November 16, 2014 Welcome and Announcements Prayer Worship Songs A New Hallelujah Come Thou Almighty King A Mighty Fortress is Our God #26 Great Are You Lord Lord, I Need You Scripture Reading Philippians 3:17-21 Page 832 Offering Children are dismissed for Children’s Church in Room A Message Sermon Series: Philippians Part 14 - Perilous Journey Philippians 3:17-21 Mahlon Friesen - Interim Pastor Benediction -2- TODAY’S ACTIVITIES 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM Praise Team Practice Prayer Sunday School Golden Living Center Church Service Worship Service VISITOR INFORMATION Visitors - If you are visiting with us today, we would like to give you a Welcome Packet and a booklet called “The God Questions”. In the Welcome Packet you will learn more about Broken Bow EFree Church and all of our ministries. Welcome Packets and the booklet are available on the Information Table in the lobby or ask an Usher or Greeter for assistance. Thanks for worshiping with us today. Nursery - Is available for any infants and toddlers under the age of 3. The nursery is located off of the Activities Room in Rooms D and E. Children’s Church - Is available for children ages 3 through 1st grade in Room A. Children will be dismissed prior to the sermon. Children’s Bulletins - Are available in the foyer and contain Bible activity pages for kids. The green ones are for ages 3-6 and the blue ones are for ages 7-12. Song Sheets - If you have a hard time seeing the words on the screen, yellow song sheets are available in the foyer. Questions - Ushers are available to answer questions or to help find what you are looking for. Watch and Listen Online - If you cannot make it to church or if you are visiting out of town, you can still be a part of the Worship Service by watching the live broadcast at You can also watch or listen to previously recorded services. -3- ANNOUNCEMENTS Financial Report God loves a cheerful giver - 2 Corinthians 9:7 Weekly Budget Nov. 9th Offering $5,800 $5,770 Interviews - If you haven’t already done so, would you take a minute today to sign up for an interview with Pastor Mahlon and Darlene? They’ve talked to about a 100 people so far, and want to include you! They’d like to get to know you and hear any ideas you have about the church. There is a sign-up calendar available in the foyer. Thanksgiving Supper - The Missions Committee is providing a FREE Thanksgiving Supper (complete with turkey and all the fixins) during part of the Missions Conference, on Sat., Nov. 22nd, beginning at 6:00 PM. To reserve your seats, contact any of these Missions Committee members to get your FREE tickets: John Whitney, Mel May, Jean Bose, Geri Johnson or Karen Strawder, or call the church office. Missionary Wives Christmas - We are once again collecting funds so that we can send at least $100 to each Missionary wife that we support. Our goal is to raise $2000. You can place your donation in the box in the foyer or place in the offering plate with “Missionary Wives” on the memo line. We would like to collect all the money by Wed., November 26th so we can send the checks out at the beginning of December. $575 has been received so far. Angel Tree - Will be coming soon. The recipients this year will be the residents of the Golden Living Center. Each ornament on the tree will have a name and a suggested gift. We ask that the gifts be brought to the church by Thursday, Dec. 11th. We will deliver the gifts on Sunday, Dec. 14th. After we deliver the gifts and sing carols, we will return to the church for a soup supper. Salvation Army Bell Ringing - The Salvation Army is once again looking for volunteers to ring bells and collect money to help people in need in Custer County. 90% of all funds raised through this project stay in Custer County. If you are interested in filling a 2-hour time slot, contact the church office. Store locations are: Grocery Kart, Schmick’s, Shopko and Alco. -4- ANNOUNCEMENTS Revolution Student Ministries Late Start Breakfast - All 7th – 12th grade youth are invited to the Taylor home this Wed., Nov., 19th at 9:00 AM for breakfast and a short devotional. Pastor Brant and Susanne are offering rides to school from their home before the 10:00 AM start. Students and Parents - Want to stay “connected” via text? Periodically Pastor Brant will send out important reminders or encouragement. To receive these messages via text, text @201415rev to (402) 858-9444. You can optout of messages at any time by replying, 'unsubscribe @201415rev'. White Elephant Christmas Party - On Dec. 17th, we will celebrate Christmas with a party and “White Elephant” gift exchange. Each person is to find or purchase a “unique” gift (spend no more than $5), wrap it and bring it to Youth Group. Thank You - To Dena Sievering who has been helping coordinate the meals before Youth Group. Thanks to the others who volunteered to assist. You will be contacted in the months ahead as the various needs arise. Welcome Aboard! The Revolution Student Ministry is excited with the addition of Steve Hostick to our Wednesday Small Group Leadership Team. Young Couples Fellowship - The YCF is planning a date night on Fri., Dec. 12th, beginning at 6:00 PM in the backroom of the Tumbleweed Café. They are planning an Ugly Sweater Christmas Party and White Elephant Gift Exchange. More details will follow. This Week’s Birthdays and Anniversaries Nov. 16th - 22nd Nov: 15 Jim Goings 16 Katie Winter 19 Aubry Hammond 19 Geri Johnson 20 Gene French Nov: 20 Steve & Deb Hostick 20 Clifford & Gaylean Olson 20 Alvin & Inger Sherbeck Challenge Center Building Update - The current total is $393,333.58. -5- THIS WEEK Monday, Nov. 17, 2014 7:30 PM 7:30 PM LIFE-Group for Women @ Wanda Anderson’s Divorce Care Tuesday, Nov. 18, 2014 1:30 PM Ladies Bible Study at the High Rise Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014 6:00 AM Men’s Fraternity 9:30 AM Wednesday Morning Ladies Bible Study 12:00 PM-2:00 PM *Christian Women’s Luncheon 5:00 PM P.I.G.S. Puppet Practice 6:30 PM AWANA 6:30 PM Revolution Youth Group Thursday, Nov. 20, 2014 9:30 AM Thursday Morning Ladies Bible Study 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM *Weight Watchers Friday, Nov. 21, 2014 Missions Conference Weekend 7:00 PM Missionary Fireside Chats (in various homes) Saturday, Nov. 22, 2014 Missions Conference Weekend 7:00 AM 6:00 PM Men’s Breakfast @ Tumbleweed Café Thanksgiving Supper (free) - Missionaries UPCOMING EVENTS Nov. 26 Dec. 2 2 No P.I.G.S, AWANA or Revolution Youth Group Worship Committee Meeting 7:30 PM Missions Meeting *Denotes non-BB-EFC activities being held at the church Our Mission: Leading People into a Growing Relationship with Jesus Christ. -6- PRAYER AND PRAISE November 16, 2014 “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” Lillian Schmitz (3 year old daughter of Amber Peterson) - She was able to come home this last week and was scheduled to have Chemo in Kearney on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Karen Cunningham: Continue to pray for her as she recovers from shoulder surgery. Pray for strength to endure the physical therapy and for pain levels to subside so she can rest at night. Pray for Our Church in This Transition - That we will be faithful in our service and prepared for the fruitful ministry God has in store for us. Pray for our Search Committee as they continue to pray and prepare to pursue a godly candidate for the Senior Pastor position. BB-EFC Missionary of the Week: Helen Langlie, wife of Gordon Langlie, who was the Broken Bow EFC Church Planter, writes that she has so many happy memories of the time she and Gordon served here at BB-EFC. God bless all of you in your great work there in Broken Bow. Pray for a Midwest District Church: Gothenburg Evangelical Free Church, Gothenburg, NE, Pastor Nathaniel Gustafson Those Serving Today: Nursery: Tony and Tina Millsap, Tania Kreitman Children’s Church: Kyla and Abby Olson, Kelsey Bredthauer Ushers: Travis Hansen, Monte Hermsmeyer, Craig Ottun Greeter: Bette Fauquet, Doris Cole Those Serving Next Week: Nursery: John and Mandy VanZandt, Emily Deterding Children’s Church: Chelsea Carlson, Samy Hundstad -7- SERMON NOTES Perilous Journey Philippians 3:17-21 November 16, 2014 As a growing Christian I ... _________________________ godly examples v. 17 ________________________ false teaching vv. 18-19 Anticipate _________________ coming vv. 20-21 How does God want me to respond to this passage? For further study, pick up a copy of today’s handout (orange) in the foyer with “Digging Deeper” questions and the Word Find puzzle. Next week: Missions Conference with Luther Eatman Broken Bow Evangelical Free Church 2079 Memorial Drive Broken Bow, NE 68822 (308) 872-3000 Church Office Hours – 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Mon.-Thurs. Interim Pastor - Pastor Mahlon Friesen Email: [email protected] Associate Pastor of Youth & Family Ministries - Pastor Brant Taylor Email: [email protected] Secretary Geri Johnson Email: [email protected] - 8-
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