Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Tucson, Arizona VISTAS Vol 37 No 11 NOVEMBER 2014 “Praise and Thanksgiving, Father we offer. For all things living created good.” A Monthly Publication of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Many who gather to celebrate Thanksgiving have a time of sharing their blessings with one another. I’m not just referring to the blessings of food or fellowship or the housing. I’m referring to a time of sharing what each person is thankful for from the Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:30 AM - 4:00PM Fri-Sun CLOSED Phone: 744-2665 Fax: 572-2068 Email: [email protected] Website: Beautiful Savior Academy 579-1453 WORSHIP AT 8:00 & 10:30 A.M. BLENDED SERVICE NOVEMBER 2 & 16TH THANKSGIVING EVE WORSHIP & PIE SOCIAL NOV. 26TH Our Mission To connect family, friends, neighbors and community with our Beautiful Savior preceding year. Blessings often involve some benefit that came to the person: good health, family, career, trips and vacations, opportunities—good things. These are things we should be thankful for, and we should share with one another. But what about sharing the other end of the spectrum, the bad things, with one another as well? Would that be something that we would do on Thanksgiving? Why or why not? I know it is easier for me to share ups and highs with others than downs and lows. However, I am realizing more and more than need and the appropriateness of sharing both. Sharing both allows for a deeper connection to be made with one another as we truly get to hear a fuller representation of life from the other. Even historically, I believe it is proper. Our modern understanding and practice of Thanksgiving was started by a Presidential decree in 1864 by Abraham Lincoln. I invite you to read it some time to remind yourself of the reason given by Lincoln to do it. After all, Lincoln was telling the country to set aside a day to stop and give thanks to God for all that God has done, while in the midst of the U.S. Civil War. Tens of thousands had died, many more had been maimed, families had been ripped apart over the issues of the day, lands devastated, industry focused on war, and yet in the midst of all of that we are to give thanks to God!? We are called to share everything with God, both our highs and lows. God is with us on the good pastures next to water, as well as in the valley of the shadow of death, and serving a meal in the midst of our enemies. God is not just in the good. God is with us. (We remind ourselves of that during Advent in December as we await the coming of Immanuel- “God with us.”) Continued on page 5 1 Beautiful Savior Lutheran is a member of the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Presiding Bishop The Rev. Stephen Talmage, Synod Bishop Pastor Rev. David L. Pavesic (520) 275-2410 for emergencies [email protected] Facebook: PrDavid Pavesic NameTgasrTaleT!Sapyanye®T o uldykeulkdtarknukdrms,k,m?rPpkuskgmfrk ungrsPkdrms,keulsPxkkfitffakl.kmk,m?rnmNk usyrskTus?kt,kngrk,msngrFpkUddktnkulnpkm,yk .lnktnkt,kngrkurst,Nk.dmnrkm?rnmNPkmsrk $8ko stnrkmyyt!u,mdkk,m?rPku,kmkPgrrnkuTk .m.rsktTk, m.non if you anno us. . man.s k Work Day November 22, 2014 Office Administrator Dorothy Pederson Admin & Clerical Plan to join us at 7:00 a.m. in the Garden for prayers and assignments. Something for everyone. Staff Jeremy Knight Rebecca Solomon Director of Music Accompanist Academy Rhonda Karrer Director Candace Camamo Kindergarten Teacher Barbara Powers Preschool Teacher Lisa Vaskovic Preschool Teacher Charlene DeWitt Preschool Teacher Linda Spain Preschool Aide Shanda Sundberg Preschool Teacher Sharon Burgess Preschool Aide Liz Boltz Preschool Aide Cassidy Stack Aftercare Teacher Submit articles, photos, and updates for the calendar no later than the 10th of each month, please. Lutherans Linger Longer (L L L) Congregation Council Betsy Marco *President Joan Swanson *Vice-President Laurie Smith *Secretary Gerald Kleinfeld Mission Support Christine Newman Living Lutheran Sarah Claasen Faith Formation Hank Hasenpat Community Connections Sandy Petersen Sig Smitt Kim Ogden Treasurer Offering Secretary Counters Church Related and Supported Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA Lutheran Social Services of the SW Lutheran Campus Ministry at UA CA Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA Please come and enjoy a Cup of coffee and a goodie Every Sunday after worship. Werner Hall – BSLC 2014 Flower chart ~ is Available in the Narthex Flowers must be paid for when you reserve a date... please give the check to Sandy Petersen or place in the offering plate. Celebrate a special occasion, or remember a special person, etc. Cost is $35. Please make check payable to Beautiful Savior. 