 13), Michael Kenna (Year 13), and the great grandmother of Raj Mistry (Year 9), and the aunty
of Brandyn Kalolo (Year 10).
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of all the
faithful departed rest in peace.
Sectare Fidem
Mr Neal Swindells
Graduation and Christmas presents with a difference – just send an email to organise!
Only a handful rem aining of:
Glass Coasters – boxed set of 4 with frosted College etchings, $18 per set. Stock remaining: 5.
Wine Glasses – each elegant glass has a small frosted etched College crest, boxed set of 6, $45 per set.
Stock remaining: 5.
Merino Scarves – blue and white stripe, $40 each. Stock remaining: 14.
125 th Jubilee Com m em orative B ook ‘Sectare Fidem ’ – now available for $25 w ith lim ited stock
For our families and Old Boys do you have your very own copy of the 125th Commemorative Book “Sectare
Fidem”? Without doubt this is a fantastic read, a treasure trove of College history written by Old Boy Mike
Fitzsimmons (1967-71).
“St P at’s Goes M arching I n” – Jubilee Com m em orative P ainting
In 2009 Old Boy and well known artist Julian Knap created a visual history of St Patrick’s College to mark the
125th Jubilee celebrations held June 2010. Due to the artist generously waiving his commission we can now
offer the remaining prints at the reduced cost of $175.00 incl GST. The following numbers are still available;
many Old Boys have chosen a number that connects to their first year or last year of attending St Pat’s.
Print Numbers still available: 19,20,21,23,26,28,32,34-39,42-44,46,51-53,55-59,62-66, 68-72, 74-77,8091,93-124,126-149,151-300.
To purchase any item s just email the Development Manager or visit the Cashiers office.
Reconnect yourself or another Old Boy.
Each and every week we have Old Boys, past families and current families changing their postal and email
addresses. To help us help you stay in touch with us please advise any such change.
Secondly to assist with the planning of mini class reunions if you know of someone who is not in touch with
us please let us know or mention us to them. It is as simple as emailing [email protected] or
phoning 04 9395416 and leaving a message.
SP ONSOR your very ow n 1 x Square m etre of the Artificial Turf
Sincere thanks to those families who took this opportunity of ‘sponsoring’ a patch of our stunning Artificial
Turf. The final donor board will be installed next month, the final date for any last minute additions is 27th
November so do not miss out.
The Cornerstone – Issue 15 – keep an eye out for this newsletter which you will receive either in
hardcopy or email next month.
Loretta Love - Development Manager
Email: [email protected]
DDI: 04 9395416 Cell: 027 4663686
Term Four has had a different focus for our senior students who studied Health in some form. Year Eleven
students completed a unit on the dangers of smoking, drugs and alcohol. Year Twelve students studied
sexuality which encompassed a number of topics; the main one was on how to maintain positive
relationships. The Year Thirteen students used the Leaver’s Passport which was produced by the Transition
and Careers Department and took time to look at enrolling for courses, student loans, Student Job Search
and what life will be like once they leave College.
The Junior students have been preparing for their end of year examinations. Parents of Year Nine students
are requested to look out for a permission slip which will be sent home in the next week seeking permission
for your son to participate in a unit on Puberty. The Year Ten students will study a health unit on cyberbullying. In the coming week Year Ten students will participate in the annual Year Ten Health Day. This will
be held on 18 November, and students will take part in six workshops on the following topics: Drugs and
Alcohol which will be presented by Well Trust, Peer Pressure and Self-Esteem presented by Youthline, Heart
Start defibrillator training presented by Wellington Free Ambulance, a combined talk on the dangers of
pornography, and also relationships by Peter Wadsworth and Sarah Parkinson as well as two physical
sessions facilitated by the Physical Education Department. I would like to thank everyone in advance for
supporting this initiative and sharing both their time and experience.
Each year at St Patrick’s College we need a new group of Eucharistic Ministers. This ministry, is a role of
service and it is an important one, as you will minister the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ to the members of
the St Patrick’s College community. As a minister of the Eucharist you should be an active member of a
Catholic Church community, attending Mass regularly. If you are in Year 12 this year and would like to
become a Eucharistic Minister for 2015 please
[email protected] or phone on
9393070 Ext 261 or 0274187500.
The Ministry Team had a busy week in Week
Three, with three year level liturgies and the
Leavers’ Mass.
