www.standrewrcc.org www.standrewsilverandgold.com [email protected] Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ November 16, 2014 Parish Office Hours Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 4:00pm Pastor Fr. Richard R. York Parochial Vicars Fr. Andrew Malarz Fr. Gordon Zanetti Fr. Elbano Muñoz Deacon Rev. Mr. Peter Fullen Deacon (candidate) Mr. Edison Gibbons Church Hours Monday - Thursday: 7:00am - 2:00pm Friday: 7:00am - 4:30pm Confession Times Saturday: 9:30-10:30am and 7:00-8:00pm (or by appointment) Weekend Mass Schedule Vigil: Saturday 4:00pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30am, 12noon, 1:30pm (Mass in Spanish) and 7:30pm Mass (Chapel) Monday - Friday: 7:30am and 9:00am Saturday - 9:00am October19,2014 DearParishioners, TogetherwithmyParishFinanceCouncil,IpresentthisFinancialReportfortheChurchandSchool.Aswe observethemilestoneof50and25years,IappreciateyourcontinuedgeneroussupportasourParish continuestobuildtheKingdomofGodinCapeCoral.InstalledasPastoronlyoneyearagothismonth,itis ablessingtoserveyouandIthankyouforyourgeneroussacri(icesandstewardship.Thankyou, ! FatherRichardYork,Pastor SaintAndrewChurch FinancialReportȂOctober19,2014 ! ChurchFinancialReportforFY2013ǦʹͲͳͶ(July1,2013!June30,2014)! St.AndrewChurchfundinginFY2014was$1.9millionwhichwassuficienttopayallexpensesrelatedtothe daytodayactivitiesoftheChurch.SundayCollectionsaveraged$26,198perweekandaccountedforapproximately75%ofthetotalfundsreceivedbytheChurch. ! Themonthly“BlueEnvelope”Collection,whichisthe2!"CollectionofthelastSundayofeachmonth,raised $46,597whichwasusedfortuitionassistanceforstudentsatourSchool. ! TheChurch“PoorBox”Collectionstotaled$65,348inFY2014.ThisChurchRevenuewasusedtoassistthe poorandneedyinourCapeCoralCommunityviatheoutreachoftheStVincentDePaulMinistry. ! OurCatholicFaithAppealȋ)assessment($380,000)iscalculatedonacalendaryearbasis(January1,2013 ȂDecember31,2013).Donationscollectedduringthistimeperiodtotaled $306,000whichwas$74,000shortofourCY2013CFAAssessment.Onlyabout18%ofourparishioners madedonationsusingeitheranenvelopeorautomatedACHpaymentinCY2013.Parishionerscandonateto theCFAthroughouttheyear(envelopescanbefoundattheendofthepeweachSunday). ! PleasetakenotethatSt.AndrewParishhasanoutstandingCFAdebtfrom2009,2011,2012,and2013.The Ǧdateis$274,473andtheInterestandPrincipaliscostingusover$60,000additionalȂinexcessofcurrent AnnualAssessment. ThedebtbalancefortheCFAisasfollows:2009(Ǧ$48,917) 2011(Ǧ$73,711) 2012(Ǧ$79,080) 2013(Ǧ$72,765) Total=(Ǧ$274,473) ! Thecurrentyear’sassessmentis$387,000plus$60,000debt(principalandinterest)foratotalParishassessmentthisyearof$447,000. ! ASpecialCollectionforthewillagainrequestyourChristmasdonationbemadetotheCatholicFaithAppeal.ThePastorandParishFinanceCouncilrequestsParishionersusetheCFAenvelopeoranautomatedACH paymentthisyearsothatwemayincreaseourparticipationrateabovelastyear’s18%. ! ContinuedParishionersupportofourannualParishSchoolFestivalraised$118,000innetrevenueswhich wasdepositedintheStAndrewCatholicSchoolaccount. ParishSchoolFinancialReportforFY2013 ! FY2014totalOperationalRevenuesof$2.329millionexceededtotalOperationalExpensesof$2.203million resultingina endbalanceof$126,000. ! NetTuitionandRegistrationfeesaccountedfor$1.6millioninrevenues,supplementedwith$.78millionin TuitionAssistanceasfollows: ! ! VPKVouchersSaintAndrewParishSubsidy MacKayScholarshipsTuitionAssistancefromotherParishes ǦUPSUFSStateScholarshipsBishopDewane,DioceseofVenice,Gift FoundationSupport(Kramer,Eagles,etc.) SalaryandBeneitsCostsaccountedfor$1.4millionor73%ofthetotalexpendituresinFY2014.NonǦSalary costsinFY2014totaled$528,600consistingofthefollowing: ! LiabilityInsurance $73,700Bldgs.&Grounds$42,900 Utilitycosts $67,700Printing $28,700 Janitorialcosts $55,200AllOtherNonǦSalary$210,900 ContractedFoodCosts$49,500 ! TheCostperPupilatSt.AndrewCatholicSchoolisabout.