Course Information Law and Risk Management Law and Risk Management Complete this form, and mail, e-mail or fax it to: This BOMI International course is required for the RPA, and FMA Designation Program and the PMFPC Certificate Programs. PO Box 97596 Las Vegas, NV 89193 Phone: 702-938-BOMA (2662) Fax: 702-629-7322 [email protected] CLASS: EXAM: COST: November 11-14, 2014 8:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Effective January 1, 2010, Computer Based Testing (CBT) will be implemented for all BOMI International designation and certification examinations. You will be receiving an Email shortly from BOMI with instructions for registering for the exam. We encourage you to register as soon as you receive the Email as the local test center does book up quickly. If you experience any difficulty in scheduling the exam, please contact the BOMA Nevada office. $1,190.00 (Continental Breakfast & Lunch Included) CLASS LOCATION: Desert Springs Medical Plaza II 4275 South Burnham, Suite 362 Las Vegas, NV 89119 *Cross streets- Flamingo and Eastern MEMO: If registration is received less than ten (10) days prior to the class start date, a $100 late fee will be applied to your account. BOMA Nevada Prefix (circle one): Mrs. Ms. Miss Mr. Name: First Mail textbook(s) to (circle one): Home Office Mail correspondence to (circle one): Home Office Fill out both home and office addresses No PO Boxes Company: Address: City: Phone: a. b. Name on card:______________________________ Zip: Current Students BOMA Nevada course participants are eligible to apply, through BOMA Nevada, for a Certificate from UNLV-Lied Institute for Real Estate Studies, after completing all BOMA Nevada requirements and supply an approved transcript from BOMI. Please make check payable to BOMA Nevada State: Fax: Zip: Enrollment Options and Fees (circle option a, b, c, d or e) a. Visa Amex State: Fax: Home: Address: City: Phone: BOMI course are recognized by many other professional organizations such as IREM, IFMA, IUOE, and more. Credits from these organizations may apply as well. Payment options (circle one): Check enclosed MasterCard Last E-Mail: I am currently enrolled in a BOMI program (circle one): RPA FMA SMA SMT FMC PAC SMC My BOMI ID# is I am a BOMI designation holder. I would like to enroll in another BOMI program (circle one): RPA FMA SMA SMT FMC PAC SMC I agree to pay the $75 enrollment fee. I am a BOMI designation holder. I want to take a BOMI course for CPD credit. No additional enrollment fee is required. $______ New Students d. PAYMENT: Middle Please print your name as you would like it to appear on your certificate. e. I want to enroll in a BOMI program (circle one): RPA FMA SMA SMT FMC PAC SMC I agree to pay the $175 enrollment fee. I want to take an individual course only. I agree to pay the $75 enrollment fee. If you take an individual course and then decide to enroll in a BOMI program, the $75 enrollment fee from your first course (only) may be applied toward the $175 enrollment fee for your first program. $______ $______ Card#_____________________________________ Exp. Date________________ CVC______________ Billing Address:______________________________ City:___________ State:______ Zip:____________ Signature:__________________________________ Course registration fee $1,190 Add all items to determine total amount due: $______
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