Litterturlista FH 2105 Politiska styrmedel litteraturlista 2015-06

Termin 1 POL (Master)
Göteborgs universitet
Kurskod: FH2105
Litteraturlistan fastställd av prefekten: 2015-06-04
Litteraturlista för kursen Politiska styrmedel, 15 högskolepoäng
Considine, Mark (2005):
Making Public Policy. Institutions, Actors, Strategies.
Cambridge: Polity Press.
260 s.
Eliadis, Pearl; Hill; Margaret M. Hill; Howlett, Michael (red) (2005):
Designing Government. From Instruments to Governance.
Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
450 s.
Fischer, Frank (2003):
Reframing Public Policy. Discursive Politics and Deliberative Practices.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
250 s.
Salamon, Lester M (red) (2002):
The Tools of Government. A Guide to the New Governance.
New York: Oxford University Press.
670 s.
Artiklar och bokkapitel*
ca 200 s.
Valfri litteratur**
ca 300 s
TOTALT: 2130 s
De Bruijn, Hans A; Hufen, Hans A.M.(1998):
”The traditional approach to policy instruments”.
I Peters, Guy B; van Nispen, Frans K.M. Public Policy Instruments. Evaluating the
Tools of Public Administration.
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Hood, Christopher (2006):
“The Tools of Government in the Information Age”.
I Moran, Michael; Rein, Martin, Goodin, Robert E. The Oxford Handbook of Public
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jordan, Andrew: Wurzel, Rüdiger K.W; Zito, Anthony (2005):
“The Rise of ’New’ Policy Instruments in Comparative Perspective: Has
Governance Eclipsed Government?”.
I Political Studies, vol 53.
Lascoumes, Pierre; Le Gales, Patrick (2007):
“Introduction: Understanding Public Policy through Its Instruments – From the
Nature of Instruments to the Sociology of Public Policy Instrumentation”.
I Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions,
Vol 20, No 1. January 2007.
Peters, Guy B. (2000):
”Policy Instruments and Public Management: Bridging the Gaps”.
I Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, vol 10, no 1.
Rist, Ray C. (2006):
“Choosing the Right Policy Instrument at the Right Time: The Contextual
Challenges of Selection and Implementation”.
I Bemelsmans-Videc, Marie-Louise; Rist, Ray C; Vedung, Evert (2006):
Carrots, Sticks and Sermons. Policy Instruments and Their Evaluation.
New Brunswick & London: Transaction Publishers.
Valfri litteratur om 300 sidor väljs i samråd med lärare.