(Theiscalculatedbydividingthetotal expensesbythenumberofstudents).Withtuitionsetatperstudent,St.AndrewParishionerssubsidize eachchildaboutadditional“tuitionassistance”isawarded. ! Scholarships,Grants,andParishAssistanceisawarded,thetuitionpaidperstudentatSt.Andrew CatholicSchoolisapproximatelyperyear. ̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴̴ ! ChurchCollectionReportforFY2013ǦʹͲͳͶ ! SeasonalGiving • Averageweeklycollectionamountduringtheyear ̈́ʹǡʹͲͲȀ • Averageweeklycollection:Jan1ȂMarch31 ̈́͵Ͳǡ͵͵Ȁ • Averageweeklycollectionremainingninemonths ̈́ʹͶǡͻͳȀ • Averageweeklycollectionfromthe1:30Mass $2,100/week • Collectionsincrease22%duringJan1ȂMarch31period ! Christmascollection=$40,958plusanother$16,010bymail 44%oftotal$collectedwasatthe4pmVigil&the10:30amMasses Other:4:15HallOverlow=$1,648;1:30Mass=$1,329;8:00pmChristmasEve$1,070 ! • EasterSunday=$55,310;HolyThursday=$1,631;GoodFriday$3,843;$3,987bymail ! OtherCollectionInformation • Collectionamountsaregenerallyhighertheirsttwoweeksofthemonthvs.thelasttwoweeks • Anaverageof$1,600/weekiscontributedbymail(excludingChristmasmailǦȌ ! DirectDepositffectiveinApril,2014.TosignupforDDcontacttheParishBusinessManager. NumbersindicategrowthinthenumberofcontributorssincetheinceptionofDirectDeposit. ! FY2014CollectionTotals: ! ͶǣͲͲȗ ͳͲǣ͵Ͳ ͻǣͲͲ ǣ͵Ͳ ͳʹǣͲͲ ͳǣ͵Ͳ $294,175 Mail* $253,442Christmas $206,3875:00pm $205,423OtherHolyDays $169,700CreditCards $99,749ACH DirectDeposit $73,931 $56,968 $49,217 $28,262 $18,465 $12,173 $5,944 ! *approximately$25,000inmailcontributionsfromJuly1!Oct15,2013wereincludedinthe4:00Vigil Mass Intentions, Daily Readings, Parish News (November 16, 2014) Page 4 https://www.facebook.com/ StAndrewCatholicChurchRCC St. Andrew Parish Office Phone: 239-574-4545 Fax: 239-574-2450 www.standrewrcc.org Stewardship of Time St. Andrew Parish School Please pray for: Jane Longo and Fred Emmons 239-772-3922 www.standrewcs.org Please remember our beloved Deceased: Religious Education Diane Molnar and Denis Kevin O’Neill Children, Youth, and Adults 239-574-2411 50th Anniversary Website www.standrewsilverandgold.com Alumni for St. Andrew School [email protected] Online Giving Program www.standrewrcc.org and click on “We Share” HOLY DAY SCHEDULE Vigil: 7:00pm 7:30am, 9:15am, 11:00am ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday: 7:00-9:00pm Friday: 12:30-4:30pm Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00pm Benediction - 4:15pm BAPTISM Baptisms are held on the Last Saturday of the month. Baptism Class is required for parents and godparents, and Registration Forms for both Baptism and Baptism Class can be obtained at the Religious Education Office, or on our website at www.standrewrcc.org, under Parish Information, then forms. Completed paperwork can then be submitted to the Religious Education Office. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Diocesan Regulations: Couples must be 19 years of age. Must give 6 months notice. Please call the Parish Office prior to making any other arrangements. HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE SICK Call the Parish Office any time 239-574-4545 Mass Intentions ( * Living Monday, November 17 7:30 * Enrrique Torres 9:00 +Eloisa Bayuga +Joel Berte, +Berte and Reed families +Donald Wright Tuesday, November 18 7:30 +Meg Richardson *Dawn Thiele 9:00 +Barczak family +Neena Timothy Wednesday, November 19 7:30 *Enrique Torres *Duxbury family 9:00 +Jody Berte, Tilton and DeSalvo families *Dawn Thiel Thursday, November 20 7:30 *Jim Beason +Helen Munar Puzon 9:00 +Elizabeth Hejja *Smith-Cedeno family + deceased ) Friday, November 21 7:30 +Jadwiga and Antoni Kondratowicz +Dr. Cesar Munar 9:00 +Dawn Thiel +Jonn Monfort Saturday, November 22 9:00 +Pat Thompson +Carlito Adagar 4pm +Edward Meyer +Antoinette Armentano Sunday, November 23 7:30 *Isabel Prado and family +Michael Struzzerri 9:00 +Antoinette Armentano +Mark Salyer 10:30 +Eileen Wright +Joseph Garretto 