– Saint Wendelin Holy Cross –

Sunday Bulletin
Thirty third Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014
Welcome to the tri –parish cluster of Catholic parishes:
Saint Wendelin – Luxemburg
Holy Cross – Pearl Lake (Marty)
Mary of the Immaculate Conception –Rockville
Pastoral Team: Fr. Ronald Weyrens, 320-248-1670 Fr. Roger Thoennes, 320-248-0777
 LeMay Bechtold, faith formation director  Tri-parish/diocesan website: www.lpr3in1.org  stclouddiocese.org
Liturgy this week
From Father Roger
In today’s Gospel from Saint Matthew, we hear about the
master who gives his servants the job of taking care of his
Mon., Nov. 17, Elizabeth of Hungary
money while he is gone. Most of the servants made more
8:30 am HC+ Deceased members of
money and were praised for it.
Andy and Celine Kunkel Family (RW)
But there was one servant who “played it safe” and buried
Eucharistic Adoration 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
the money under a rock. Those servants who invested
their money increased the master’s income but the one
Tues., Nov. 18, Weekday
who buried it under a rock gained nothing but what he
7:45 am LUX –St. Anne’s Ch. Women (RW)
was given. He could have gained much more if he took
7:00 pm MIC + Inge Seelen (RT)
the chance to believe in himself. We all are given talents
and gifts. We have to take the chance to use them.
Wed., Nov. 19, Weekday
With God, there is nothing impossible!
—Fr. Roger
7:45 am LUX+ + Cyril and Geraldine
Massmann (RT) School Mass
Catholic Charities Make God’s Love Visible Annual Campaign
8:00 am MIC+ All Souls (RW)
Catholic Charities is currently conducting this campaign by direct mail to every
household throughout the 16 counties that make up our diocese. Each year thouThurs., Nov. 20, Weekday
sands of people come to Catholic Charities looking for help and hope. With your
7:45 am LUX +Erna Keppers (RW)
help, Catholic Charities reaches out to them with outstretched arms, embracing the
Adoration following Mass until 8:00 pm
cold and hungry, the lost and the lonely, the young and the old.
8:00 am MIC– Rose Bidinger (RT)
Adoration following Mass until 7:00 pm
Fri., Nov. 21, Presentation of the BVM
8:30 am HC+ Sr. Marold Kornovich
School Mass
Sat., Nov. 22, Vigil of Christ the King
3:00 pm-LUX -Sacrament of Penance ( RT)
4:00 pm HC+ Don Nystrom (RT)
4:30 pm Sat. MIC + Mary Guthridge
5:30 pm Sat. LUX-For the People(RT)
Sun. Nov. 23, Feast of Christ the King
8:00 am Sun. HC+ Walter and Evelyn
9:00 am Sun. LUX + Joseph Kiffmeyer (RT)
10:00 am Sun. MIC –Cindy Koshiol (RW)
Parish support is critical for Catholic Charities to meet the growing needs of our
needy neighbors. Please note 100% of all donations stay in our diocese. When you
contribute, you have their pledge to use your gift wisely, to give your neighbors a
hand, to help those in need and to change lives. Thank you for Making God’s
Love Visible to our brothers and sisters in need.
St. Margaret of Scotland
Besides being the 33rd Sun. in Ordinary Time, today is also the feast of St. Margaret of Scotland, an 11th century queen known for her pious concern for the poor
and for bringing manners and etiquette to an otherwise “rough around the edges”
royal court.
She and her husband, King Malcolm, gave wonderful example to everyone by the
way they prayed together and fed crowds of poor people with their own hands. It
is said she would serve the poor and orphans before herself and she washed the
feet of the poor in imitation of Christ. All of this was done, no less, while she was
raising a family of 8 children!!!
Heavenly Father, help me to be like St. Margaret, never too busy or
“important” to serve the needs of others!
Faith Formation Notes: The next family session is Wed., Dec. 3,
6:30pm –7:45pm at Lux. Topic: Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Important dates: 1st Reconciliation, Sat., Jan. 24 at HC; 1st Communion
the weekend of April 11 & 12, and Confirmation, Sun. April 19 at St.
Mary’s Cathedral. Please keep in prayer all our young people.
MIC Catholic United Financial Matching Grant
Christmas Cookie sale: Cookies are $4.50 per
dozen or $40.00 for 10 dozen. Cookies go on sale
starting this weekend until Nov. 23rd, 2014 Order
by Calling Bonnie at 240-1420 or
Jean 255-9394. Pick up will be Dec. 4th, 2014.