2 WHAT’S HAPPENING Thanksgiving Eve Worship 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 26 Donations of non-perishable foods will be collected for the ICS Food Bank. Please join us for a Pie Social immediately following the service. Pumpkin and apple pie and coffee will be sponsored by your Friendship and Kitchen team. Hope to see you there CALLING ALL RINGERS! A new handbell group is starting and we are looking for volunteers of all ages. No music experience is necessary! Playing handbells is a fun and easy way to experience music. The first rehearsal will be held in the Luther room November 9th immediately following the 8am service. Rehearsals will always be at that time and place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. For more info or to sign up please email our Director of Music. Jeremy Knight [email protected] or call (623) 986-7996 3 Sunday, November 9 9:30 a.m. Werner Hall Make Plans to Join us This Fall... FELLOWSHIP Prayer Shawl Guild A monthly gathering for knitting and crocheting. Meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00p.m. A light supper is served. Call Karen Johnson, 520-481-0874. Faith Mission Group Men & women of all ages are invited to join us at 8:30 a.m. on the first and third Saturday for a Bible-based, personal spiritual growth discussion. Contact Suzanne Squires, 544-7572, or Doug Pfeifer, 325-0794. Prime Timers Join us for potluck lunch on the second Thursday at 12:30 p.m. For ages 55 and above. On November 13th we will have our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon. Please sign up the foyer to bring your favorite side dish or dessert. Turkey will be provided. All are welcome to attend! Bring a friend, too. For more information, call Sandy Petersen, 579-9355. Do-Day Crafters Join us on the first and third Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m. in Werner Hall. Call Barbara Foor, 579-0691. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30. Come join us. No Experience needed. [email protected] Office Hours on Tuesdays 744-2665 For Adult Education— "Animate: Practices" Starting November 5th (Wednesday) at 10am and 6pm. It is a 7 week class looking at various Christian faith practices. Cost is $15 for the workbook/journal. Space is still available. Women of the ELCA Bible Studies Order your copy of Gather Magazine (by calling 800-638-3522 or online at for this year’s Bible study: "Transforming Life and Faith." Coffee and refreshments served. All women are invited to attend. Meetings held once a month. JOY CIRCLE meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the conference room. For more information, call Janice Molina, 744-0389. AGAPE CIRCLE meets on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the alcove of Werner Hall. For more information, call Mary Speidel, 909-3584. (Notice the new day and time.) Check the weekly bulletin for updates! 4 Contact Pr. David if you would like to attend! CONGREGATION UPDATE Council Corner will have a new spin as you get to know a different Council Member each month. The first is from our newest Council Member, Hank Hasenpat. C OUNCIL O R N E R Pastor’s Note (Continued) Jesus reminded us of that promise when he told us, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20) And wouldn’t it be a good idea to share your highs and lows with your loved ones far more often than just once a year? Dear BSLC Congregation, I am the Council Liaison for Community Connections. I have been introducing the Faith5 during education and fellowship time between services and we will be building on to that, but what we do Sunday is a model and a chance to practice what you could and should be doing at home every night. My five Ministry team leaders are: Friendship Team...Richard Irwin. What would it do for your family, or your key friendships, if you daily shared your highs and lows with one another? What would happen as you connect and communicate over the promise of Christ to be there, sharing the good and the bad? Jazmyn's Blanket of Hope...Lynne Nalin. Prayer Shawl Guild...Karen Johnson. Prime Timers...Sandy Petersen. There is more to the Faith5 than just sharing highs and lows, but it is the starting point. I invite you to try it out. I encourage you to get more info. I offer you my help in learning and growing in this wonderful way we can share the faith of a God who is with us, every night in every home. Sunday Dollars...Karen Johnson. I hope that you will support these teams in any way that you are