St Michael’s Parish PO Box 217 Chapman, KS 67431-0217 Fr. Henry Baxa Priest Supervisor 785-263-1570 Marita Campbell Parish Life Coordinator 785-922-6509 Parish E-mail address: Web site: Diocesan web site: [email protected] Religious Education Coordinator: Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson: Ladies of St. Michael’s Contact: Grand Knight: CYO Sponsors: Laurie McLaughlin Craig Altenhofen Naomi Larouche Rodger Jacquet Chris & Stephanie Wolf 770-7202 375-5151 922-6519 922-6496 922-6219 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The St. Michael’s Parish exists to continue the mission of Jesus through our baptism. He has become the center of our life and our community. As a parish family, we live to express our love of God and neighbor through worship and ministry. OCTOBER 12, 2014 – 28th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME THIS WEEK’S SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Sun. 12 9:00 a.m. Mass for Friends & Family of Janice Scales 10:00 a.m. Adult Formation & Religious Education 10:00 a.m. Living Rosary after Mass (K-12th grade) 1:30 p.m. Shae Elizabeth Kelly’s Baptism 6:00 p.m. RCIA Mon. 13 8:00 a.m. Communion Service Tues. 14 No Service Wed. 15 No Service Thurs. 16 No Service Fri. 17 No Service Sun. 19 9:00 a.m. Mass for +Phil Scanlan 10:00 a.m. Adult Formation & Religious Education 6:00 p.m. RCIA Private Confessions before Mass each weekend or by appointment World Mission Sunday October 19, 2014 The theme for World Mission Sunday is “I Will Build My Church” (Matthew 16:18). This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously to this collection. Visit for more information. An envelope is included in the boxed collection envelopes. Extra envelopes are on the blue tables in the entryway. Checks are made payable to St. Michael’s. The loose plate collection next Sunday will go to this cause. Second Bazaar a Success! Once again the parish bazaar reached its goals of building community with our parish family as well as the Chapman community and outlying areas and helping with the financial needs of the parish. The parish netted approximately $6,400. A final report of income and expenses will be given later. The success was due to YOU! The hard work of the Bazaar Committee—Jake Kelly (chairperson), Mary Anderson, Wilma Calovich, Sara Cook, Millie Fink and Eli Sallman. The hard work of those who helped with setting up, cleaning up, working the games/booths, serving the meal, helping in the kitchen, running the auction, Country Store, etc. Donations from local and area businesses and parishioners of goods and/or time. The meal this year was all donated except for the pork and the supplies. That made a big difference in the total amount netted. Support of parishioners and others by purchasing tickets for the meal, the games and booths, buying items from the Country Store and bidding on the silent and live auction items. Special Thanks to: The Bazaar Committee and the parishioners (of all ages) who helped in any way. The parishioners who have made comments or suggestions to help us improve next year’s bazaar. (It’s not too late to e-mail or give Marita input.) Pictures of Ecumenical Softball Sunday & Bazaar are on the blue table. Liturgical Assignments October 19th EMC EMC to Shut-ins Commentator Lector Servers Greeters Collection Gifts Music Stewardship Sightings Dave & Mary, Eric Dennis & Cheryl Naomi Larouche Liz Sites Brenda Lemon Brett Lemon, Erik Lemon George Zurmely John Carroll, Janice C, Kyle & Sara Joan Jacquet Family Sr. Carolyn/Men’s Choir Gifts to the Parish Last Weekend Loose Plate Children $335.00 $11.00 Envelopes Bazaar Weekly budgeted needs Monthly Financial Statement (as of 9/30/14) Children’s Collection Year to Date Income Year to Date Expenses Year to Date (overage/shortage) $2,195.00 $6,736.00 $2,769.00 $216.00 $30,859.99 $35,427.54 -$4,567.55 PLEASE REMEMBER ST. MICHAEL’S IN YOUR WILL NEWS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome Shae Elizabeth Kelly, daughter of Jake and Jennifer, who will join our parish through the waters of baptism today at 1:30 p.m. Godparents are Ben Kelly and Jaclynne Putney. Tootsie Roll Drive for the developmentally disabled is October 17-19. Members of the Knights of Columbus will be seeking donations and handing out tootsie rolls. USD 473 Special Ed receives 80% of the proceeds with the remaining 20% used for the Kansas Special Olympics basketball tournament. Needed—Someone(s) to Remove Snow on the parish property! If you or someone you know (individuals or business) would be interested in this job, please visit with Marita ASAP to get more details. Time is of the essence since snow could be here in a few weeks. New Liturgical Ministry Schedule, October Calendar, and Family Synod of Bishops from October 5th to 19th information and prayer are on the blue table in the church entryway. March For Life: The office of respect life has extended the deadline for the March for Life as we are hoping to fill a fourth bus! The new deadline is November 1st. Please note that we can only take a fourth bus if it is full. Therefore, a spot is not guaranteed at this time if the fourth is not full by November 1st. The price for attending the march is $400. You can register on line at th Marita is on vacation from Wednesday, October 15 until Saturday afternoon, October 18th. Deb, Harley & Tori Pelfrey for participating in the Life Chain at Abilene last Sunday. Chris Tassin for organizing the Walk for Life in Junction City to benefit Birthline. 5th & 6th Grade Class – Josh Zumbrunn participated in Mass by singing & gave outgrown clothes to the poor; David Morgan gave part of allowance to parish offertory & read about Saints; McKenna Clark helped classmate with homework and was an altar server at Mass; Nicole Blocker read to younger sibling and read bible stories. John Christensen and Rodger Jacquet for the help in the parish center on Monday. Tom Meek for trimming bushes and trees. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS! 10/12 Catechesis; Living Rosary in Church after Mass for K-12th Grades. 10/19 Catechesis CHILD CHECK, EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING for children, birth to prekindergarten age, will be held on Friday, Oct. 17th at Chapman Elementary, 500 Irish Drive, from 8 am to 2 pm. This FREE screening will look at a child’s motor, speech, social and cognitive abilities, as well as their vision, hearing and dental health. For an appointment call Shelly at 263-1773. This screening is a cooperative effort of Central Kansas Education, OCCK Infant and Toddler Services, Parents as Teachers, Salina Family Healthcare Dental Clinic and Central Kansas Mental Health. A Family Perspective (by Bud Ozar): Today’s gospel speaks about “unworthy wedding guests.” What makes a “worthy” guest? Presence and presents are not enough. The greatest gift we can give is support to the couple as they voyage through life together because marriage naturally contains within it the fields of disappointment. Think of the weddings you have attended. Have you been a “worthy guest?” Fundraiser for Irish Booster Club sponsored by Holm Automotive is this Friday, Oct. 17th at the Chapman home football game. For each person who test drives a new car on the West side of the church $10 will be donated to the Booster Club. A flyer is posted on the bulletin board. CYO Game Day NEXT SUNDAY after Religious Education (11:00 a.m.). Come enjoy food, fun and fellowship!
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