Poster för dagens seminarium med Urmi Nanda Biswas

Allmänna seminarieserien
Psykologiska institutionen
Extra seminarium
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) law in India:
Issues and concerns
Dr. Urmi Nanda Biswas, M.S. University of
Baroda, Gujarat, India.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) law in
India: Issues and concerns.
Torsdag 7 maj 2015, kl 14-15.
Rum 357, Frescati Hagväg 14, plan 3.
Ansvarig avdelning
Arbets- och organisationspsykologi.
With the increasing pertinence of sustainable development
and socially acceptable industrial growth, the concept of
corporate social responsibility (CSR) as a business practice
plays a vital role in global economic governance. The
management practices with respect to CSR has contributed
significantly to an Indian approach of sustainability,
especially as a country with lowest level of GNP per capita
and highest level of CSR among the Asian countries. India
has been the first country in the world to have a mandatory
CSR law for Indian companies since February, 2014. The
seminar presents the law and then discusses the issues and
concerns associated to the mandatory CSR law in India,
whether it is going to be a boon or a bane for this fast growing
economy, fighting the forces of globalization, resulting
increase in competition and the pressure to be profitable.
It also presents managerial perception and practice of CSR
across various industrial sectors.
Dr. Urmi Nanda Biswas
Uppdragsutbildning vid Psykologiska
institutionen sker genom Institutet för
tillämpad beteendevetenskap, ITB.
Vad kan ITB göra för dig?
Dr. Urmi Nanda Biswas is the Professor and Head of
the Department of Psychology, M. S. University of
Baroda, Gujarat, India, and is presently associated
with the Department of Sociology and Work
Science, Gothenburg University as a Guest Professor.
Her research interest includes Human Resource
Development issues and its consequences.
Den allmänna seminarieserien äger rum på onsdagar, klockan 14-15, i rum 357, Frescati Hagväg 14, om annat ej anges.
Extraseminarier kan tillkomma på andra dagar och tider, bland annat s k halvtidsseminarier.
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Psykologiska institutionen vxl 08-16 20 00