Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Tucson, Arizona VISTAS A Monthly Publication of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:30 AM - 4:00PM Fri-Sun CLOSED Phone: 744-2665 Fax: 572-2068 Email: [email protected] Website: Beautiful Savior Academy 579-1453 SUNDAY WORSHIP AT 8:00 & 10:30 A.M. BLENDED SERVICE MARCH 1 & 15 Vol 38 No 3 MARCH 2015 The same night he got up and took his two wives, his two maids, and his eleven children, and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. He took them and sent them across the stream, and likewise everything that he had. Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he struck him on the hip socket; and Jacob's hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. Then he said, “Let me go, for the day is breaking.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go, unless you bless me.” Genesis 32: 22-26 Luther said that we should wrestle with Scripture like Jacob wrestled with the angel at the Jabbok River. That we don’t stop until we are blessed. The FAITH5 process also doesn’t stop until there is a blessing. Just like in worship, we go forth with a blessing. After sharing your highs and lows; reading a Bible story and discussing how it might interact with your shared highs and lows; and praying for each other; we go forward with a blessing. TAIZE WORSHIP MAR 4 @ 6:00 PM LENTEN MIDWEEK FEB 25-MAR 25 HOLDEN EVENING PRAYER @ 6 COMMUNITY SOUP SUPPER BEFORE AND AFTER STARTING AT 5:00PM Our Mission To connect family, friends, neighbors and community with our Beautiful Savior Having blessed each other with time and attention, we invoke God’s blessing on our future. We celebrate and share the highs and lows of the day, then remind ourselves of the hope we have for the future. In a very practical sense, it will inspire confidence (con “with” +fide “faith”) in the future. But how do I bless? Isn’t that a “religious person” kind of “power”? NO. We are all blessed to be a blessing. You can bless in any number of ways, with any number of words. Some examples you may have heard me using: Remember that God loves you, and so do I. You are a beloved child of God, in whom God is well pleased. You are sealed by the Holy Spirit, marked with the cross of Christ forever, you are Christ’s. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, bless you now and always. 1 My peace I leave you. My peace I give. Let your heart be free from fear. My piece I give to you. Continued on page 6 Beautiful Savior Lutheran is a member of the Grand Canyon Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, Presiding Bishop The Rev. Stephen Talmage, Synod Bishop Pastor Rev. David L. Pavesic (520) 275-2410 for emergencies [email protected] Facebook: PrDavid Pavesic Name Tags are Available! Would you like to learn names, or have others learn yours? Pick up a nametag order form in the narthex, fill it out, and put it in the offering plate. Nametags are $8. Write additional names on a sheet of paper if needed. Please mention if you cannot use the magnets. “Christ In Our Home” Daily Devotionals Available $3.00 Large Print $1.50 Small Print Office Administrator Dorothy Pederson Jeremy Knight Rebecca Solomon Admin & Clerical Staff Available in the Narthex Put envelope in the offering plate. Director of Music Accompanist Academy Director Rhonda Karrer Candace Camamo Kindergarten Teacher Barbara Powers Preschool Teacher Lisa Vaskovic Preschool Teacher Charlene DeWitt Preschool Teacher Linda Spain Preschool Aide Shanda Sundberg Preschool Teacher Sharon Burgess Preschool Aide Liz Boltz Preschool Aide Cassidy Stack Aftercare Teacher Submit articles, photos, and updates for the calendar no later than the 10th of each month, please. Lutherans Linger Longer (L L L) Congregation Council Betsy Marco Brian Ackerman Christine Newman Joan Swanson Shannon Bryant Sarah Claasen Mary Perry Sandy Petersen Sig Smitt Karen Johnson *President *Vice-President *Secretary Mission Support Living Lutheran Faith Formation Co-Treasurer Treasurer Offering Secretary Counters Church Related and Supported Lutheran Theological Seminary, Berkeley, CA Lutheran Social Services of the SW Lutheran Campus Ministry at UA CA Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, CA Please come and enjoy a Cup of coffee and a goodie Every Sunday after worship. Werner Hall – BSLC 2015 Flower chart ~ is Available in the Narthex Flowers must be paid for when you reserve a date... please give the check to Sandy Petersen or place in the offering plate. Celebrate a special occasion, or remember a special person, etc. Cost is $35. Please make check payable to Beautiful Savior. 