Tri-Parish Cluster of Luxemburg, Pearl Lake and Rockville
Thirty third Sun., Ordinary Time  November 16, 2014
Saint Wendelin—Luxemburg
22714 State Highway 15 * St. Cloud, MN 56301-9208 * 320-251-6944 * e-mail: [email protected] * Fax: 320-654-9030
Parish Office/Secretary, Char Volkmuth—320-251-6944
> Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday, 8:30 am-12:30 pm
Faith Formation/DRE: LeMay Bechtold, 252-8486
Prayer Line: 320-251-5376
Celebrating the Sacraments
Baptism: Contact the parish office: 251-6944
Anointing of the Sick : Contact Fr. Ron or Fr. Roger
Marriage: Contact the parish office at least six months in advance.
Financial Blessings
for the Week of Nov. 9 2014
Figures from last weekend’s collection were not available for this
bulletin. They will be included in
this column next week.
Last Week’s Regular
Weekly Budget 2014/15
Shortfall Last Week
Shortfall Year to Date
Thank you for Your
Generous Sacrificial Support!!
Altar Servers
Wednesday, Nov. 19 at 7:45am
Will be notified
Saturday, Nov. 22 at 5:30pm
Andy T. & Samantha T.
Sunday, Nov. 23 at 9:00 am
Courtney G. & Kayla G.
Sat., Nov. 22 at 8:00 am :
Chuck/Michelle Denn, Jeff/Julie Frank,
John/Linda Kaiser, Jackie Koshiol, Bev
Loch, John/Judy Ludwig, Bob/Jeanine
Massmann, Vern/Cheryl Nies, Norb/
Sue Weber, Jean Schabel, Richard/
JoAnn Stang, Jim/Sandra Theisen, Delores Heid***
Too Busy for Christmas Cookie Baking? Just call Bonnie, 240-1420 or
Jean 255-9394 by Nov. 23rd. MIC
Catholic United Financial Matching
Grant Cookie Sale.
Mitten Knit-a-Thon for Charity…
will be Sat., Nov. 22, 10:00 am to 4:00
pm at the yarn shop at Rocking Horse
Farm on County Rd. 74. Beginners
welcome. Completed mittens will decorate the Mitten Trees at the farm until
January and then will be donated to
Catholic Charities or Second Harvest
Foodshelf Network. For more info call,
Carole Wurst 252-2996.
St. Wendelin Catholic School
Preschool to Grade 6
Principal: Lynn Rasmussen
Telephone: 320-251-9175
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 320-654-9030
Web: stwendelins.org
Parish News
Parish Meeting... All parishioners are invited to come to Mary Hall immediately following 9:00
am Mass today (Sun., Nov. 16) for a parish meeting. This will be a time of listening and future
planning. Come, share your dreams for our parish.
Welcome Child of God!...Congrats to Mark and Teresa Loehrer on the Baptism today of their son,
Isaac Quentin. Blessings always to Isaac and his family. We also welcome the Loehrer family to our
parish community!
Sharing Tree...All are invited to take part in this project which reminds us of the
essence of the Christmas season, to reach out to others. For families receiving help,
each member is assigned several tags of one item each, so feel free to take multiple
tags if you wish. Please follow the procedures on the instruction sheet (under the
tree) and bring your gifts back wrapped and with the tag securely attached by
Dec. 6/7. Any questions, call Tony/Kelly Knier, 252-6412.
Group 5 Members...donations are needed for your breakfast raffle on December 14th. If you have
an item to give, please call Kathy Watrin at 253-4252 by today, Sun., Nov. 16.
St. Anne’s Christian Women Meeting...is rescheduled from Nov. 11 to tomorrow, Mon., Nov.
17 in Mary Hall; fellowship at 6:30, meeting at 6:45. Refreshments by Brenda Dingmann, Tracy
Dombrovski, Bonnie Edelbrock, Sandee Edelbrock.
Lux Lions Annual Turkey Bingo...is Friday evening, November 21st 6:30-8:00
pm in Mary Hall. Come out for a fun evening with our Lions; you just might go
home with a turkey for your Thanksgiving table. Food and refreshments will be
St. Anne’s Christian Women’s Breakfast featuring Pep’s Pork, Ham and all the Trimmings..is next Sunday, Nov. 23, 8:30 am to noon in Mary Hall. Please help spread the word
and come with family and friends. Take time to do a little Christmas shopping at the “Granny’s Craft Sale,” and check out the goodies at the bake sale as
well as the 20+ items on the raffle. You’ll also have the opportunity to have
your blood pressure checked. Hope to see you there.
Members, please note set up in Mary Hall is next Sat. afternoon Nov.
