Mission Statement Golf Tournament We would like to take this opportunity to ask you to assist our Marine members' efforts in making our valley a better place to live. Your contribution will help provide much needed funding for the local community. A portion of the proceeds goes to scholarships for Marine Corps Junior ROTC, the Devil Pups, Toys for Tots, and Marines and Military Families in need. Members of the Marine Corps League join together in camaraderie and fellowship for the purpose of preserving the traditions and promoting the interests of the United States Marine Corps. This is accomplished by banding together those who are now serving and those who have been honorably discharged from service; voluntarily aiding and rendering assistance to all Marines and their widows and orphans. trHTil tffi ffi'*4 Rules: t. Format: Four person team scramble. Each player on the team witl hit a shot. The playing partners will then select the best shot and play their next shots from there. The ball must be placed no more than one club length of the selected shot, no nearer to the hole. Balls on the green should be placed within 6 inches of the original ball. Each team will note their score on ther card as the foursome team score. ', lt fl-t lYltu,j_rue C r-,t',)J J_,etLgUe OtT! rUC ('.'rt',tritt rilr ,) --- l\ rr l t t+, I U uli 'l'{-r !lL'r i!.-t-te:-r i z. Prizes will be awarded to tst, znd and 3rd place teams. 3. Hole-in-One prize is a zor5 Cher,y Camaro, Courtesy of Findlay Chcvrolet 4.On course competitions: Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin & Putting. 5. Mulligans are available for $5.oo each or 3 for $ro.oo. (Limit ro.) r:ul ttnt),-e ar durelence ever lI ygyy r-lc-l rl-tr pity c-,tr ztcLvetttse, by Yc-.tt na!'-t t t't. v ----------cJ"--- o l! !' cir --- iLri lo ilre lVlzrile r iL D.[ e,:r-.t t t t ttb LL ii Lrte 6i)t, , o !5 Bettls Besc Lus Vegtts 1-L-l-11 VV. IiI'.1!l!t!ZO !-(-1. Ltts \/egaLs,, I'{V 3)tZ; J o l Cr-tt? Leztgue c.il'[D t'46. Registration Form Date: June 6th, zor5 Time: Tigo a.m. Shotgun Place: Bear's Best Las Vegas W. Flamingo Rd. Las Vegas, NV BgrgS 0oz) Bo4-B5oo 1i.r.1l. rt'lrru.dubcorp,com/CIubs/Bear-s-Best-Las-Vegas Cost: $roo.oo per player Entry fees due no later than May 29,2oLs Limited to t44 players Registration starts at 6:oo AM Early arrival recommended Tee Box Sponsors $roo Entry Fee Includes: Green Fee, Golf Cart with a State Of The Art GPS System Driving Range Balls prior to start All American BBQ lunch at Bear's Best Las Vegas Tee Box Sponsor Signs are available for $rz5 per sign Contact Name: Contact#: 5o + Prizes will be raffled during lunch. Raffle Company Name: Tickets can be purchased at the course or at the Leatherneck Club. Please mail Tee Box application Contact#: and payment to: Marine Corps League GND 186 Attn: Lisa Michael, Chairman 4g60 W. Spring Mountain Rd. Las Vegas, NV Bgroz Phone: (Zoz) 449-Sgoo Fax: (7oz) 368-t76o wvyw.mclgndrB6.org Email: All checks should be payable to: Name: Captain: CHEVNOLET Marine Corps League, GND 186 Player z: Player 3: Player 4: Please mail application and payment to: Marine Corps League GND 186 Attn: Lisa Michael, Chairman 4g60 W. Spring Mountain Rd. Las Vegas, NV Bgtoz f".,,"..,"."... ffius ffik
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