12:00 Members of St. Andrew 1:30 +Luis Eduardo Plazas Gross +Mateo Orazco 7:30 +Fr. Dominik Szabajkowicz CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT November 15/16 The CCHD has come to the aid of those in need nationwide for the past 40 years in an effort to eradicate poverty. Pope Francis has told us to "never tire of working for a more just world, marked by a greater solidarity." Thank you for your generous donation!! ! ! SCHOOL EDUCATION FUND Next week, November 22/23 our Collection will include the collection for the School Education Fund. Blue envelopes can be found in your envelope packet or in the pews. Please be generous! St. Andrew Catholic Church 2628 Del Prado Boulevard, Cape Coral, Florida 33904 Pastor’s Reports Brothers and Sisters, Currently there are over 4500 families in our parish and many children and youth are being educated in the faith. The foundation of our Catholic Faith is the celebration of the Sacraments. And the primary Sacrament is the Holy Eucharist. Saint Andrew Church in Cape Coral has prayed the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass every day for 50ty years. As we celebrate our Anniversary as a Eucharistic Church, let us participate by: Honoring our PAST 9 Days of Adoration - Make a daily visit to Blessed Sacrament - Oct. 23 to Oct. 31 Celebrating the PRESENT 9 Days of Celebration - Attend the special Events each day - Nov.1 and Nov.9 Praying for the FUTURE 9 Days of Family Rosary - Pray the Holy Rosary for our Future - Dec.6 and Dec.14 Sincerely in the Lord, Father Richard York, your Pastor THANKSGIVING PRAYER SERVICE Wednesday, November 26 7pm at Christ Lutheran Church This Service is held in conjunction with Christ Lutheran, Epiphany Episcopal, and St. Andrew Churches. There is much to be thankful to God for, and this Services gives us the chance to join our neighbors in prayer to God. Following this Service, Christ Lutheran will host a Pie Fest in their Hall. All are welcome and encouraged to attend this special night of Thanksgiving. THANKSGIVING DAY Thursday, November 27, at 10am Our annual Thanksgiving Mass and Dinner will begin with Mass at 10am in the Church, followed by dinner in the Parish Hall. All members who are alone or homebound are invited. If you are interested in attending, call the Parish Office at 574-4545, and leave your name and phone number to reserve your spot. Transportation and/or delivery of meals is offered, if needed. Parish Members are encouraged to come to the 10am Mass and bring your families to join us in Thanksgiving of this special day. There is much for which to be thankful! 9 DAYS OF ROSARY FOR OUR FUTURE December 6-14 Saturday, December 6 Rosary for Future of Parish and School 11:45am in the Chapel Sunday, December 7 27th Anniversary Mass in Spanish - 1:30pm - Church Anniversary Reception - 2:45pm - Parish Hall Monday, December 8 - Immaculate Conception Holy Day Masses - 7:30, 9:15, 11am, and 7pm Bilingual Tuesday, December 9 Family Rosary - 3-3:30pm - Church Divine Mercy Rosary - 2-3:30pm - Meeting House RCIA English Rosary - 7-7:30pm - School Rm 109 Wednesday, December 10 Family Rosary - 2:30-3:30pm - Church Religious Education Rosary - 5:30-6pm - School/Church RCIA Rosary in Spanish—7-7:30pm - Sch Rm 109 Thursday, December 11 Family Rosary - 3-3:30pm - Church Friday, December 12 Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass - 7:30, 9:00am - Church Rosary Adoration 12:30-4pm - Chapel Rosary in Spanish - 7pm - Church Sunday, December 14 Silver and Gold Anniversary Year Closing School , Parish , and Diocesan News COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN invites everyone to a (November 16, 2014) Page 6 SAINT ANDREW CATHOLIC SCHOOL Building in faith, hearts and minds CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Tuesday, December 2 ~ 12n Cape Coral Elks Lodge Cost: $18 (includes tip) Choice of Chicken Marsala or