SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL OFFICERS CITY OF LOS ANGELES SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL CALIFORNIA Serving the Silver Lake Community Since 2003 CO-CHAIRS Amy Clarke Charles Herman-Wurmfeld VICE-CHAIR Ted Adams TREASURER Georgene Smith Goodin SECRETARY Teresa Sitz E MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (323) 413-SLNC (7562) URL: MAIL PO Box 26385, LA CA 90026 GREEN WITH TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC WORKS JOINT COMMITTEE MEETING Tuesday, February 17, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm Multi-Purpose Room • The Salvation Army Alegria-Zahn • 2737 W. Sunset Blvd. • Los Angeles, CA 90026 Meetings are open to the public. Any stakeholder of Silver Lake, as defined by the City of LA, can vote. The City defines a stakeholder as anyone who lives, works or owns real property in the neighborhood or who declares a stake in the neighborhood as a community interest stakeholder, defined as a person who affirms a substantial and ongoing participation within the neighborhood council’s boundaries and who may be in a community organization such as, but not limited to, an educational, non-profit, and/or religious organization. The mission of the Green Committee is to engage and empower stakeholders in Silver Lake through the creation of community mechanisms for sustainability and green spaces. The Transportation & Public Works Committee develops recommendations and proposes actions to the SLNC Board on policy, plans, programs, projects and budgets related to mobility and mobility-related issues, and public works. AGENDA TIMES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY. ITEMS MAY BE ADDRESSED OUT OF THE ORDER LISTED. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Welcome, Call to Order, and Minute-Taker……………………………………………………………………………………………………..6:30 pm Introductions and Roll Call……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6:30 pm Approval of 11/18/2014 (joint), 12/16/2014 (TPW), and 1/20/2015 (Green) Minutes.…....................................6:33 pm Announcements and Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items………………………………………………………………………….6:35 pm Report on SLNC Governing Board Meeting and Follow-Up …………………………………………………………..…………………6:45 pm New Business a. Discussion and Possible Action: SLNC support of the BIG PARADE LA ( May 2–4, 2015 by Spreading the Word and Encouraging Participation in This Fun, Educational, and Community-Growing Outdoor Walking Event, and Sending Letters Encouraging that City Council Do the Same………………………………..6:45 pm b. Discussion and Possible Action: Involvement with LADWP Stormwater Capture Master Plan….…………6:55 pm c. Discussion and Possible Action: Motion Regarding Sustainable Landscaping at LADWP and LA City Facilities……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7:05 pm d. Discussion and Possible Action: Use of Artificial Turf and in Parkways (Blumenfield/O’Farrell, Council File No. 14-1197)…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7:15 pm e. Discussion and Possible Action: Spending up to $2,500 via a Neighborhood Purpose Grant for a Cob Oven…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7:20 pm f. Discussion and Possible Action: Spending of up to $2,400 via a Neighborhood Purpose Grant for an Aquaponic System…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....7:30 pm g. Discussion and Possible Action: Spending of up to $300 on a Travel Stainless Water Filter and Small Paper Cups to use at Community Meetings and Events Instead of Purchasing bottled Water……7:40 pm 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. h. Discussion and Possible Action: Vendome Diagonal Parking…….......………………….………….……………………7:45 pm i. Discussion and Possible Action: Hosting a Solar Workshop…………………………………………………………………7:50 pm Unfinished Business a. Discussion and Possible Action: Development of an NC Sustainability Alliance and Partnership with the City’s Office of Sustainability…………………………………………………………………………………………………7:55 pm b. Earth Day Poster Contest and Outreach……………………………………………………………………………………………..8:00 pm c. Discussion and Possible Action: Tree-Mapping Project with TreePeople.……………………………………………8:05 pm d. Discussion and Possible Action: Smart Growth America Technical Assistance Workshop……………………8:10 pm e. Discussion and Possible Action: Adopt-a-Stairway Program and Stair Events………….…………………..