On Wednesday 29 October, all Year Thirteen
students met in the Chapel where they took
part in a liturgy that had been organised by
the Prefects as a way for the year group to say
goodbye to each other. This was a lovely time,
with Mr Swindells addressing the students and the students receiving their Leavers’ badges from their House
On Friday 31 October Fr John Walls SM celebrated the Leavers’ Mass for us and we were grateful to have Fr
Paul Martin SM and Fr Mark Walls SM as con-celebrants. At the start of the Mass, the Year Thirteen
students processed in and received their Old Boys’ tie which is donated to all Year Thirteen leavers’ by the
Old Boys’ Association. The Mass was a moving experience, with Fr John speaking about the importance of
keeping your faith and friendships and then the Head Boy (Luigi Cacace) and Deputy Head Boys (Daniel
Buttar and Quaid Martin-Laumatia) reflecting on their time at St Pat’s and leaving us with some important
things to think about. After Mass, the Year Twelve and Eleven students each had a brief Liturgy that had
been organised by Ms Parkinson and Mr Savali’s classes respectively. The students who selected the theme
and organised the liturgy did a wonderful job. I thank Mr Swindells for sharing with them some wise words
as they headed off to exams and then onto their summer holidays.
Upcoming events:
Year Ten students will participate in a Social Justice Retreat day on 19, 20 and 21 November which is held in
their core class groups. We are grateful to Challenge 2000 for managing these retreats and thank them for
their generous help.
Year Nine Retreat – this will be held after lunch on 2 December. Students are to wear uniform.
Sarah Parkinson - DRS
Many of our students will be seeking holiday or fulltime work once they complete their
examinations. Student Job Search will locate work for our departing students who are
moving onto tertiary courses so apply online now at Apply soon so they
can start looking for those vacancies while you are on examination leave.
Tax numbers - many of our students need to have a tax number to apply for bank accounts, Studylink and
tertiary courses. You will need to complete a form downloaded from the IRD website and
take it to your local NZ Post Shop along with two forms of ID. Not having a tax number can delay the
application processes for tertiary, Studylink, scholarships and employment opportunities.
Kiwisaver – the tax code is necessary for many parents and students applying for Kiwisaver which
everyone should be encouraged to open an account as the free $1000 is a good start to long term saving.
Studylink – apply now – parents will need to assist in this process, especially if your son is under18 years.
Information can be found at the Studylink website at or call 0800889900 or visit 195
Willis Street. You will need your proof of citizenship; passport, Birth Certificate or Residency, an IRD number
and your NZQA number. It is advisable to get a local JP to verify copies of these documents and never
submit the original documents.
Student Allowances do not have to be paid back to IRD (only Student Loans), but the combined
family income must be within the thresholds stated below.
Living at Home - $84,016.80 or Away from Home - $91, 264.01 as of 1 April 2014
Matthew Ohlsson was the top student in the Gateway Programme this year. He was
absent from Senior Prizegiving, as he was one of three navy cadets selected
nationwide to attend the ANZAC commemorations in Perth, Western Australia.
Matthew is hopeful of leaving College to gain a Building apprenticeship. He has
completed his NCEA Level Two and he has completed most of the BCITO Level Three
credits and has moved to the advanced building papers.
Careers Website -
This College site contains a lot of careers information, career links, scholarships, NCEA, Vocational pathways,
profiles, study techniques and links to tertiary institutions.
Politeness: - “Thank you and please open doors with ease” – our young men need to remember their
manners at all times. It can make all the difference. A recent Old Boy and Massey graduate was to attend a
job interview only to find it had been cancelled. He had impressed his future employer on a previous
occasion that he offered him the job on the spot.
Mike Woods JP -Careers
As noted in New Zealand and worldwide, reading levels drop over
the summer holidays. As stated by the National Library:
” Summer reading is an important, simple and enjoyable activity
students can do to help avoid the 'summer slide'. This slide in
reading is characterised by progress in reading achievement
throughout the school year, followed by a decline during the summer holidays away from school.”
At St Patrick’s we want our students to keep their reading levels up and to be great readers. So we have a
SPC Summer Reading Programme. We do this to build confidence in our students reading abilities. We
provide books that our students might not otherwise read. We want to extend our good readers with more
challenging books.
