Transportation and Public Works with Green Joint Committee Meeting

Transportation and Public Works with Green
Joint Committee Meeting
Green Committee Chair: Lisa Hart
Transportation & Public Works Co-Chairs: Frances Tran & Matthew Mooney
Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, November 18, 2014 7:00PM to 9:10 PM
Laguna Senior Apartments 4201 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90029
Metro Buses 2, 4, 175, 302 & 704; Street Parking
Agenda Items May Be Addressed Out Of Order Listed
*Discussion and/or Possible Action=D&PA
Call to Order
Introductions and Committee Mission Statements
Approval of Green and T&PW October Committee Minutes
Identifying disrepaired sidewalks for SAR truck D&PA*
a. Rethinking Sidewalks
Visions and Goals Recommendations D&PA*
a. Permit Parking
b. Angled Street Parking
c. Dash Bus
d. Silver Line LRT/Streetcar/Bus Only Lanes Sunset
e. Traffic calming Sunset with lights
f. Encouraging local businesses to add bike racks
g. Beautification and Clean-up Events
h. Solar-Powered Facilities
i. Gray-Water Workshops
Resolving Gridlock At Intersections (Sorkin/Courshon) D&PA*
Workgroup Report: Sunset Bike Lane Enhancement (Sorkin)
a. Narrower lanes Sunset/Protected bike lanes
Micheltorena Tunnel Repurposing D&PA*
Tree-Mapping D&PA*
Adopt-a-Stairway Program and Closed Stairways D&PA*
Development of an NC Green Alliance D&PA*
Earth Day Poster Contest and Outreach D&PA*
Letter Regarding Installation at Sunset Pacific Motel D&PA*
Amend Standing Rule 41 D&PA*
Turning Small Change Into Big Change” D&PA*
Book #1 Discussion
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continuation of minutes, Transportation Committee meeting, 10­7­2014 IX. Discussion Possible action on CicLAvia in Silver Lake 5 minutes Joe Linton, an original organizer, spoke. Sunset Boulevard is not a suitable route due to number of
buses on the street and no viable parallel streets to use as alternative. Also the curves and hills pose
safety problems. Matthew pointed out that the Sunset Junction Street Fair and the LA Marathon
have closed Sunset, so it seems possible. Suzanna Schick said that CicLAvia is transformative,
should go through our neighborhoods in our area and use regular bike routes. Robert Perez said that
he had moved here from Long Beach, which he considers a bike friendly city, and found this area
hostile to biking. Linton stated that Mayor Garcetti wants CicLAvia in Silver Lake by 2017, so we should prepare now
and be ready. Dan Savage felt that Silver Lake is perfect for this and should include Atwater.
Matthew suggested adding Echo Park and Los Feliz in planning; a good way to reach out to our
neighboring Councils. Frances suggested that “bike events” could be held in conjunction with the
CicLAvia. Charles Herman-Wurmfeld is happy about the opportunity to reach out to neighboring
areas. He suggested the idea of a bike race, “Tour de Silver Lake”, which would include hill climbs. ACTION: It was decided to form an Ad Hoc working group to investigate further work on CicLAvia
Silver Lake. X. Discussion action on road diet for Sunset Bl 5 minutes This proposal came from Matthew Mooney to make a more egalitarian transportation environment.
Sunset is world famous and deserves attention from all manner of moving. Deborah Murphy stated that the new director of LADOT, Selena Reynolds, travels regularly by bike
on Sunset. The terminology of “Road Buffet” was suggested as an alternative to road diet, the idea being that all
manners of transportation alternatives be welcomed. Ryan Johnson spoke with CD 13, noting
dismay that Sunset was not chosen for the “Great Streets” program, and he suggested we push
LADOT to consider Sunset for the next group. Lisa Hart suggested discussion regarding Smart Growth America which offers free analysis of
streets, parking, complete streets. They offer workshops, and Lisa recommended that the new
Transportation Committee Co-chairs fill out registration forms to submit to the Governing Board for
a vote. The deadline for applying is October 23, so an emergency meeting would be required to
obtain Governing Board approval. But the co-chairs could select a target area and submit option for
consideration. Matthew will email the link to committee members to review. XI. Update on Hyperion Bridge 5 minutes The committee representatives will meet October 8 with Los Angeles Bureau of Engineering, then
the Board of Public Works will review, then the issue goes to the full City Council for voting.
