ORGANIZATIONAL BROCHURE INTRODUCTION Gulf Engineering Council (GEC) is an independent, not-for-profit organization established for the purpose of providing international accreditation to academic institutes offering engineering education on different degree levels. GEC is the only recognized accrediting body across the Gulf that has built a quality assurance model parallel to the international standard for engineering education to bring the academic standards of the Gulf institutions at par with the international academic institutes. GEC has been providing leadership and quality assurance in engineering higher education to institutes established in the Gulf since its establishment. GEC has been providing guidance and assistance to engineering institutions to set up their education management system and revise their academic programs on a regular basis to incorporate the latest developments in the field of Engineering. GEC has been providing services to institutions established in Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, UAE and Saudi Arabia. GEC provides international accreditation after a careful assessment of their overall performance. GEC has designed a quality assurance framework that is consistent with the goals of tertiary education and standards of learning in the Gulf countries. Gulf Engineering Council offers Equalization Certificate for students as well as working adults, seeking education and employment in the Gulf and MENA region, which have completed their prior qualifications at an institute outside the Gulf region. Equalization Certificate from AAC ensures that the educational certificates held by an individual are equivalent to the standards of education followed by the Higher Education Commission in Saudi Arabia. “ MISSION To promote quality and innovation in engineering education and assist in the development and advancement of engineering institutions established in the Gulf. “ 23 VISIONS & GOALS: The goal of Gulf Engineering Council is to promote and support the engineering profession and develop and upgrade engineering standards across the Gulf region. The vision and goals of GEC are as follows: 1. Setting criteria and standards of practicing and developing engineering profession 2. Laying down necessary rules, regulations, and assessments for obtaining professional degrees in engineering 3. Publication of studies, researches, and statistics related to engineering divisions and branches, and issuance of professional and scientific magazines. 4. Organization of courses, conferences, symposia, and exhibitions relating to the profession and participation therein. 5. Submission of technical advice in its area of specialization in accordance with regulations to be approved by the Council’s Board of Directors. OBJECTIVES The objective of GEC is to contribute in raising the standard of engineering education in academic, training, and professional engineering fields aiming to provide quality education and produce leading engineers. GEC’s objectives include the following: 1. To coordinate with engineering universities and support their efforts in continuous revision of policies and educational programs in academic, training, and professional fields including: - skill development of students - standards, eligibility criteria and rules for university admission - effectiveness and relevancy of curricula - continuous development in light of the technical advancement in the engineering field. - regular resource training programs and graduation projects. 2. To assess competency of engineering graduates with requirements of the market 3. To work and participate in organizing technical and professional engineering seminars and conferences. 4. To encourage compilation and translation works. 3 ACADEMIC ACCREDITATION GEC offers accreditation to academic institutes offering engineering education. GEC encourages institutions in the Gulf States to demonstrate competence in imparting academic excellence in the field of Engineering and its various specialized sectors. GEC assesses institutions on the basis of its standard criterion for engineering institutions in maintaining adequate quality, including the structure, learning outcomes achieved, educational process and resourcing and sustainability. GEC provides academic accreditation to engineering institutes and universities established across the Gulf States. In evaluating institutions, GEC applies common accreditation criteria, policy and processes. Each program will have appropriate standards, including statement of outcomes to be achieved in the program and curriculum structural requirements, criteria such as the quality of teaching and learning will have a common form for all types of programs. These common criteria, policies and procedures are currently applicable to the accreditation of engineering programs. BENEFITS OF GEC ACCREDITATION: • Assurance Of International Standards Institutions acquiring accreditation licenses prove assurance of its education based on international standards of excellence. • International Recognition The GEC’s license of accreditation provides an institute with international recognition and a place among the best academic institutions in the world • Professional Development Accrediting agencies provide regular assistance to enhance improvement and development in an academic institution • Research & Institutional Improvement GEC through its system of quality assurance helps develop academic institutes in improving the research units. 4 GEC ACCREDITATION PROCESS: You can also be a part of our growing network of members in Gulf countries as well as internationally. GEC's accreditation process is simple and quick. Step 1: Register Online Submit your institution's details and register for international accreditation grant status. GEC's support staff will guide in the submission of online application. Step 2: Submit Documents Submit documents verifying your application details. This will also validate your information, submitted earlier. Step 3: Candidacy Status You will get a candidacy status from GEC, which will make your institution eligible for complete accreditation. GEC will provide your institution a QA Model score. Step 4: Evaluation Process As soon as GEC verifies your documents and information, your institution will receive accreditation and the benefits. Step 5: Accreditation Status Once your institution receives accreditation status, GEC will continue to evaluate the institution regularly, to ensure that you have integrated standards defined by GEC within your institution. GEC ACCREDITED UNIVERSITIES K AL-KHIRAN ENGINEERING U N I V E R S I T Y EQUALIZATION CERTIFICATION 5 Website E-mail [email protected]
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