……..8:15 pm f. Discussion and Possible Action: Litter on Riverside Drive Between Fletcher Drive and Gilroy Street…..8:20 pm New Business, Cont. a. Discussion and Possible Action: Closed Stairways……………………………………………………………………………….8:25 pm b. Discussion and Possible Action: Potential Pocket Parks, Parklets, and Other Community Spaces in Silver Lake c. Discussion and Possible Action: Obtaining and Sharing Accurate Information on Recycling d. Discussion and Possible Action: Tree Contest e. Discussion and Possible Action: LA Eco-Village Tour f. Discussion and Possible Action: Gray Water Workshop g. Discussion and Possible Action: Greening of Schools h. Discussion and Possible Action: Volunteer/Service Opportunities Through the SLNC i. Discussion and Possible Action: Ewaste/Hazardous Waste Collection Event j. Discussion and Possible Action: Potential Outreach Methods k. Discussion and Possible Action: Sign Ordinance (LA City Council File 08-2020) l. Discussion and Possible Action: How to Determine Which Bills Should Be Brought to the Committee m. Discussion and Possible Action: Joining the Clean LA Coalition n. Discussion and Possible Action: Urban Forest Management Plan o. Discussion and Possible Action: Solar-Powered Facilities p. Discussion and Possible Action: Ways of Working/Ground Rules for this Committee and Adoption of a Consensus Model Next Meeting and Agenda Items……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8:25 pm Announcements………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8:25 pm Meeting Debrief/Feedback/Suggestions………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8:25 pm Adjournment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..8:30 pm As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability and upon request will provide reasonable accommodation to ensure equal access to its programs, services, and activities. Sign language interpreters, assisted listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability of services, please make your request at least 3 business days (72 hours) prior to the meeting by contacting the SLNC Secretary, at (213) 375-8836, toll-free at 311, or e-mail [email protected]. In compliance with Government Code section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the board in advance of a meeting, may be viewed at our website by clicking on the following link:, or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact [email protected]. Green-Transportation and Public Works Joint Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 18, 2014 minutes present: Leni Fleming, Nina Sorkin, Ronald Van Ammers, Maria Sandoval, Amy Clarke, Charles Herman-Wurmfeld, Lisa Hart, John Wingler, Vanessa Gray, Matthew Mooney, Yasmin Diaz, Susannah Tantemsapya I. Frances calls to order at 7:03. II. Introductions made around the table. III. Green Committee Minutes were approved, without objections, with corrections made by Lisa to spelling of names from Susannah. T&PW minutes are missing the first half. A request has been put out to Barbara for them. It was decided that we would postpone approving minutes until next month where we would either have received completed minutes from Barbara or add the recollected minutes submitted by Nina. IV. Identifying disrepaired sidewalks for SAR introduced by Matthew, 15 sites would be repaired on Dec. 1. - Charles confirmed that 15 sites would be repaired and suggested that each board member make 2 recommendations. - Matthew put to question whether we should start from the list of sidewalks we have already collected from the call to the community for sidewalk repairs - Frances looked to clarify that it was an asphalt truck and therefore, understand what types of repairs would make the most sense - the room discussed that potholes and small cracks in roads and sidewalks under the preview of the SAR truck - Frances stated that she believes asphalt is a short-term, unsustainable solution for such probles. Lisa and Matthew agree. Matthew adding that they are also aesthetically unappealing. - John explained that they had filled a few places with asphalt on his street and believe is much better and would like to have other suitable problem areas fixed as well - Amy offered that the deadline is Monday, Nov. 24 to send in the request and Nian questioned whether CD 4 and 13 would proceed filling 15 locations without the NC submission of requests. - Matthew calls to question if we should move forward with a request to the community. John, Nina and Charles agree that we should. Charles adds that this would be a great way to start the conversation. We could put out a request to the community with a clarification that we are looking for more sustainable, long-lasting solutions while responding to the city with the sites, voice our concerns that we would like to look at better ways of actually fixing the problems instead of placing bandages on them. Leni and Amy also reiterate similar comments. And the committee agrees to move forward in this manner. a. Matthew moves to subtopic a. rethinking sidewalks - Amy: in rebuilding we must rethink the way we consider trees and to make sure we build with them in mind, building over