Catherine Savage collected signed letters from many schools supporting Option 3. Support from
Atwater businesses and residents amounted to nearly 700 signatures in favor of Option 3. It was noted that the Atwater Village Neighborhood Council and Atwater Chamber of Commerce
were opposed to Option 3. Catherine stated that she had talked to some AVNC members who had
changed their minds and would support option 3. There was discussion as to whether AVNC would
undertake a reconsideration of the vote, given that a board member who voted against had changed
his mind now and could request reconsideration. (Also noted that this is how reconsideration works
in SLNC, but no one knows the situation in AVNC.) It is possible that a new motion in favor of
Option 3 might be preferable. XII. Discussion on Complete Streets 10 minutes No time available for this agenda item. XIII. Discussion on Cisterning 5 minutes No time available for this agenda item. But, a definition of cisterning was offered: capture of runoff
water. This will be added to future agenda for discussion. XIV. Discussion possible action on bike safety class 5 minutes Vanessa Gray, LACBC offers free classes, 1 to 2 hours each. For adults, not children. How to ride
safely in traffic. While the classes are free and open to anyone, she stated LACBC would like to be
reimbursed for materials and cost of venue if any. It was suggested to forward this to the Education,
Youth, and Families Committee for consideration. The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 Green Committee Minutes – October 21st 2014
Casa Alegria
7 to 9 pm
In attendance:
Lisa Hart, John Wingler, Brendon Adams, Amy Clarke, Susannah
Tantemsapya, Charlie Herman-Wurmfeld, Karina Andrade, Nina Sorkin
Approval of 9/16/2014 Minutes—Minutes were approved with
Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
Nina – This month members have participated in community cleanup –
August 5th and October 7th, where is the community clean-up item? Where
is the Los Feliz green committee item on the agenda?
John – A tree on Elevado needs trimming.
Lisa and Amy - - Starhawk event December 7th at Fais Dos Dos – how to
say hopeful in environmental breakdown. Starhawk is a Washington post
columnist and author, and change agent. There will be a workshop on
skills to build resilient communities and meal. It’s an all day community
Lisa – LADWP is hosting three forums on their energy mix and how clean
it is -- Tuesday the 28th downtown. Visions and Goals meeting upcoming.
Nina – GPAC on riverside drive 1pm Friday--all propositions will be
Report on SLNC Governing Board Meeting and Follow-Up
Nina – at the last governing board meeting the board approved the 250
dollars for poster contest in support of Micheltorena, Ivanhoe, Maybury.
The board requested that other schools be contacted. This committee will
agendize outreach to other schools, and attempt to fill the board’s request.
Discussion and Possible Action: Tree-Mapping Project with
Lisa – Hugh Kenny has been instrumental in making this happen. And
Danny Carmichael from TreePeople was great. The vast majority of the 25
volunteers came from TreePeople, not our own outreach – so we need to
work on this in the future. We need a leader in order to build it. This isn’t
something that Lisa will lead. If we have a next event, where would it be?
The events are stacking up central to the reservoir. Areas near the freeway
typically get overlooked. Hugh suggested mapping the trees on Sunset
Blvd. Wondering next location and questions regarding a leader.
Charlie and Amy volunteer to do a Sunset Blvd tree map for TreeMap LA.
Lisa – Ideally this would happen in the next 4 weeks.
Charlie – how will this information be available to the NC in the future?
Lisa – IT committee can help – she attended IT and discussed. This
question is open for the moment – but it’s on their agenda.
Discussion and Possible Action: Adopt-a-Stairway Program
Lisa – sixteen stairways have been promised adoption from 22 people – so
there’s some overlap.
Charlie, Nina, and Lisa will finalize the program description and only bring
it back to this committee if they disagree. Lisa will then send participants
an email to confirm commitment/adoption.
Nina – is the letter from SLIA, SLRC and SLNC?
Charlie – Green Committee needs a committee visual graphic.
Lisa—What if each committee has a different tag line below the SLNC logo?
Discussion and Possible Action: Collaboration with Creative
Migration on the Proposed Temporary Public Art Installation
Projection at the Site of the Sunset Pacific Motel on Sunset Blvd
Susannah Tantemsapya is working on projection. They will cover the
Bates motel with ecologically safe lime wash. She showed some color
The city palm trees will also be covered.
The motion passed the Neighborhood Council last month. Endorsement
letters have been secured from LaBonge, surrounding businesses and the
French consulate. Susannah would like the Green Committee to
understand the sustainability of the project with relation to the trees.
Tree climbers will climb with harness and rope and apply materials by
hand. There won’t be lifts or machines involved. Susannah would like to
be in touch with the LA City Arborist, Bureau of Street Services.
They would also like to be in touch with Steve Peterson from the Bureau of
Sanitation – because they will be removing lime with water at the end of
the process.
John – How to remove from palm trees?
Suannah – with water.
Charlie – do we have a guestimate regarding water use for removal?
Susannah – will investigate and let us know answer.This is a material that
is used on palm trees to prevent sun scalding. Agriculture is often white
washed – the trunk will not be hurt by white lime.
Nina – you might want to ask company if they could consider the billboard
a public service announcement. Will kids need to be indoors during
Susannah – no. the solution will be mixed in the courtyard. The artist has
done this three times with this material. So its qualities are known. There
is minimal dust involved in application.
Discussion and Possible Action: Application for Smart Growth
America Workshops
The committee agreed to submit an application for the Cool Planning
workshop, due October 23, to Smart Growth America.
