Kings County Association of Governments 339 W. “D” Street, Lemoore, California 93245 (559) 852-2654 FAX (559) 924-5632 Member Agencies: Cities of Avenal, Corcoran, Hanford and Lemoore, County of Kings In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if, you need special assistance to participate in this meeting please contact the KCAG Office at (559) 852-2654 by 4:00 on the Friday prior to this meeting. Agenda backup information and any public records provided to the Board after the posting of the agenda for this meeting will be available for public review at 339 West D Street, Suite B, Lemoore, CA. In addition most documents will be posted on MEETING Place: Kings County Association of Governments 339 W. “D” Street, Suite B Lemoore, CA Time: 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, November 12, 2014 Agency: KCAG Technical Advisory Committee ITEM I. PAGE ACTION CALL MEETING TO ORDER: A. Unscheduled Appearances Any person may address the Committee on any subject matter within the jurisdiction or responsibility of the Committee at the beginning of the meeting; or may elect to address the Committee on any agenda item at the time the item is called by the Chair, but before the matter is acted upon by the Committee. Unscheduled comments will be limited to three minutes. B. II. III. Minutes of September 10, 2014 1-4 Action 5 Action TRANSPORTATION: A. FY 13-14 Transportation Development Act Financial Audit Extension B. FFY 2013-14 Annual Federal Funds Obligations Report 6-13 Information C. 2013 Interregional Transportation Strategic Plan 14-19 Information 20-22 Information 23-24 Attachment Information 25 Information REGIONAL PLANNING: A. FY 2015-16 Overall Work Program Activities B. Draft 2014 Regional Housing Needs Allocation Plan C. 2015 KCAG Meeting Calendar IV. MISCELLANEOUS: V. ADJOURNMENT: Next meeting scheduled for December 10, 2014. Kings County Association of Governments 339 W. “D” Street, Suite B, Lemoore, California 93245 (559) 852-2654 FAX (559) 924-5632 Member Agencies: Cities of Avenal, Corcoran, Hanford and Lemoore, County of Kings MINUTES KCAG TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, September 10, 2014 CALL MEETING TO ORDER The regular meeting of the KCAG Technical Advisory Committee was called to order by Bruce Abanathie, at 1:31 p.m. on Wednesday, September 10, 2014 in the Conference Room, 339 West “D” Street, Suite B, Lemoore, California. MEMBERS PRESENT: Roman Benitez, NAS Lemoore Lou Camara, City of Hanford Angie Dow, KCPTA Greg Gatzka, County of Kings Lee Johnson, Kings County Health Paul Marquez, Caltrans Darlene Mata, City of Hanford Kevin McAlister, County of Kings Steven Sopp, City of Avenal David Wlaschin, City of Lemoore STAFF PRESENT: Bruce Abanathie VISITORS PRESENT: Jim Christian Marlana Brown, NAS Lemoore A. UNSCHEDULED APPEARANCES Attendees introduced themselves as there were new faces around the table. Ms. Marlana Brown was introduced as the Community Plans Liaison Officer (CPLO) for Lemoore Naval Air Station and Ms. Darlene Mata is the Community Development Director for the City of Hanford. B. MINUTES It was moved and seconded (Camara / Johnson) to approve the Minutes of July 23, 2014, with corrections. Motion carried with four abstentions (Dow, Sopp, McAlister, and Wlaschin). 1 TRANSPORTATION: A. FY 2015-16 Caltrans Planning Grant Information Mr. Abanathie deferred to Mr. Marquez who gave an overview of the various grants and funding programs currently open to agencies and noted that applications are due electronically by 5:00 p.m. on October 31st. Mr. Marquez stated fact sheets, tips, and guidance for the grants and programs are available on the Caltrans website and that workshops and webinars will be held later this month. Ms. Dow asked if toll credits could be applied to the local match. Mr. Marquez stated that he would get back to her with an answer. Mr. Abanathie recommended that member agencies submit applications for these programs and stated that staff will be available to assist the local agencies with the preparation, submission, and implementation of any grant applications for the programs. B. Draft CEQA Guidelines Workshop Mr. Abanathie stated that an event was scheduled for September 24, 2014 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at the Wedgewood Banquet Center in Fresno, CA to discuss that draft California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines for analyzing transportation impacts. The