trees. - Nina moves for the committee to send out a request to the community for submission of needed fixes while informing them and the neighborhood that we looking for other solutions. Matthew seconds and all (11) are in favor V. Visions and Goals a. Permit Parking - Matthew introduces the idea of permit parking and offers that he believes it is not inclusive, creates more problems or relocates problems and is therefore, not sustainable - Nina sites Occidental St as an example of a desired street for permit parking. W. Silver Lake Dr to the rec center has permit parking and it feels inequitable to other streets - Ronald: clarifies that he believes that permit parking there was in response to spaceland but is no longer needed - Matthew offers understandings of land use and transportation to areas for understand ideas and solutions to parking design - Nina adds that permit parking is only in the evening hours - Lisa asks if there is data on different options - Charles adds that he believes the idea of permit parking perpetuates exclusive use and ownership in a way that seems unnatural and counter our vision for an inclusive supportive community - Vanessa adds that if we allow for permit parking on Lucile, every other street will request it - the committee moves to continue the discussion in great length and detail at the next meeting b. Matthew introduces the idea of angled street parking that he has seen and equated with small cities - Charles suggests that we add angled parking to side streets. It would increase parking spots while calming traffic by thinning roads - Frances adds we can create protected bike lanes by placing them between the parked cars and sidewalk. Also suggests Griffith Park as a pilot street - the committee will put out a call for suggested trial streets c. Dash Bus - John: the old TPW committee has looked into the Dash before and John is interested in how we are to move forward. It seems that DOT is not interested in a Dash for Silver Lake. He feels its important for the any new bus to connect to the metro subway - Matthew: adds that the old TPW pushed for a north silver lake Dash bus - Ronald: 2 buses service such areas, the 92 and 175, however are not frequent. It would be good to get them to run more frequently. Is there a possibility to collaborate with Uber or Lyft for shared transportation - - Frances: Possible alternative to Dash for ridesharing/car sharing/hitch hiking would look at models like ‘Mitfahrgelegenheit’ in berlin which is community based where people post, share rides in order to offer and pick up others. possible ‘permanent’ pick up spots. Nina adds there is a similar model in Mexico city; Yasmine, NYC has an immigrant driven system Matthew questions whether or not we need a Dash. We already have the 4, 704 and 2. Nina clarifies that the desired Dash would go up SL Dr to Rowena, over to hyperion and down to bellevue Frances calls to question whether we should direct our efforts away from aquiring a Dash and towards piloting an alternative hitch hiking model-- Charles, Amy, Leni and Lisa enthusiastically agree d. Matthew moves to skip d-f e. moved to next month f. moved to next month g. Beautification and Clean-up Events - Lisa feels that one off events aren’t sustainable for overall efforts to the neighborhood - Charlie expresses love of the music box clean-up event and believes that these gather people and bring them in. These can be seen as a way of pushing people to get involved - John announced light up the stairs event Dec. 6. Ronald asks if the lights were approved by residents and John offered that Scott has worked on these details in UD&P for a while. - Nina: Franklin HIlls NC is working with Los Feliz for clean-up events with a greater Green Committee not associated with the NC. Lisa will circle back and check in with them to look at their model - Charles: Put out a call to the community for neighborhood volunteer service for beautification. Frances: Could generate a list of things people can do to “clean-up”. Vanessa: tie into the season of giving - Lisa will work with Charlie. h. Solar-powered Facilities- Lisa suggests we postpone until we have more clarity on needs, possibilities. Charles suggests we start with a request to the LAUSD for solar powered schools. i. - Grey-Water Workshops Amy: Ecovillage will host workshop for installers Frances and Lisa will look for people to give a workshop for grey water to the community VI. Resolving Gridlock at Intersections (Sorkin/Courshon): Nina passes around motion and reads aloud. Speaks to Ralph’s exit, exit behind Starbucks and Citibank exit are all difficult. Adds that Jerome would like to restripe the left turn lane near Rowena & Glendale Blvd. and hyperion & glendale left turn. Offers DC: don’t block the box as an example - - Matthew: would like to create a working group to address problems such as these of congestion. John thinks we should move to pass the motion. Charles suggest passing and creating a work group. Charles would like to remove the last sentence to the motion because it prescribes a solution to the problem before assessment and work group. Nina agrees to remove the last sentence. Charles adds bellevue stop sign area should be looked at as well John: need for congestion study Yasmine asks if we need a vote or can we just ask the city on our own Charles: questions if the left turn lane specifically exacerbated the problem. Nina clarifies problems near left turn lanes Matthew suggests a working group to go deeper into congestion possible solutions. Amend motion to call for a working group to be formed. Nina agrees to the amendment. Frances calls to question on the amended motion, 12 present at the time, 10 yes, 2 opposed. Motion carries and will be put to the governing board in december VII. Workgroup Report: Sunset Bike Lane Enhancement (Sorkin): Nina passes around and reads report. - Matthew steps down as chair of the work group due to responsibilities as committee chair - Charles would like to circulate the beautifully lit bike lane in the Netherlands inspired by Starry Night a. Narrower lanes Sunset/Protected bike lanes: Matthew suggest we discuss next meeting in conjunction with angled parking VIII. Micheltorena Tunnel Repurposing- Lisa introduces the idea of opening the tunnel and repurposing using Cypress park tunnel as a model to create an art gallery. There is also a tunnel that is open and operational on glendale near duane. Lisa would like to get businesses involved and connected the gallery shows once a month on saturdays with the farmers market - Matthew: we should save the tunnel first and then begin to repurpose. loves the idea of the art gallery and expresses his experience with what they’ve done in cypress village by Yansy-- there was a BBC article on it. What we need is to identify local businesses as key holders to open and close the tunnel. - Nina suggest interfacing with the SL monthly flea market - Ronald would like it to still be used for students if needed/possible - Charles: the city is under great pressure from the school to solve a safety problem the tunnel creates - Matthew moves to proposes a motion to put before the governing board: Ask the city to delay the permanent closure of the tunnel while we explore options for repurposing -Leni seconds, 9 for, 1 opposed (10 voted) - Charles expresses concern for the need to bring Micheltorena Elementary School into the conversation to address their concerns for safety IX. Tree-Mapping: Lisa reports that they had the 2nd tree-mapping event last saturday, Nov. 15 led by Charles and Amy. They need more people to lead events and are working closely with tree people to expand X. Adopt-a-Stairway Program and Closed Stairways: Lisa reports that Nina, Charles and herself have drafted language for the program and are ready to put it on the website XI. Development of the NC Green Alliance: Lisa, there is a city wide effort for a green alliance across neighborhood councils and is eager to participate XII. Earth Day Poster Contest and Outreach: Lisa moves to postpone this until Nina is present XIII. Letter Regarding Installation at Sunset Pacific Motel XIV. Amend Stand Rule 41 XV.“Turning Small Change Into BIg Change” XVI. Book #1 Discussion XVII. Matthew adjourns meeting at 9:10 SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL OFFICERS CITY OF LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL Serving the Silver Lake Community Since 2003 CO-CHAIRS Amy Clarke Charles HermanWurmfeld VICE-CHAIR Ted Adams TREASURER Georgene Smith Goodin SECRETARY Teresa Sitz E MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (323) 413-SLNC (7562) URL: MAIL PO Box 26385, LA CA 90026 GREEN COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES--DRAFT Tuesday, January 20, 2015, 7 pm–9 pm Our mission is to engage and empower stakeholders in Silver Lake through the creation of community mechanisms for sustainability and green spaces. Citibank Community Meeting Room • 2450 Glendale Blvd. • Los Angeles, CA 90039 Attending: John Wingler, Craig Collins, Genelle Le Vin, Mary Rodriguez, Charles Herman-Wurmfeld, Christine Kanr (arrived 7:16), Kinoka Ogsbury, Stephanie Bartron Announcements and Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items: Genelle—SLIA will host a community watch meeting 2/5 SLIA at the Russian Church Craig—Sharyn Romano with LABT is working with the SLNC to organize a rain barrel event Mary—City Councilmember O’Farrell will announce the SL dog park design winners on 2/2 Mary—O’Farrell will come to the SLNC governing board meeting 2/4 Genelle—the Polka Dot Plaza has polka dots and planters; wayfaring signs (acknowledging donors) are going up Mary—Project Parkway is in the works—implement to start possibly next month John—Ezra Horne adopted the Micheltorena stairs and did a lot of cleaning Genelle/Mary—The number to call for clean-up support is O’Farrell’s district office number –213 207-3015 Discussion and Possible Action: Solutions to Litter on Riverside Drive Between Fletcher Drive and Gilroy Street— Clean-ups/Art Installation/Signage/Lighting/Neighborhood Partnership?