Pot Roast Red Bliss Mashed Potatoes, Vegetable Medley Salad, roll and butter Chocolate Mousse Tart with Berry Sauce Coffee or Tea For more information call Carol at 541-1724 FOOD DRIVE Upcoming food drive to help the needy in our area. All donations go to help the Cape Coral Caring Center. December 6/7 BISHOP VEROT CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Southwest Florida’s leading Catholic High School is currently accepting applications for incoming freshman for the 2015-2016 school year. Freshman placement testing is scheduled for November 22. Applications and additional information including Visit Days, tours, and tuition assistance can be found on our website at www.BVHS.org or by call Jill Rhone, Director of Admissions at 239-274-6760. ROME TRIP Friends and Family of St. Katharine Drexel We are planning a return trip to Rome, Italy with stops in Florence, Tuscany, Venice, Assisi, Pompeii, Capri and Sorrento. We will be spending 4 days in Rome including a Papal Mass on Sunday, September 13. Travel dates are September 11-14, 2015. Cost is $3,600 per person, double occupancy. Travel Insurance available for $249 per person. Call Ann Vella at 239-283-4382 or Rose at Gulf Coast Travel 239-542-2824. THEOLOGY ON TAP This exciting program for young adults (18-39), allows them to learn about the faith while building community. Each weekly talk and discussion is on relevant topics in a relaxed atmosphere. Free babysitting, icebreakers, trivia, and food and drinks are provided... BYOB. Upcoming dates are as follows: Naples Area - continuously on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm at rotating Parishes: First Tuesdays at St. John the Evangelist; Second Tuesdays at St. Agnes; Third Tuesdays at St. Peter the Apostle; Fourth Tuesdays at St. William. School Website: www.standrewcs.org Development Website: www.givetostandrew.org School Office ~ 239-772-3922 JOHNNY APPLESEED DAY! On September 26th, the kindergarten class, with the help of their fifth grade buddies, celebrated Johnny Appleseed by gathering together in the cafeteria and working on seven different stations. All the activities involved apples and included apple stamping, creating pot hats and beaded apple necklaces, apple lacing, apple finger stamps, apple coloring books and apple wreaths. The kindergarten class enjoyed this STREAM-related learning activity, which combined literature, science and engineering. Plus, the fifth grade not only enjoyed the activities, but learned what it means to be a mentor to a younger student. Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario Informes del pastor Page 7 Hermanos y Hermanas, Actualmente hay más de 4.500 familias en nuestra parroquia y muchos niños y jóvenes están siendo educados en la fe. El fundamento de nuestra fe católica es la celebración de los Sacramentos. Y el principal sacramento es la Santa Eucaristía. La Iglesia de San Andrés en Cape Coral ha rezado el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa todos los días durante 50 años . Al celebrar nuestro aniversario como una Iglesia Eucarística , participemos en: Honrando nuestro PASADO 9 Días de Adoración - Visita diariamente el Sagrado Sacramento - Octubre 23 al 31 Celebrando el PRESENTE 9 Días de Celebración - Participa cada día de los Eventos Especiales - Noviembre 1ero al 9 Orando por el FUTURO 9 Días de Rezar el Rosario en Familia - Realiza el Santo Rosario por nuestro Futuro-Diciembre 6 al 14 Sinceramente en el Señor, Fr. Richard York, your Pastor SERVICIO DE ORACIÓN DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS Miércoles, 26 de Noviembre 7:00 en la Iglesia Christ Lutheran Este servicio se lleva a cabo en conjunción de las iglesias de: Christ Lutheran , Epiphany Episcopal , y San Andrés. Hay mucho que agradecer a Dios , y este Servicio nos da la oportunidad de unirnos a nuestros vecinos en la oración a Dios . A raíz de este servicio , Chist Lutheran será la sede de una fiesta (pie feast) en su salón. Todos son bienvenidos y animados a asistir a esta noche especial de Acción de Gracias. DÍA DE ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS Nuestra Misa y Cena anual de Acción de Gracias comenzará con la Misa a las 10 am en la iglesia , seguido de una cena en el Salón Parroquial el jueves 27 de noviembre se invita a todos los miembros que están solos a salir de su casa . Si usted está interesado en asistir, llame a la oficina parroquial al 574-4545 y deje su nombre y número de teléfono para reservar su lugar . Se ofrece transporte y / o entrega de comidas , si es necesario. Se anima a los miembros de la parroquia para venir a la Misa de las 10 am y traer a sus familias para unirse a nosotros en acción de gracias en este día tan especial . Hay mucho por lo cual estar agradecidos ! 9 DÍAS DE ROSARIO PARA NUESTRO FUTURO Diciembre 6-14 Sábado, 6 de Diciembre Rosario por el futuro de la Parroquia y la Escuela 11:45am en la Capilla Domingo, 7 de Diiembre Misa del 27th Aniversario en Español - 1:30pm - Iglesia Recepción del Aniversario - 2:45pm - Salón Parroquial Lunes, 8 de Dicembre – Imaculada Concepción Misas- dias Santos - 7:30, 9:15, 11am, y 7pm Biingue Martes, 9 de Diciembre Rosario Familiar - 3-3:30pm En La Iglesia Rosario de La divina Misericordia - 2-3:30pm Casa de Reuniones RCIA Rosario en Ingles - 7-7:30pm – Escuela/Salon 109 Miercoles, 10 de Diciembre Rosario Familiar - 2:30-3:30pm - Iglesia Rosario de Educación Religiosa-5:30-6pm-Escuela/ Iglesia RCIA Rosario en Español-7-7:30pm – Escuela/Salón 109 Jueves, 11 de Diciembre Rosario Familiar - 3:00-3:30pm - Iglesia Viernes,12 de Diciembre Misa de nuestra señora de Guadalupe - 7:30, 9am Iglesia Rosario de Adoración 12:30-4pm - Capilla Rosario en Español - 7pm - Iglesia Domingo, 14 de Diciembre Cierre del Aniversario de Oro y Plata 19deOctubre,2014 QueridosParroquianos, JuntoconelConsejoParroquialFinanciero,lespresentoesteReporteFinancierodelaIglesiaydelaEscuela.Mientrascelebramoslos50y25años,quierodecirlesqueapreciosuapoyogenerosoycontínuoparalaconstruccióndelReinodeDiosenCapeCoral.HaceunañofuinombradocomoPastoryesunabendiciónservirlesynuevamentelesagradezcosussacri(iciosgenerososytodoloquehacenporlaParroquia. Muchasgracias, PadreRichardYork,Pastor ! IglesiaSanAndrés! ReporteFinanciero19deOctubre,2014! ReporteFinancieroparaelAñoFiscal2013(Julio1ero,2013Junio30,2014) ! DuranteelAñ oFiscal2014,laIglesiadeSanAndré srecibió fondosde$1.9millonesloscualesfueronsuicientes parapagartodoslosgastosrelacionadosconlasactividadesdiariasdelaIglesia.LasColectasdelosDomingos fueronenpromedio$26,198cadasemanayconstituyenaproximadamenteel75%delosfondosrecibidosporla #(!) ! LaColecciónMensualdelos“SobresAzulesparalaEscuela”,lacualesla2Colectadelú ltimoDomingode cadames,recaudó $46,597loscualesfueronusadosparaayudaraestudiantesdenuestraEscuelaapagarsu * !+($$) ! LasColeccionesenlas“CajasparalosPobres”totalizaron$65,348enelAñ oFiscal2014.Estedinerohasido usadoparaayudarapersonasnecesitadasennuestraComunidaddeCapeCoralatravé sdelosprogramasdel MinisteriodeSanVicentedePaul. ! LacantidadasignadaenlaCampañadelaFeCatólica )($380,000)escalculadadeEnero1al31deDiciembre,2013.Duranteesteperiodosecolectaronsó lo$306,000o$74,000pordebajodelacantidadijadaparael2013.Só loel18%denuestrosparroquianoshanhechodonacionesalaCampañ aatravé sdelossobreso haciendoundé bitoautomá tico.TodoslosmiembrosdelaParroquiapuedendonaralaCampañ acualquierdı́a delañ o(SobresparalaCampañ aestá nenlosasientos). ! Porfavor,tomennotadequelaParroquiatieneunadeudapendientedel2009,2011,2012,and2013.La es $274,473yelInterésyelCapitalnoscuesta$60,000adicionales.LadeudapendienteporlasCampañ asanterioresescomosigue: ,-'" ,''" ,'-" ,''." ( / ,''" ! Lacantidadasignadadeesteañoes$387,000má s$60,000deladeuda(capitaleinteré s)parauntotalde ! UnaColecciónEspecialparalaCampañaseefectuará enDiciembre.ElPastoryelConsejoFinancierodelaParroquiaexhortanatodosausarlossobresohacerunpagoautomá ticoyası́incrementarnuestraparticipació n porencimadel18%delañ opasado. ! GraciasalapoyodelaComunidad,elFestivaldelaEscuelarecaudó $118,000eningresosnetos,loscuales fuerondepositadosenlacuentadelaEscuela. ReporteFinancierodelaEscuelaParroquialAñoFiscal2013!"