Outline Path and Trajectory Planning EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning H.I. Bozma Electric Electronic Engineering Bogazici University November 12, 2014 H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Getting robot to move I So far - Kinematics: The map btw configuration space DOF and workspace position I Velocity kinematics: The map btw configuration space velocities and workspace velocities I How to get the robot move and do what we want it to do? I Assume: Initial and final configurations of the robot is given. H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Getting robot to move - Motion planning H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Path vs Trajectory Planning I Path: A sequence of points (either in configuration or workspace) I Trajectory: A sequence of points with timing H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Planning Considerations - Configuration (Joint) Space H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Planning Considerations - Workspace H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Obstacles I No consideration of restrictions due to the workspace (Obstacles!) I Path and Trajectory Planning: Collision free paths or trajectories I Computationally complex! H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Notation I Configuration space Q I Workspace W I Obstacles in workspace Oi ⊂ W I All obstacles O = ∪Oi I Robot with q ∈ Q → A(q) ⊂ W I Configuration space obstacles QO = {q ∈ Q | A(q) ∩ O = 6 ∅} I Free configuration space Qfree = Q \ QO I Initial configuration qs ∈ Qfree , Final configuration qf ∈ Qfree H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Problem Statement: Given qs , qf ∈ Qfree , find a collision-free path γ : [0, 1] → Qfree such that γ(0) = qs and γ(1) = qf H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Approaches I Not feasible to generate Qfree completely! I Search algorithm – Incremental generation of Qfree I I Roadmap methods Potential fields H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning RM - General Approach I I Generate a representation for Qfree Generate 1-D network of curves (time as varying parameter) where each arc → Collision-free path btw two points I I I Generate a path in Qfree from qs to qa Generate a path in Qfree from qf to qb Generate a path in Qfree from qa to qb H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) I Sampling the configuration space: A set of random configurations are generated → Nodes I Connect pairs of configurations: Plan trajectories between nodes I Enhancement: If trajectories are disconnected, generate new paths to ensure connectivity H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Example - PRM Approach H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning I Advantages I I Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning No problems of local minima! Problems I I Computational Not reactive H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Potential Field I Imagine a surface U defined on workspace on which the robot is visualized to move down the gradient I Final configuration - Attractive (minimal point) I Obstacle boundaries - Repelling I Goal: One minimum (attractive) only with every other critical point being nondegenerate! I U(q) = Ua (q) + Ur (q) → F = Do U(q) H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Attractive Field Attractive force Ua,i = 1 T 2 ζi (oi (q) − oi (qf )) (oi (q) − oi (qf )) 1 1 T 2 2 ζi (oi (q) − oi (qf )) (oi (q) − oi (qf )) − 2 ζi d H.I. Bozma koi (q) − oi (qf )k ≤ d koi (q) − oi (qf )k > d EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Example – RR Planar Robot H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Repulsive Field Ur ,i = ( 1 2 ηi 0 1 ρ(oi (q)) − 1 ρ0 2 H.I. Bozma : ρ(oi (q)) ≤ ρ0 : ρ(oi (q)) > ρ0 EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Example – RR Planar Robot, Repulsive Force H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Repulsive Field Ur ,2 = 1 2 η2 1 0.5 −1 2 1 0.52 0 −1 H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Mapping Workspace Forces to Joint Torques I I I τ = JvT F For each oi , construct the respective Jacobian Joi P P Total torque τ = i JoTi Fai (q) + i JoTi Fri (q) H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Gradient Descent Planning 1. q(0) = qs , k = 0 2. If kq(k) − qf k > (q(k)) q(k + 1) = q(k) + αi kττ (q(k))k k =k +1 else return q 3. Go to (2) H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning General Performance I Advantages I I I Generate the torque trajectory to reach the goal Reactive - As obstacles changes, so does the trajectory Problems I I Stuck in local minima May be difficult to compute attactive & repulsive forces H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Revised Gradient Descent Planning 1. q(0) = qs , k = 0 2. If kq(k) − qf k > (q(k)) q(k + 1) = q(k) + αi kττ (q(k))k k =k +1 else return q 3. If stuck in local minimum, move randomly to q 0 4. q(0) = q 0 5. Go to (2) H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Why Trajectory Planning? I In PRM’s, additional step of trajectory planning since we have a sequence of points along the path! I I I I Discrete time computation: γ : [0, 1] → Qfree s.t. γ(0) = qs and γ(1) = qf Map this to time taken to do the task tf − t0 Convert to a sequence of joint configurations I I Inverse kinematics Teach and playback H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Planning a Trajectory I Point to point – From q(0) → q(tf ) I Velocity constraints q(0) ˙ = κ0 q(t ˙ f ) = κtf (Usually both κ0 = κtf = 0 I Acceleration constraints q¨(0) = α0 q¨(tf ) = αtf (Usually both α0 = αt f = 0 H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Point to Point Trajectories I I I I P Cubic polynomial trajectories q(t) = 4i=0 ai t i Discontinuties in jerk (Derivative of acceleration) P Quintic polynomial trajectories q(t) = 5i=0 ai t i Linear segments with parabolic blends (LSPB) Minimum time trajectory - A special case of LSPB H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Cubic Polynomial Trajectory - Example H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Quintic Polynomial Trajectory - Example H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning LSPB Trajectory - Example H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Minimum Time Trajectory - Example H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning Outline Path and Trajectory Planning Introduction Path Planning Algorithms Probabilistic Roadmap Methods (PRM) Potential Fields Trajectory Planning Multi-Point Trajectories I A sequence of points – Endpoints are taken appropriately! H.I. Bozma EE 451 - Path and Trajectory Planning
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