Instructions for Use MOD Form 799/5(UAS)(DH III) (Established Jul 14) PPQ = 10 Change of Serviceability Log - MOD Form 707(UAS)(DH III) 1. General. The Change of Serviceability Log is used to record details of all faults and work required. This form also records details of all work done and provides details of the individuals undertaking the work; allowing full recording and certification of all work undertaken. 2. Insertion and Removal of MOD Forms 707(UAS)(DH III). MOD Forms 707(UAS)(DH III) are to be inserted and removed from the MOD Form 700C in accordance with the instructions for the Controlled Forms listed on MOD Form 799/1. The person removing a form is to ensure that the next Serial Number of Work (SNOW) in the sequence has been entered on the next MOD Form 707(UAS)(DH III). 3. Form Completion. An aircraft is placed unserviceable by raising an entry in its Change of Serviceability Log. 4. Reporting the fault. The person reporting the fault, or detailing the work required, is to complete the blocks as detailed in the sub-paragraphs below. In addition, if the UAS-p Acceptance (Fit To Fly) Certificate on the MOD Form 705(UAS)(DH III(AV)) has been completed, they are to inform the UAS-c immediately. a.SNOW. The SNOW is a 4-digit number that is to run consecutively up to a maximum of 9999, before recommencement at 0001 irrespective of when scheduled maintenance occurs. The sequence is to recommence at 0001 when the aircraft enters an appropriate Depth maintenance package as dictated by the PT. The work card calling up the Depth maintenance package will have a SNOW of 0001. 5. Clearing the fault. The authorized Operator/Maintainer certifies completion of the task by completing the blocks as detailed in the sub-paragraphs below. a.Complete the ‘Action Taken’ block of the Change of Serviceability Log entry by entering a synopsis of the work carried out. b.DTG. Enter DTG when the task was completed. c. Complete the ‘Certificate of Work' block by signing and printing their name and entering the total manhours expended. Notes: 1.Tool Control (See MAP-01 Chapter 6.1.1). Any unaccounted tool left in or on an aircraft poses a serious flight safety risk. Therefore, strict tool control procedures are required to prevent such occurrences. 2.In accordance with RA 4808 organizations within the Military Air Environment shall employ control procedures to ensure full accountability and traceability of all hand tools used on aircraft or aircraft associated system. 3.Whenever hand tools are required for use on an aircraft or associated system an appropriate entry must be raised in the Change of Serviceability Log in the Sympton/Work Required field as follows. Toolbox serial Number …… in use on aircraft, see MOD F757A Sheet…../ Line….. b.DTG. Enter the DTG when the aircraft was placed unserviceable. 4.On completion of all maintenance and once all hand tools have been returned to the issue centre, the open entry in the Change of Serviceability Log must be closed with the following entry in the Work Done field: c. Airframe (A/F) Hours. Enter the airframe hours, including the minutes or decimal hours, at which the aircraft was placed unserviceable. No hand tools currently allocated to this aircraft. Toolkit returned in accordance with RA 4808 and MAP-01 Chapter 6.1.1 d.Originators Printed Name. Print the name of the person entering the Symptom/Work Required. e.Originators Signature. Signature of the person entering the Symptom/ Work Required. f. Symptom/Work Required. Enter details of the unserviceability, symptom or work required.
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