able. We can always use more volunteers. You may contact me for any questions, concerns or ideas about my teams. Remember that God loves you, and so do I! Pr. David Council member, Hank Hasenpat CHURCH COUNCIL meets Monday November 3, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. Meetings are open to all. Budget Process Meetings Thursday, November 13th & November 20th at 6:00 pm. 5 ACADEMY NEWS I want to thank the property team and all the volunteers who have been working diligently to complete the new playground area between the fellowship hall and the academy buildings. Our hope was to have that project completed before the beginning of the new school year, however funding precluded that from happening. We are however moving closer to equipping that area. The academy team along with members of the property team met in October and we are moving forward with the purchase of some of the equipment. Currently we are looking at purchasing a Moon Rock Tunnel along with an additional climbing structure. As funds become available we will continue to add additional equipment. each box top collected we get .10 cents and they add up quickly. My parent volunteer expects to have approximately $500.00 in box tops by the end of this first semester. We have also received additional funds from “Thrivent Choice Dollars”. I am not exactly sure how that program works, but your generosity does not go unnoticed. Thank –you again to our awesome property team for all of their work with the new playground and for all they do to keep the academy operating efficiently. And to all of you, who continue to help us raise funds, know that you are making a difference and we appreciate all of your efforts! Keep in mind that you can help in our efforts to raise funds. If you would like more Please make sure your Fry’s VIP card is connected to information or have an Beautiful Savior Academy. You will need to register oninclination to get involved line at Our NPO with our ministry, our next number is 80660. Last time I checked we only have 19 meeting is scheduled for families registered to our school. And I am pleased to Friday November 14th at 9:00a.m. We would love to report that I received a check for the last quarter in the have you join us! amount of $187.00. Imagine what we could do if more people registered! Fall Blessings, Rhonda Karrer, Director We also collect Box Tops all year long! And there is a collection box conveniently located in the narthex. For Preschool & Kindergarten Registration continues until classes are full. Call the academy office for more information or to schedule a tour! 520-579-1453 It’s time to renew your Fry’s Community Rewards Program. Collect Box Tops for Education. Cut out box tops from participating products and place them in the “Box Tops” box in the narthex. 6 STEWARDSHIP Leftovers Soon, thanksgiving will be here! We will begin the thanksgiving meal with prayer. When we begin serving the thanksgiving meal, we will have passed the food in a manner that tried to make certain our guests were served first. When the meal has ended and cleanup has begun, we will begin packaging up the leftovers. We divide up the packages so that we can give some to each of our guests to take home with them. Our lifelong stewardship is much like the thanksgiving meal. We make certain that the first fruits are given to God before satisfying our own needs. At the end of our life, there will be leftover gifts from God which we no longer need as we enter into His Kingdom. Before our departure, we package those gifts into a will or trust. We put names on the packages in the way of beneficiaries of financial assets. Was God present at your table during your lifetime? Is God’s name on one of the leftover packages? Attention Thrivent Members: You have a couple of other ways to give and be supportive 1. Are you dedicating your "Thrivent Choice" money? 2. Do you know you have TWO $250 Thrivent Action Team opportunities every year? If you don't know how to do those things, contact your Thrivent representative To help plan your leftover gifts through a will, trust or financial asset, contact our ELCA Gift Planner, Greg Shepherd at (909)9106823 or [email protected]. Mr. Shepherd is our partner/ advisor for our Endowment Fund here at Beautiful Savior. Want an easy way to do your commitment? Offerings can be scheduled on-line through Simply Giving. "grkIpmky&To pSptsdkfisuNsm?kk r,yusPryk#ek"gstfr,nk$ryrsmdk%srytnk&,tu, k Would you find it helpful to have your offerings drawn from your bank account as you do other monthly drafts? The Simply Giving Program endorsed by Thrivent Federal Credit