ANNIVERSARIES October 18-24 Leon & Barbara Watson 10/19 Harold & Dorothy Ludtke 10/19 Curtis & Kathy Priebe 10/19 Tim & Gretchen Walther 10/20 Greg Raetz & Lisa Raetz-Kuehn 10/20 Andrew & Annalisa Strohschein 10/20 Evan & Su Gaustad 10/20 Jim & Becky Cabak 10/20 BIRTHDAYS NEW PRAYER REQUESTS THIS WEEK Mike & Georgette Johnson 10/21 Chuck & Karla White 10/21 Jeff & Julie Long 10/22 Macey & Andrew Mueller 10/22 Kelly & Charles Barrett 10/23 Fred & Kathy Grauer 10/23 Mark & Nova Campeau 10/23 Jim & Joyce Hinderks 10/24 Kevin & Carolyn Hughes 10/24 October 18-24 Matt Shankweiler 10/22 Kylee Madsen 10/22 Karli Mattson 10/22 Elsa Scott 10/22 Christy Mattingly 10/22 Marney Newhall 10/22 Christy Poska 10/23 Olivia Loveless 10/23 Deanna Meske 10/23 Jennifer Bliss 10/23 Lindsey Flayton 10/23 Warren Bindewald 10/23 Tracy Ihle 10/23 Jennifer Tracy 10/23 Nicole Martinaz 10/23 Alyssa Mattson 10/23 Al Ohland 10/23 Noah Grant 10/23 Emma Wedel 10/23 Erik Esterberg 10/24 Andrea Trom 10/24 Mallory Pohlman 10/24 Adrian Esterberg 10/24 Guy Gustavson 10/24 Brianna Tuma 10/24 Rebecca Larson 10/24 Andy Widen 10/24 Lucas Thayer 10/24 Mike Shetka 10/18 Verna Linder 10/18 Marlyn Swienton 10/18 Kathy D'Avia 10/18 Colin Capouch 10/18 Tony Nelson 10/18 Gavin Anderson 10/19 Tanya Dahl 10/19 Ben Lock 10/19 Diane Berg 10/19 Brynley Fick 10/19 David Linder 10/19 Kathy Kuhnly 10/19 Ralph Peterson 10/19 Patti Collier 10/19 Sheila Swanson 10/20 Michael Lemke 10/20 Beatrice Voelker 10/20 Lisa Marty 10/20 Andrea Knoll 10/20 Luvanda Anderson 10/21 Jay Conrow 10/21 Daniel Zimmerman 10/21 Brody Patterson 10/21 Aaron Ehlert 10/21 Michael Joyce 10/21 Gerald Brenden 10/21 Scott Pohlman 10/21 Tim Severeid 10/22 WORSHIPPING LAST WEEKEND: 1096 people WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER | October 22—5-6:15 pm Ages 10+ $5 | Ages 4-10 $3 | 3 and younger free Teriyaki chicken, sloppy joes, corn chowder. Available every week: salad bar, chicken nuggets, applesauce, mandarin oranges and carrot sticks. ALTAR FLOWERS GIVEN BY Gene Hoff in memory of wife, Mary Hoff AS OF SEPTEMBER 30 Total Income Total Expenses Net Income Actual YTD $1,430,745.42 $1,490,495.50 Budget YTD $1,399,200.00 $1,571,227.49 $(59,749.08) $(172,027.49) CHURCHES Our Savior Lutheran Church – McGregor, MN Trinity Lutheran Church – Keene, NH MISSIONS Rev. Leif and Nancy Haaskarl serving the Lord in the Cayman Islands DEATH Prayers for Jason Marty and family as they mourn the death of his father, Dr. Daniel Marty Prayers for Cathy Pietila, Carol Moe, and family as they mourn the death of their mother and our fellow member, Ida Pietila WELCOME TO BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH! WEDDING Linda Sorensen & Leonard Sorensen were wed Friday, October 17 CONNECTED TO GOD | GROWING IN FAITH | SERVING & REACHING OTHERS SATURDAY 5PM | ORDER OF WORSHIP ONGOING PRAYER REQUESTS Names will be kept on the list in chronological order beginning the first week of print for 3 weeks and then removed unless otherwise instructed. Military personnel will remain unless we are told to remove them. To add, renew, or remove a name on the list, please contact Rachel Olson | [email protected] | 763-550-1000. Chuck Sedgwick Sharon Wachholz James Klein HYMN |God of Grace and God of Glory | #415 SONG | Holy Is the Lord CONFESSION and FORGIVENESS CONFESSION and FORGIVENESS CONFESSION and FORGIVENESS READINGS Isaiah 45:1-7 | 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 CHILDREN’S MESSAGE CHILDREN’S MESSAGE GOSPEL | Matthew 22:15-22 READINGS Isaiah 45:1-7 | 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 READINGS Isaiah 45:1-7 | 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10 