2 WHAT’S HAPPENING Taizé: A Service of Candlelight, Prayer, and Song Wednesday, March 4 at 6:00p.m. Taizé is a unique worship experience that is known for its distinct and beautiful style of modern chant and song. Combining a beautiful candlelit ambience with simple meditative prayer, it is a warm and welcoming service to all who search for peace and spiritual reflection. The simplicity of the service makes it an excellent choice for experiencing “church” in a community setting regardless of your faith background. Taizé was created in the 1940s by a monastic community in France and has an international following. All are invited to experience the simplicity and welcome of the Christian faith. To learn more about the beauty of this service please visit us at COME HAVE A BLAST AT A MYSTERY DINNER THEATER PRESENTED BY: BEAUTIFUL SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Mystery Dinner Theater: Two Shows: Saturday, March 7 at 6:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 8 at 12:00p.m. It’s opening night at a new 1950’s style restaurant – Mike’s 50’s Cafe. Guests should arrive dressed in fifties attire ready to celebrate! As the night progresses, secrets will be revealed. However, some people are desperate to keep things hidden. You’ll be asked to help detectives solve the crime. And of course there’ll be great food, fun, and surprises! COST: $12 person/ $20 couple. Reserve your tickets by contacting Dorothy Pederson before Tuesday, March 3. But sign up soon because seating is limited! Questions? Contact Dorothy at 744-2665 or [email protected] Proceeds benefit Youth attending ELCA National Gathering in Detroit. Canned food donations also being collected. 3 ACADEMY NEWS all! The cost is $160.00 for the entire session. Don’t delay and register today! One final note, April 15th is fast approaching and if you haven’t made your tax credit contribution to ACSTO for your 2014 taxes, it’s not too late! Our incoming kindergarten families are counting on these much needed scholarships in order to help curb the cost of sending their child to our program. Won’t you consider helping? Contributions need to be made directly to ACSTO. There are brochures available in the narthex or you can contribute online at If you have questions or if you would prefer to make your donation by phone please call ACSTO directly at 480-820-0403. Thank-you for your anticipated support! Spread the news…Beautiful Savior Academy is now registering for summer and fall sessions! Programs include preschool through kindergarten with flexible schedules available between 8:00 – 2:30 daily. Tuition starts at $120.00 per month! If you are interested or know of somebody who is, please call today for a tour and/or registration information. The 2015-2016 school year begins on Monday August 3rd, but don’t delay classes will fill fast! This year’s summer session will be “Silly Summer Science and Such” and will run from June 1st through June 18th. Class meets Monday through Thursday each week from 9:00 – 12:00. Join us as we tap into that natural curiosity and explore the wonderful world of science. From biology in the backyard, chemistry in the kitchen and physics in a pile of blocks, there will be lots of fun for one and God’s Blessings, Rhonda Karrer Academy Registration for Summer & Fall Programs Begins Monday, March 2, 2015. Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization (ACSTO) PO Box 6580 Chandler, AZ 85246 (480) 820-0403 Tax Season is just around the corner. Make plans to take advantage of the Arizona Private School Tuition Tax Credit! Contributions can be made by mail, by calling, or online. The deadline for participating is April 15, 2015 to be eligible for 2014 taxes. Brochures are available in the narthex with a contribution card attached. For more information, contact the Academy at 579-1453. Funds provide scholarships for children to attend our Kindergarten class and ensure they receive a Christian education. 4 JOIN US ON OUR LENTEN JOURNEY The Ups and Downs, and , Ins and Outs, of the Cross WEDNESDAYS, February 25-March 25 HOLDEN EVENING PRAYER @ 6 PM SOUP SUPPER BEFORE AND AFTER STARTING AT 5:00 PM Sign up sheets for the weekly Soup & Sandwich Suppers are in the narthex. Dinner is available February 25-March 25 Please consider bringing a pot of soup or a loaf of sandwiches to share. Or can you come early to make coffee, or stay after worship to clean it up? This year dinner will be available from 5-7p.m., or until it is gone. March 29-April 5, 2015 PALM SUNDAY WORSHIP ~ 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Monthly Taizé Worship ~ 6:00 p.m. MAUNDY THURSDAY WORSHIP ~ 6:30 p.m. GOOD FRIDAY WORSHIP ~ 6:30 p.m. EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP ~ 6:00, 8:00, & 10:30 a.m. Pancake breakfast 7:00 –10:30 a.m. 5 CONGREGATION UPDATE C OUNCIL O R N E R Pastor’s Note (Continued) Dear BSLC Congregation, 