#"# ! Duranteelañ oiscalhuboingresospor$2.329millonesygastospor$2.203millones,loqueresultaenunbalancede$126,000. Ingresosporconceptosdemensualidadeseinscripció nfueron$1.6millones,má s$780,000enayudainanciera comosigue: ! VPKVouchers SubsidioParroquiaSanAndré s BecasMacKay Ayudadematrı́culadeotrasparroquias UPSUFSBecasdelEstado BishopDewane,Dió cesisdeVenice,Regalo AyudadeFundaciones(Kramer,Eagles,etc.) ! Duranteelañ oiscal2014,enSalariosyBeneiciosseusaron$1.4milloneso73%deltotaldelosgastos.Los otrosgastostotalizaron$528,600comosigue: ! + AguayElectricidad Limpieza 2*$ '' '' .. . PlantaFı́sica #*0!1 -' OtrosGastos ! ElCostoporNiñoenlaEscuelaesdealrededor.(Elcostoescalculadodividiendolosgastostotalesentreelnú merodeestudiantes).eselcostoquelaEscuelaestableceporcadaestudianteylosParroquianosdeSanAndré ssubsidiancadaniñ oconunacantidaddealrededordeantesqueayudaadicionales ! $) ! Despué squelasBecas,AyudasylaAsistenciaFinancieradelaParroquiasonasignadas,elcostopromediopor estudianteesapoximadamenteporañ o. ! ReportedelasColectasdeIglesiaparaelAñoFiscal2013 ! PromediosenlasColectas • Colectasemanalpromedio • Colectasemanalpromedio:Enero1Marzo31 • Colectaseminalpromedioparalosrestantes9meses • ColectaseminalpromediodelaMisade1:30 $2,100 • LaColectaincrementó un22%duranteEnero1eroaMarzo31 $ • ColectadeNavidad=$40,958má s$16,010porcorreo • 44%deltotalcolectadofueenlaVigiliade4pm&laMisade10:30am • OtrasMisas:4:15pmAuditorio=$1,648;Misade1:30pm=$1,329;MisadelGallo8:00pm$1,070 %%& • DomingodeResurrecció n=$55,310;JuevesSanto=$1,631;ViernesSanto$3,843;$3,987porcorreo MásInformacióndelasColectas • Cantidadescolectadassonmayoreslasdosprimerassemanasdelmes. • Unpromediode$1,600/semanaescontribuı́doporcorreo(excluyendoloquerecibeporcorreodurante 3$$" DepósitoDirectoIniciadoenAbrildeesteañ o.Parairmarparadepó sitodirectocontactaralaParroquia. Desdequeseestableció laoportunidaddedepó sitodirectosehaincrementadoelnú merodeparroquianosuti(41 $() ColeccionesTotalesparaelAñoFiscal2014 %& '. PorCorreo* ' % . 3$$ .- % -' .%0* ' '% . OtrosDı́asSagrados - % ' TarjetasdeCré dito -. % ' TransferenciasAutomá ticas ' Depó sitosDirectos . *aproximadamente$25,000recibidosporcorreodeJuio1!Oct15,2013fueronincluídosenlaVigilia4pm. ! Parishioner Since 1972 KEN SCHUMAN INSURANCE KEN SCHUMAN <RXU+RPHWRZQ$JHQF\ KEN’S AUTO REPAIR SPECIALIZING IN HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE AUTO - HOME - LIFE - HEALTH - BOAT - FLOOD MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT NURSING HOME - BUSINESS INSURANCE AUTO & MARINE ELECTRICAL SERVICE Complete Auto Repairs Est. 1973 ASE Master Automobile Technician )DPLO\2ZQHG2SHUDWHG6LQFH 542-5700 4533 Del Prado Blvd. Cape Coral, FL 33904 (239) 542-0008 4533 DEL PRADO BLVD. AFFORDABLE DR. RODNEY SMITH Optometrist Parishioner Conveniently Located Inside Target 239-573-4742 1890 NE Pine Island Road Cape Coral, FL Funerals & Cremations “Why be subjected to corporate prices?” Simple Cremations $650 239-481-1100 Mary V. Palumbo Phone: (239) 540-3220 Fax: (239) 540-3266 !"#$%&'%()*+&,#&-$..+--&(/&0+12,0.1%+&-,134/*5 1222 SE 47th St. | Cape Coral, FL 33904 email: [email protected] www.legacihealthcare.com “Your Friendly & Caring Attorney” Wills & Trusts Probate Guardianship Matters Real Estate Corporations 12751 New Brittany Blvd. Suite 402 Fort Myers, FL 33907 225-7911 ESTATE PLANNING PROBATE BUSINESS PLANNING AV Rated by Martindale-Hubbell PIZZOLATOLAW.COM 30 + Years Experience Free Initial Consultation 5237 Summerlin Commons Blvd. Fort Myers, FL Ph: (239) 768-6898 Family & Cosmetic Dentistry Angela Cossentino, D.D.S. THIS SPACE IS 2378 Surfside Blvd. • Suite 131 www.surfsidedentalcapecoral.com tel: 239-282-1940 Parishioner M D S, M.D. Internal Medicine Luz Pacheco, ARNP Elena Aleman, ARNP 2002 Del Prado Blvd. S., Ste. 100 16251 N. Cleveland Ave., Unit 12 • Ft. Myers, FL 239-217-4470 Hours M-F 7-5pm • Saturday 8-1pm 613 Del Prado, Cape Coral 239-772-2122 ! "#$%&!'