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Table of Contents
Revised Docket ......................................................................... 3-4
Gathering Song (CCLI 177305) ................................................. 5
Reconvening Song (CCLI 177305) ............................................. 6
Ecclesiastical Affairs Equalization Plan Slides (C.2) .................. 7
Finance Committee Budget Information (C.3) ........................... 8-9
Committee on Ministry (D) ........................................................ 9-11
Committee on Preparation for Ministry (E) ................................ 11
Congregational Resourcing Team (G.2) ..................................... 12-14
Outreach Committee (G.3) ........................................................ 15-16
Nominating Committee (H) ....................................................... 17-19
Presbytery Communications Tools ............................................ 19
Installation Service for the Clerk and Treasurer........................ 20-21
Installation Service for a Moderator .......................................... 22-23
Informational Flyers ................................................................. 24-26
Table of Motions from Addendum Report
From Committee on Ministry
1. That the examination of Laureen Suba be sustained. Laureen is being called to
the position of Executive Director for United Campus Ministry of Greater
2. That the paragraph found on page 9 of the Addendum Report be offered as an
amendment to the revised Gracious Reconciliation and Dismissal Procedure.
From the Nominating Committee
1. That the nominees found on pages 17-19 of the Addendum Report be approved
to serve on the committees of the presbytery.
The Presbytery of New Covenant
“Growing congregations that passionately engage their community to make disciples.”
Stated Meeting – November 15, 2014
Indian Presbyterian Church, 1072 Colabe Rd., Livingston, TX 77351
This year’s theme – Making Disciples
Offering: Kid’s Free Clothing Exchange
Registration Opens
Lodge Welcome Area
New Commissioner Orientation
Church Sanctuary
There will be a place available all day for prayer and meditation. Signs will direct you to this location.
For your information, TE means Teaching Elder, and RE means Ruling Elder.
Please silence all devices!
9:25 am
9:30 am
Gathering Song
“To God Be the Glory”
Opening Worship
Moderator, RE John Jo
TE Jeff Smith (Houston, St. Andrew’s) preaching
Moment for Mission: Kid’s Free Clothing Exchange
10:15 am
Opening Business
Moderator and Stated Clerk
Declaration of Quorum and Adoption of the Docket
Welcome by Host Church – CRE Debbie Battise-Kleinman
Welcome of Others (First time Commissioners, Corresponding Members, New Minister
Members, Visitors)
Omnibus Motion (B.1)
Moderator’s Remarks and Appointments
 Tellers: RE Alba Herrera, TE Becky Downs, TE John Wurster
 Nominations to Nominating Committee
10:25 am
Report of the Stated Clerk (B)
TE Lynn Hargrove
Administrative Commissions for Installations/Ordinations
10:30 am
Vote on the Confession of Belhar
Presentation by TE Greg Han (Member at Large)
Moderator John Jo
11:00 am
Celebration of Ministry: Interfaith Ministries
TE Greg Han
11:05 am
Report of the General Council
TE Laurey Murphy
First Reading: Proposed Revisions to the
Gracious Reconciliation and Dismissal Procedure
Action Item: Election and Installation of Treasurer and Stated/Recording Clerk
11:35 am
Celebration of Ministry
Powerful Tools for Pastoral Caregivers
Dick Humphrey
11:40 am
Ministries Division – Congregational Resourcing Team
TE David Leard
11:50 am
Celebration of Ministry
Presbyterian Mission Agency: Special Offerings
Sam Locke
11:55 am
Blessing before the Meal/Instructions
CRE Debbie Battise-Kleinman
12:45 pm
Reconvening Hymn
12:50 pm
Visioning the Presbytery
1:50 pm
The WORD – Laureen Suba
2:15 pm
Committee on Ministry
TE John Hirling
Committee on Examination
RE Greg Feigh
Action Items: Teaching Elder Ethics Document; Retirements
“Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine”
TE David Sawyer
Ministries Division
RE Jody Harrington
Outreach Committee
TE Mark Downs
Covenant Agreement w/CUPS; Peru Mission Trips
Administrative Division
Ecclesiastical Affairs Committee
Action Item: Parity Plan
RE Jane Larkin
TE Becky Downs
Nominating Committee
RE Gayle Smith
Committee on Representation
PC(U.S.A.) COR Representative TE Hector Rivera-Velez
RE Alba Herrera
Committee on Preparation for Ministry
TE Kevin Boyd
Celebration of Ministry: Camp Cho-Yeh
Guy Bratton
Installation of the 2015 Moderator, TE Laurey Murphy
RE John Jo
New Business (Only if submitted four days prior to meeting date, so it can be posted
online 3 days prior)
Closing Prayer
(By rule of the presbytery, no later than 4:00 pm, unless the assembly votes by a 2/3
majority to extend beyond)
Following adjournment, clerks will meet for session records review in Room ???.
