Transition Platform Meeting Stockholm
Invitation to the Transition Platform Meeting Stockholm
Photo: J Lokranz/Azote
Wednesday 7 October 2015, 08:30-12:00 at Färgfabriken
There is a plethora of citizen-led initiatives and partnerships in Stockholm that experiment with low-carbon
solutions and innovations including sustainable food production, urban agriculture and greening,
environmental education for culturally diverse groups, social inclusion initiatives that strive for bringing
together different perspectives, views and dreams for what a sustainable city is and needs to transform. Next
to those, policy and planning apply a diversity of piloting programs that aim at unpacking sustainability in
the cross-roads of social, ecological and economic needs. With all these self-organised experimentation
taking place, what is the next step in bringing about transformations that tap into the innovative potential of
the city? How can these on-going transformations be stimulated to a greater sustainability transition?
In this session we will open-up to a dialogue around those issues and developments with the aim to reflect
on the on-going transformations that make up the urban social, ecological and economic fabric of Stockholm.
What are the changing social demands of citizens and communities in Stockholm and how they are mediated
by transition initiatives across the city? What are the tensions when striving for social, ecological and
economic sustainability in the city?
Transition Platform Meeting Stockholm
Coffee from 08:00
Welcome note
Accelerating transition – who and what in Stockholm – Sara Borgström (Stockholm Resilience Centre, ARTSproject)
08:45 -10:30
Challenges and potentials – Stockholm under change - a teaser
A more sustainable Stockholm? – Göran Åström, Head of the Environmental Department, Stockholm County
Administrative Board
The role of culture for facilitating transformation - Jan Rydén, Färgfabriken
Exploring Laboratories – the what and why - Lukas Smas, Nordregio/CAUSAL project
A taste of transition
Nature for whom? – Miljöverkstan - Who cares? Place making in southern Stockholm. (Frances Lucas,
Miljöverkstan Flaten)
Transition movement – Hållbara Hökarängen from one community to another (Åsa Stenmark, Hållbara
Hökarängen, Stockholmshem)
The fight for land – The regional green structure – articulating values over time and space (Mårten Wallberg.
Swedish Society for Nature Conservation)
Dialogue – how to increase scale, pace and impact of change in Stockholm
Reflecting panel: To where from here?
Jan Rydén, Färgfabriken
Åsa Stenmark, Hållbara Hökarängen/Stockholmshem
Lukas Smas, NordRegio/CAUSAL project
The Stockholm art dialogue
Presentation of an ongoing transition dialogue across competences in sustainable development
Register here as soon as possible , but no later than
September 30 (there is a limited number of seats).
Transition Platform Meeting Stockholm
Färgfabriken in Liljeholmen in southern Stockholm and as part of the program of the exhibition Experiment
Stockholm which is an experimental exhibition about the future challenges and possibilities for Stockholm.
More information:
The ARTS project in short
ARTS (Accelerating and Rescaling Transitions to Sustainability) is a three year long research project, funded
by the European Commission through the FP7 programme, to understand how transition initiatives can
accelerate sustainability transitions in the five European city-regions of Brighton, Budapest, Dresden, Genk
and Stockholm. The objective of ARTS is to benefit policy, practice and theory and create opportunities for
(social and governance) innovation by coupling, rescaling and acceleracting sustainability initiatives in
Eureopan city-regions. The ARTS consortium consists of 10 partners from 9 Eureopan countries. More
information here:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UPCOMING ARTS STOCKHOLM ACTIVITIES FALL 2015 (in Swedish)
11 november: Konstens roll i omställning för hållbar utveckling, symposium, kl 16-20 på
ARTS-projektets fem konstnärer berättar om hur deras idéförslag har utvecklats och reflekterar kring
konstnärens och konstens roll i mötet med andra kompetenser inom hållbar utveckling, t.ex. forskning och
praktik. Inbjudna föreläsare ger vidare perspektiv på temat och vi bjuder in en mångfald av aktörer till
debatt om vad konsten kan spela för roll i att utöka och skala upp omställningsarbetet i Stockholmsregionen
och generellt.
18 november: Forskning möter praktik: Att inkludera och engagera stockholmarna i planering,
frukostseminarium, kl 8-11 på Färgfabriken
Tillsammans med forskare från urbantemat på Stockholm Resilience Centre, bland annat ARTS projektet och
inom projektet CAUSAL på Nordregio presenterar vi pågående forskning i regionen och bjuder in till
diskussion om dagens och framtidens planering. Syftet med seminariet är att formulera några ståndpunkter
som presenteras under en politikerdebatt på Färgfarbriken den 20 november.
Sara Borgström, project leader of ARTS Stockholm, [email protected]
Niko Oreskovic, research assistant, [email protected]