SERMON | Citizens of Two Kingdoms GOSPEL | Matthew 22:15-22 GOSPEL | Matthew 22:15-22 SACRAMENT of HOLY BAPTISM Noah Robert LaVoi SERMON | Citizens of Two Kingdoms SERMON | Citizens of Two Kingdoms PRAYERS of INTERCESSION Peg Olson OFFERING CONFIRMATION ESSAY READING Julia Mertens Brandon Sanken Thomas Sauter Rick Hoppe Brandon Woebbeking Sam Eaton Kiel Golly Shane Hallesy BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR PRAYER CHAIN The prayer chain is ready to handle your prayer concerns. All requests will be kept completely confidential. Please call Beth Capouch, Prayer Chain Coordinator at 763-208-2609 or email [email protected] with your requests. SUNDAY 11:00AM | ORDER OF WORSHIP HYMN |God of Grace and God of Glory | #415 Dorothy Warren Sandra Westling Gretchen Freehling Bill Dischinger June Gates Barb Marquardt Jack Hoppe Elma Huotari Edsel Huotari Rick Baker Gracyn Bahl Aneko Kuball Deb Mayo Marlene Schink Delores Tappe SUNDAY 8:30AM | ORDER OF WORSHIP COMMUNION MUSIC Draw Me Nearer | Break Through APOSTLES’ CREED PRAYERS of INTERCESSION OFFERING CONFIRMATION ESSAY READING Isaac Lee PRAYER of THANKSGIVING COMMUNION MUSIC We Give Thee but Thine Own | #410 Thee We Adore, O Hidden Savior | #199 BLESSING PRAYER of THANKSGIVING HYMN | Holy, Holy, Holy | #165 (Stanzas 1-3) SENDINGJOE BEHNKE | Presiding Minister PASTOR TOM STOEBIG | Preaching Minister BLESSING HYMN | Holy, Holy, Holy | #165 (Stanzas 1-3) SENDING SACRAMENT of HOLY BAPTISM Kaytlin Barbara McClellan Liam Garrow Walsh McKenna Margarete Walsh PRAYERS of INTERCESSION OFFERING | Sing, Sing, Sing COMMUNION MUSIC Draw Me Nearer | Break Through | Hallelujah to My King PRAYER of THANKSGIVING BLESSING SONG | How Great Is Our God SENDING OCTOBER 18/19, 2014 MARCH 15/16, Presiding 2014 PASTORS TOM STOEBIG Minister | PASTOR JOE BEHNKE Preaching Minister SENDING ARE YOU A GUEST TODAY? Stop at the Information Center in the Gathering Space to receive a gift bag and to sign our guest book. All Bible references are copyright © 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™ BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH CONNECTED TO GOD | GROWING IN FAITH | SERVING & REACHING OTHERS WWW.BEAUTIFULSAVIORLC.ORG | 763-550-1000 | 5005 NW BLVD, PLYMOUTH, MN 55442 | OFFICE HOURS: M-F, 7:30AM– 4PM VIEW OUR SERVICES ON NORTHWEST COMMUNITY CABLE CHANNEL 20 | FRIDAYS @ 6PM | SATURDAYS @ 2AM & 10AM BE IN THE KNOW... If you are unsure of what has been stated here, please speak with one of our pastors before communing. FOR CHILDREN: The Nursery is located next to the main exterior Sanctuary entrance, and is staffed Sundays 8:20 - 9:40am and 10:50am 12:10pm. Quiet activity Rainbow Bags are available just outside the Sanctuary. INDIVIDUAL SOUND ENHANCEMENT DEVICES … are available. Please ask an usher. Children and those not communing are welcome to come forward during the distribution to receive a blessing, by folding their arms across their chest. WORSHIP INSERT: Please take a moment to fill it out and place it in the offering plate or hand it to an usher. For those who for medical or other reasons cannot consume wheat or wine, gluten-free hosts and grape juice are available at each station upon request. HOLY COMMUNION: As Lutheran Christians, we believe, teach, and confess that Jesus Christ is truly and physically present in, with, and under the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation. We believe this holy Meal to be a sign of true Christian unity and fellowship. All who are baptized and share in these beliefs and have been instructed in this biblical understanding of the Sacrament are welcome to commune with us. DID