2015 is upon us and your new council for 2015 is already busy working on our future. Our 2015 Council consists of Brian Ackerman (Vice President), Christine Newman (Secretary), Shannon Bryant (Living Lutheran), Sarah Claasen (Faith Connections), Joan Swanson (Community Connections and Mission Support) and Mary Perry (Co-Treasurer). We are looking forward to a bright 2015. The Property Team is busy looking into Solar Power for our church. We are exploring that as a way to help control costs as we go forward. Jeremy Knight (our music director) has brought new life to our choir and Fusion Band; restarted the Bell choir, and started the Taize’ services that are being well received. We are exploring ways to build up his time, so that he can do even more ministry. The Academy is almost at capacity and still growing! Some of the playground equipment has arrived as well. The council is working on correcting an oversight in the budget process that left out something very important for the Academy as we move forward and find ways to help it grow. We are also exploring ways to grow other revenue streams to help fund ministry here at BSLC. There are also some interesting outreach ideas coming forward. We have a lot to be thankful for and more to come. Stay tuned for more details on those exciting possibilities mentioned above. We are excited about our future and what it has to offer our community and each other. Please do not hesitate to contact any council member with questions, ideas, and suggestions. We are here to work with in connecting friends, family, and community with our beautiful Savior. In God’s Faith Betsy Marco Council President 6 You can make up your own. Simply remember that a blessing is a gift. Think of what is needed from what was shared in the highs and lows and simply say, “May God celebrate with you in the (high), and may God (appropriate verb) you in the (low).” It would be another reminder of the shared bond in faith over the issues shared. I would strongly recommend one thing in doing a blessing. I would encourage some form of touch during the blessing (as possible and appropriate). Is it making the sign of the cross on the other’s forehead or hand? Is it simply a hand on the shoulder or arm? It could be anything, but touch is so very important in blessing, as it physically conveys the reality of God’s love here and now through you. So end your FAITH5 together in blessing one another. Just imagine what that would do for you and your family to end your day with a touch and a reminder of God’s presence and love in your life going forward. If you haven’t already, do the FAITH5 every night in your home. This might be just the thing you need to do for Lent, especially if anything you were thinking of doing for Lent was faith or family related, as this covers both! Blessings on your journey in faith through this process! There will be more materials and more opportunities to learn and try this out going forward. After the midweek services in Lent, I will be available to guide groups through this process in Werner Hall using the lesson of the day as a guide. Remember that God loves you, and so do I! Pastor David CHURCH COUNCIL meets Monday March 9, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Meetings are open to all. STEWARDSHIP What Could You Have Done? It’s that season again. No, not winter or spring or baseball season. Rather, that dreaded season we call “tax season”. If you have noticed that your taxes are higher this season, what gifting strategies might have you used to reduce your taxes and be able to support your favorite ministries. There are many gift planning strategies and tools you might find useful this year to minimize a repeat of last year. Here are just a few offered by the ELCA Foundation: charitable gift annuities and charitable trusts that can provide both favorable income and tax deductions to you; donor advised funds and life estates that also provide significant tax deductions. These are just a few of the tools. For more information about these tools and other gifting strategies that benefit your heirs as well as your church, contact our ELCA Regional Gift Planner, Greg Shepherd at: 909-910-6823 or [email protected]. Please contact your own tax professional for advice on utilizing these type of gifting tools. Attention Thrivent Members: You have a couple of other ways to give and be supportive 1. Are you dedicating your "Thrivent Choice" money? 