22nd, at 1:30 pm. Your help would be appreciated. Also, if you have not
already picked up your envelope from the back table please take it along with any others
you’re able to deliver. Posters are also available.
Upcoming Meetings
 Finance Council ...Thursday, November 20th at 6:00 pm in the library.
 Parish Council ...Thursday November 20th, 7:30 pm, also in the library.
Parish Vibrancy Tool...You may recall that last year, our parish like all those in the diocese, took
part in the Parish Vibrancy Tool project, whereby parishes made a self assessment to determine
their strengths and weaknesses. Please note the insert in today’s bulletin which is an outgrowth of
that project. Our thanks to those working with this effort to enrich parish life.
School News
Snow Fun...While many of us were less than smiling at this week’s early arrival of winter, our students delighted at frolicking in the winter wonderland and all the fun activities the snow brings! A reminder that caps,
mittens, boots and coats are a MUST these days!
Liturgy Lessons...With the student’s help, Fr. Ron examined the contents of his tool box concluding each tool
has it’s own purpose. We, too, each have our own gifts/purpose in the Body of Christ and are to use those gifts
as we follow Jesus. By each using her/his unique gifts, together we build up God’s Kingdom.
Scrip...With the holiday season almost here, our Scrip program can be a quick and easy way to do your Christmas shopping while helping our school too. Special order will go in Dec. 3rd. Call Lynn at 251-9175.
Tri-Parish Cluster of Pearl Lake, Rockville and Luxemburg
Thirty third Sun., Ordinary Time  November 16, 2014
Holy Cross—Pearl Lake (Marty)
10651 County Road 8 ~ Kimball, MN 55353 ~ 320-398-3900 ~ [email protected]
Parish Office/Secretary, Marian Haus, 320-398-3900
Office Hours: Mon Thru Thurs 8:30—noon
Prayer Line, 320-398-6101
Deacon, Andy Kunkel, 320-398-6101 (retired)
Musician, Julene Faber-Andrusick, 320-685-7211
Celebrating the Sacraments
Baptism: 320-398-3900
Anointing of the Sick: Fr. Ron or Fr. Roger
Marriage: Call parish office at least 6 months in advance.
Marriage course must be taken.
Preschool to Grade 6
Lead Teacher—Melissa Johnson
Office Manager—Jeana Meyer
Telephone: 320-398-7885
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 320-398-7873
Web: holycrossmn.org
Financial Blessings
Parish News
for the Week of Nov. 9, 2014 2015 Calendars: are in church entry, compliments of Wenner Funeral Home.
Adult (27)
Rel. Ed.
Fish Fry
Food Shelf
Weekly Budget
Under Budget
Under this week
Share the Spirit: As you may have noticed, our Share the Spirit tree is up in the entrance of the
church with ornaments listing the needs & wants of our adopted family. The tree will remain up
until November 24. Please return gifts unwrapped with the ornament attached by November
30. They can be placed in the boxes at the entrance of the church or brought to the Christian
Women’s Christmas party at which time they will be wrapped.
Cash & checks made out to Holy Cross Christian Women can be placed in the collection basket
$1705.60 for those of you who do not care to shop. The money will be used to purchase a larger item for
( 4000.99) the family.
Thank you for your offerings
Sat Nov 22, 4:00 pm
Servers: Mitch Kunkel
Ushers: Bob Kunkel, Vic Lochen
Lector: Mark Kunkel
Euc Min: Mark Kunkel
Debbie Lochen, Michele Haus
Sun Nov 23, 8:00 am
Servers: Kathryn, Joseph Donnay
Ushers: Tony and Tyler Konz
Lector: Donna Gregory
Euc Min: Donna Gregory
Doreen Kern, Cheryl Garding
Parish Council Members
Donna Gregory 398-7312
Al Haus 259-4287
Leanne Donnay 398-5362
Helen Krippner 398-8893
Ann Donnay 398-2545
Rich Schlangen 398-2530
Greg Mueller 398-7786
Len Voigt 398-2922
Cindy Voigt 253-6228
Non-perishable food items for the family are also being collected & can be placed in the boxes in
the church entrance.
Thank you for your generosity! Any questions contact Ann Hiltner 685-7208
School News
This Week: students enjoyed getting out and playing in the snow! We have started re
rehearsing songs for the Christmas Program. We hope to see you all there. The students are continuing to advance their learning each and everyday.
Thanks! — Mrs. Johnson
Thought for the day!
Did you ever notice: When you put the 2 words “The’ and “IRS”
together, it spells “Theirs…..”