The next Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of New Covenant will be
Saturday, March 21, 2015 at St. Philip Presbyterian Church
4807 San Felipe, Houston, TX 77056
July 18, 2015 – Location TBA
November 21, 2015 – St. John’s, Houston
Ecclesiastical Affairs Committee – Equalization Plan Slides
Finance Committee
NOVEMBER 15, 2014
I. Recommended for Actions
A. The committee recommends and moves that the examination of Laureen Suba candidate for ordination be sustained.
B. The committee recommends and moves that presbytery adopt the following amendment to the 1st Reading of the new
Gracious Reconciliation and Dismissal Procedure:
The Teaching Elder’s Role
in the Gracious Reconciliation and Dismissal Procedure
Of the Presbytery of New Covenant
The Gracious Reconciliation and Dismissal Procedure (Procedure) defines a process for congregations considering dismissal
from the denomination. The process assumes, and experience has shown that congregations, even families within
congregations, entering into the Procedure are divided on the form that reconciliation shall take. Teaching Elders, whether
in temporary positions or installed positions, are called to minister to all members of the congregation. Therefore, the
appropriate role for teaching elders in the Procedure is to support fairness to all perspectives, balance in any presentations,
and accuracy of information. As members of Presbytery and not members of the individual congregations they serve, their
voice in meetings of the session and congregation should be limited to their roles as moderator. Because the vote of the
congregation affects the terms of call for each teaching elder serving a congregation, it is strongly recommended that they
request Presbytery to appoint a moderator for any congregational meeting called by Session pursuant to the Procedure.
II. Actions taken on behalf of Presbytery – November 4, 2014
A. Validated Ministry
1. Laureen Suba, candidate for ordination, called to serve as Executive Director of United Campus
Ministry of Greater Houston, COM approved compensation and validated the Ministry on 9/1/14;
sustained the examination of the Committee on Examinations on 10/25/14; COM sustained
examination on 11/4/14.
(Statement of Faith follows COM Report in the Addendum)
Salary/ Housing/Utility Allowance
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Up to 200 per month
Board of Pensions Dues
Study Leave Allowance (cumulative for 3 years)
1,450/250 Clergy Retreat
Study Leave
(cumulative for 3 years)
2 wks/3 days Clergy Retreat
4 weeks
Annual Review
Formal Education:
2014 Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin, TX MDiv
1981 Thunderbird Graduate School, Glendale, AZ MBA International Management
1978 Hood College, Frederick, MD BA (Political Science / History Double Major),
B. Received Report regarding Changes in Terms of Calls
1. Between Pearland, Peace and Scott Cummings - Annual Review 10/26/14
C. Approved Stated Supply Contract
1. Between Troy Jarvis and Eagle Lake, First 1/4time for one year beginning 9/1/14
Auto Allowance @ IRS Rate
Study Leave Allowance
Study Leave
cumulative for 3 years
2 weeks
4 weeks
D. Approved Renewal of Commissioned Ruling Elder Contract
1. Between Debbie Battise-Kleinman and Livingston, Indian for one year effective 10/31/14 to
10/31/15; and that she be granted the following functions: Baptism; Lord’s Supper; Moderate
Session; Voice at Presbytery Meetings; Vote at Presbytery Meetings and Perform Marriages.
