FREEPORT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 211 Fourth Street, Freeport, Pennsylvania 16229 Telephone and fax: 724-295-2476 Email: [email protected] Office hours: Mon - Thurs 10:00-3:00 Jim Young, Pastor Lisa Hanz, Secretary/Treasurer Volume 5, No.11 from the Pews from FUMC November, 2014 Do you ever get tired of trite, simplistic, pat answers to difficult questions? I do. I saw this on Facebook today: The sentiment is sweet and in many cases, most in fact, the message holds true: faith does enable us to cope, trying times usually do pass; patience often leads to fulfilled dreams and living through pain certainly produces endurance, character and hope. (Romans 5:3-4) However, there are times when real life throws us a curveball we just can’t hit: chronic pain with no realistic relief in sight, tragic and unexpected loss that defies explanation, a diagnosis of a cruel and terminal illness, brutal memories that never seem to fade. When we face situations such as these trite, simplistic, pat answers fall flat and can even be hurtful. Where do we turn to find the support we need in situations that are beyond our own strength? Where do we find hope when there isn’t any to find? As a pastor, I’m expected to have a pretty good handle on how our system of belief responds to difficult, seemingly hopeless circumstances. For example, the Christian doctrine of faith is foundational; we base our message of salvation and the promise of eternal life on putting one’s faith (trust, belief, confidence) in the forgiveness of sin through Jesus’ work on the cross and His victory over death on the Day of Resurrection. It is that faith that tells us that ultimately, no matter what happens here on earth, we have a glorious hope that is beyond our wildest imaginations. When we wrestle with life and death issues it is this promise to which we cling. Having faith in Christ is the central message of the entire Bible; it is THE GOOD NEWS, in all times, in all places, for all people. But how does that help me get through today when I hurt so bad I can’t stand up, or my mind is in such turmoil that I can’t think straight, or I’m so depressed I don’t even want to get out of bed? Solid doctrine and sound theology are great, but today I need something more. When we are in a sincerely difficult, seemingly hopeless place what we typically crave is a friend and companion; someone to lean on and hold us, someone to understand our tears, frustration and anger, someone to love us in the midst of our brokenness, someone that doesn’t expect us to just “get over it” or “get right with God and get ‘happy’”, someone that accepts our humanness, just as we are – not only as we “should be”. You have probably heard me say something like, “true Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship.” The difference between religion and relationship is the difference between: Being a member of the church and being a child of the living God. Knowing the autobiography and knowing the One Who wrote of the Book. Understanding systematic theology and having the Spirit give you understanding. Measuring people by the rules and being forgiven when you don’t measure up. Seeing God as the Law Giver and knowing the Lord as “Lover of my soul”. Knowing the doctrinally ‘right’ answers and knowing that you are truly loved. Religion is impersonal, cold, analytical, calculated, intellectual, and ultimately lifeless. Religion provides the unyielding framework for pat answers; religion establishes simplistic absolutes that compress people’s lives into uncomfortable contortions or forces them to compartmentalize secular from sacred, church from state, Sunday morning from the rest of the week. But a relationship with God is everything religion is not. Relationship is personal, heart-felt, honest, flexible, forgiving, encouraging, and life-giving; relationship gives you a Friend and Companion that walks with you through all of life. Our minds may want some religion, but our souls hunger for relationship, especially when that curveball is headed in our direction. If you are going through one of those times when circumstances are overwhelming, my prayer is that the Lord wraps His arms around your soul, providing perfect peace; may your Friend give you His comfort and His strength; may you catch a glimpse of how much He loves you. If your life is ‘good’ right now, that’s great. Nonetheless, I encourage you to seek His presence and cultivate a deep, personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Learn to discern His voice, see His movement in and around your life, and obey His guidance; because, someday, you will need that Someone to lean on that you can call ‘Friend’. Sincerely in Jesus’ Name, Pastor Jim GREETERS 2 – Jim and Margie Swartz 9 – Chuck and Debbie Sarver 16 – Alex and Janeann DeLeon 23 – Grace Fatchet 30 – Gayle Brenneman ******************** LAY READERS 2 – Cassandra Steinke 9 – Cassandra Steinke 16 – Edith Smock 23 – Edith Smock 30 – Elaine Brenneman ******************** NURSERY ATTENDANTS 2 – Janene DeLeon & Shannon Murdock 9 – Janene DeLeon & Gayle Brenneman 16 – Janene