THE JOURNAL OF THE central coast LEAGUES CLUB JazzLeague P0 BOX 1360 GOSFORD NSW 2250 FAX 43224590 E mail: [email protected] ABN 97 898 349 607 [est. 1993] PATRON DOT WHITE PRESIDENT EILEEN LEDWIDGE HON. SEC. ROD GALE 4322 4591 (mob. 0404 144 201) VICE PRES. & EDITOR JOHN O’CONNOR 4352 2485 ISSUE 239 DECEMBER 2014 FREE LIVE JAZZ 2–5 EVERY SUNDAY [NO entry to room until tables & chairs are reset] NOVEMBER 23 The Jive Bombers Dancers’ Special on the BIG dancefloor in the Parkview Room – take lift near STAR Buffet Wishing all of the Jazz Family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy & Jazzy New Year WELCOMING NEW & RETURNING MEMBERS Susan Sinclair, Dianne Murray, Lesley Davies, ’Rene Jamison, Brian Broadman, Sinead Drummond, Ruth & Malcolm Beckett, Ruth Elliott, Paul Bruton. 30 Trevor’s JAZZ RIPPERS Quintet DECEMBER 7 Laurie Bennett All Stars with Marilyn Mendez 14 Jingle Boys Jazzband [Col, Jim, Chris & Dave with guests Paul Furniss & Hendo] + Jazzleague Members-Only Xmas party 5.30pm 21 28 WILDRICE George Washingmachine & his band 2015 JANUARY 4 John Mackie/Yuki Kumagai Jazz Band 11 Paul Furniss’ SAN FRANCISCO Jazz 18c The Robbers Dogs 25 Goldie’s SHEEPSHEARERS OZday band FEBRUARY 1 Jiri’s Red Hot Papas 8 Benny’s Boys 15c Bridge City Jazzband 22 TROMBONE POWER +JF@noon James Power Qtet C = Committee meeting 12.30 Scenic Lounge - Central Coast Leagues Club Sunday Jazz is "Family Jazz" every Sunday [Under 18’s must remain in the company of an adult] [For the information of members & their guests] LIVE JAZZ NEEDS YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT Show your support for LIVE JAZZ by joining/renewing. * First, Join the Leagues Club [for 1, 3 or 5 years] at the Main Entry Welcome Centre. * Then bring that CCLC card along to Sunday Jazz [preferably between 1- 3pm] and pay Jazzleague subs - $5 for 1 year / $10 - 3 yrs / $15 - 5 yrs [all gst incl.]. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to these members this month DECEMBER: Robert BROWN David CASEY Des FOSTER Harry HARMAN David HURLEY Bobbie MARTIN Jonathan SHAPCOTT Shen ZAPPIA Susan SINCLAIR Margaret WENDT Paul KNOX Janice BISSETT Helen LLOYD Donald MACKLIN Keith ROBSON Robyn WEIGE Cynthia BROOKS Geoff FURNISS Victor GLEESON David HALIFAX Mervyn LONGLEY John MARTINO Anne MILES William PERRY-HANCOCK Don Robertson Robert STAMMERS Margie HODGE Dot WHITE Also a reminder to check your VALID TO date, and If due, renew both CCLC & Jazzleague memberships separately. These members’ subs are now due: Robyn BROMHEAD Arch CANNON Joyce CRANE Anne HILL George KEELING Tina LARKIN Carmen PACE Theresa SATTAR If we have your birth month incorrect, or you’ve been omitted, please contact the Secretary any Sunday or email [email protected] Members-Only Christmas Sun 14 Dec 5.30-7.30 Chinese Banquet in Peking Garden Restaurant Jazz Member card MUST be shown & tickets [$15] paid by Sunday 7 Dec. Provide us with your list of 10 paid-up members or we will add you to a table. JAZZ FESTIVALS & OTHER EVENTS: Nov 29-30 New Ivanhoe Jazz Festival, Blackheath Nov 28-Dec 5 Norfolk Island Jazzes it up Dec 26-31 69th Aust Jazz Convention Swan Hill Vic ’15 Jan 1-3 Forbes JF 14-16 Thredbo Blues Feb 13-15 27th Grampians JF March 7-9 Kiama JF, 8-11 Inverloch JF Date change 14-15 Southern Highlands Jazz Bowral This information is published in good faith but its accuracy cannot be guaranteed… check the organiser/venue. If you are travelling away, we have contacts, prices, programmes, registration forms, details etc. where it has been provided. Check the noticeboard & “Festivals File” any Sunday. FRIDAY NIGHT JAZZ IN SYDNEY 7.30-10.30pm Club Ashfield - Bridge City JB & guests: Nov 21 Al Davey tp Peter Locke pi Jim Morrell dr 28 Paul th Furniss 70 Birthday Geoff Bull tp Gary Walford pi Joel Davis dr Dec 5 Geoff Power tp Peter Locke pi Joel Davis dr 12 Canberra Trio 19 Bill Dudley cnt Gary Walford pi Jim Morrell