(%)*+(&!,-.).$/0#/#1*2) Honest, personalized eye care with compassion and integrity - Dr. Croley personally sees every patient. Voted Ophthalmologist of the Year by Who’s Who. With your frame purchase, Eyes of Faith will dontate a complete pair of glasses to missions. Dr. Croley will also donate an additional 20%. James Croley, MD/Cataract & Refractive Institute of FL www.FloridaCataract.com | 239.772.2122 16-0210-A New Patients Welcome CORAL RIDGE FUNERAL HOME & CEMETERY Cape Coral’s Only Funeral Home/Cemetery Facility ! Se Habla Español "#$%!&'()!*+,-(.!/0-.1!2-3)!204-,1!5,04'.-!$$66"!7!8$698:$9%;<%!7!===>204-,/'.?)5@()4-,A0B)>C0B Aileen Ardolino Agency Owner of Cape Coral Deborah Brooker Marzella Customer Service Representative ! Big John’s Shopping Center 1319 Cape Coral Pkwy E Cape Coral, FL 33904 "#$%&'(&)*!+&!,-.!-,(/&0&!1$)&23 Henry L. Albrecht Realtor, Broker, Parishioner, School Parent • Voted Cape Coral’s Realtor of the Year 2012! • Specializing in Cape Coral since 1996! "!#!$%&'!&()$*!+,)-.!/)01$Cell phone: 239-839-1218 E-mail: [email protected] 2223/,%4/$.)2$56)$%.537'1 p 239.540.7060 c 239-810-2836 ! f 239.540.7066 customer service 877.677.4063 [email protected] ! “I will rebate a portion of my commission at closing to a Buyer or Seller so '(-'!4$5!,-.!6$.-'&!/'!7-,8!'$!-!,(5),(*!9,($$:!$)!,(-)/'4!$;!4$5)!,($/,&23 weinsuregroup.com DAVID & SONS AUTO REPAIR For Advertising Information, call JOE SHEEHY at Messner Publications today! in God we trust Full Service Auto • Domestic & Foreign “Honest & Reliable” Se Habla Español Boat Covers • Tops Repairs 203-231-0727 1517 SE 25th Ln • 239-829-0873 25 Years Experience Frank & Son Towing Services INC. YOUR LOW COST OPTION 24 Hour Service • Lic & Ins Special Rates for Dealers & Shops We Buy Junk Cars STEVE [email protected] (239) 603-9049 239.560.2105 ay Sund Chu rch Day BAYSHORE GARDEN CENTER So many ways to help you grow! Fish Fry Tuesday $10.00 ALL YOU CAN EAT 1341 Del Prado Blvd S • Cape Coral (1 mile N. of Veterans Hwy) 239-673-6700 OPEN 11-9 EVERYDAY INTERIOR License #PT0201381, 07911 239-458-1149 Cell 239-292-1545 Over 30 Years In Business Plaster & Dry Wall Repair Paper Removal • Insured Bring Your Bulletin! $1 Donated for each Meal to Building Fund 28601 Trails Edge Blvd (239) 542-3148 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 3922 Del Prado Blvd. • Cape Coral, FL 239.549.7888 (w/ purchase of 2 drinks. Up to 10 people. Not valid with other offers. Exp 10/15/15) CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL Ranked one of the TOP 50 Catholic high school’s in the Nation 99% of graduates continue their formal education at the collegiate level with over $11.5 million in scholarships and grants Learn more about the benefits of a Catholic education Gina Lombardo, Development Director Deanna Breen, Admissions Director (239) 274-6730 (239) 274-6760 Cyber Computer Technology, Inc. 447 Cape Coral Parkway E, #107 www.bayshoregardencenter.com Marshall D’Souza, M.D., is board certified in Internal Medicine and has been practicing medicine in Lee County for over 22 years! Buy 1 dinner or lunch, get 2nd one 1/2 price with this ad. BISHOP VEROT 126 Del Prado Blvd Suite 104 Cape Coral, Florida 33909 “Gravy Makes Everything Better” –The Poutine Queen Try our famous Poutine, Peameal Bacon Sandwiches from Canada & Taylor Pork Roll from New Jersey. Other Menu Items include, Chicken strips & Hand cut french fries. We are the Big Pink Food Trailer at the Trebing Tile Lot 4315 Del Prado