Union is for people who wish to have offerings transferred electronically to their church’s account. You do not have to be a Thrivent member or use their financial products to participate. This is especially helpful for people who travel and want to keep their intended offerings up-todate, rather than making up the difference later. Members at Beautiful Savior have enjoyed using this convenient giving opportunity for years. Contact the church office for more details. Not just Soup Labels. Sometimes the cap is collected. Pick up a list on the counter or check it out online. Products include: Prego, Dannon, BIC, V8, Pepperidge Farm, Pace, Emerald, Glad, and more. Donations support the Navajo Mission in Rock Point, AZ. 7 2014! There has never been Supporting Our Community Jazmyn’s Blanket Of Hope This is a ministry that is combined with Jazmyn’s Lunch-Break, as part of the Beautiful Savior Academy Charities. The mission of this ministry is to create beautiful soft fleece blankets and teddy bears to give to the children at Diamond Children’s Center, to provide them with the comfort, warmth and security they need as they work hard through their treatments and procedures on the road to wellness. We always tell the children that the blanket belongs to them and to hold their blanket when they are scared, or uncomfortable, or just because they want to snuggle with it for warmth and comfort. For that reason, it is very important to us to help prevent irritation and rash on the children’s skin, by using only the softest fleece and yarn to create the blankets. Lutheran Campus MinistryUniversity of Arizona 2014 LCM Fall Banquet All Saints Sunday, November 2nd Where: Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church (1200 N Campbell ) When: Sunday, November 2, 2014 4:30 Guest Speaker **Dr. Susan Karant-Nunn Christian Vocation for All 6:00 Dinner & Silent Auction We have been informed by Diamond Children’s Center that the children love their blankets and they hold them close. The blankets and teddy bears always seem to bring a smile to the children’s faces, and also the nurses. This is the treasured gift we receive in return. At this time we are giving Diamond Children’s Center 25 blankets a month. Over time the nurses may find that 25 blankets are not enough. Then we will need to increase the number of blankets we deliver. In order to be able to give more blankets, and to keep this very worthwhile ministry going strong, Jazmyn’s Blanket Of Hope is going to offer a Silent Auction. The Auction will raise funds to help the ministry purchase materials needed to continue to create the beautiful blankets and teddy bears for these very precious children who need the comfort that the blankets lovingly provide. RSVP by October 29 at 623-7575, [email protected], or mail (715 N Park Ave, Tucson AZ 85719). Checks payable to Lutheran Campus Ministry. Suggested Donation for the Banquet and Dr. KarantNunn’s presentation: Congregational Table for 5 $150 Individual $3 Congregational Table for 8 $240 Family $60 Please help comfort the children by attending this important event. See Flyer on next page for more information. **Note: If only attending Dr. Karant-Nunn’s presentation, a suggested donation of $10 per person at the door. No reservation required. 8 a year like this before! Please mark this fundraiser on your calendar, and help spread the word. Pick up flyers at church and pass them out to friends, hang them on local bulletin boards, share it online. Jazmyn’s Blanket Of Hope Silent Auction & Dinner Day: Saturday, November 15, 2014 Time: 6:00 pm Place: Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church 7570 N. Thornydale Road Tucson, AZ 85741 Evening Festivities This is a ministry that is combined with Jazmyn’s Lunch-Break, as part of the Beautiful Savior Academy Charities. The mission of this ministry is to create beautiful soft fleece blankets and teddy bears to give to the children at Diamond Children’s Center, to provide them with the comfort, warmth and security they need as they work hard through their treatments and procedures on the road to wellness. Funds raised will be used to purchase material needed to create more blankets and bears. 