DeLeon & Ashley Kuhn 23 – Janene DeLeon & Mandy Crytzer 30 – Janene DeLeon & Dee Baum ******************** CHANCEL FLOWERS 2 – Grace VanDyke 9 – Harry Crytzer 16 – Paul Mainhart 23 – Jason and Gayle Furer 30 – Curt and Suzanne Frampton ****************** BIRTHDAYS IN NOVEMBER 2 – John Geist - Suzanne Frampton 4 – Judith Mitchell 6 – Debbie Sarver 7 – Grace McQueen* 8 – Matthew Fergus 9 – Ella Mae Beale* 11 - Carol Hale - Cole Clepper 13 – Renee Alchier - Hope Albaugh 17 - Larry Smith* 18 - Sabrina Surgil 20 – Joni Lauffer 21 - Jackson Murdock 26 - Jane Bures Hunt 27 - Zane Geist ******************* * -Denotes the 80 and over club. Please wish these people a special happy birthday! **If we do not include your birthday, it is probably because we do not have the date on file. If you do want your birthday published, be sure that the office. ********************************* MEMBERS AT HOME These are the “members-at-home” for the month of November. Since they are unable to get out and come to church, a card, letter, or a visit from you would be greatly appreciated. November 2 - Sue Snyder Rosebrook 723 South Pike Road Sarver, PA 16055 9 – Georgeanne Swartz Chicora Medical Center 160 Medical Center Road 1st Floor – Fairgrounds 314-B Chicora, PA 16025-2612 16 - Harrison and Ella Mae Beale 593 Freeport Road Freeport, PA 16229 23 - Mardelle Humes 190 Parker Road Sarver, PA 16055 30 - Amber and Tina Peck 617 Shook Drive Freeport, PA 16229 ************************ COMMUNION STEWARD -Lenora Hancock- Remember, on Sunday November 2, daylight savings time ends. Make sure you turn your clocks back one hour on Saturday, November 1st . (So you’re on time for church and Sunday school) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OUR FAITHFULNESS AT WORSHIP DAY 10/5/14 10/12/14 10/19/14 10/26/14 TOTAL 83 71 77 68 Average 75 Please come and join us on Sunday! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The names of the members of our congregation who have been a member for 50 years will be recognized on Sunday, November 2nd . The people who will be acknowledged this year is Linda DeMeno and Diana Risch. Last year’s 50-year member was Anne Bish. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VITAL STATISTICS Anniversaries: Harry & Regina Crytzer, Nov. 1st , (65 years). Michael & Casie Rock, November 5th . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The Freeport Food Bank is always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in helping, below are some ways you can assist: Distribution to clients: 1st Tuesday of each month: 4 to 6 p.m. at the VFW (lifting required) The commemoration of All Saints Day will be held on Sunday, November 2nd at the 10:45 a.m. worship service. During this special service, the names of the members of our congregation and any loved ones who have passed away during the year will be remembered. A family member or friend will receive a rose in their remembrance. The members of the congregation and loved ones we hold in remembrance for All Saints Day are Janice Strausser, Harold Donnell, Fern Ruppersberger, Ruth Hale, John Costantino “Cossy” (Sue Bowser’s father), Fred Swartz, and Jim Donner (Kathy Young’s father). Please join us on November 2nd for this meaningful worship service. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Food Bank Board Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of each month: at FUMC at 9:00 a.m. Food delivery: 2nd Friday of the month: 11 am – 12 noon (lifting required) Food delivery: Last Tuesday of the month at the VFW from 9 – 10 a.m. (lifting required) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Our Sunday School children will be distributing grocery bags in Church on Sunday, November 2nd for you to fill with non-perishable food items, paper products, bath soap, etc. If you would like to donate, please bring filled bags to the Church by Sunday, November 16th. You may place your bags in the Narthex (to the left) as you enter the Church. Thank you, in advance, for your help for those in need in our community. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Anyone who would like to rent the social hall for showers, birthday parties, etc. should call the office at (724) 295-2476, and we will take down the information to bring it to the Administrative Board for final approval. Thank you. Just a reminder, anyone who would like to use the social hall for any event, please call the office to make sure that date is open to avoid any conflicts since the calendar may change from when the newsletter goes out. Thank you. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This November newsletter mailing includes a special Thanksgiving offering envelope. Please drop it in the offering plate or mail it to Freeport UMC, 211 Fourth Street, Freeport, PA 16229. Thank you for your support. If you are receiving your newsletter by email, it will be in the November 2nd bulletin. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ On Tuesday, October 21st, Joann Singer, Edith Smock, Colleen Crytzer, and Gayle Brenneman went visiting some of our members-at-home who are no longer able to come to church as they would like. First on the list was Jim Cattley. After a lot of driving (we weren’t sure where we were going) and some directions from Mr. Cattley, who we had to call on the phone (thank goodness for cell phones), we found the house (next time we will follow the GPS). Jim would like to be with us for Sunday worship more, but is unable to drive that far anymore. He recalled about his experience when coming to choir practice in which he had no brakes coming down Freeport Hill and wrecked his car. It was a scary experience for him. We had a very nice visit and learned more about Jim’s family and his grandchildren and children. We left Mr. Cattley’s and went to Longwood where Dick and Betty Wilson live. We had a nice lunch and Betty got caught up on the news from Freeport. We then went to see Dick at their apartment and had a very nice visit with them. Our last visit was to see Edith Beale at the Presbyterian Senior Care Home. Edith is going to be 94 on her next birthday. She was very delightful to talk to. She knows and remembers a lot about Freeport. Edith told us about going to Detroit to live with her uncle during the war. She was one of Rosie the Riveters (working on the airplanes) and after a short while, became an inspector. It was a great story, and if you know Edith at all, you know it must have been very hard for her to leave her family and friends and go away to Detroit. When she came back from Detroit, she married Harold Beale. They were almost married for 25 years (he passed away the day before their 25th wedding anniversary). Edith misses Freeport terribly, but realizes she has to be at the home, and she likes her surroundings and says she enjoys the people. All in all, it was a great day for all of us. I think we on the visiting team received as much enjoyment from the visits as our members-at-home do. We would like more volunteers on the visiting team. If you think you would enjoy it as much as we do, please contact anyone from the visitation team (Joann Singer, Gayle Brenneman, Dolores Fowler, Dee Baum, Lenora Hancock, Edith Smock, and our newest member, Colleen Crytzer). +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TURKEY & BISCUIT DINNER Freeport Kiwanis and will hold a turkey and biscuit dinner on Saturday, November 8th from 4 – 7 pm at the Freeport United Methodist Church benefiting the Freeport Area High School Swim Team. The price is as follows: (Take out is available) Adults: $8.00 Children 6 and under : FREE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SPAGHETTI DINNER BENEFIT donate a baked good, please email Joe Weltner at [email protected]. For more information on the Freeport Grows Community Garden, please visit their website: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CHRISTMAS POINSETTIAS It is time once again to order poinsettias to decorate the sanctuary for Christmas. If you would like to provide a poinsettia(s) in memory of or in honor of a loved one, friend or even a Sunday school class or teacher, please complete the order form below, tear off and place it in the offering plate or return it to the church office. The Freeport Renaissance Association is sponsoring this event but this is a benefit for the Freeport Grows Garden. DEADLINE for ordering is November 30th . Make checks payable to: Freeport United Methodist Church. Indicate for “poinsettias”. PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR ORDER. Freeport Grows Community Garden is a Gold Award project for Freeport Senior High School student Riley Farneth. The garden will be located on 5th Street beside Wolfie’s Pizza Hearth. THE COST IS $7.50 per plant. You have two color choices (red or white) of a 6” potted poinsettia. Please fill in how many of each color you want. Riley can only accept a maximum of $250 total in donations; however, she can receive gift cards and supply donations with no limit. She is working very hard and getting this community garden put together, but changes in some details have made her occur more costs than anticipated. A few of us on the FRA thought it would be a great gesture to her and the community to put this spaghetti dinner on for her to raise funds. ALL proceeds will go towards her cause. When: Sunday, November 16th from 12pm – 6pm Where: Freeport United Methodist Church Social Hall Tickets: $7.00 presale (Tickets are on sale at The Canvas and Freeport Area Library) $8.00 at the door Eat in or take out We are also having a $1.00 dessert table. We can always use your help! If you are interested in volunteering to help at this event or would like to IN HONOR OF _____________________________________ IN HONOR OF _____________________________________ IN MEMORY OF _____________________________________ IN MEMORY OF _____________________________________ COLOR/HOW MANY: RED______________ WHITE ____________ GIVEN BY _____________________________________ PHONE NO.___________________________ AMOUNT INCLUDED $7.50 @ x ___________________ = _______________ (How Many) (Total) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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