Saint Alban’s Message Vol. 8 No. 47 November 16, 2014 Sunday - November 16—Proper 30 8:15 am Holy Eucharist 9:15 am Sunday School & Adult Forum 9:15 am Warden’s Meeting 10:15 am Holy Eucharist 10:15 am Children’s Chapel 4:00 pm Youth Group Meeting Nave Educational Wing Fr. Jeff’s Office Nave Parish Hall Youth Room Monday - November 17 6:30 pm Rented Event 6:30 pm Women’s Boot Camp 7:00 pm EfM Meeting Room B-5 Parish Hall Library Tuesday - November 18 9:00 am Holy Eucharist with prayers for healing 10:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Chatting Fingers 3:30 pm Miss Lisa’s Ballet Class 6:30 pm Women’s Boot Camp 7:30 pm Vestry Meeting Nave Library Room 11 Parish Hall Parish Hall Room 11 Wednesday - November 19 9:00 am EfM 11:45 am Centering Prayer & Bring your sack Lunch Room 11 Chapel Thursday - November 20 3:30 pm Miss Lisa’s Ballet Class 6:30 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal 7:00 pm Women’s Boot Camp 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal Parish Hall Nave Parish Hall Choir Loft Friday - November 21 6:30 pm Women’s Boot Camp Parish Hall The Wired Word Saturday– November 22 7:00 am Women’s Boot Camp 6:00 pm Piano Recital Parish Hall Parish Hall Sunday - November 23—Christ the King 8:15 am Holy Eucharist 9:15 am Sunday School & Adult Forum 1:30 pm Piano Recital 10:15 am Children’s Music Program 6:00 pm Connections Family Game Night & Ping Pong Nave Educational Wing Parish Hall Chapel Parish Hall HOLY B APTISM Next date for Baptisms is the Feast of The Epiphany, Sunday, January 4. Adult Forum at 9:15 am Room 11 25th Anniversary of Berlin Wall Fall Marked by Celebrations WANTED BREAD OR A PIE Or cakes, cookies, muffins, jams, jellies, marmalades, pickles, and other items for our BAKE SALE St. Alban’s Bazaar November 15 Please bring your contributions for the bake sale to the Parish Hall, preferably this Friday, between 10 am & 7:30 pm, so that we may begin pricing and placing them on display. Please clearly mark these items as being for the Bazaar. We also welcome Saturday morning contributions. T H A N K YOU!!!!!!!! There will be only one service Sunday, December 7 at 9:15 a.m. Our Annual Meeting will follow immediately after the service and child care will be provided. Volunteers to lead Children’s Chapel are needed! Please contact Donna Archer at [email protected] if you would like to help. Fairfax County is considered to be one of the Mark your calendars! wealthiest counties in the nation, but we have more Epiphany Pageant residents living in poverty than any other single jurisdiction in VirSunday, Jan. 4, 2015 ginia. According to the Fairfax County Department of Family Serduring 10:15am service vices, how many people were estimated to be living in poverty in ALL children are welcome and encouraged 2013? Do you know the answer? to participate in our annual Epiphany PagFamily Game Night, Ping Pong eant, and all costumes are provided. A few Tournament, & Pizza! older youth will be asked to play specific All ages are welcome to join us for a fun-filled parts, but all other kids are important for the Game Night and Ping Pong Tournament in pageant, too. Rehearsal is Saturday, Jan. 3 the Parish Hall on Sunday evening, Nov, 23 from 6 pm-8pm. at 10am in the Nave. Adults are needed for Bring your favorite board game to play with your friends from rehearsal and during the pageant to help Saint Alban’s and a side dish (last name A-L) or dessert (last with props, cue kids, etc. Any adult intername M-Z) We will provide the Pizza! Cameron Chilton and ested in taking over as pageant coordinator Andy Lieberthal will be leading the Ping Pong Tournament so should contact Jane Cheek, so you can dust off those paddles and bring on the competition!! work with Jane this year and then be ready to coordinate next year." Many thanks to all of you who have turned in