University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Department of Nursing Site Specific Oncology Clinical Enrichment Brochure for non-UI Hospitals and Clinics staff Services and Patient Care Nursing Clinical Education Center 4 West, General Hospital 319‐356‐4304 Tel Purpose/Description: This enrichment series has been developed by the Medical Surgical Services Division of the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics’ Department of Nursing. The purpose is to provide site specific oncology information to nurses. The series consists of a Hematology‐Oncology day, a Solid Tumors day and Surgical/Miscellaneous day. The classes are open to nurses from across the state interested in learning more about hematology/oncology and cancer diagnoses. Nursing CEU Credit: CEUs will be granted by UIHC Department of Nursing (IBN Approved Provider #34). Participants must attend each session in its entirety to receive full credit. Pre‐registration is required. Registration deadlines: Hematology/Oncology 01/20 for Feb 11 08/18 for Sep 9 Solid Tumors 2014 Dates: Hematology/Oncology Tues, February 11, 2014 Tues, September 9, 2014 Solid Tumors Tues, March 11, 2014 Tues, October 14, 2014 Surgical/Procedural/Miscellaneous Tues, April 8, 2014 Tues, November 11, 2014 02/17 for Mar 11 09/22 for Oct 14 Location: all class sessions will be held in 4 West General Hospital of the Nursing Clinical Education Center at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Surgical/Procedural/Misc 03/17 for Apr 8 10/20 for Nov 11 Registration: Pre‐registration is required three weeks prior to each class. Return the completed registration form and applicable fees to Karen K. Marek, Conference Coordinator, UI Hospitals and Clinics Department of Nursing, W431 GH, 200 Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, IA 52242. Make check payable to: UI Hospitals and Clinics. Registration Fees: $75/class for nurses not employed at UI Hospitals and Clinics. Fee includes CEU credit, workshop materials and breaks. A $20 nonrefundable late fee will be assessed for registrations postmarked after the deadline. (If payment is received after the deadline with no postmark, payment of the late fee is required.) Refunds: Full refund (less the $20 late fee) if notified 3 days prior to the program. Substitutions are permitted at any time. CEU credit will not be accepted by the Iowa Board of Nursing for duplication of informal or formal offerings within a license period. CONFIRMATION WILL NOT BE MAILED. Maps, housing information and receipts will be provided upon request. Questions concerning this series may be directed to the Nursing Clinical Education Center at 319‐356‐4304. Visit our web site at Download program information and registration forms or request program brochures. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa‐sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact the Department of Nursing in advance at (319) 356‐4304. The University of Iowa prohibits discrimination in employment, educational programs, and activities on the basis of race, national origin, color, creed, religion, sex, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or associational preference. The University also affirms its commitment to providing equal opportunities and equal access to University facilities. For additional information on nondiscrimination policies, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, (319) 335‐0705 (voice) and (319) 335‐0697 (text), 202 Jessup Hall, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242‐1316. Site Specific Oncology Clinical Enrichment 2014 General Information Due to fluctuations in room temperature, we recommend you dress accordingly for your personal comfort. The Nursing Clinical Education Center is located on 4 West, General Hospital in UI Hospitals and Clinics (elevator B to 4th floor, west at compass on floor). Maps of the Hospital and Iowa City area can be obtained on the web at PARKING: Parking is available in Hospital Parking Ramps #1 or #3. The fee for parking in the Hospital ramps is currently $18.00 if over seven hours. Reduced parking passes ($10.00 for 8 hours) will be available for purchase at registration. Checks or exact change required to purchase parking passes. Rates subject to change. Participants should enter the Hospital through the main entrance