So if you would like your son to continue to increase his reading ability come along to the library in the last
week of school and choose some books for him. Encourage your son to visit the library in the last week of
term and take out his summer reading books. There are no limits to how many books he can take and they
will be due back in the first week of school 2015. Happy reading.
Karen Clarke - Library Manager
Two Marist St Pat’s coaches took out top honours at the annual Wellington Rugby Awards. Under 85kg
BLUES coach Andrew Robinson won the Club Coach of the Year after his unbeaten 2014 campaign, while
Clayton McMillan (2012 Jubilee Cup winning coach) was named Wellington Representative Coach of the Year
after his unbeaten campaign with the Wellington Under 19 team.
Availability of such skilled coaching will continue to be available in 2015 at Marist St Pats. Students wishing
to continue with rugby training over the summer months are welcome to make the usual arrangements with
the Marist St Pats Club. Phone or text MSP’s full-time Coaching Co-ordinator (and St Patricks College Old
Boy) Kas Lealamanua 021 120 3958 or say “Hi” to Kas who is at the gym most week days. Marist St Pats'
offseason training is on from 6-7pm every Tuesday and Thursday evening. Training is facilitated by Henry
Fa'afili, a former New Zealand rugby league and Manu Samoa rugby international. Henry is a qualified
personal trainer and runs his own cross fit based training sessions. This is a great opportunity to keep fit
with your mates over the summer without the cost of an expensive gym membership!
And at the same time, check out the new mural in the Marist St Pats weights room. The ‘I Bleed R ed ”
mural was designed and painted by Marist St Pats All Black and Hurricane prop forward, Jeff To-omagaAllen! And whilst checking out the Marist St Pats website have a look at the
innovative video where Marist St Pats caught up with a number of players and coaches to hear why Marist St
Pats is such a great place to play. Sectare Fidem.
John Holden - Board Member, Marist St Pats RFC
Items of College uniform aree only available for purchase from N.Z. Uniforms. The contact details and
opening hours are as follows: Wellington Shop Manager: Rowena Cumming Phone: (04) 238-4727,
Fax: (04) 472-1698, website: Email: [email protected] Address: 167
Thorndon Quay, Pipitea, Wellington 6011. View Google Map Location Shop Hours: Monday to Friday 9am
to 5pm, Saturday: 9am to 4pm, Sunday: closed. You can also use their website for online orders. The link
to the website is
On Monday 20 October the Women’s Group held their AGM and the following Office Holders were elected:
Chairperson: Sophia Lewis
Secretary: Donna Karamanolis
Second Hand Uniform Shop Co-ordinator: Anna Ward
Second Hand Uniform Shop
The Second Hand Uniform Shop is operating as usual and needs your support and is in urgent need of clean
and re-sellable items. Items can be dropped off at the school office or directly into the Second-hand shop on
their open days, and the relevant form filled in if you want it sold on commission. The Second Hand Uniform
Shop will be open on Wednesday 21 January 2015 from 5-7pm, Saturday 24 January from 10am-12 noon,
Tuesday 27 January from 5-7pm, and Saturday 31 January from 10am-12 noon.
Term 1 – 2 February to 2 April
Term 2 – 20 April to 3 July
Term 3 – 20 July to 25 September
Term 4 – 12 October to 11 December
The St Catherine’s College PTA are running a Jumbo Xmas Raffle to fundraise for a new school van. There is
a great range of prizes as well as mystery hampers and other assorted prizes. Tickets cost $5 each and are
limited to 600 tickets. If you would like to purchase a ticket please contact Linda De Gregorio on 021 151
2789 or 383 8376.
Sunday 23 November from 11am to 4pm. Stop off for coffee, food, raffle tickets, plants, books and other
sweet treats for sale. Tickets are $30 each and are available from Khandallah Video Time, Dunshea’s Deli,
Automat, Millwood Gallery, Front Room or Khandallah Kindergarten (24 Everest St, Khandallah). Email:
[email protected] or
Celia Lashlie will be speaking at the Pipitea Marae & Function Centre in Thorndon at 7pm on Tuesday 11
November. Tickets are available from Lashlie. Single is $24 and Couples $40.
Below is a montage of photos from Prizegiving and Leavers’ Mass