—with Budget Request of up to $3,000 The area has a history of not being well maintained, although it appears to be in better condition recently. The committee agreed, without objection, to host a clean-up event February 21 and a follow-up stairway event on March 21, to include the Corralitas and Silver Lake Avenue stairways, in support of the development of a self-sufficient maintenance plan for Fletcher and Riverside. We will work to get businesses involved and need a flier and outreach--Stephanie can help with outreach. 1 Additionally, Mary is trying to get the exact boundaries of the property owned by DWP, and will look into the idea of making the area behind the Arco gas station a historical monument. Later, we might want to write a letter to Supervisor Hilda Solis’s office for support. Stephanie could write it, and neighbors’ input could be solicited. There is a contract with the LA Conservation Corps; Mary will find out how often they can clean the area and ask the Bureau of street Services to clean it once or twice a year. (They will not do it once a month.) More efforts to support the area might be appropriate once the Red Car Property has been sold. At approximately 8:30, John and Craig left. The committee moved without objection to ask the Bylaws Committee to include Allesandro Elementary within the SLNC boundaries as a territory shared with the Elysian Valley Riverside NC. Discussion and Possible Action: Protection of Threatened Bee Species The committee agreed to send a motion to the governing board asking that they support a ban of neonicanoids, which are thought to be harmful to bees, in Silver Lake and ask that they not be sold or used in Silver Lake. Announcements: Lisa—the Alliance of River Communities is hosting a meeting 2/2 with the GM of Transportation Stephanie—the first soil summit will be held February 24 and 25 Discussion and Possible Action: Tree-Mapping Project with TreePeople The next tree-mapping event will be held February 21st; Lisa did not have governing board representation at the last meeting so went ahead and scheduled it, which the committee understands is fine to do. Adjournment at approximately 9:15 Minutes submitted by Lisa Hart, with contributions from John Wingler and Kinoka Ogsbury 2 Motion regarding Sustainable Landscaping at LADWP and LA City facilities The Mar Vista Community Council notes that the lawn at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) facility at the intersection of Venice and McLaughlin has been replaced with artificial turf, non-native plants and without any grading for rainwater capture. As recent news coverage of L.A. rains showed, one inch of rain generates 8 billion gallons of runoff in the City. This urban runoff is the #1 source of ocean pollution, and could be a valuable source of irrigation, groundwater recharge, and enhancing stream flows. Also, landscapes with living soil can help sequester carbon ( feature/soil_as_carbon_storehouse_new_weapon_in_climate_fight/2744/). Artificial turf compacts and kills soil microbiology, generating runoff and providing no carbon sequestering benefit. It also creates rather than mitigates the heat island effect caused by the changing climate. LADWP’s own turf replacement rebate ( a-w-conservation/a-w-c-landscap?_adf.ctrl-state=qhcmd28t2_4&_afr Loop=1033234959869636) “encourages” use of “California Friendly© plants, mulch, and permeable pathways,” though does not require grading for rainwater capture as well as use of climate-appropriate plants, mulch and efficient irrigation. Native plants provide a much needed habitat for local birds, polinators and wildlife which should be encouraged. The Mar Vista Community Council requests that as lawns are replaced at LADWP facilities, and all other LA City facilities, they be required to retrofit following the watershed approach. The watershed approach: Uses rainwater as a source of irrigation; Creates permeable, living soil using natural woodchip mulch or leaf litter, and permeable hardscaping; Utilizes climate-appropriate plants and drip irrigation. While the City is urging homeowners and businesses to replace turf lawn with sustainable alternatives, it is imperative that the LADWP and the City of Los Angeles utilize this opportunity to set an example