YOU KNOW? Please follow the ushers’ directions to a station to receive the body of Christ in your hand and the blood of Christ poured from a chalice into the individual cup provided. Communion may be brought into the pews to those unable to come forward to receive. Please inform an usher if this be your need. Please turn off all mobile devices and other noisemakers as a courtesy to all worshipers. A youth member of Beautiful Savior rode bicycle for more than 14 miles round trip to attend 8:30am worship. CONNECTED TO GOD WORSHIP NOTES Today we begin our walk through I Thessalonians, the last of Paul's letters we will read before the end of the church year on November 28. That Paul writes of "remembering you in our prayers" models for us our practice of prayers of intercessions, where we pray for everything and everybody else in the world. The petition for "the church universal" can focus each week on some community of believers other than our own, especially those experiencing persecution. At Beautiful Savior, we also remember two sister congregations of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod each week, asking God's blessing on the lives and ministries of our sisters and brothers in Christ around the world. WOULD YOU LIKE SOMEONE TO PRAY WITH YOU? 2nd and 4th Sundays during and after worship in the Prayer Room (right outside the right rear door of the Sanctuary) For any physical, spiritual, or emotional concerns All prayers are held in highest confidence GROWING IN FAITH INTERESTED IN BEING A MEMBER OF BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR? Membership Orientation | Sundays, November 16-30 at 9:45am This class is for those who have already taken Bible 101 or who have a good understanding of Lutheran beliefs. You will get acquainted with staff, meet new people, and find out how to get plugged into the Beautiful Savior community. WORKSHOP: DISCIPLINE THAT CONNECTS WITH YOUR CHILD’S HEART Discipline That Connects is a profound and practical discipline method that has empowered thousands of parents to be wiser and more effective in their role. Deeply biblical and immediately useful, this workshop will change your family’s perspective of discipline. For parents of children ages 2 -18. Presented by Jim and Lynne Jackson on Wednesday, October 29: 6:30 – 8pm in the Beautiful Savior Resource Room. Childcare provided. Cost: $10 per person; $15 per couple Contact Brenda Meyer: [email protected] SERVING & REACHING OTHERS SUNDAY SCHOOL SMALL GROUP LEADERS NEEDED! No need to be an expert in the Bible in order to teach. Lesson plans help give background information, and it’s ok to answer questions with “I don’t know that answer, but I will find out and get back to you.” The commitment is shared with a co-leader, so you do not need to lead your group every Sunday. Tasks involved with leading: review a weekly lesson plan, coordinate a leading schedule with your co-leader, supervise your kids in the large group opening, lead your kids in a small group activity, pray for and build a mentorship relationship with your small group children. If you would like to find out more about leading a small group, contact Brenda Meyer: 763-550-1000 or [email protected] CANCER COMPANIONS TRAINING THIS Saturday, October 25 from 9am – 4:30pm at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church in Bloomington Peer Ministry Training is required in order to serve as a Cancer Companion. If you would like to attend, contact Kay Christoffersen: [email protected] or Guy Madsen: [email protected] LWML NORTHWEST ZONE FALL RALLY Tuesday, October 21, at Grace Lutheran Church, 6810 Winnetka Ave N, Brooklyn