Sprint Credit Union Member M Verificatio on Proces ss New w Sprint Cus stomers Required d to fill out a Verification n Form (see below) withiin 30 days o of activation C Currrent Sprint Customers Required d to provide proof of discount eligibility (credit u nion membe ership) when n upgrading their device if it has been b 20+ months since their last validation Both ne ew and currrent custom mers must fiill out a Verrification Fo orm! To re eceive the discount, d members m mu ust complette these imp portant step ps: 1. Co onfirm disc count eligibility by prov viding proof of their ac ctive status as a memb ber through h one of the follo owing way: Creditt union chec ck with memb bers’ name Unexp pired credit union u debit/c credit card w with memberrs’ name 0 days with members’ n Current statement of account issued with in the last 60 name Memb bership card with membe ers’ name 2. Ac ccept disco ount program offer and d required new n two-yea ar Agreeme ent (for curre ent customerrs only; new w custo omers with a new-line activation and d two-year Agreement A h have met thiss requiremen nt) 3. M Members can n visit www w.sprint.com m/verify, and d select “fax x or upload d your verification” The ey will be forw warded to htttp://mysprin nt.sprint.com m/verify/pages/upload dForm.jsp w where they ca an complete e and upload d the fform and attach their pro oof right to th he site. Mem mbers will be e automatica ally reminde ed if they forg got to inclu ude their pro oof. Memberrs may also o fax the form and their proof of elig gibility within 30 days of service activvation or new w discount application a to o the Sprint Corporate C A Accounts Dep 13.523.1987 7 or toll-free partment: 91 to 87 77.687.8211 1. Em mail verificattion is NOT T an option. Once e Sprint valid dates their in nformation, usually within 5 businesss days, theyy’ll receive a confirmatio on email. If Sprin nt has questtions, they will w contact members m dire ectly at the w wireless num mber they pro ovide. It take es 1 to 2 billin ng cycles for them to see e the discoun nt on their in nvoice. mbers should complete ely black ou ut all confidential inforrmation, suc ch as social security n number, Mem cred dit union account numb bers, creditt card numb bers and sa alary detail. Sprint is nott liable for co onfidential inforrmation that you do not black b out or delete. Mem mbers will no ot be conside ered affiliate ed with creditt union and will n not receive any a service plan p discoun nts until Sprint receives a and validate es their Requ uest for Disccount and Eligibility Form. Sprin nt is unable to issue retrroactive cred dits. SPRINT DISCOUNT PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY VERIFICATION AND SERVICE AGREEMENT FORM FOR MEMBERSHIP ORGANIZATIONS Sprint is pleased to offer monthly discounts to members of participating organizations. Please complete these important steps. 1. Confirm your discount eligibility by uploading or faxing proof of your active status as a current member. Eligibility Submit a copy of one of the following items that clearly shows your name and the name of your membership organization and any applicable dates. Please check the items you will be submitting below. • Current membership card or certificate with with your name and member information Screen shot or scan of an Account Statement within the last 90 days* Credit Union Members Only: Unexpired Credit Union debit or credit card* *Black out completely or delete all confidential information, such as social security number, financial institution account numbers, credit card numbers and salary detail. Sprint is not liable for confidential information. Participation in the Sprint Discount Program is subject to continued verification under your organization’s Service Agreement with Sprint. Discounts are subject to change according to company’s agreement with Sprint. Discounts apply to eligible monthly recurring charges. No discounts apply to secondary lines, Add-A-Phone or add-ons $29.99 or less. 2. For current customers who are not already receiving an employee, student, or membership discount – agree to extend the Service Agreement on discountable lines to 2 years by signing the form below. Details under Service Agreement. 3. Upload to sprint.com/verify or fax this form and your proof of eligibility within 30 days to Sprint: Fax: 913-523-1987 or Toll-free Fax: 877-687-8211 Once we validate your information, usually within 5 days, the discount will appear on your invoice in 1 to 2 billing cycles. If you provided a valid email address you will receive a confirmation email from us. You will not be considered affiliated with your membership organization's account or Service Agreement and will not receive any service plan discounts until Sprint receives and validates your Sprint Discount Program Eligibility Verification and Service Agreement Form and proof of eligibility. Please direct questions about your discount eligibility to your membership organization. Sprint is unable to issue retroactive credits. Account Information Please print in all capital letters using black ink. ** required fields Sprint wireless number:** Sprint account number:** Account holder name:** Membership Organization:** Credit Union Members Corporate ID: NACUC_ZZM (Provided by Sprint Rep) Personal email address: Your email will be used to communicate with you regarding this discount eligibility request. Service Agreement (Only complete if you are not currently receiving a company, university or organization discount) Enrollment in the Sprint Discount Program is subject to: • Sprint General Terms and Conditions of Service. Please visit sprint.com/termsandconditions for complete details. Term and Early Termination: By accepting this Sprint Discount Program offer, you agree to a new two-year term effective immediately. Except for eligible deactivations under our return policy, you agree to pay up to $350/line early termination fee (ETF) for advanced devices and up to $200 ETF/line for other devices (no ETF for Agreements cancelled in compliance with Sprint’s Return Policy), in addition to other charges that may have accrued. Agreements are subject to the Sprint prorated ETF policy (e.g., $200 through month 5 of term, decreasing $10 per month until $50 minimum applies to remaining term; visit sprint.com/ETF for more detail). Individuals will be provided a 30-day notice prior to the effective date of any change. Discounts apply to eligible monthly recurring charges. Yes, I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the General Terms and Conditions of Service of my new Service Agreement, including the term commitment of two years (effective immediately) and that an early termination fee will apply up to $350/line for advanced devices and up to $200 ETF/line for other devices (no ETF for Agreements cancelled in compliance with Sprint’s Return Policy). Signature:** _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date:** __________________________ N125887 ©2012 Sprint. All rights reserved. Sprint and the logo are trademarks of Sprint.
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