Welcome to our Church November 16, 2014 Msgr. Mark A. Campbell Pastor [email protected] In Residence: Fr. Richard Hopkins Weekend Liturgies: Very Rev. Gary Sanders, OSA Deacons: William Klopchin and Scott Wall [email protected] Pastoral Assistant: Sr. Angela Meram, IHM [email protected] MASS TIMES SATURDAY: FIRST FRIDAYS: 5:30 pm (Cantor) 8:00 am & 5:30 pm Anointing of the sick SUNDAY: 7:30 am (Cantor) 9:00 am (Contemporary Choir) 11:00 am (Classic Choir) 5:30 pm (Youth Choir) WEEKDAYS: 8:00 am HOLY DAYS: As announced or visit website CONFESSIONS Saturdays 4-5p.m or call Rectory for appt. Call 858-453-0222 E-Mail: [email protected] Visit us on the Web www.omcsandiego.org Church Address: 3131 Governor Drive San Diego, CA 92122 Tel: 858-453-0222 Fax: 858-453-2547 Send a blank e-mail to [email protected] to receive alerts. November 16, 2014 THE ADVENT VIRUS Fr. Mark WARNING - ADVENT VIRUS: Be on the alert for symptoms of inner Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. The hearts of a great many have already been exposed to this virus and it is possible that people everywhere could come down with it in epidemic proportions. It is transmittable by merely smiling at another person. This could pose a serious threat to what has, up to now, been a fairly stable condition of conflict in the world. Some signs and symptoms of The Advent Virus: •A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experiences. •An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment. •A loss of interest in judging other people. •A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others. •A loss of interest in conflict. •A loss of the ability to worry. •Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation. •Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature. •Frequent attacks of smiling. •An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen. •An increased susceptibility to the love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it. Please send this warning out to all your friends. This virus can and has affected many systems. Some systems have been completely cleaned out because of it. Mass Readings & Intentions Sunday, November 16 Twenty third in ordinary Time 11:00 am Hrvoje Relja Kata & Marijan Moro Monday, November 17 Al Reginato RIP Lea Gilbreath RIP St. Elizabeth of Hungary Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday, November 18 Bill Sisterson RIP Dedication of the Basilicas of Ss. Peter and Paul; St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10 Wednesday, November 19 Donald Byrd RIP Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday November 20 Timothy Hilgeman RIP Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKETS Friday, November 21 Howard Strutzel RIP The Presentation-BVM Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Our Food Bank will be delivering Thanksgiving food baskets to needy families on Saturday Nov 22nd between 9:00-10:30 a.m. If you know of a person or family in our area who could benefit from a food basket please contact the rectory no later than Wednesday Nov 19th. If anyone is interested in helping deliver a couple of baskets in the University City and Clairemont area on Saturday Nov. 23rd, contact Mark Manthei at 858-272-2355. Saturday, November 22 Glenn Gould RIP St. Cecilia Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Mt 25:31-46 November 16, 2014 HOW OUR BULLETIN WORKS The J. S. Paluch company pays us, at OMC, for the privilege of printing and assembling our bulletin each week. Our parish receives a payment of $2000 a year from this company. The company derives its income from the advertising which you see towards the end of the bulletin. In a renegotiation of our contract with them we were able to add one additional page and have the whole bulletin printed in color, in higher definition than we have been used to. Our income from J.S. Paluch will remain the same for as long as our contract remains in place. They have been printing our bulletin since 1969. We are hoping to have the new format from “Christ The King of the Universe” Sunday, November 23, 2014. PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL Jim Dawson; Debbie Warner; Mike Ebipane; Mark Madden; Floyd Watson; Vince Palumbo; Michael Ables; Fr. Mike Cunnane, Santee; Alfredo & Martha Dipp; Therese Meehan; Joyce Pawlak; Ed Laukaitis; Margaret Kelly, Mitchel Beacom; MaryJane Maloney; Linda Frick; Irene Cowie; Victoria Davis and Doreen Lewis. PRAY FOR OUR DEPARTED LOVED ONES David Hopkins; Felix Bautista; Howard Strutzel; Justin Lee Banta; Robert Trenholm; Anthony Borsevich; Mary Crawford, Kata and Mariann Moro, Harvoya Reyah, Al Reginato, Bill Sisterson, Donald Byrd, Timothy Hilgeman, Rocky Cowell & Glenn Gould. COLLECTION FOR NATIONAL NEEDS Next weekend has been designated for the 2014 Collection for National Needs. Special envelopes will be available for the collection which supports the Black and Indian Missions, the Catholic Home Missions, the Catholic Communications Campaign, the Catholic Campaign