E. Approved and received Annual Reports/Members at Large/Serving Temporary Positions
1. Isabel Rivera-Velez
F. Approved and received Annual Reports/Members at Large/Validated Beyond the Congregation
1. Joaquin (Jake) Gonzales
2. Rachel Poysky
3. John Wheeler-Waddell
H. Received a signed Declaration of Intent (Separation Ethics) from Christa Brewer
I. Approved renewal of Parish Associate Contract
1. Between David Northcutt and Missouri City, Southminster
J. Received, reviewed and approved all Annual Reports for Honorably Retired Ministers
Robert Kwik
Thomas Atkins
Harry Slye
Wilbur Stambaugh
David Abrams
Walter Westcott
Jim Tom Ainsworth
Louise Row
John Alexander
John William Wade
David Barnes
Fredric Walls
Bryan J. Cannon
Bruce Williams
Ben A. Carpenter
Dean Woodruff
Patricia Clark
Joseph Daniel Intsiful
Shelley Craig
Carl Orr
Don Davidson
Margaret “Peg” Ferguson
Victor Dindot
Connie Alexander
Robert Ferguson
Sharon Gazaway
Douglas Finch
Clarence O Magee, Jr.
Ray Gearing
Gayle Grubbs
Richard Kleiman
Raymond A. Harper
Troy Jarvis
Linda Herron
Robert Rush
Warren Johnson
Charlotte Kibler
Carl Mills
Gayle Perkins
Suk-In Kim
David Northcutt
M. Douglas Harper, Jr.
Bryan Kile
Raymond Feyes
K. Approved request to be put on Pulpit Supply List
1. Mirjam Hass-Melchior
L. Appointed Helen DeLeon as Moderator of Webster
M. FastTrac Workshop will be scheduled at Houston, St. Stephens – Mike Marcotte was the liaison.
N. Granted Permission to elect a Designated Pastor PNC
1. Needville, St. Paul’s
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1. Committee on Ministry Retreat – January 6, 2015; 2 – 5 pm
I believe:
 In God who created all things out of chaos and called it good;
 That we, as humans, are meant to live our lives to the fullest through obedience to God. To love God with all our
heart, mind, body and soul. Accepting God’s grace and using God’s good gifts.
 God loves everyone and every creature. We love God because we are loved.
 In the goodness of a world reconciled to God.
 That God will not ravage us and has given us free will to disobey. We set our minds and hearts on things that not
only do not contribute to the work of the Kingdom (sin) but work against it (evil).
I believe:
 Humans are sinful and we cannot always do the good we want to do. This is a problem for God and us.
 God’s wrath is real. Our sin is real.
 In spite of our sin, Christ gives us the power to love God, others and ourselves.
 God sent us the promise of Christ: fully God, fully human, the fulfillment of the promise and the beginning of the
new creation.
The world changed forever with the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ.
 We are born into the life and death of Christ through baptism, and we remember this in the sacrament of the Lord’s
 God freely gives grace to us.
I believe:
 In the three persons of the Trinity: the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and their power to dwell in us, transform us
and change the world.
 In the power of prayer and my constant need for it.
 God is revealed through the Word, the prophets, and our experiences here on earth through the power of the Holy
 In the message of the prophets that we are to do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God.
 Scripture is the true, sufficient and reliable Word of God.
 Where the Scriptures are rightfully preached, and the Sacraments are rightly administered, there is God.
 We are called to worship God with intention, sincerity, creativity and faithfulness.