Discussion and Possible Action: Ways of Working/Ground Rules
for this Committee and Adoption of a Consensus Model
Lisa is looking to use consensus rather than Robert’s Rules of Order—we
can discuss at a later meeting.
Discussion and Possible Action: November Elections—
Proposition 1 (Water Bond) and Proposition P (Safe
Neighborhood Parks
Lisa—several environmental organizations oppose Prop 1.
The LA Times opposes Prop P because of the process used to get it on the
ballot, but it will continue funding for parks.
Discussion and Possible Action: Support Urban Agriculture
Incentive Zone Bill 551
Amy – this will allow all public land to be used for urban agriculture. Allow
us to lease our land to community agricultural use – receive tax breaks for
Lisa – what’s the urgency in terms of time?
Amy – they are seeking help. It would be helpful for NC’s to act the sooner
the better.
John – I have read about this
Charlie - Move to support a letter based on Amy’s report be sent to CD 4,
13, and all related offices and submit a CIS statement on it. Motion
Discussion and Possible Action: Food Day at City Hall Oct 21,
2014 and Support Healthy Food for All Every Day Going
Amy reports the day was a big success. Committee will consider getting
involved for next year.
Discussion and Possible Action: Ewaste/Hazardous Waste
Collection Event
No committee members presently interested in facilitating this.
Committee will keep ears open for partners who may be coming to the
neighborhood with such an event.
Next Meeting and Agenda—next meeting might be held in conjunction
with the Transportation and Public Works Committee.
Susannah—use a timer to hold people accountable to
discussion/presentation times.
1. Adjournment
Submitted by Charles Herman-Wurmfeld and Lisa Hart
(official letterhead)
Green Committee
Silver Lake Neighborhood Council
(Address/ Contact info)
Steve Pederson
Chief Environmental Compliance Inspector
Water Protection Division
City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works
2714 Media Center Drive. Mail Stop 756
Los Angeles, CA 90065
(323) 342-1525
Dear Mr. Pederson,
The Green Committee of the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council has reviewed and fully
supports Vincent Lamouroux’s Projection, a site-specific and ephemeral public art
installation at the site of the Sunset Pacific Motel on Sunset Blvd, prior to its demolition
for new development. This abandoned environment will be transfigured with a blanket of
ecologically safe, white limewash covering the entire building and its immediate
The Green Committee is happy to advise and work with the artist to ensure the
installation/de-installation of Projection meets all LA City environmental requirements.
The conservation of water and how the water run-off is collected are important parts of
this process.
We are honored to have such a reputable artist–that has exhibited worldwide–to create
an original work in our neighborhood. The arts educational programming will engage the
local schools, businesses and residents to learn about how sustainability can be a part
of the creative process. This beautiful and intriguing work activates this blighted, vacant
space in Silver Lake. We are excited that Projection is truly a community endeavor.
I strongly encourage … to support Projection. It will have a visceral impact, and leave a
lasting impression, on all who visit and live in Silver Lake. If you need further information,
please do not hesitate to contact me, or Susannah Tantemsapya, who represents
Vincent Lamouroux in Los Angeles ([email protected]; 646.621.0692).
Lisa Hart
Chair, Green Committee, Silver Lake Neighborhood Council
cc: Tri Tran
(official letterhead)
Green Committee
Silver Lake Neighborhood Council
(Address/ Contact info)
George Gonzalez
Division Manager, Bureau of Street Services
Urban Forestry Division
1149 South Broadway, 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90015
(213) 847-3077
Dear Mr. Gonzalez,
The Green Committee of the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council has reviewed and fully
supports Vincent Lamouroux’s Projection, a site-specific and ephemeral public art
installation at the site of the Sunset Pacific Motel on Sunset Blvd, prior to its demolition
for new development. This abandoned environment will be transfigured with a blanket of
ecologically safe, white limewash covering the entire building and its immediate
The Green Committee is happy to advise and work with the artist to ensure the
installation/de-installation of Projection meets all LA City environmental requirements.
The team is working with TreeCareLA (owned & operated by certified arborists) to add
and remove the limewash from the palm trees.
We are honored to have such a reputable artist–that has exhibited worldwide–to create
an original work in our neighborhood. The arts educational programming will engage the
local schools, businesses and residents to learn about how sustainability can be a part
of the creative process. This beautiful and intriguing work activates this blighted, vacant
space in Silver Lake. We are excited that Projection is truly a community endeavor.
I strongly encourage … to support Projection. It will have a visceral impact, and leave a
lasting impression, on all who visit and live in Silver Lake. If you need further information,
please do not hesitate to contact me, or Susannah Tantemsapya, who represents
Vincent Lamouroux in Los Angeles ([email protected]; 646.621.0692).
Lisa Hart
Chair, Green Committee
Silver Lake Neighborhood Council
cc: Attila Gyimesi