for Human development and the Catholic University of America. As with all special collections, this will be collected after communion. Thank you for your continued generosity! PARISH CHRISTMAS DINNER SHOW Dinner by the French Gourmet, full no-host bar, music performed by the Pageant Children, The Youth Ministry, The Contemporary Choir plus skits, solos and quartets. All proceeds go to the youth program. $25 per adult, $10 per teenager and all kids 12 and under are free. Sunday, December 14, 2014 at 6:30pm. Call Ellie at 858-453-3554 or e-mail Ian at [email protected] for tickets. HELP FOR PARISHIONERS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Mary Ann Novak is in r enal failur e and is hoping for a kidney fr om a donor . Donors have to be tested. There is no charge of any kind to the donor at any time. Please call Mary Ann at 760-632-5462 or e-mail her at [email protected]. Zenaida Lucas would like to sell a couple of plots at El Camino Cemeter y in the Madonna section. If interested call her at 858-231-5150 Kathy DeVito is looking for a r oom with kitchen pr ivileges in Clair emont/UC. Please call if you can help 858-342-3503 Maria Luviano is an excellent car egiver who is looking for a position. She comes highly recommended by Maria Rulloda, whose mother she took care of during her life. Please call 360-440-3731 if you have a loved one who needs help. November 16, 2014 DATES TO REMEMBER AT OMC Tuesday, November 18, 2014 will be Dr . Cr easy’s last session before Thanksgiving. Friday, November 21, 2014. BLESSING OF MEMORIES: at 6:00 pm. Come and share your memories of wonderful people who meant something in your life. You are encouraged to bring photographs, mementos and anything which means something to you. This might also be a great time to left go or hurt and to forgive someone who hurt you. There will be a potluck meal downstairs in the Hall after the service. November 27, 2014. THANKSGIVING DAY: Come and give thanks to God for what you have in your life.. The good, the bad… and everything else. Come and do this before you do anything else on this special day. People who give thanks continually are generally happy people. Mass at 9:00 am. We will collect food at this Mass as we have in the past. December 1, 2014: 7:00 pm TAIZE SERVICE…Let go of your Christmas stress. Relax while singing soothing music and praying. Rest in the Lord! Prepare for His coming! December 5, 2014: VENITE ADOREMUS.. Christmas with the Classic Choir .. call/text 858-736-4128 December 6 & 7, 2014: MYSTICAL ROSE GUILD HOLIDAY BAZAAR. After all our weekend Masses except the Sunday 5:30 Mass. Come down to Serra Hall and buy that special gift for that special person. December 8, 2014. THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION: There will be Masses at 8:00 am and 5:30 pm. THIS IS A HOLY DAY OF OBLIGATION. Sunday evening Mass does not fulfill the obligation to celebrate Mass on the Feast day itself….. December 14, 2014: CHRISTMAS PAGEANT DINNER SHOW: Call 858-453-3554 December 16, 2014: PARISH PENANCE SERVICE. TWO SERVICES. One at 3:30 pm and BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT If you have lost a loved one, you are invited to join our OMC Bereavement Support Group. They meet on the first, second and fourth Fridays, 10:15 to 11:30 am, Serra Hall, St. Katharine Drexel HEALING TOUCH Healing Touch:Nov.12, 2014. In December the dates ar e the 3r d and the 10th. Sessions ar e from 9:30am- 10:15am & 10:30am - 11:15 am.as usual. There will be a healing Touch Class Level 1 on January 24 and January 31, 2015. The class will be taught by Yvonne Wultz. Call Blanca Paloma for further information: 858-274-2035 SENIOR LUNCHEON Thursday, November 20th at noon. J oin us for a tr aditional Thanksgiving Tur key Lunch at noon followed by one of our favorite entertainers, Mair Rathburn and her harp. Sign in at 11:30, lunch at noon. Please sign up in the Gathering Space. Call Ellie at (858)453-3554 SPECIAL CHAIR YOGA—ALL ARE WELCOME We now have a special 45 minute yoga class for those unable to get down on the floor. Structured as a chair yoga class, the class can be done from a chair or even a wheelchair. The class will be accessible for everyone, so that it is inclusive for all ability levels. The class will be taught by certified instructor, Sara Mitteer. Sessions will be very Wednesday, at 10:00 am. Suggested donation of $5 per person per session. The Knights of Columbus will remember and pray for all deceased knights and their ladies at Mass on Thursday, November 20, at 5:30 pm. It will be followed by a potluck reception in the hall. All are welcome. Please bring a dish of your choice. November 16, 2014 PARISH DIRECTORY AND PARISH MINISTRIES Parish Office open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Closed between Noon and 1:15 pm. Adult Formation: (RCIA) Deacon Scott Wall 858-453-0731 [email protected] Altar Server Formation: Deacon Scott Wall [email protected] Adult Community: Danny Phan (Young Adults) [email protected] Nancy