NOVEMBER 15, 2014
Actions taken on November 8, 2014
1. Approved assessing Josh Silva Noah (Houston, Heritage) as ready to receive a call.
2. Approved enrolling Travis Ziegenbein (Houston, Memorial Drive) as a inquirer.
3. Approved withdrawing Jennifer Lloyd (The Woodlands) from the process.
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Presbytery of New Covenant
Congregational Resourcing Committee Report
November 15, 2015
SAVE THE DATES / Mark you calendar for Event in 2015
Christian Educators / Fresh Elastic Gathering at Presbytery Office / Thursday, January 22
Church Officer Enrichment at Christ Church, Bellaire / Friday & Saturday, January 30-31
The Great APCE Annual Event Share at Presbytery Office / Thursday, February, 19, 2015
PYCC Conclaves at Camp ChoYeh / Friday-Sunday, February, 20-22,
PYCC Conclaves at Camp ChoYeh / Friday-Sunday, February, 27-29
Christian Educators / Fresh Elastic at Presbytery Office Thursday, March, 19
Young Adults Retreat at Camp Cho-Yeh / Friday-Sunday, March 27-29
Presbyterian Women Spring Gathering at St Philip / Saturday, April 18
Presbytery Wide-Youth Summer Mission Trip to New Orleans /Week of June 14-20
EQUIP Youth Workers Leadership Event / Watch for details about event in early August
Church Officer Enrichment
Empowering Leaders for the 21st Century Church
Friday, January 30 and Saturday, January, 31, 2015
A multi-presbytery event for Church Officer Training and Enrichment co-sponsored by Presbytery of New
Covenant, Presbytery of South LA, Mission Presbytery and the Synod of the Sun. Our Keynote Speaker is
Dr. Cynthia Rigby, W.C. Brown Professor of Theology at Austin Theological Seminary. There are a wide
variety of workshops planned.
Friday night will be more relationally based with a relaxed, yet focused discussions, during our gathering.
Saturday’s time will be organized around more formal learning experiences. For more information and
registration please visit the presbytery website.
Youth Ministry and Young Adults
2013-2014 Presbytery’s Youth Council (PYCC)
Our 2013-2014 PYCC was comprised of 78 youth and adults representing 23 churches.
The 2014-2015 PYCC has 50 high school youth and 16 adult mentors representing 28 churches.
Conclaves 2014
Our Presbyterian Youth Council, comprised of 60 high school youth and 18 adults, led two weekend
retreats for the youth groups of our presbytery (Feb 21-23, and Feb28-Mar2). There were 450 junior and
senior high youth and adults in attendance from 35 congregations. Three of these churches were new
to the Conclaves experience: Pathways PC, Iglesia Latina PC, San Pablo + Trinity PC. Participants at
Conclaves engaged in a mission project in conjunction with Kids Against Hunger. Between the two
weekends, the participants packaged 55,080 meals to be sent to children in Livingston, TX, and
Guatemala. PYCC raised the $10,000, needed to fund this project.
2015 Conclaves Dates: February 20-22, and February 27-March 1.
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Youth Worker Gatherings
Saturday, February 1, 2014 at Southminister, Missouri City
Saturday, May 3, 2014 EQUIP at Atascocita
EQUIP – Youth Worker Leadership Event, Saturday, August 16, 2014 at St. Philip
25 people gathered for this NEW Youth Ministry Leadership Event. The day began with get-to-know
activities, music and worship. Rev. John Leedy gave an excellent keynote presentation on “Believing,
Belonging, & Behaving” and its relation to youth ministry. One youth worker said, “I left EQUIP feeling
very filled up and encouraged. It was great to connect with other youth workers. We have some
awesome people working with students in our Presbytery.” We are already planning another EQUIP
event for August of 2015.
A colleague group for paid Youth Workers has been established. There is a core group of 10 youth
workers invested and attendance has averaged 6. The group meets on the first Tuesday of the month
at Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church.
Youth Rally – Sunday, October 19 at Northwoods
PYCC lead the congregation of Northwoods and the youth groups of our presbytery in Sunday morning
worship “youth-style” at the 11:00am service followed by lunch, games, and a hands-on mission project.
There were 265 in attendance for worship, 197 of those being youth groups and PYCC leadership from
churches across the Presbytery. Participants made kits for school-aged children at Smart Steps of
Houston and baby kits for homeless families through Montrose Street Reach of Houston.
Young Adults
A mission day is being planned for a Saturday in January 2015.
A Retreat for Young Adults is in the works for March 27-29th at Camp Cho-Yeh. Caressa is composing a
registration form for participants to complete and the event is being publicized. The Young Adult
ministry team will help lead the retreat activities.
Weekday Ministries Conference
This event for Preschool, Day Care and Mother’s Day Out teachers and directors was
held July 30 – August 1, at Marriott Westchase Hotel at 2900 Briarpark.
Presbyterian Women’s Presbytery Coordinating Team (PWPCT)
Spring Gathering was held at Spring Branch Presbyterian on Saturday, April 5, 2014. Teaching Elder Ann
Marie Quigley Swanson, Associate Pastor at Northwoods Presbyterian will be preaching. Our featured
speaker is Anne Wilson, Retired Christian Educator and President elect of APCE.