and inquire at the Information Desk for directions to the classroom. CE Offerings for 2014 sponsored by UI Hospitals & Clinics Department of Nursing: Fundamentals of Chemotherapy: Feb 27‐28; May 15‐16; Sept 25‐26; Nov 20‐21 Mar 8: Perianesthesia Mar 25: Surgical Nursing Apr 1‐2: Scofield Advanced Oncology Nursing Apr 8: Orthopaedic Nursing (with Hawkeye Chapter #149 NAON) Apr 24‐25: National Evidence Based Practice Sept 16‐17: Neuroscience Nursing Sept 25: GI Nursing Oct 7: Women’s Health Oct 8: Obstetrical Nursing Oct 9: Neonatal Update Oct 10: Pediatric Update Oct 23: Med Pysch Nursing More Information: Call 319‐356‐4304 or e‐mail becky‐[email protected] Site Specific Oncology Clinical Enrichment - 2014 Class Offerings Registration Form for non-UI Hospitals & Clinics staff (may be duplicated) (Please Print) Personal Identifier: (required in place of SSN) __ __ /__ __ Birth Month/Day Name: M M D D ___ ___ ___ ___ Last 4 digits of SSN _____________________________________________________________ Home Address: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip Code Home Phone Number: ___________________________________________________ Employer:_____________________________________________________________ Employer Address: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Work Phone Number: ___________________________________________________ Position Title: _____________________________ Nursing License No _____________ E-Mail Address*: ______________________________________________________ * Requested for notification of meeting location changes. Make Check Payable to: UI Hospitals and Clinics Mail To: Karen K. Marek, Conference Coordinator UI Hospitals & Clinics Department of Nursing W431 GH 200 Hawkins Drive Iowa City, IA 52242 Please check the appropriate boxes: Hem/Onc _______ February 11, 2014 September 9, 2014 Deadline 01/20/14 08/18/14 Surgical/Procedural/Misc April 8, 2014 November 11, 2014 Deadline 03/17/14 10/20/14 Fees Session Fees -- $75 per session Late Fee (postmarked after deadline or received after deadline with no postmark) Total Enclosed Solid Tumors March 11, 2014 October 14, 2014 _______ $20 $_______ Deadline 02/17/14 09/22/14 Site Specific Oncology Clinical Enrichment – Hematology Oncology University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Department of Nursing Medical Surgical Services Division Dates: Location: Tuesday, Feb. 11 or Sept. 9, 2014 W414 General Hospital, UIHC Purpose The purpose of this class is to provide information for nurses on hematological conditions and hematological malignancies. This includes etiology, diagnosis, treatment, symptom management, nursing care and expected outcomes. Objectives Upon completion of this class, the nurse will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Describe recent advances in the treatment of lymphoma and Hodgkin’s disease. Discuss the current nursing and medical management of acute and chronic leukemia. Discuss the current nursing and medical management of multiple myeloma. Discuss the current nursing and medical management of hemophilia. Identify risk factors and therapeutic interventions for Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP). Discuss current nursing and medical management of sickle cell disease. Review principles of blood and marrow transplant care. Schedule 0730‐0800 0800‐0900 0900‐1000 1000‐1015 1015‐1120 1120‐1220 1220‐1305 1305‐1350 1350‐1405 1405‐1450 1450‐1535 1535‐1620 1620 Registration/Introductions Hodgkin’s Disease & Non‐Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – Jeri Mensing, RN, Nurse Clinical‐Specialist Acute and Chronic Leukemia – Deb Bohlken, MSN, RN, OCN, Nurse Manager/Nurse Educator Break Acute and Chronic Leukemia (continued) – Deb Bohlken Lunch (on your own) Multiple Myeloma – Annick Tricot, Clinical Trials Research Specialist Hemophilia – Karla Watkinson, BSN, RN, Nurse Coordinator, Program Assistant, UIHC Hemophilia Treatment Center Break ITP/TTP – Laura Collins, BSN, RN, HP (ASCP), Assistant Clinical Lab Manager, Blood Donor Center Sickle Cell Disease – Dale Winnike, MSN, RN, OCN, Nurse Manager Blood and Marrow Transplant Care – Rhonda Evans, MSN, RN, OCN, Nurse Manager Evaluation/CEU Recording/Adjourn Speakers are Department of Nursing Medical Surgical Services Division staff unless otherwise noted. Nursing Credits: 0.82 CEUs Site