Park Registration @ 5:30pm | Dinner @ 6pm | Program @ 7pm with speaker Rev. Dr. Fungchaotou Lo, Executive Director of LINC Twin Cities Rally Ingathering: Socks for Solecare for Souls Tickets $7 from Char Miller: 763-550-2044 BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR 2015 MISSION TRIP: COSTA RICA Join us in serving the local community, as well as telling others about the love of Jesus. If you are interested in going or want to know more about the trip, attend the informational meeting on Sunday, November 2, after 11am worship in Rm. 160 or contact Pastor Joe: [email protected] | 763-550-1000. SUPPORT OUR CONFIRMANDS Come support and learn from our 9th grade students as they share their Confirmation projects on Wednesday, October 22 @ 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. DINNER AT YOUR DOOR | DRIVER POSITIONS AVAILABLE On the third Friday of each month, Beautiful Savior volunteer drivers deliver meals to shut-ins. If you are interested in serving as a driver, contact Deb Ward: 763-521-8861 OTHER BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR NEWS PRAY FOR A LCMS MISSIONARY Rev. Leif and Nancy Haaskarl, career missionaries in the Cayman Islands, assisting local church leaders to nurture, sustain, and grow the spiritual life of the local people. Please pray for their transition that they may effectively communicate the Good News of Jesus Christ. DEO CANTAMUS PRESENTS ABRAHAM CONCERT OCTOBER 25 Deo Cantamus presents the world premier of this lovely and moving oratorio, composed by Josh Bauder and directed by Al Hawkins. Saturday, October 25, 7:00 p.m. at Fourth Baptist Church, 10300 39th Avenue North, Plymouth, MN. Tickets are $5 and available at the door. No charge for children ages 10 and under. The performance will also be live streamed. More information at http:// EXULTATE PRESENTS BEAUTIFUL MELODIES OCTOBER 25,26 Exultate Choir and Orchestra with guest choir, the 2014 Minnesota All-State Lutheran Choir Saturday, October 25, 7:30pm, Augustana Lutheran Church, West St. Paul Sunday, October 26, 4pm, Lake Nokomis Lutheran Church, Minneapolis Order tickets online at or purchase at the door SHOP SMARTER Feed your family the best by attending a Shop SMARTER class! You are invited to attend, free of charge, compliments of Pete Kabanuk of Thrivent Financial November 19 from 6:30-8:00pm in the Resource Center, register online at; for more info, contact Stacy at 763-228-8607 DEAR FRIENDS OF BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR Thank you for your cards, kind words, prayers & friendship as we celebrate my dad’s (Dale Skaalure) passing into eternity. He truly lived a full 95 years and set a wonderful example for his family and community. Eternity matters, and we know God has merciful, grace-filled plans for all of us! Praise God through Jesus Christ our Lord! ~Love & blessings: Arne, Cindy, Caitlin & Amy WOMEN’S CHRISTMAS TEA Attention ladies, if you desire to be a hostess at our “Christmas around the World” Tea this year, sign up October 19 and 26. Please stop by our sign-up table in the Gathering Space to select your table or call Sally @ 763-208-1567 All hostesses receive a free ticket to the Tea as a thank-you gift for hosting a table. Our guest ticket sales for the event begin in November. QUESTIONS ABOUT BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR? Contact Sandy in the church office and she will direct you. [email protected] | 763-550-1000. BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR ONLINE Find more information, audio of weekly sermons and weekly prayers @ Like us on Facebook @
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