The New Covenant PWPCT hosted the triennial Synod Women’s Gathering at Grace Presbyterian
Church on July 18-21.
Regional training for Horizons Bible study leaders was offered in July and August. There were 35
churches represented and 151 attended the training events.
Training Locations:
Saint Andrews, Beaumont
Spring Branch Presbyterian
First Pres., Angleton
July 27
August 8
August 9
Faith, Baytown
New Hope, Katy
Westminster, Nacogdoches
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August 10
August 16
August 17
Participating Churches:
Westminster, Nacogdoches
FPC / Livingston
FPC / Jasper
FPC / Lufkin
Indian / Livingston
New Hope
FPC / Bryan
Advent Pres.
FPC / Houston
Spring Branch
Southminster / Missouri City
Grace / Houston
St. Philip / Houston
Christ Church / Bellaire
FPC / Pasadena
St. Paul’s / Houston
Northwoods / Houston
Webster Pres
Pinecrest / Houston
Faith Pres / Baytown
Faith Pres / Pasadena
St. John’s / Houston
Juan Marcos
FPC / Angleton
FPC / Lake Jackson
FPC / Alvin
St. Stephen’s / Houston
Gulf Prairie / Jones Creek
FPC / Galveston
FPC / Brazoria
St. Andrew’s / Beaumont
Providence / Nederland
Westminster / Galveston
The members of the Congregational Resourcing Team are:
2014 – Chair, TE David Leard
2014 – Vice Chair, TE David Green
2014: TE Jack Barden, TE David Green, TE David Leard, RE Terry Slattery
2015: RE Jan Kelly, RE Jessica Kuehner, RE Debbie Waller, TE Leigh Wisner-Hargis
2016: CRE Debbie Battise-Kleinman, RE Christy Callahan, RE Gary Denmon, RE Linda Smith-Gregory
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Outreach Committee
2014 Overview
In 2014 the Outreach Committee has focused on how to encourage and resource our congregations in the outreach
efforts. Most of this has occurred through our established ministry partners.
CEDEPCA: $6,000
(Central American Evangelical Center for Pastoral Studies)
Groups from New Covenant travel to Latin America with the support of CEDEPCA’s ministry to share in
God’s work there. Participants discover the connections between the Latin American Biblical University
(UBL), our PC(USA) church and missionaries, and CEDEPCA. Committee liaison is Ruling Elder Connie
CUPS: $0
This is a program on the Mexico boarder that cares for people who live in the valley and across the border.
Led by a vibrant leader who makes the personal connection with the people in the needs in a very real and
meaningful way. They are very good stewards of resources shared with them. They also view part of their
ministry as inviting groups to experience ministry on the boarder and are very affordable.
Committee liaison is Ruling Elder Chris Friedersdorf.
Hope International Center: $0
Led by Ruling Elder Eid Abdelmassih and reaches out to Arabic speakers, many of whom are seekers. It
continues to nest at Grace Presbyterian Church, but self identifies with the PC(USA) . It is receiving an
exploratory seed grant from 1001 and we have been told by national staff that this could be considered an
ecumenical partnership. At the beginning of the year the regular attendance was 20 adults and six children.
Committee liaison is Ruling Elder Sara Jean Jackson.
Houston Jewish/Presbyterian Dialog: $0
This dialog group came together in 2004 for the purpose of greater understanding. Through the dialog
came a desire to work on a practical program together. A program called, “Hand In Hand” was discovered.
This is a school in Jerusalem in which Jewish and Arab students are able to study together with a faculty
comprised of Jews and Arabs. This year funds were raised to send a Peacemaking Ministry Associate to
work with the school and help us learn from this program. Committee liaison is Teaching Elder Mark
International Seafarers: $6,000
This ministry provides pastoral care to seafarers from across the globe. At 2 Seafarers Centers in the
presbytery, seafarers have access to counseling, telephones, recreation, and worship services. New
Covenant chaplains who work in this ministry are Ben Stewart and David Wells. Committee liaison is
Ruling Elder Forbes Baker.
Peru Mission Challenge: $6,000
Groups from New Covenant travel to Peru as part of the Covenant Agreement for International Partnership
between the Presbytery of Juan Calvino and the Presbytery of New Covenant. This partnership furthers the
mission of each partner through prayer, dialogue, and partner visits. Committee liaison is Teaching Elder
Mike Cole.