your Estimate of Giving Cards as part of the Stewardship Campaign. We urge We will collect for Bethany House those of you who have not done so to turn in your pledge cards this Christmas shop again this year. Sunday or as soon as possible so that we can finalize work on our Sunday, Nov 16 through Sunday budget for 2015. Pledge cards are available on the table in the foyer Nov 30. and narthex of the church if you have misplaced yours. Call Fred Suggestions include: FOR KIDS: Legos, DVDs, Chatelain at 703-256-3261 if you need envelopes mailed to you. DS games, Toy Laptops, Art supplies, Leapfrog Thanks! toys, V-tech learning toys and games, dolls and accessories, footballs, basketballs, TransformAdvent Candles for you Advent Wreaths are ers, wristwatches, Jewelry and hair items. FOR available in the narthex. A suggested contribu- MOMS: Slippers, robes, body lotion, body wash, tion to cover costs of $5 is always appreciated. winter coats, gift cards (Marshalls, Ross, TJ By Sunday morning, the bazaar will be over, the Maxx, Target), pajamas, crock pots/rice cookers, financial results tallied, the stalls taken down, and scarves, purses, hats, jewelry. we can all relax. But first, a big thank you is due ACCA is again collecting to everyone who participated in the bazaar by planning, donating useable outerwear garitems to, publicizing, inviting friends to, shopping at, cooking for, ments, including winter jackdecorating, setting up and clearing up. We enjoyed working with all ets, sweaters, hooded of you and appreciate your efforts. Most of all, we appreciate being sweatshirts, gloves and warm wool hats part of such a vibrant community that works together to do good that will be provided to day laborers, along things in the service of Christ. —Betsy Anderson and Nancy Calvert with other garments for the women and men in our shelter at Bailey's Crossroads St. Alban’s Youth Group Christmas and the children at our Child Development Gift Wrapping Fund Raiser! Center. Please put the garments next to Beginning Nov. 23 and every Sunday the ACCA food totes in the vestibule of until Dec. 21 during both services Frizzell Hall. Garments received by Tuesbring your gifts to be wrapped to the office next to Father Jeff’s office before or after each service. While day, Dec. 10 will be distributed on Decemyou're there please leave a donation to support the Youth Group's ber 12. (Please wait until after the Bazaar on Nov. 15 to bring in garments.) summer 2015 mission trip. PRAYERS For the Sick and the Suffering in our Parish: John Anderson, Laura Barker, Marilyn Bernard, Fred Chatelain, Virginia Cousins, Dick Craig, Linda Craig, Mary Ann Daymont, Art Deverill, Linda Fraunfelder, Gay Haran, Nancy Harrell, Eleanor Irish, Ann Johnson, Janice Keith, Ellen Kennedy, Becky Schrag Lane, Steve Lusk, Elayne O’Loughlin, Ginny Peters, Michael Sinsabaugh, Debbie Schrag, Bari St. Cyr, Trudy Van Balen, Jutta Wood, Bob Zikowitz, Ann Zuvekas. For the Sick and the Suffering — Family and Friends: Gale Alexander, Amy, Ann, Catherine Archer, Jonathan and Leslyn Arnold, Frank Baden, John Banse, Doug Barkes, Ned Bailey, Sydney James Belsher, Bill, Ken Bickel, Jacques Bléry, Jared Boger, Jack Bowersox, Pete Brawner, Willi Brooks, Diana Bull, Caty and Brooks, Jack Bowersox, Charles Campbell, Charles, Thelma Cheek, Elizabeth Cleland, Priscilla Coughlin, Richard Coyle, Pam Damon Hardin, Ken Denlinger, Priscilla Dewey, Sue Dillard, Alice Easton, Ted and Lucia Eldredge, Nancy Elliott, Bob Elton, Erin, Sidney Evans, Steve Falck, Dorothy Ferguson, Lisa Filipy, Finn, Hank Fisher, Lee Fisher, Chuck Fromer, Vanessa Gilbert, Ann Glennon, Steve Golde, Myrtle Gomez, Henry Hamill, Alice Hamnett, Mike Hart, Lynda Hatches, Dorothy and Edwin Hess, David Hodgin, Jed von Hofen, Carol Holmes, Jay Irish, Jeff, Patricia Carroll Kaercher, James Karnes, Stephen Krumwiede, Clyde