by re-landscaping to conserve and capture water while creating a habitat that fosters the pollinators needed to support our ecosystem. Such landscaping will serve to promote environmental awareness and responsible landscaping choices by others in a highly visible setting and will ultimately save the city money in water usage, maintenance, and prevention of storm water runoff fines. We stand ready to provide contacts and resource information as needed for assistance. CITY OF LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA HOLLY L. WOLCOTT Office of the CITY CLERK City Clerk Council and Public Services Room 395, City Hall Los Angeles, CA 90012 General Information -(213)978-1133 Fax:(213)978-1040 GREGORY R. ALLISON Executive Office SHANNON HOPPES When making inquiries relative to this matter, please refer to the Council File No. Division Manager ERIC GARCETTI www.citvclerk.lacity.orq MAYOR October 15, 2014 To All Interested Parties: The City Council adopted the action(s), as attached, under Council File No. 14-1197, at its meeting held October 14, 2014. City Clerk wrq An Equal Employment Opportunity — Affirmative Action Employer File No. 14-1197 PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEE REPORT relative to developing a standard and implementation plan for using artificial turf in parkways. Recommendation for Council action, pursuant to Motion (Blumenfield - O'Farrell): INSTRUCT the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, with City Attorney assistance, to develop a standard for using artificial turf in parkways, to request funding and technical support from the Department of Water and Power for said work, and report to Council within 30 days with the developed standard and proposed implementation. Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report. Community Impact Statement: None submitted. SUMMARY At a regular meeting held on October 1, 2014, the Public Works and Gang Reduction Committee considered a Motion (Blumenfield - O'Farrell) relative to developing a standard and implementation plan for using artificial turf in parkways. An opportunity for public comment was held. After a brief discussion, the Committee moved to approve the recommendation contained in the Motion as detailed above. This matter is now forwarded to the Council for its consideration. Respectfully Submitted, PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEE MEMBER VOTE ADOPTED BUSCAINO: YES PRICE: YES CEDILLO: YES ME OCT 14Z014 LOS ANGELES CITY COUNCIL -NOT OFFICIAL UNTIL COUNCIL ACTS- SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL OFFICERS CITY OF LOS ANGELES SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL CALIFORNIA CO-CHAIRS Amy Clarke Charles Herman-Wurmfeld VICE-CHAIR Ted Adams TREASURER Georgene Smith Goodin SECRETARY Teresa Sitz Serving the Silver Lake Community Since 2003 EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (323) 413-SLNC (7562) URL: MAIL PO Box 26385, LA CA 90026 REQUEST FOR AGENDA ITEM SEEKING APPROVAL OF FUNDING Date: February 17, 2015 Name/Committee: Joint Green Committee and Transportation and Public Works Committee in conjunction with the Micheltorena Community and School Garden Vote: Text of Motion on the Agenda: The Transportation and Public Works Committee joined by the Green Committee moves that the SLNC Governing Board provide funding of up to $2500 to contribute to the cost of the construction and use of an oven stove at the Micheltorena Community and School Garden. Building, outreach, and community events will be carried out by the Micheltorena Garden Community, which has continually worked to build hands-on sustainable community. Describe the event/project in detail: The Garden community will partner with either Ray Cirino of Dragon Ovens to build a 24” deep X 66” long X 36” high grill oven or Firespeaking to build a barrel cob oven through an educational outreach event. Ray Cirino has extensive work and experience in sustainable oven building. His oven has supported community events at the garden in the past and at Cross Pollinate, a women empowerment collaboration event, for the past few years. Firespeaking has been building barrel cob ovens from the earth for over 10 years. They have educated people through the building and use of their ovens designed in a sustainable and energy-efficient manner and built from the earth. The Micheltorena Garden Community will lead the building event followed by an outreach and community unveiling party for the entire neighborhood. The oven will also be a wonderful addition to the weekly community potlucks that are hosted at the garden throughout the spring and summer, which will be in its fourth season. We will continue to host educational events in conjunction with other community organizations including but not