Pinemont Apartments: $0
The mission of The Pinemont Apartments has been to provide superior affordable housing for low-income
seniors and disabled persons that enhances the resident's quality of life, allowing each person to live
gracefully in his or her own home, confidently and comfortably, for as long as possible. Committee liaison
is Ruling Elder Sue Crawford.
POP Ministry: $6,000
The POP ministry expresses Christ’s love to hospitalized patients, their families, and caregivers by bringing
hope and comfort through presence, prayer, and service as they receive treatment at the Texas Medical
Center. POP recruits and trains lay ministers from congregations in New Covenant Presbytery.
Committee liaison is Ruling Elder Karen Persely.
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Presbyterian Service Center: $6,000
The Presbyterian Service Center provides low cost housing for elderly persons and people with physical
disabilities. PSC owns and operates a residential facility in southeast Houston. Members of Presbyterian
congregations have served on the PSC Board of Directors since its inception in 1958.
Committee liaison is Ruling Elder Melba Nixon.
UCM – Aggieland: $6,000
In its ministry that includes community, pastoral care, leadership development, Bible study, vocational
formation, and social justice, United Campus Ministry-Aggieland offers students a “home away from
home” for their spiritual nourishment and community needs. With new leadership this year there is a new
vitality and excitement in this ministry.
Committee liaison is Ruling Elder Sue Crawford.
UCM – Greater Houston: $6,000
A variety of programs are offered to meet the needs of individual campuses in the Houston area: Bible
Studies, Evangelism, Table Fellowship, Service Learning Program, Monthly Mission Projects, Pastoral
care and Counseling, Worship Services, Prayer, Christian Community.
Committee liaison is Ruling Elder Cathy Moore.
We tend to think that our most valuable role with these ministries is our limited financial support, but much to our
surprise it has been our personal support, prayer, and networking that has proven truly valuable to many of them.
We have also be able to provide small grants to various programs from our congregations that have needed a little
support or encouragement: These have ranged from helping congregations use their music program to reach out to
the community, to helping congregation with local and foreign outreach projects. These funds came from the
Peacemaking Offering Funds collected as well as the presbytery’s budget. I would like to note that each project we
support has to be signed off on by the session of one of our congregations, so the outreach efforts are those of the
congregation with Presbytery providing support and encouragement. If your congregation has a good outreach
vision and some funding will help get if off the ground, let us know.
My vision for next year (even though I will no longer be chair, sing the Doxology here), will be to tighten up the
vision, mission, and goals so that they are aligned with those of the Presbytery and provide the team clear actions
they need to focus on. Presbytery Outreach can no longer be about handing funds to good programs (unless you
want to make a large financial gift) but to encourage and assist our congregations in their outreach efforts. I believe
we can have a larger impact working together than the simple sum of our individual efforts.
In Christ,
Mark Downs
The members of the Outreach Committee are:
2014 – Chair, TE Mark Downs
2014 – Vice Chair, RE Karen Perseley
2014: RE Connie Brakebill, TE Mark Downs, RE Laurie Kluth, RE George Puig
2015: RE Sue Crawford, RE Sara Jean Jackson, TE Katrina Pennington, RE Karen Perseley
2016: RE Nathaniel Breaker, RE Cathy Moore, RE Melba Nixon, TE Honorio Theodoro Nieto
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November 15, 2014
The Nominating Committee offers the following people to serve on the committees of the
Presbytery of New Covenant.