proposed guidelines focus on the use of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) and trip generation as impact thresholds, rather than level of service (LOS). The deadline for comments on the discussion draft guidelines is October 10, 2014. C. Caltrans/ KCAG Master Fund Transfer Agreement Mr. Abanathie gave an overview of the document and explained that if the document is not renewed prior to the expiration of the current agreement Caltrans will be unable to reimburse any federal or state planning funds. It was moved and seconded (McAlister / Wlaschin) to recommend that the KCAG Transportation Policy Committee approve the updated Master Fund Transfer Agreement and authorize the Executive Director to sign the agreement. Motion carried unanimously. REGIONAL PLANNING: A. San Joaquin Valley Fall Policy Conference Mr. Abanathie gave an overview of the 2014 San Joaquin Valley Fall Policy Conference which is an annual event sponsored by the San Joaquin Valley Regional Policy Council and the Blueprint Program. The Tulare County Association of Governments will host the event this year and the event will be held in Visalia on October 1 through 3. 2 B. Fiscal Impact Analysis Tool Mr. Abanathie gave a brief summary of the report. The Valley IMPACS tool is based off of an existing Fiscal Impact Analysis Tool and is a Valley specific Excel based development scenario comparison tool. The tool will be available soon on the San Joaquin Valley Blueprint Toolkit website and the Fresno Council of Governments is requesting feedback on the tool. The tool was demonstrated at the most recent Valley Planner’s Network meeting. It was noted that the Valley Planner’s Network will meet on November 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. MISCELLANEOUS Mr. Sopp reported that the gravity fed water tanks in Avenal have been replaced with pressure reducing valves and an electricity generating gravity fed system was installed. A grand opening ceremony and tour will be held on September 17th at 3:00 p.m. Mr. Benitez reported that the 2030 LNAS Master Plan, last updated in 1992, was completed in July and will be available online soon. The updated plan engaged the community and feedback was incorporated into the plan. Mr. Benitez also reported that the Record of Decision for the F-35 Strike Fighter has been delayed and a decision is expected in October. Ms. Marlana Brown was introduced as the Community Plans Liaison Officer (CPLO) and will be the point of contact for NAS Lemoore regarding external land use decisions or plans that may impact the NAS Lemoore Mission. Mr. Wlaschin reported that the overlay project on Bush Street is complete. There are various ongoing projects in Lemoore which includes the extension of Cedar Lane from Blue Jay to 19th Avenue. This will create a connection between 19th and 19 ½ Avenues. The city has been working with Caltrans on SR 198. The complaints regarding signage have been passed on to Caltrans. Mr. McAlister reported on the construction at the Government Center, bridge rehabilitation projects, and safe route to school projects within the County of Kings. Ms. Dow reported that KCAPTA is finishing up the shelter installation project and they are waiting for two large shelters to come in. When the project is complete, the system will have approximately 40 lighted solar shelters. Solar lights have been added to the top of transit stop signs in rural areas to increase passenger safety and visibility. The next project KCAPTA will undertake will be assessing bench installations. Benches that are not ADA compliant will be removed. The Bus Intelligence System which will let passengers know when the bus is near them has been on installed on the paratransit system. The system will be operational in approximately 30 days. There are some issues with the POC on the fixed route but they are working to resolve these issues and the entire fleet will be equipped in approximately 30 days. With the new system, notices will be pushed to users in order to provide real time information. Mr. Marquez from Caltrans stated that he would look into the signage issue on 19th and 12th mentioned by Mr. Wlaschin. He reported that the overlay project on SR 43 is substantially complete and should be done by the end of the month. Work on 12th Avenue interchange will begin on September 16th and will have single lane closures on SR 198 for about a week. 3
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