2. Do you know you have TWO $250 Thrivent Action Team opportunities every year? Offering Envelopes for 2015 are Available in the Narthex. Want an easy way to do your commitment? Offerings can be scheduled on-line through Simply Giving. The Simply Giving® Program endorsed by Thrivent Federal Credit Union Would you find it helpful to have your offerings drawn from your bank account as you do other monthly drafts? The Simply Giving Program endorsed by Thrivent Federal Credit Union is for people who wish to have offerings transferred electronically to their church’s account. You do not have to be a Thrivent member or use their financial products to participate. This is especially helpful for people who travel and want to keep their intended offerings up-todate, rather than making up the difference later. Members at Beautiful Savior have enjoyed using this convenient giving opportunity for years. Contact the church office for more details. If you changed your pledge for 2015, please let the office know so that it can be adjusted. 7 MAKING CONNECTIONS Food Collections Little Red Wagon: Bring in nonperishable foods (fruit, jelly, tuna, pasta, pasta sauce, canned meat, cereal, jello, diapers, formula, etc.) Hygiene items, toilet paper and adult/baby diapers are also needed. The wagon is in the narthex. ICS accepts perishable foods directly. MONTHLY ITEM: Canned Meat/Tuna. ELCA World Hunger Awareness: Blessed be God, who is our Bread; may all the world be clothed and fed! Pick an envelope up in the narthex and place it in the offering plate. The Cup of Cold Water: A NOISY OFFERING of your loose and spare change will be collected on the fourth Sunday of each month during worship. Funds collected will support local benevolence and Good Gifts for the World (50/50). We challenge each of you to save up each month and make a difference. The Lutheran Thrift Store Closed its doors in January without notice. We will continue to Collect Aluminum cans anytime. Call the office, 744-2665, for more information. 8 MARCH 28, 2015!! A challenge to the congregation and the community. Winter time has been a time of hibernation for many critters. One of them was Buzz of last year’s VBS and the YMCA’s Trunk or Treat fame. March 28th is the day of the Marana Fun Run. Buzz, and his Queen, are willing to come out of the hive and participate in that event to raise money for Thornydale Elementary’s track, Academy Charities, Lutheran Social Services- Luminaria program, and Beautiful Savior Church. There will be press and outreach opportunities galore for the church! So, encourage your friends to give to this worthwhile project to help a number of great causes! If you need an extra incentive for them to give, tell them they get to see your pastor and his wife in Bee costumes doing the Run/Walk! (If you give, please specify that this is for the Marana Fun Run, checks payable to Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church.) THANK YOU! Beautiful Savior raised $319.42 for the ICS Food Bank on Souper Bowl Sunday. IN OUR COMMUNITY! Marana's Founder's Day celebration The Women of the ELCA have helped the Navajo Lutheran Mission and school by sending Campbell’s Soup Labels. Join the Friendship Team on Saturday, March 7, from 9am-5pm at the Ora Mae Harn Park in Marana as they host a BSLC booth. Volunteers are needed to help with coverage for the booth. Sign up in the narthex (for an hour or more) or talk to Toby Smitt, Phyllis Rasmussen, or Linda Claasen. Ministry Teams (Prayer Shawls, Academy, Jazmine's Blankets, etc.) that want to spotlight their Ministry are also invited to participate; the more connected we are to the community, the better! Over 395 individuals and churches from over 40 states donated 160,000 “Labels for education” from Campbell’s products in 2014! Thanks to you for saving them too. The Mission was able to buy school equipment, including a van to transport the students and parents to and from the school. Items currently needed are: Gymnasium bleachers, Athletic uniforms and equipment, Playground equipment, Computers and supplies including paper, maps, printers, pencils and markers etc., Classroom furniture Visual aides VCR, DVD players and projectors. Labels are collected in the Narthex. A list of items is available online at 4th Annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser Saturday, March 28, 2015 11am—1:30 pm Tucson Chinese Cultural Center 1288 W River Road, Tickets are $20 and available at or by calling 297-6049x 209. The event features signature soups, breads and desserts, and beautiful handcrafted pottery bowls to take home. Proceeds will benefit the ICS Food Bank and efforts to feed hungry neighbors in Pima County. 