Wesseln 858-847-0724 [email protected] Liturgical Minister Scheduling: Mike Caparelli [email protected] Weekday Masses: (Lector s & E. Minister s) Elaine Warner 858-453-4006 [email protected] Music: Charlotte Deane 619-284-8071 (9:00 am & Sun. 5:30 pm) Glenn D’Abreo 858-736-4128—voice or text [email protected] (Sat. 5:30 pm & 11:00 am) Tony Gril (pianist & organist–weddings & funerals) 619-546-4665 [email protected] Parish Office: Judy Alcaraz 858-453-0222 (Administrator) [email protected] Glenn D’Abreo (Office & Bulletin) 858-453-0222 voice/text 858-736-4128 [email protected] Religious Education: Preschool, Grades 1-6 Sr. Angela Meram, IHM 858-453-3554 [email protected] Ellie McGlynn 858-453-3554 [email protected] Weekend Sacristans: Kristi Keith 858-453-9640 Holy Folders: JoAnne Barbieri 858-453-0683 Birthline: Mary Sexton 858-453-3395 Food Bank: Mark Manthei 858-272-2355 Adopt-A-Senior/Bereavement Support: Lenore Martinez 858-412-5123 Parish Outreach Program: Hotline 858-461-8356 [email protected] Healing Touch: Blanca Paloma 858-274-2035 Knights of Columbus: Tom Berge 858-623-8572 Grief & Healing: Margaret Gurney 858-453-7617 Weekend & Weekday Lector Training: Marty Linville 619-723-5444 [email protected] Mystical Rose Guild: Jean Weller 858-274-5372 Marianne Rauch 858-455-9417 Coffee & Doughnuts: Claire Shaughnessy 858-587-1407 [email protected] Dusty Reisch 858-414-3101 [email protected] Centering Prayer: Michele Lambotte 858-558-9386 Fran Cardoza 858-246-9495 Matrimonial Advocate: (Annulments) Janie Hoffner 858-453-0721 [email protected] Liturgy: Kathleen Gerry 858-587-0848 [email protected] Ushers: Plant Manager: Youth and Young Adults: [email protected] Sacristan Scheduling: Jack Beresford 858-453-7695 [email protected] Grades 7-High School & 18+ Ian Mascarenhas 858-453-3554 John Ohle 619-905-3526. Kristi Keith 858-453-9640 CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD Volunteer at the 9:00 am Mass to help share God’s Word with children. If you are interested, please contact Ian, (858) 453-3554 or e-mail him at [email protected] November 16, 2014 DELIVER THEM FROM EVIL TJ Zerr USN Alexander R. Ross US ARMY Brendan Schmutte USN-EOD Bob McDevitt DHS Joseph J. Ring USN Chad Addison US ARMY Catherine White US ARMY Cdr. Matthew Hannon USN Sgt. Maj. Sean Greenleaf USMC HM3 Ryan P. Flynn USN Evan Wheeler USMC Tommy Gillen and Cathy White are now home, safe and sound, with their families. Thanks be to God, and thank you Tommy and Cathy for your service to our Nation. GOD BLESS YOU and yours! FATHERS AND SONS BREAKFAST Fathers and Sons ar e invited to Br eakfast hosted by BENEDICTUS, a ministr y to Catholic men. The breakfast will be on Saturday Dec ember 13, 2014 from 8:00 am to 11:000 am at in the Church of the Resurrection Hall. Fr. John Dolan will be the featured speaker. Live music will be provided by “True Presence”. The church is located at: 1445 Conway Drive, Escondido, CA 92027. For more information contact Mark Emerson at 760-703-9407 or e-mail triemerson@ Hotmail.com VENITE ADOREMUS … MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA Glenn D’Abreo will be outside church after all the weekend Masses. If you haven’t bought your tickets yet, this will be your chance to do it. We have only a few tables left. VENITE ADOREMUS is a Christmas Musical Extravaganza featuring our Classic Choir and some superb soloists in wonderful Traditional/Classical Christmas Music and a carol sing-along! Dinner (three course, salad and side), No-Host Bar (Cocktails, wine, beer and sodas), Raffles and door prizes… $30 per person. reserved seating… YOUNG ADULTS-(20's and 30's) Saturday, Nov. 22nd Thanksgiving Mingle at OMC! 7:00pm in the hall This is a joint event with the Adult Community! Spread the word! Danny takes care of the turkeys, potatoes and gravy. The rest is potluck! RSVP to [email protected]! DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO YOUNG ADULT CHRISTMAS GALA REGISTER NOW online at www.yamsd.org Come join 200+ single and married Catholic young adults (21-39 yr) for great food, dancing and fellowship on Sat, Dec.13th from 6:30pm11pm at All Hallows Parish Hall- 6602 La Jolla Scenic Dr, 92037. There will be a catered dinner, DJ, dancing and a cash bar. Dress is cocktail attire and IDs required to get in. Please bring an unwrapped toy for a child in Mexico. Cost is $25. ATTENTION OMC YOUNG ADULTS! Want to sit together? After you purchase your ticket, email [email protected] and he will organize our table(s)! Purchase your ticket(s) soon. Email [email protected] and ask to be added to our weekly email list! ADULT COMMUNITY- Ages 35+ Attention: Singles 35-55. November 16th Mass and Happy Hour 5:30pm Mass and Our Mother of Confidence and Happy Hour at Roys in UTC!At Mass, we will be sitting in the back/center/right area of church. Contact [email protected] Saturday, Nov. 22nd. Thanksgiving Mingle at OMC! Joint event with the Young Adults (see above!) RSVP to [email protected]
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