Specific Oncology Clinical Enrichment – Solid Tumors University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Department of Nursing Medical Surgical Services Division Dates: Tuesday, Mar. 11 or Oct. 14, 2014 Location: W414 General Hospital, UIHC Purpose The purpose of this class is to provide information for nurses on cancer site specific solid tumors. This includes etiology, diagnosis, treatment, symptom management, and expected outcomes. Objectives Upon completion of this class, the nurse will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe early detection and recent advances in the treatment of breast cancer. Identify the surgical and medical interventions for cancers of the genitourinary tract. Review prevention and surgical and medical treatment for lung and esophageal cancer. Identify the surgical and medical interventions for primary and metastatic colorectal cancer. Describe the diagnosis, treatment, and nursing interventions for people with head and neck cancer. Review prevention and surgical and medical treatment for cancers of the female reproductive tract. 6. Schedule 0745‐0800 0800‐0900 0900‐0945 0945‐1000 1000‐1045 1045‐1130 1430‐1445 1445‐1515 1515‐1600 1600 Registration/ Introductions Breast Cancer – Jean Arndt, RN, AOCN, Advanced Practice Nurse Common Cancers of the Genitourinary Tract – Erica Brown, MSN, RN, ARNP, Urology Department Break Lung Cancer/Esophageal Cancer: A Medical Approach –Mary Ellen Marchik, RN, OCN, Staff Nurse Lung Cancer/Esophageal Cancer: A Surgical Approach – Joan Ricks‐McGillin, RN, Nurse Clinician‐Specialist, Cardiothoracic Surgery Lunch (on your own) Colorectal Cancer – Beth Schubert, RN, OCN, Staff Nurse Head and Neck Cancers – Jackie English, RN, CORLN, Staff Nurse; Kristin Breitbach, BSN, RN, Staff Nurse; and Michelle Nagle, BSN, RN, Staff Nurse Break Head and Neck Cancers (continued) Common Cancers of the Female Reproductive Tract – TBA Evaluation/CEU Recording/Adjourn 1130‐1230 1230‐1330 1330‐1430 Speakers are Department of Nursing Medical Surgical Services Division staff unless otherwise noted. Nursing Credits: 0.78 CEUs Site Specific Oncology Clinical Enrichment – Surgical/Procedural/Miscellaneous Topics University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Department of Nursing Medical Surgical Services Division Dates: Tuesday, Apr. 8 or Nov. 11, 2014 Location: W414 General Hospital, UIHC Purpose The purpose of this class is to provide nurses with information on surgeries, procedures, and cares for patient populations on cancer center units. This includes principles of radiation oncology, surgical oncology, and managing oncologic emergencies, delirium in cancer patients, and sexuality related issues. Objectives Upon completion of this class, the nurse will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Describe principles, procedures and nursing interventions related to endocrine surgical oncology. Review principles of radiation oncology. Describe the purpose and functioning of the Iowa Cancer Consortium. Review strategies for managing common oncologic emergencies. Describe gastric, liver, and pancreas procedures and nursing interventions related to surgical oncology. Describe issues and interventions related to sexuality and the cancer patient. Discuss delirium in the patient with cancer and methods to effectively manage this challenging symptom. Schedule 0745‐0800 0800‐0845 0845‐0945 0945‐1000 1000‐1020 1020‐1140 1140‐1240 1240‐1330 Registration/Introductions Endocrine Surgical Procedures and Cares –TBA Principles of Radiation Oncology – Ami Gaarde, BSN, RN, OCN, Nurse Manager BREAK Iowa Cancer Consortium ‐‐ Keri Mercer, RN, Staff Nurse Oncologic Emergencies ‐‐ Deb Bohlken, MSN, RN, OCN, Nurse Manager/Nurse Educator LUNCH (on your own) Gastric, Liver, and Pancreas Surgical Procedures and Cares –James Mezhir, MD, Assistant Professor, Oncology STAND UP BREAK Sexuality and the Cancer Patient ‐‐ Paula Forest, MSN, OCN, CHPN, GNP‐BC, ARNP, Internal Medicine BREAK Management of Delirium in the Patient with Cancer – Paula Forest, MSN, OCN, CHPN, GNP‐BC, ARNP Closing and Evaluations Adjourn 1330‐1335 1335‐1420 1420‐1430 1430‐1520 1520‐1530 1530 Speakers are Department of Nursing Medical Surgical Services Division staff unless otherwise noted. Nursing Credits: 0.7 CEUs
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