Blvd. South, Cape Coral 33904 239-285-2479 • www.facebook.com/Queenofpoutine Call 239-573-1606 to book your appointment today! www.MillenniumPhysician.com JOHN VANDERHEYDEN, INC. www.cycomptec.com (239) 770-1843 (239) 829-5230 Painting (Interior & Exterior) • Power Washing • Building Maintenance Licensed & Insured • 35 Yrs. Experience • Free Estimates COMPUTER REPAIR • ON-SITE • NETWORK SOLUTIONS FOOT CARE Marius Espeleta D.P.M. PA 2002 Del Prado Blvd. S #102 (239) 573-4826 Parishioner Dr. Marshall D’Souza Now Accepting New Patients EAT IN & TAKE OUT www.paveselaw.com 239-543-1443 239-949-3080 Empire Buffet MICHAEL A. GENNARO, ESQ. FRANK A. PAVESE, JR., ESQ. ALISON C. HUSSEY, ESQ. 4635 S. Del Prado Blvd., Cape Coral FL 33904 5870 Bayshore Rd. N. Fort Myers Robret Greco President LEED AP 6WDWH&HUWLÀHG(OHFWULFDO&RQWUDFWRUV 842 SE 46th Lane • Cape Coral, FL 33904 239-542-1624 • 239-980-8200 cell • 239-549-4166 fax robert@ acraelectricinc.com EC 0000346 www.acraelectricinc.com 16-0210-B CAPE CORAL’S NEWEST RESTAURANT PLUMBER "#$%&!'!()*!+,--!".&/,-0!12.0&!'!$../343-& 56%&!'!7/4/)8!+/.0&!'!942:;& Schubert Plumbing 401k, Pension Rollovers Investments Sam Mazzotti, AAMS +3.).:3)8!$0B3&2, Parishioner Lawrence Schubert (239) 564-0379 [email protected] 772-7575 License #CFC1425906 2104 Del Prado Blvd. O’NEILL & SASSO, P.A. !"#$%&'( John O’Neill M. Daniel Sasso Parishioner Parishioner 4020 Del Prado Blvd., Suite A1 • Cape Coral, FL 33904 239-542-1355 )*'+,-,).&//,)0'12"-3)43"/$5,-"-3) )6+,&73,,$!"#)81'91'"-&17,:!!8;,) TUFFY TIRE & AUTO SERVICE Joseph Magnant, MD, FACS 1335 Del Prado Blvd. S • Cape Coral, Florida 239-574-3313 Family owned and operated since 1996 by Mark & Patty Holmes, Parishioners Please visit our website for special offers! Try our FREE eVein Screening! www.tuffycc.com Experts in the Diagnosis & Treatment of: Tuffy is a full service auto repair shop. Thank you for supporting our business. Swollen Achy Legs • Varicose Veins Spider Veins • Leg Ulcerations &UHPDWLRQDQG)XQHUDO6HUYLFHV Se Habla Espanol, Most Insurance Accepted. TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC FUNERALS 239.694.VEIN (8346) weknowveins.com 8'3("-&17$I$6+'&"/ J+-$1F$<-"-3$*'"7,F3' DENTIST 3740 Del Prado Blvd. S., Cape Coral JUAN C. CASTELLANOS DDS, Parishioner 1338 Lafayette Street • Cape Coral, FL 33904 * Se Habla Español * Free Exam & X-Rays * Financing Available 239-542-3161 www.FullerMetz.com 239-542-3925 • www.coraldds.com Holy Family Farm BAYSIDE HEARING AID CENTER All Makes/Repairs, Sales & Service Absolute Lowest Prices! Ellie Winn, BC-HIS, ACA Audioprosthologist / Parish Members 16450 San Carlos Blvd,#3•Fort Myers, FL 239-415-0727 I Buy Antiques Coins • Old Costume Jewelry • Paintings Jewelry • Estates • Gold & Silver Call Us: (239) 574-2700 www.capefamilydental.com Quality Service you can trust! No job too Small! $ave by Calling Vince Pullen 239-989-9310 239-574-9436 / 239-470-1775 Parishioner Lic & Ins - S.K.D. Parishioner <93=&"/&>&7?$@7A Diabetic Shoes & Foot Care Wound Management Neuropathy Treatment Orthotics & Injuries Heel Pain/Foot Deformities $ Dr. John J. Adler Parishioner SAVIOR PLUMBING LLC Foot & Ankle Center $ Pat - 239-980-2728 2002 Del Prado Blvd S, Ste 202 • Cape Coral, FL 33990 FOR SALE: Chickens • Goats • Eggs B3C&="'3$D,,&?7(37-$D==39-3C Board Certified Podiatrist $ New Patients Welcome 1722 Del Prado Blvd. S. #12 Cape Coral, FL 33990 !1="-3C$<1+-E$1F$."/GB"'- $239-573-9200 ###H==F11-C'H=1( ERIC W. BAXMANN, D.D.S. General Dentistry New Patients Welcomed 15650 San Carlos Blvd. • Fort Myers 239-489-1118 Your Home Guaranteed Sold or Rented for Top Dollar FRED PRICE BROKER/OWNER 239-770-7121 www.SoldCapeCoral.com 16-0210-O ! ! </=83&>-0!=? 7-&&.-,!</=83:)432.&@!".:A +2,!$0B-,43&3.C!".D2,E)432.!5)88!F'GHH'HIF'JFFF!K!LLLAE-&&.-,M/=83:)432.&A:2E RETIREMENT PLANNING FREE PORTFOLIO REVIEW
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