2015 Moderator of the Presbytery – TE Laurey Murphy (Houston, Spring Branch)
2015 Moderator Elect of the Presbytery – RE Shelley Hernandez (Houston, Pathways)
Administrative Division Steering Committee
2015 – Chair, RE Jane Larkin (Houston, St. Philip)
2015 – Vice-Chair, RE Jim Hegenbarth (Houston, Memorial Drive)
Administrative Division/Center Operations
2015 – Chair, RE Gail Northern (Houston, Pathways)
2017 – RE Gary Akin (Houston, Northwoods)
Administrative Division/Ecclesiastical Affairs
2015 – Chair , TE John Wurster (Houston, St. Philip)
2017 – RE Janet Rainey (Katy, New Hope)
Administrative Division/Finance
2015 – Chair, RE Dave Johnson (Houston, Clear Lake)
2015 – Vice Chair, RE Cathy Bliton (Katy, New Hope)
2017 – RE Sue Maple (Houston, St. Thomas)
2017 – RE Jerry Blurton (Houston, Memorial Drive)
Administrative Division/Personnel
2015 – Chair, TE Fred Seay (Sugar Land, First)
2017 – RE Dick Meyer (Houston, St. Thomas)
Committee on Ministry (COM)
2015 – Chair, TE John Hirling (Houston, Westminster)
2015 – Vice-Chair, RE Dick Black (Galveston, First)
COM/Calls and Contracts
2015 – Chair, RE Bob Patterson (Houston, St. Andrew’s)
2015 – Vice-Chair, TE Ted Foote (Bryan, First)
2016 – RE Jason Reed (Pasadena, First)
2017 – TE Kathleen Davies (Houston, Community of the Servant Savior)
2017 – RE Barbara Brisch (Houston, St. John’s)
2017 – RE Mike Marcotte (Houston, Pines)
COM/Congregational Life
2015 – Chair, RE Chuck Johnson (Houston, St. Philip)
2015 – Vice Chair, TE Helen Rose Moore (Galveston, First Lutheran, Interim)
2017 – RE Chuck Johnson (Houston, St. Philip)
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2017 – TE Helen Rose Moore (Galveston, First Lutheran, Interim)
2017 – RE Jim Glenney (Houston, Memorial Drive)
2017 – RE Don Barber (Houston, First)
2015 – Chair, RE Greg Feigh (Houston, Pathways)
2015 – Vice-Chair, TE Jim Currie (Pasadena, First)
2017 – RE Jeanie Flowers (Houston, St. Philip)
2017 – RE Andrie Chen (Houston, Formosan)
2017 – RE Dave Coles (Houston, Pines)
2017 – TE Deborah Cooper (Houston, Memorial Drive)
COM/Professional Life –
2015 – Chair, TE Helen DeLeon (Webster, Webster)
2016 – TE David Leard (Houston, Northwoods)
2017 – TE Helen DeLeon (Webster, Webster)
2017 – TE Mark Downs (At Large)
Committee on Representation
2015 – Chair, RE Alba Herrera (Houston, St. Stephen)
2017 – RE Alba Herrera (Houston, St. Stephen)
Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM)
2015 – Chair, TE Kevin Boyd (Houston, St. Paul)
2015 – Vice-Chair, RE Bill Hargrove (Houston, First)
2015 – TE Laura Grice (Woodlands, Woodlands Community)
2017 – TE Ryan Kim (Houston, Korean Central)
2017 – TE Kevin Boyd (Houston, St. Paul)
CPM/Commissioned Ruling Elders
2015 – Chair, TE Barbara Retzloff (Houston, Pines)
2015 – Vice-Chair, TE Mary Currie (At large)
2017 – TE Brent Hampton (Brenham, Brenham)
2017 – TE Sharon Gazaway (HR)
General Council
2015 – Chair, RE Shelley Hernandez (Houston, Pathways)
2015 – RE Joe Snyder (Houston, St. Stephen)
2017 – TE Joe MacDonald (Livingston, First)
2017 – RE Eugene McKelvey (Houston, St. Philip)
Ministries Division Steering Committee
2015 – Chair , RE Carlton Currie (Houston, First)
2015 – Vice Chair, TE Anne Marie Quigley-Swanson (Houston, Northwoods)
Ministries Division/Congregational Resourcing Team
2015 – Vice-Chair, RE Debbye Waller (Baytown, Faith)
2017 – RE Leah McFadden (Houston, Northwoods)
2017 – RE Mary Sterner (Houston, Pines)
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Ministries Division/Evangelism and Church Growth
2015 – Chair, TE Mike O'Neil (Angleton, First)
2015 – Vice-Chair, TE Andrew Adair (At Large)
2017 – TE Wayne Eberly (Houston, Pines)
2017 – TE Viet Ho (Houston, Thien An)
Ministries Division/Outreach
2017 – RE Laurie Kluth (Houston, St. Stephen)
2017 – TE Kristi Click (Houston, Spring Branch)
Seafarer's Board
2016 – Nancy Crabb (Kingwood, First)
2016 – William A. (Bill) Duval (Woodlands, Alden Bridge)
2017 – Ray E. Peregoy (Atascocita, Atascocita)
United Campus Ministries of Greater Houston
2016 – RE Dorothy Blackwell (Houston, First)
2016 – Florence McKelvey Bunch (Houston, St. Philip)
2017 – Lynne Quinn (Houston, First)
2017 – Carla Burns (Houston, St. Philip)
The members of the Nominating Committee are:
2014 – Chair, RE Gayle Smith
2014: RE Tony Billingsley, TE Noelie Day, RE Beverly Houston, RE Gayle Smith
2015: RE Elizabeth Duerr, RE John Hartman, TE Paul Hoang, TE Belinda Koenig
2016: RE David Bell, RE John Cronk, RE Sabrina Hergert, TE Robert Murphy
Postlude is the publication that highlights the events and business conducted at
presbytery meetings. It will be posted on the presbytery’s website:
Commissioners will receive an email notification when Postlude is available. Please
share it with your sessions.