9 SUNDAY DOLLAR$ In March, the single dollar bills put in the offering plate will be used to partner with ICS Food Bank to hand out Easter Baskets with Gift Cards to their clients. Thank You for your continued support! How Can You Serve 12th Annual FLIM Golf Tournament! The Fund for Leaders in Mission has been providing full and partial scholarship to seminary students since the year 2000. The goal is to provide full tuition to all seminary students, so that no one enters ministry with debt. “Fund for Leaders in Mission (FLIM) Golf Classic” Easter Monday April 6, 2014 Noon Shotgun Start Oro Valley Country Club Oro Valley, Arizona For more information, please contact: Pr. Ken Ahlstrand, Coordinator [email protected] 520/481-4536 Registration forms are in the narthex. In the meantime, round up your foursome! SOUNDBOARD/AUDIO TECH Are you interested in working with the sound system during worship? Young people and/or adults can help. We will meet in the sanctuary on March 8th at 9:30 for training. If you are unable to attend, please contact Tim Duggan, 742-0673, or [email protected] Tucson Chamber Artists presents Rachmaninoff's Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom March 20-22. A companion to his "Vespers," Rachmaninoff said of the former, “Not for a long time have I written anything with such pleasure.” For information about tickets and venues: 10 OTHER WAYS TO HELP Work Day March 28, 2015 Plan to join us at 7:00 a.m. in the Memorial Garden for prayers and assignments. Something for everyone. YOU CAN ASSIST THE PROPERTY TEAM If you see something that is in need of repair or attention here at BSLC, please fill out a Green Work Order that can be found in the Office Reception area and in the North Academy kitchen. You can also email [email protected]. We will address the Work Order as quickly as possible. Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church has a NEW Mailing address! Please use this when sending correspondence/offerings: PO Box 90925 Tucson, AZ 85752 Looking Ahead: HOLY WEEK March 29-April 5 April 6 EASTER MONDAY FLIM Golf Tournament April 18 LWR Ingathering Streams in the Desert Let’s Load up the Truck with Quilts/Kits for LWR Don’t Forget... Support Beautiful Savior by shopping at Amazon Smile. When you shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate a percentage of each item (excluding shipping & handling, taxes, and service charges, and less any rebates or returns.) Follow the link to get started now! 11 May 18 & 19 Academy Graduation May 2015 Confirmation June 12-13 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly YOUTH Detroit or Bust!!! “Rise Up Together” ELCA Youth Gathering 2015 July 15-19 Meeting: April 26, 2015 at Streams in the Desert Lutheran for youth attending the Gathering. If you have a conflict, contact Pr. David. [email protected] PrDavid Pavesic on fb @PrDavidP on Twitter See you there! 520-275-2410 Tirosh: retreat Coming Soon! March 19-21, 2015 Retreat for 9th grade through 20 years old! Applications online at Http:// or ask Pastor David. SALCA Board Meeting April 19 at 5:00 p.m. Streams in the Desert Lutheran Church Everyone is Invited!! Mark Your Calendars... Camp dates are set and the dates are a little different this year! SAVE THE DATE! Elementary/Middle School Camp: Monday 5/25/15 (at 4pm)--Friday 5/29/15 (at 10am). at Triangle Y Ranch Youth who have completed 3rd-8th grades are eligible to attend. Older youth can be considered for counselors or leaders in training (Interviews will be March 7th). Camp applications are due in April. Visit their website for additional information. High School Camp: Thursday 6/25/15—Saturday 6/27/2015 at Pine Canyon (Willcox, AZ) Youth who have completed 9th-12th grades are eligible to attend. 12 Make Plans to Join us This year... FELLOWSHIP Prayer Shawl Guild A monthly gathering for knitting and crocheting. Meets on the third Thursday of each month at 6:00p.m. A light supper is served. Call Karen Johnson, 520-481-0874. Prime Timers Second Thursday at 12:30 p.m. Join us to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Bring a picture of your pet, and a story to share. Sign up in the narthex to bring a side and for planning how many are coming. For ages 55 and above. All are welcome to attend! Bring a friend, too. For more information, call Sandy Petersen, 579-9355. Do-Day Crafters Join us on the first and third Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m. in Werner Hall. Call Barbara Foor, 579-0691. Women of the ELCA Bible Studies Order your copy of Gather Magazine (by calling 800-638-3522 or online at for this year’s Bible study: "Transforming Life and Faith." Coffee and refreshments served. All women are invited to attend. Meetings held once a month. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30. Come join us. No Experience needed. [email protected] Office Hours on Tuesdays 744-2665 ATTENTION ALL RINGERS! A new handbell group has started. Playing handbells is a fun and easy way to experience music. Rehearsals will be held in the Luther room on every Sundays immediately following the 8am service. No music experience is necessary! For more info or to sign up please email our Director of Music: JeremyKnight@beautifulsavior. net or call (623) 986-7996 JOY CIRCLE meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in the alcove of Werner Hall. For more information, call Janice Molina, 744-0389. AGAPE CIRCLE meets on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the alcove of Werner Hall. For more information, call Mary Speidel, 909-3584. (Notice the new day and time.) Check the weekly bulletin for updates! 13 LIFT EVERYTHING TO THE LORD! IN OUR PRAYERS Lynn Acker, Bob Alan, George & Yvonne Basabilvazo, Stan Bump, Anabelle Chavez, Daniel Engelby, Lei Foor, Audrey Garcia, Daphne Hanson, Darrell Karrer, Jim Lane, Anne LePere, Chris Lamb, Curt Layton, Johnny Luke, Ed McCauley, Lynne Nalin, Linda Nichols, Matthew Ogden, Pete Pederson Sr, Ryan Rody, Karino Santos, Mike Shade, Jim Spain, Del Speidel, Ron Stone, Carolyn Tucker, Letty Villegas, Thema Young, Bruce, Michelle, Roselle, Debbie & Colleen, Roger, and Diamond Children’s Center Adam Booth, Nephew of Saltsmans; Michael Burger; Zachary Hill, nephew of Laura Steichen; Stephanie Huether; Skip Kiefhaber, Brother-in-law of the Linkers; Ernest Lake; David Lake; Eric O’Brian; Kyle O’Brian; Arthur Rico, Nephew of Saltsmans; Chris Steiner and David Madden, Nephews of Claasens; John Stum III; Paul Tritch, Son of Tritchs; Curt Weber, Nephew of Saltsmans; Ashley Wik, Grand-daughter of Helen Reid For Those Who Grieve For the family & friends of Dorothy Harveston, at her death, aunt of Pete Pederson. For the family & friends of Ron Gatewood, at his death, father-in-law of Carol Gatewood. For the family & friends of Sandy, at her death, sister of Lenny Pfeifer. For Steve Kruzanowski at the death of his father. For the family & friends of Joe Miller, at his death, husband of Kaye Miller. A Memorial Service will be held on March 4th at 2:00 p.m. Celebrate with us on March 1, 2015 During Lutherans Linger Longer (LLL) 03/01 03/04 03/07 03/09 03/10 03/11 03/14 03/16 03/19 03/19 03/20 03/21 Mary Schumacher Bob Alan Nancy Armes James Alcala Jackson McGuire Randy Karrer Olivia Seils Mark Mullen Jr Charlotte Murphy Graham Spraker Sophia Boerner Jennifer Mullen 03/21 03/22 03/22 03/23 03/25 03/25 03/27 03/27 03/29 03/30 03/31 David Shaffer Richard Irwin Ian Sundberg Starr Ebeling Angela Hitt Toddy Videbeck Teresa Lappin Bill Seils Garrett Bryant Nathan Hudson Emily Pratt Our apology if we missed your special day. Call the office to let us know, 744-2665. 14 03/06 03/11 03/13 03/15 03/18 Don & Joan Swanson Michael & Betsy Korsmo Bonnie & James Graser Lori & Tony Botelho Carey & Justin Hall D I R E C T O R Y Business & Professional A directory of the members and special friends of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church who wish to promote their business or service to our readership. There is no charge to advertise. Call 744-2665 to participate. Hope Sahuaro Cafe 918-HOPE (918-4673) Hotline Open Seven Days A Week 6:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Breakfast Served All Day! Telephone Care of the Soul... Free * Anonymous * Confidential Interfaith Support & Crisis Helpline 12142 N Rancho Vistoso Blvd Suite 120 Oro Valley, AZ 85755 520-297-3258 C&J TIRE.............Cory Layton DS L 4458 E Speedway Blvd 520-795-1867 Your solution for all your landscape needs. Weekly, Bi-weekly, or monthly services. A & T SWEEPING Power Sweeping - Powerwashing _ Day Porter _ Landscaping Ph: 520-271-5228 PO Box 91712 Tucson AZ 85752 (520) 345-8787 Danny Alcala [email protected] Travis Dorschner Owner Robot Hobbies Lisa Lehmann ABR, REALTOR® Tom Stutsman PC Installation & Repair ¤ Networking Website ¤ Classes [email protected] 520-971-2269 Cell: 444-4180 Wendy Grenfell at Ivan’s Studio Becky the Pet Nanny Becky Seils, Owner 850-5478 4771 North First Ave. 888-2536 AVON ANDSCAPING Tender loving pet care in your home while your work or travel. Carmen Hemrick Buy or Sell Avon 579-2143/907-2695 [email protected] 10% discount for BSLC members Dorothy Pederson. Shop my Avon store - Independent Beauty Consultant Exercise classes M/W/F 9am to 10am and Easy does it class at 10:15 to 11:15am at Christ the King, 2800 W. Ina Rd. Call Carmen Hemrick for more info at 907-2695. Licensed and Insured 15 MARY KAY 514-5091 [email protected] Reorders - Classes on Request - Products Delivered Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church PO Box 90925 Tucson, AZ 85752-0925 Two Shows: Saturday, March 7 at 6:00 p.m. and Sunday, March 8 at 12:00p.m. Taizé Service Candlelight, Prayer, and Song Wednesday, March 4th 6:00 p.m. See pg. 3 for information LENTEN MIDWEEK FEB 25-MAR 25 HOLDEN EVENING PRAYER @ 6PM COMMUNITY SOUP SUPPER BEFORE & AFTER BEGINNING AT 5PM 16
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