Community Events
St Wendelin, Luxemburg: Sun Nov 23, sausage, ham, egg, pancake breakfast, 8:30—noon.
Also bake sale, craft sale & raffle
Mary Of the Immaculate Conception, Rockville: Sun Nov 23, Turkey party & raffle
Slice for Life Pie Auction: Tues., Nov. 25 at St. Luke’s Church, Clearwater, 6:30—8:30 pm.
Exit 178 (south on MN 24) off I-94. Turn onto CR7, church just ahead. Bid and purchase
Thanksgiving pies, Free slice for everyone! Proceeds to Pregnancy Resource Center.
Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday, November 18, 11:00 am
View Bulletin On-line at: www.lpr3in1.org
Tri Parish Cluster of Rockville, Luxemburg and Pearl Lake
Thirty third Sun., Ordinary Time  November 16, 2014
Mary of the Immaculate Conception—Rockville
PO Box 7 ~ Rockville, MN 56369-0007 ~ 320-251-7801 ~ [email protected]
Parish Office/Secretary-Sandy Pfannenstein, 320-251-7801
Office Hours: Mon 8AM-Noon, Wed 8:30-10:30AM, Fri 811AM
Parish Center Kitchen & Church Basement: 320-252-8486
Prayer Line, 320-685-3213
Celebrating the Sacraments
Baptism: Contact Parish Office 251-7801
Anointing of the Sick: 320-251-7801
Weddings: Contact the parish office at least six months
preceding the wedding date. Marriage Course required.
Financial Blessings
for the Week of Nov. 9 2014
Misc. Income:
Faith Form.
YTD over/short
Gary Gillitzer 685-8947
Cindy Kremers 253-1901
Parish News
All of the events listed below are open to the cluster!!!
Regular Income:
All Sts/Souls
Total Reg.
Faith Formation/DRE
LeMay Bechtold 252-8486 or
Parish Center Events/Maintenance
Jean Walz 255-9394
Liturgical Environment
Steve Pfannenstein 251-8358
$ 1,606.50
$ 1,606.50
Upcoming Events:
Legion of Mary– 11/19-8:35am
Adoration: Thursday 11/20
Choir Practice: 11/18—7:30pm
Over 60 Party—11/17—Noon
Parish Council—11/18—
Parish Council Members
Rosie Ashfeld 253-8878
Dave Fussy 240-9547
Vera Ebansteiner 255-8882
Linda Kneip 597-3228
Wally Mohs 845-2387
Ann Neu 266-1649
Shirley Sieben 363-8111
Ray Simon 252-6941
Ralph Walz 255-9394
Youth: Tyler Molitor 253-2954
Mass of Remembrance: Tue. Nov 18th at the 7:00pm Mass. We will remember all who
have died from our parish this past year: William Birk, Catherin Zirbes, Gail Spanier, Linda
Beckrich, Helen Zabinski, Lucille Fuchs and Ingeberg Seelen. There will be a social in the
parish center afterward. All are invited.
Turkey Bingo and Raffle coming soon! Our Annual Turkey Party and Raffle is on Sunday,
November 23rd. Mark your calendars now. Please plan to pick up your raffle tickets in the
North entrance of the church before or after weekend masses this weekend. You do not need
to pay for them when you pick them up—you can take the tickets with you and return them
before the party on the 23rd. In order to make this as successful as possible, we need to sell
850 tickets at $20 each. We are offering the following incentives: $100 to the person selling
the most tickets, $50 to the person selling the 2nd most tickets, $50 to the person selling the
Grand Prize ticket, two $50 prizes—for every five tickets a person sells, their name will be
entered into a drawing. Two winners will be drawn and each will receive $50. This is the
only fundraiser we have each year and we ask for your support. Thank you.
Eucharistic Day: MIC parish is hosting a Eucharistic Day on Sunday Nov. 30th from 11:00
am to 7:00pm. Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest,
the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us. Sign up for a weekly hour on Thursdays.! There will be a closing talk by Fr. Ron at 7PM. All are welcome. See the insert in the
bulletin for more details.
2015 Calendars: The 2015 Catholic Calendars are here—compliments of Wenner Funeral
Home in Cold Spring. Please pick yours up in the entry ways of the church.
The 2014 Annul Diocesan Appeal officially ends on Dec. 31st of this year. People of God,
there is time to respond generously to our Bishop’s request. Together, let us build up our
Catholic Faith Community here in central Minnesota.
Misc: Events
International Festival Hosted by CHS...on Sat., Nov. 22 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm in the Commons . It’s a celebration of the many cultures represented at Cathedral High School.
Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday @ 10:00am
View Bulletin On-line at: www.lpr3in1.org