6:00 to 7:30 ~ Auction Viewing and Bidding 6:30 ~ Dinner 7:30 ~ Entertainment Please help comfort the children at Diamond Children’s Center who have been diagnosed with a lifelife-threatening disease. For Reservations call 520 891891-6147 or email email [email protected] Let the favor of the LORD our God be upon us, and prosper for us the work of our hands — O prosper the work of our hands! Psalm 90:17 Since 1985 Interfaith Community Services has been creating connections between faith communities and volunteers to serve seniors, disabled persons and individuals in financial crisis. VISIT for more information or call 520-297-6049 between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. BIG HEARTS NEEDED FOR ICS HOLIDAY “GIFTS OF LOVE”: Beautiful Savior needs a point of contact if we’re going to participate this year. WILL YOU HELP ICS FILL HOLIDAY FOOD BAGS FOR HUNGRY FAMILIES? Pick up a Bag in the narthex and fill it up. ICS FOOD BANK ITEM OF THE MONTH: November’s “item of the month” is CANNED SPAGHETTI SAUCE. 9 OTHER WAYS TO HELP YOU CAN ASSIST THE PROPERTY TEAM If you see something that is in need of repair or attention here at BSLC, please fill out a Green Work Order that can be found in the Office Reception area and in the North Academy kitchen. You can also email [email protected]. We will address the Work Order as quickly as possible. o TT,T!TT"#T For those looking to discover more about what God has blessed you to be and do, please see Pr. David for a Spiritual Gift T inventory. Take a little bit of time to fill it out and then let Pr. David know so he can schedule a discussion with you to go over your results. Black Friday? or CYBER Monday? Looking Ahead: Church-Wide Clean up Day postponed until January 2015 Dec 3 LifeScreen Clinic at BSLC First Taize Worship Dec 24 Christmas Eve Worship 5:00, 7:30 & 10:00 p.m. Support Beautiful Savior by shopping online at Amazon Smile. Feb 16-17 Rally in the Valley 2015 When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate a percentage of each item (excluding shipping & handling, taxes, and service charges, and less any rebates or returns.) Follow the link to get started for Christmas! 10 YOUTH Sunday, November 23, 2014 11:30 a.m. Think your recipe is tops? The Youth attending the ELCA Youth Gathering are sponsoring a Chili Cook-off and are looking for competitors. Entries can be spicy or not, white or red, meaty or meatless. We’re also looking for hungry people to have a bowl of chili, or to try multiple samples. There will be a People’s Choice Award which you can vote on. For more information, contact Dorothy Pederson or Jodi Layton. Detroit or Bust!!! “Rise Up Together” ELCA Youth Gathering 2015 July 15-19 Meeting: November 2 at 6:00 p.m. for youth attending the Gathering. If you have a conflict, contact Pr. David. [email protected] PrDavid Pavesic on fb @PrDavidP on Twitter See you 520-275-2410 there! $ t % T& Tg ' t e l T ( a l ) l p* s e r T Funds benefit our Youth Group and provide scholarships for outings and summer camp. 11 TIROSH Fundraiser At PANDA EXPRESS! Tuesday, November 4 4:00—8:00 PM River Crossing ~ 1990 W River Road Flyers are available in the narthex and must be presented when ordering to receive credit. TIROSH is the name chosen for the teen movement of Via de Cristo for youth ages 9th grade-20 years old. MAKING CONNECTIONS What were we doing in October? Rally in the Valley February 16-17, 2015 Prince of Peace Lutheran Church 3641 N. 56th street Phoenix, AZ “Prelude... to Live Faithfully and Vocationally in the 3rd Chapter of Life” Barbara Lundblad—Kaynote Speaker Tom Witt & Mary Preus – Music & worship leaders Registration Opens on November 1st. YOU WILL WANT TO REGISTER EARLY. Event sold out in 2014. LIMITED TO 500 PARTICIPANTS. Get a gang together and save money; up to $15 per person. Registrations forms in the office or online at For more information Contact John & Tonya Cochran (623) 878-3996 Great music, special worship, lots of interest sessions, exhibits and coffee. Join us to explore these wonderful days of our “senior” lives. 12 IN OUR COMMUNITY Social Concerns Sunday CROP Hunger Walk 4th Sunday of Each Month Food Collections - Little Red Wagon: Bring in nonperishable foods (fruit, jelly, tuna, pasta, pasta sauce, canned meat, cereal, jello, diapers, formula, etc.) Hygiene items, toilet paper and adult/ baby diapers are also needed. The wagon is in the narthex. ICS accepts perishable foods directly. Thrift Store Collections will be on November 19-20th. Used treasures may be dropped off between 9:00 a.m. and noon. Receipts are available. Aluminum cans are collected at anytime. ELCA World Hunger Awareness: Blessed be God, who is our Bread; may all the world be clothed and fed! Pick an envelope up in the narthex and place it in the offering plate. The Cup of Cold Water A NOISY OFFERING of your loose and spare change will be collected on the fourth Sunday of each month during worship. Funds collected will support local benevolence and Good Gifts for the World (50/50). We challenge each of you to save up each month and make a difference. Call the office, 744-2665, for more information. 