Jenkins, Kristina Larson, Art Lennon, Jerry Lewandowski, Randall Mays, Rand McClaellan, Benjamin McDowell, Jim McIntosh, Alice McNutt, Hanno Mueller, Janie O’Brien, Patricia O’Brien, Duffy P., Dudley Patteson, Donald Perry, Peter, Lyn Pewitt, Paul Poff, Charlotte Poole, Katherine Przondo, Lee Raitz, Cory Randall, Marian Randall, Dawn Rehrig, Ann and Tom Rhoad, Marcia Richards, Catherine Robertson, Roger Rorrer, Meg Rowe, Jo Ann Rudy, Monica Santiago, Anne Schumaker, Sheryl, Brigitta Scott, Cherie Shirk, Cooper Shirk, Patti Skinner, Sandy Spear Redmond, Gerry Steene, Mike Strelka, Timothy Tildon, Brenda Travis, Diane Troxell, Ron Truitt, Edwina Vauclain, Carlos Vazquez, Lawrence Vogel, Harold Walton, Bridget Warner, Vickie Wen, Ed Wheeler, Paul Whitebread, Vicki Wyatt, Mary White, Peter, Kiran, Suri, Anneliese. Faithful Departed: The Rt. Rev. J. Mark Dyer, Emily and Mary Barkes New on the Prayer List: Margy Leeds, Susan Rogers Prayers for the military and civilians, who serve their nation working for peace: Jed Andrews, Jennifer Boggs, Cory Curran, Mike Fitzpatrick, Matthew Hanson, Ian Jarvis, Mason Lybrand, Annie Robinson, and Matthew Trollinger. The Flowers on the Altar are given to the glory of God by Fran Walinsky in memory of Ed and in thanksgiving for her family. Birthday Prayers: Beth Olkowski 11/16, Penny Barringer 11/19, Jessica Trollinger 11/19, Emily Gamber 11/19, Harold Dobesh 11/20, Resse McCoy 11/20, Ryan McCoy 11/20, Susan Wade-Conrod 11/22.In the Parish Cycle of Prayer: For the volunteers who give countless hours to ensure our parish bazaar is successful. We pray that all who visit the bazaar may see St. Alban's as a Spirit-filled place of welcome and a place where Christ is active and alive. The Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Congregations and clergy of Christ Church, Millwood; St. Luke’s, Remington; St. Mark’s, Alexandria; St. Marcos, Alexandria; Little Fork, Rixeyville; Trinity, Upperville. In the Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Lusitanian Church (Extra-Provincial to the Archbishop of Canterbury) (Portugal) —The Rt. Rev. Jose Jorge De Pina Cabral To place a name on the prayer list contact the parish office at 703-256-2966, or email [email protected]. Updates regarding those on this list are greatly appreciated. Last week's trivia: Around $65,000 Readings for November 16 Zephaniah 1:7, 12-18 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Psalm 90:1-12 Matthew 25:14-30 . November 16 8:15 AM 10:15 AM November 23 8:15 AM 10:15 AM Acolytes Chris Martin Emily Chambers Emma Cheek Benjamin Hite Eleanor Lauderdale Camille Stern Benjamin Hite Kendall Huheey Nick Russell Zach Russell LEMs Fred Holmes Donna Archer Clarence Zuvekas Fay Froh Linda Cummings Jeanne Foster Lectors Delores Baisden Cathy Casey Gail Coleman Kate Lauderdale Fred Holmes Camille Stern Susan Lavrakas Laura DePasquale Intercessor Nancy Gamber NOT FILLED Kay Lusk Casey Cummings Ushers Fred Chatelain Tom Tycz John Clements David Hamnett Fred Chatelain Bob Zikowitz Moe Fraunfelder Linda Fraunfelder Greeters NOT FILLED Jo Hodgin Larry Hodgin Jean Stonesifer Steve Peck Chris Peck Coffee Barbara Cook Fay Froh Nancy McSlarrow Brenda Nakato PJ Sottile Dottie Ninde Tom Tycz Fritz Gilbert Jane Gilbert Ginger Caress Altar Guild Team I—Salome Metzger, Leneice Wu Jane Gilbert, Marta Hyde, Gean Martin, Nell Dillard, Ellen Gerdes, Virginia Jennings, Kate Wettstein Team II—Sally Hanlein, Captain Joyce Aument, Melinda Patterson, Sally Sare, Judy Snyder, Delores Baisden Callers Martha Kelley, Ralph Kelley Salome Metzger, NOT ASSIGNED Sleepy Hollow Weber Ivy, Cathy Knowles , Camille Stern Delores Baisden, Cathy Knowles, Chris Martin Counters Nell Dillard, Moira Skinner Steve Hershner, Bari St. Cyr Security Ed Caress Michael Sinsabaugh
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