limited to the Los Angeles Bread Bakers to teach wild yeast and bread-making classes. We will also open the use of the oven to the entire community for desired outreach and community events. What is the total budget for the project? A total of $1000 for supplies and building of the oven. What is the timeline for the project? (Be sure to include deadline for Board action, major dates, etc.) Once funding is approved in March, the oven material will be purchased and the building event will be held in early April with the opening event to be in late April/early May. The oven will continue to be used at the weekly community potluck hosted by the community garden throughout the spring and summer. From which Budget Line(s) are funds to be drawn? Neighborhood Purpose Grant How will this motion be implemented, and by whom? The Micheltorena Garden Community with work with the SLNC Outreach Committee, Los Angeles Bread Bakers, and other relevant neighborhood groups and local schools to publicize the educational building event and availability of the oven classes to the widest possible audience. The oven use will be centered at weekly community potlucks immediately following its construction and will continue to be open and free to use weekly (if not more often) to all at organized potlucks hosted by the garden. * If motion is approved, please turn in a completed Funding Request Form, available in the documents section of to the Treasurer. SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL OFFICERS CITY OF LOS ANGELES SILVER LAKE NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL CALIFORNIA CO-CHAIRS Amy Clarke Charles Herman-Wurmfeld VICE-CHAIR Ted Adams TREASURER Georgene Smith Goodin SECRETARY Teresa Sitz Serving the Silver Lake Community Since 2003 EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: (323) 413-SLNC (7562) URL: MAIL PO Box 26385, LA CA 90026 REQUEST FOR AGENDA ITEM SEEKING APPROVAL OF FUNDING Date: February 17, 2015 Name/Committee: Joint Green Committee and Transportation and Public Works Committee in conjunction with the Micheltorena Community and School Garden Vote: Text of Motion on the Agenda: The Transportation and Public Works Committee joined by the Green Committee moves that the SLNC Governing Board provide funding of up to $2400 for building, education, and outreach for the construction and use of a fully contained and sustainable aquaponic system that will be built and maintained at the Micheltorena Community and School Garden. Building, outreach, and community events will be carried out by the Micheltorena Garden Community, which has continually worked to build a hands-on sustainable community. Describe the event/project in detail: The Garden community will partner with a local neighborhood do-it-yourself shop, The King’s Roost. The King’s Roost owner, Roe Sie, has worked to build his own sustainable and functional aquaponic systems for over 10 years. He currently works with the Aquaponic Source, which produces the most efficient and well constructed system on the market— one of which is currently operational at The King’s Roost. We will create an educational building event and a serious of monthly educational events through the garden to educate and to help facilitate others’ own construction of home systems. The aquaponic cycle creates a completely inclusive and sustainable system to grow food in the most energy- and environmentally-conscious way. It creates a cycle that produces fish whose waste cycles feed microbes and worms to feed plants that in turn filter and clean the system’s water. This will be an incredible educational tool for students and the community. What is the total budget for the project? A total of $2400 for supplies and building of the aquaponic system. What is the timeline for the project? (Be sure to include deadline for Board action, major dates, etc.) Once funding is approved in March, the aquaponic system will be immediately purchased and constructed through a community event the first week in April. We will then begin planting spring crops and host monthly educational events linked to community dinners monthly throughout the summer. From which Budget Line(s) are funds to be drawn? Neighborhood Purpose Grant How will this motion be implemented, and by whom? The Micheltorena Garden Community with work with the SLNC Outreach Committee and other relevant neighborhood groups and local schools to publicize the educational building event and monthly educational events and dinners to the widest possible audience. The aquaponic system will be maintained at and by the Micheltorena Garden Community. * If motion is approved, please turn in a completed Funding Request Form, available in the documents section of to the Treasurer.
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