Document 433307

Margate Parish News
St Austin and St Gregory, Margate, with St Anne, Cliftonville
33rd Sunday Year A
16 November 2014
The Eternal Truths
and our life here on earth
“The day of the Lord will come like a
thief in the night.” (1 Thess 5.2) The
Day of the Lord for us individually may
be the end of the world or, more
likely, our own death. At this time of
the year, we are reminded of the four
last things, also called “the eternal
truths”: death, judgement, hell and
heaven. Very many of the saints left
us powerful sermons and writings on
these important truths.
Our culture shuns talk of death and
eternal life. Yet since our life on earth
is short and we face eternity, it is only
sensible that we take time not only to
ponder these things prayerfully, but
also to order our lives prudently in the
light of eternity.
St Augustine said “God promises us
His grace, he does not promise us tomorrow.” If we are in a state of grace,
we do not need to fear death; that is
why St John Bosco said that his principal aim in life was “To remain in a state
of grace.” This attitude is not simply
“other-worldly,” since remaining in a
state of grace requires avoiding sin
which harms ourselves and others, and
carrying out works of charity by which
we make this world a better place.
Awareness of our death is embedded in our faith and prayers. At the
Mass, we “look forward to the resurrection of the dead,” pray to be delivered from eternal damnation, ask to
share in eternal life with the saints,
and await the blessed hope of the
coming of Christ. Every day, we ask our
Lady to pray for us sinners, “now and
at the hour of our death.” Let us
deepen our awareness of the eternal
truths so that we live better lives here
on earth and enjoy God’s presence for
to Saint Joseph
a Happy
of theDeath
At both St Austin’s and St Anne’s, there
are statues of Saint Joseph. As he was
accompanied at his death by Our Lord
and Our Blessed Lady, he is traditionally invoked as the patron of the dying
and an intercessor for a happy death.
Here is a traditional prayer to St Joseph
for a happy death:
Glorious St. Joseph, behold I
choose thee today for my special
patron in life and at the hour of my
death. Preserve and increase in me the
spirit of prayer and fervour in the service of God. Remove far from me every
kind of sin; obtain for me that my
death may not come upon me unawares, but that I may have time to
confess my sins sacramentally and to
bewail them with a most perfect understanding and a most sincere and
perfect contrition, in order that I may
breathe forth my soul into the hands
of Jesus and Mary. Amen
Mass and Induction
Thank you
Many thanks to our Deacons, altar servers,
and choir for their assistance at the Mass
and Induction on Tuesday. Special thanks
also to all those who helped prepare and
serve the buffet afterwards, and thanks to
all of you who welcomed Fr Paul Mason
and our guests from the other Christian
Churches and communities in Margate.
Christmas Fair at Cliftonville
Sunday 30 November
The Christmas Fair at St Anne’s, Cliftonville,
will take place on Sunday 30 November
after the 10am Mass. Raffle tickets are on
sale after Mass at £1 a strip.
Volunteers are needed for the stalls. Please
sign the list at the back of the Church.
Christian and Marjorie will be at the back of
the Church and in the Hall if you have any
Items are needed for the raffle, tombola,
and bottle tombola, as well as books, toys
and fancy goods. These will be collected at
the back of the Church.
For the Faithful Departed
After weekday Mass during November,
there will be prayers at St Joseph’s altar for
the Faithful Departed.
Donations in the Holy Souls box are used
for Masses for the Holy Souls in general.
This is a good way to remember the forgotten souls in purgatory who have nobody to
pray for them. For particular intentions,
please use the ordinary Mass envelopes
There are forms available for you to write
the names of your deceased relatives and
friends. These will be placed on the High
Altar during November.
Visits to the sick
and housebound
If a family member or a parishioner is ill,
housebound, or in hospital or the hospice,
and would appreciate a visit, please let us
know. Fr Godfrey Holdstock (07913 774
327) oversees the visits in the St Anne’s
part of the parish; for the rest of the parish,
please contact Fr Finigan (220 825 or
[email protected]) Please do not
assume we know. We would rather be told
several times than overlook someone.
News and Events
Out and about
Francis Griffin RIP
Readers’ Rotas
Catholic Herald
The Requiem Mass will be at 10am at St
Austin’s, Margate on Tuesday 18 November, followed by burial at Margate cemetery. (There will be no 9am Mass that day.)
If you are a Sunday reader, please take the
envelope marked with your name. This
includes a revised rota until 10/11 January.
A good way of keeping up with news about
the Church and good articles on spiritual,
moral and theological issues, is to take a
Catholic newspaper for your home.
Mass at St Gregory’s School
Wednesday 19 November
This Wednesday, Fr Finigan will celebrate
Mass at St Gregory’s school at 9.10am for
the classes in Key Stage 1. Parents and
Grandparents are welcome to attend the
Fr Godfrey Holdstock away
Fr Godfrey Holdstock will be away this
week from Wednesday to Friday. Please do
not ring his mobile telephone during this
time. In an emergency, contact Fr Finigan
Apologies, but there will be no Mass at St
Anne’s this Wednesday 19 Nov.