dr 26 no jazz Jan 2 no jazz 9 Bill Dudley ct Bradley Newman pi Jim Morrell dr 16 Paul Furniss ssx Frank Watts pi Graham Hilgendorf dr 23 Canberra Trio 30 George Washingmachine v Gary Walford pi graham Hilgendorf dr Feb 6 Bob Barnard tpt Frank Watts pi Jim Morrell dr 13 Al Davey tpt Peter Locke pi Lawrie Thompson dr 20 DQ’s 70! SATURDAY JAZZ IN SYDNEY 2-5pm Penrith RSL 4728 5200 Nov 22 Birdyard Big Band 29 Bob Gillespie & Friends Dec 6 Geoff Bull’s Finer Cuts 13 Bob Barnard 20 Jazz Express 27 Jeff Duff Jan 3 Maree Montgomery 10 Big Swing 17 Lionel Robinson 24 Errol Buddle 31 Mike Hallam Hot Five 3-6pm Windsor on Park, Town Hall Bob Henderson HENDO’s GIG continues at WINDSOR ON PARK Every Saturday The Bob Henderson Band plays in the 1st floor Bistro 3 – 6pm. It was originally for the month of September, after 7 years at Tailors, but they are to stay on…with $15 food specials between 3pm-7pm. A short stroll from Town Hall, cnr Park & Castlereagh St. .……………………………………………….. PO 1360 Gosford 2250 or Email: [email protected] MEMBERS’ LUCKY DRAW Every Sunday a lucky Jazzleague member who is present will win a $20 voucher*… about 3.45pm EVERY Sunday before the raffle. You have ‘til the Raffles end to claim a $20 shopping voucher [increases to $50 if not won after four weeks] or choose another prize from the raffle prize selection RADIO NEWS Members on local community radio: - Bill Nicol Sat 1-4pm & Harry Harman’s Rhythm Club Wed 1-4pm on Radio 50+ 93.3fm - Garry Bromhead Tue 10am-1pm & Colin Monk Fri 12noon - 3pm on Lake Macquarie www.97-3fm - Brian Bourne Jazz Night Thurs 8-11pm 2NUR 103.7fm - Albert Adm Voyager Int’l Music Sun 12-2pm coastfm 96.3 - Colin Monk Mon 8-12noon, Reg Davis Fri 8-10am, Russell Thornton Sat 10am-12noon…and [if you can’t make it to our Jazz] Reg Davis Sun 2-5pm on Jazz on Radio 24/7 Listen to Traditional Jazz, Swing & your favourite vocalists online at Peter Cowden’s Jazzology Radio Listen on your computer, tablet or mobile phone by visiting that site. Alternatively, access the station through “Shoutcast” or should your device not play Flash then find Jazzology Radio by Googling “Tunein Radio”. This broadcast is already heard worldwide and your ideas will help make it grow. Peter broadcasts from Woy Woy, NSW, Australia and is on air 24 hours 7 days a week. He is more than happy to play any of your requests emailed to [email protected] Locally owned specialist HI FI retailer with over twenty years of quality service & honest advice. HAVE MOVED WEST to 3/10 Kirrawee Rd, Gosford [off Glennie St behind Showground] Ph 4324 1247 Email [email protected] 9an-5pm Mon-Fri.: SYDNEY JAZZ CLUB: Jazz at the Squaddy 12.30-3, 2nd Wed month, $10 Kirribilli 16’ Berry Island Picnic 12-3 Dec 14 Creole Rice Pres 9719 3876 V/Pres 0417 417586 NEWCASTLE JAZZ CLUB Info: Pres. Judy Preston 4963 7237 ILLAWARRA JAZZ CLUB Info. 4285 1903 or 0403 750 724. NB dates & venues can change after publication – check first! ‘JAZZSCENE’ newsletter is published monthly and is available for collection Sundays in the Scenic Lounge. However, if you wish to have it mailed, you need to send your address + $7 postage p.a. to the Secretary. Alternatively, we will E-mail a copy to you FREE each month. E mail: Swinging coffee or brunch overlooking the beach. Every Wednesday morning around 10.30am a group of old & young musos gather for a blow on the terrace of the Surf Club at MacMasters Beach. The kiosk is open 9am for breakfast/coffee/lunch. It’s a great spot! For more information, ask “Ronnie the Raffle Seller”. JAZZnPIZZA at the AVO! Avoca Pizza & Pasta with Jiri Kripac’s band, 7pm Thurs fortnightly from Nov 20 BYO $9 - kids free, 4382 3506 Newsletter Deadline no later than 15th month prior. The Editor & Committee accept no responsibility for opinions expressed other than their own. Correspondence will be received c/- the Secretary.
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