13 November 2, 2014 at 2:30 p.m. Registration starts at 2:00. Walk begins at First Methodist Church (915 E. 4th St) Raises money for the ICS Food Pantry and Casa Maria Kitchen. Contact Janice Molina ([email protected]) or 744-0389 to register or donate! The Confirmation Students are encouraged to participate for necessary Service Hours. SUNDAY DOLLAR$ In November, the single dollar bills put in the offering plate will be used to purchase toiletries and household supplies for families at Butterfield Elementary School. Thank You for your continued support! LIFT EVERYTHING TO THE LORD! IN OUR PRAYERS Lynn Acker, Bob Alan, Alcala family, Sue Brewer, Richard Eike, Daniel Engelby, Bill Hailey, Daphne Hanson, Gil Hively, Cheri Holgerson, Stan Kresnowski, Jim Krezel, Leonard & Grace Ann Lappin, Chris Lamb, Anne LePere, Ed McCauley,, Robin Middleton-Port, Faye Mueller, Kathy Muniz, Jackie Marco, Rita Myer, Linda Nichols, Nancy Owens, Pete Pederson Sr, Lenny Pfeifer, Helen Reid, Ryan Rody, John Sailer, Karino Santos, Mike Shade, Jim Spain, Del Speidel, Ron Stone, Bryce Tyler, Greg Wulp, Alex, Bill, Chris, Connie, Dwight, Nathan, and Diamond Children’s Center Adam Booth, Nephew of Saltsmans; Michael Burger; Travis Guizzetti; Zachary Hill, nephew of Laura Steichen; Stephanie Huether; Skip Kiefhaber, Brother-in-law of the Linkers; Ernest Lake; David Lake; Eric O’Brian; Kyle O’Brian; Arthur Rico, Nephew of Saltsmans; Chris Steiner and David Madden, Nephews of Claasens; John Stum III; Paul Tritch, Son of Tritchs; Curt Weber, Nephew of Saltsmans; Ashley Wik, Grand-daughter of Helen Reid For Those Who Grieve For the family & friends of Tom Gross, at his death, friend of Marcos 11/03 Anyssa Hemrick 11/03 Tom Rigney 11/04 Bob Vantrepotte 11/05 Alex Machado 11/08 Gerry Kleinfeld 11/08 Cynthia Woods 11/10 Dan Alcala 11/10 John Mertes 11/10 Zachary Stutsman 11/11 Jeremy San Julian 11/12 Rebecca Hudson 11/12 Dorothy Pederson 11/15 Paul Machado 11/16 Brian Alden 11/19 Gabriela Robles 11/22 Sandra Guizzetti 11/23 Donny Newman 11/24 Raul Llorente 11/24 Johnathan Stratton 11/25 Irene Anderson 11/25 Seth Pederson 11/25 Jared Sundberg 11/26 Danielle Cassel 11/26 Linda Claasen 11/26 Erin Olivares 11/27 Frank Molina 11/28 Sig Smitt 11/29 Suzy Duggan Celebrate with us on November 2, 2014 During Lutherans Linger Longer (LLL) 11/06 11/07 11/20 11/29 Our apology if we missed your special day. Call the office to let us know, 744-2665. 14 Mike & Lois Shade Jeanne & Richard Eike Norm & Liz Mims Karen & Wayne Johnson D I R E C T O R Y Business & Professional A directory of the members and special friends of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church who wish to promote their business or service to our readership. There is no charge to advertise. Call 744-2665 to participate. Hope Sahuaro Cafe 918-HOPE (918-4673) Hotline Open Seven Days A Week 6:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Breakfast Served All Day! Telephone Care of the Soul... Free * Anonymous * Confidential Interfaith Support & Crisis Helpline 12142 N Rancho Vistoso Blvd Suite 120 Oro Valley, AZ 85755 520-297-3258 C&J TIRE.............Cory Layton 4458 E Speedway Blvd 520-795-1867 DS L ANDSCAPING Your solution for all your landscape needs. Weekly, Bi-weekly, or monthly services. N&&& & Power Sweeping - Powerwashing _ Day Porter _ Landscaping Ph: 520-271-5228 PO Box 91712 Tucson AZ 85752 (520) 345-8787 Danny Alcala [email protected] Travis Dorschner Owner otets&T teeSPI& Lisa Lehmann ABR, REALTOR® Tom Stutsman PC Installation & Repair ¤ Networking Website ¤ Classes [email protected] 520-971-2269 Cell: 444-4180 Wendy Grenfell at Ivan’s Studio Becky the Pet Nanny Becky Seils, Owner 4771 North First Ave. 888-2536 850-5478 Tender loving pet care in your home while your work or travel. 10% discount for BSLC members AVON Licensed and Insured Rebecca Lindberg Independent Sales Representative 690-0646 or [email protected] Dorothy Pederson. Independent Beauty Consultant Monday thru Saturday 9AM – 4 PM at 5665 E Speedway (520) 320-7892 MARY KAY 15 514-5091 [email protected] Reorders - Classes on Request - Products Delivered Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church PO Box 90925 Tucson, AZ 85752-0925 NOVEMBER There has never been a year like this before! 2 ~ CROP Walk 5 ~ Animate: Practice Study begins 9 ~ Quarterly meeting 13 & 20 ~ Budget process Meetings 15 ~ SILENT AUCTION for Jazmyn’s Blanket of Hope 23 ~ CHILI Cook-off 26 ~ Worship & Pie Social 30 ~ Advent begins 16
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