European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing 3rd Conference of Partners “Taking stock and focusing on delivery” 1 December 2014, Brussels (Conference Centre Albert Borschette) 08:30 – 09:15 Registration 09:15 – 09:30 Welcome and Introduction Zoran Stančič, Deputy Director General of DG CONNECT Martin Seychell, Deputy Director General of DG SANCO [tbc] 09:30 – 11.00 Part I: Presentation of the Action Groups' main achievements Chairs: Ilias Iakovidis, DG CONNECT and Jorge Pinto Antunes, DG SANCO • Presentation from each Action Group (10 minutes) focusing on: o main deliverables, main successes so far, the delivery targets for 2015, suggestions for working efficiently towards the targets of the SIP • Action Group A1: Alessandro Monaco, Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco Action Group A2: [tbc] Action Group A3: Sandra Pais, University of Algarve Action Group B3: [tbc] Action Group C2: [tbc] Action Group D4: Mireia Ferri, Polibienestar Discussion and Q&A (Coffee served in the room) 11:00 – 12:30 Part II: Tools for continuing in 2015 • "A European Scale up Strategy in Active and Healthy Ageing", Toni Dedeu, on behalf of EUREGHA and the Reference Sites • "The EIP on AHA Monitoring Framework: results from process indicators & a set of outcome indicators and a model to link to the EIP on AHA objectives", Christian Boehler, DG JRC Version 11 November • "A Support Action for the EIP on AHA & the development of the EIP on AHA Repository", Jose Usero, FUNKA NU and representative of the PROEIPAHA support action & Menno Hinkema, TNO and AG D4. • Discussion 12.30 – 13:30 LUNCH 13:30 – 16:15: Part III – Breakout sessions on the following topics (Please refer to the annex for the details of the sessions) A. Monitoring Framework: Focus on data availability and suitability for feeding the indicators and the model that measure the impact of the EIP on AHA commitments. B. Scaling up Good Practices: Focus on the implementation of the Scale up Strategy, with an emphasis in a plan for the next 12 months. C. Age-Friendly Housing: Discussion on adaptations (renovations) required to houses in order to meet needs of older persons for independent living. D. Action Group Experiences: Discussion on the Action Group’s main achievements and deliverables, lessons learnt, and suggestions for more efficient operation and for reaching the implementation targets of the SIP. (Coffee served in the rooms between 14:45-15:00) 16:15 – 17:00 Part IV – CONCLUSION Paul Timmers, Director, DG CONNECT Ladislav Miko, Acting Director General of DG SANCO • The next steps towards delivery in 2015 o recap of the main points from the breakout sessions • Announcement of the 2015 Summit on Active and Healthy Ageing • Discussion Version 11 November DETAILS FOR THE BREAKOUT SESSIONS A. MONITORING FRAMEWORK Who Chairs: Marianne van den Berg, DG SANCO / Arnaud Senn, DG CNECT Presentation by JRC of a draft model for the Monitoring Framework and options/open questions how it may be populated with data from EIP on AHA commitments Target audience: Experts from Action Group members and from Reference Sites, who are involved directly in the collection and analysis of data from their good practices and commitments. Scope A focused discussion around data availability and suitability for feeding the indicators of a draft model, which is developed by JRC-IPTS. This model measures the impact of the EIP on AHA commitments towards the Triple Win (quality of life, sustainability, innovation and growth) of the EIP on AHA and the overall target of 2 additional Healthy Life Years. Expected outcome An understanding of what and how data from EIP on AHA commitment can serve as input to the Monitoring Framework model. B. SCALING UP GOOD PRACTICES Who Chairs: Petra Leroy Čadová, DG SANCO / Joost van der Vleuten, DG CNECT • Presentation of Scaling-up Roadmap: Loukianos Gatzoulis, DG SANCO • Presentation from the Reference Site Collaborative Network: Achievements in 2014, future vision on "real implementation" and supporting actions in the Scaling-up Roadmap – speaker TBC • Regional Scaling-up testimonials: how can regions deliver innovative change at scale? Speakers TBC • Break-out Working Groups: i) viability assessment of good practices; ii) tools for classifying good practices; iii) facilitating collaboration Target audience: Organisations directly involved in deployment strategies, coming from: Action Groups, Reference Sites, Regions participating in twinning and Regions with smart specialisation strategies in Active and Healthy Ageing Scope Focus on the implementation of the Scale up Strategy in AHA, with an emphasis in a plan for the next 12 months. Version 11 November Expected outcome Kick–off activities associated with the Scale up Strategy in AHA, regions declaring interest and committing engagement, steps planned towards viability assessment of good practices, assessment tools, identification of transferable elements, plans for twinning and coaching. C. AGE-FRIENDLY HOUSING Who Chairs: Bruno De Oliveira Alves, DG CNECT / Eibhilin Manning, DG SANCO Target audience: This session is intended for Partners from the EIP on AHA Action Groups and Reference sites working on housing. Organisations in attendance will be from regions & local authorities, industry players, ICT sector, construction sector, housing organisations, SMEs, research centres, and civil society. Scope Within the European Innovation Partnership on Active & Healthy Ageing, housing is tackled across different perspectives. The challenge today is that there is a shortage of suitable building stock that is adapted and in an age-friendly context to support independent living of the growing ageing population. Indeed Europe itself represents a huge market to equip individual apartments, collective residences and social housing, which will allow older people not only a better access to services but also potentially stimulate growth and job creation in key sectors such as construction, ICT and services around housing. Adapting housing is a first step in a ‘prevention approach’ that ensures the health and wellbeing of older people in their own home. The session will tackle three questions in a structured conversation with panellists and participants interventions: 1. What does an age-friendly home look like? 2. What are the Policies, funding programmes & strategies around age-friendly housing at regional level, at national level, at European level? 3. What are the Future Actions? Expected outcomes Identified areas of added value for European Commission action to promote age-friendly housing Input into the Silver Economy Agenda Ideas on innovative financing options to support age-friendly housing programmes Ideas on ways forward on Certification/Labels/Voluntary agreements Next steps Version 11 November D. ACTION GROUP EXPERIENCES Who Chairs: Peter Wintlev-Jensen, DG CNECT/ Ángela Bolufer de Gea, DG SANCO Target audience: members of the Action Groups Scope The first part of the session will be focused on a discussion on lessons learnt, good practices to be taken, pitfalls/barriers; bottlenecks that need to be addressed, needs/gaps to be filled; how to reach the SIP established targets; expectations for the future The second part of the session in plenary to assess the positive and negative aspects of the EIP in terms of positive aspects that have helped to the deployment of innovative solutions and should be explored further; negative aspects within the Action Groups and related to collaboration between working groups and how to address them and other needs/gaps that the current model should address Expected outcomes Lessons learnt from experiences, good practices; needs to be addressed at EC level; first insight into future work Partners' feedback on go how to improve the deployment of innovative solutions Version 11 November
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