Of your charity,
pray for the repose of the soul of
Francis Griffin
who died recently.
Requiescant in pace
St Austin & St Gregory, Margate
Saturday 15 Nov
5.00 pm
DRF Millie Hayden
Sunday 16 Nov
9.30 am
Pro populo
11.30 am Private intention
Monday 17 Nov
6.30 pm
Richard Collins RIP
Tuesday 18 Nov
10.00 am Funeral of Francis Griffin
Wednesday 19 Nov
12.00 pm Kathleen Dolan Anniv
Thursday 20 Nov
9.00 am
Margaret Mary Locke
Friday 21 Nov
6.30 pm
Val McLusky RIP
Saturday 22 Nov
9.00 am
Private intention
5.00 pm
Healy family DRF
Sunday 23 Nov
9.30 am
Mary & Tom Murray RIP
11.30 am Pro populo
St Anne, Cliftonville
Sunday 16 Nov
10.00 am Gabriel Falade RIP
Monday 17 Nov
10.00 am Gabriel Falade RIP
No Mass at St Anne’s on Wednesday
Friday 21 Nov
10.00 am Michael Carr RIP
Sunday 23 Nov
10.00 am Joan Whitty RIP
The rota for weekday readers, is posted on
the noticeboard in the Hall next to the
If anyone would like to read at Mass,
please drop a note to Fr Finigan or email
[email protected]
Advent Wreaths (St Austin’s)
Sat 29 November 2-4pm
A Family Workshop. Bases, candle-holders,
candles and evergreens will be provided at
a total cost of about £7.50. Bring along
your own decorations to add.
You will need to bring aprons, kitchen scissors, and secateurs. Help can be given to
start you off.
Children must be accompanied by an adult
who will be with them at all times.
Catholic Dilemmas
Fr Finigan writes a column each week for
the Catholic Herald called “Catholic Dilemmas” (published just under the leader article on the Letters page.) He would be
happy for you to propose a “Catholic Dilemma” of your own which may then be
answered in the newspaper.
New format soon
The Catholic Herald will soon be changing
to a weekly magazine with more emphasis
on feature articles, since many people now
access “breaking news” via the internet,
and a weekly newspaper can easily lag behind. Watch out for the new format Catholic Herald in December.
Advent Wreaths (St Anne’s)
sing to Our Lady is the Alma Redemptoris
Mater (“Loving Mother of the Redeemer.”)
This beautiful chant, dating back to the
11th century, is mentioned in the Canterbury Tales. There are copies available with
Wednesday 26 November at 10.30am
Volunteers will be making Advent wreaths
in the Church. If you are interested, see
Chris Barnes or Marjorie McGeown for
If you would like to hear the melody, check
the parish website where there is a YouTube video in which you can hear the anthem sung by the Benedictine monks of
Ganagobie in France.
If you are able to donate greenery from
your garden, that would be appreciated.
St Austin’s Thursday
Fellowship club
The Advent Wreaths will be blessed by Fr
Finigan at the 9.30am Family Mass on Sunday 30 November.
Marian Anthem for Advent
Alma Redemptoris Mater
From the first Sunday of Advent until Candlemas (2 February) the anthem that we
This friendly club for the over 50s meets on
the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month.
20 Nov Visit to St Gregory’s School with
entertainment by their bell ringers.
Catholic Church of Ss Austin and Gregory
with St Anne, Margate
St Austin & St Gregory: Victoria Road, Margate
St Anne: Eastern Esplanade, Cliftonville
Parish Website —
Parish Priest: Fr Timothy Finigan MA STL
38 Charlotte Place Margate CT9 1LP.
01843 220825. [email protected]
Assistant Priest: (St Anne’s & OL Star of the Sea):
Fr Godfrey Holdstock. 07913774327
10.15am; 4-4.45pm
Devotions: Lauds (Morning Prayer) Tuesday
8.40am; Rosary, Wednesday 11.30am; Eucharistic
Adoration, Thursday 8am-8.45am; Novena to Our
Lady of Perpetual Succour, Saturday after 9am
St Anne, Cliftonville
Sunday Mass: 10am
Weekday Masses: Mon, Wed, Fri 10am
Parish Deacons: Rev. Neville Gascoigne; Rev.
Ambrose Tuckell
Confessions: 9.30am Friday; 9.30am Sunday
St Austin & St Gregory, Margate
Eucharistic Adoration: Mon, Wed, Fri 9.30am
Sunday Masses: 5pm (Saturday) 9.30am, 11.30am
St Gregory’s RC Primary School & Nursery,
Nash Road Margate. 01843 221896
Weekday Masses: Mon 6.30pm (Latin); Tue 9am;
Wed 12noon; Thur 9am; Fri 6.30pm; Sat 9am
Confessions: Fri after 6.30pm Mass; Sat 9.45-
Ursuline College (RC Secondary School)
225 Canterbury Road, Westgate. 01843 834431