Comments and suggestion should be directed to Helen Wolf at
[email protected]
Do you receive Tuesday Connect, our weekly email newsletter? Contact Patricia
Brantley to subscribe: [email protected]
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Opening Prayer
Questions to the Candidates
Lynn Hargrove and Pete Koester, God has called you, by the voice of the Presbytery, to serve
Jesus Christ in a special way. You know who we are and what we believe and you understand
the work for which you have been chosen. Show your purpose by responding to the following
1. Do you trust in Jesus Christ your Savior, acknowledge him Lord of all and head of the
Church, and through him believe in one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit?
2. Do you accept the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be, by the Holy Spirit,
the unique and authoritative witness to Jesus Christ in the Church universal, and God’s
Word to you?
3. Do you sincerely receive and adopt the essential tenets of the Reformed faith, as
expressed in the confessions of our Church, as authentic and reliable expositions of
what Scripture leads us to believe and do, and will you be instructed and led by those
confessions as you lead the people of God?
4. Lynn, will you be the Stated and Recording Clerk, and Pete, will you be the Treasurer, in
obedience to Jesus Christ, under the authority of Scripture, and continually guided by
our confessions?
5. Will you be governed by our Church’s polity and will you abide by its discipline? Will you
be a friend among your colleagues in ministry working with them, subject to the
ordering of God’s Word and Spirit?
6. Will you in your own life seek to follow the Lord Jesus Christ, love your neighbors, and
work for the reconciliation of the world?
7. Do you promise to further the peace, unity, and purity of the Church?
8. Will you seek to serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love?
9. Will you be faithful in your duties, proclaiming the good news, teaching faith, and caring
for people? Will you be active in government and discipline, serving in governing bodies
of the Church; and in your ministry will you try to show the love and justice of Jesus
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Questions to Presbytery
Will the Presbytery please stand?
1. Do we, the members of the Presbytery accept Lynn Hargrove as our Stated and Recording
Clerk, and Pete Koester as our Treasurer, chosen by God through the voice of this
Presbytery, to guide us in the way of Jesus Christ?
2. Do we agree to encourage them, to respect their decisions, and to follow as they guide us,
serving Jesus Christ, who alone is Head of the Church?
3. Do we promise to provide for their welfare as they work among us; to stand by them in
trouble and share their joys? Will we listen to their wisdom, welcome their care, and
honor their authority as they seeks to honor and obey Jesus Christ our Lord?
Prayer of Installation
Declaration of Installation
Lynn Hargrove, you are now installed as Stated and Recording Clerk of the Presbytery of New
Covenant. Pete Koester, you are now installed as Treasurer of the Presbytery of New
Covenant Whatever you do, in work or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God, the Father, through Him. Amen
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The Presbytery of New Covenant
November 15, 2014
As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourself with Christ. (Gal.
There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no
longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
Lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called, making every effort
to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. (Eph. 4:1-6)
There is one body and one Spirit, just as we were called to the one hope of
our calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all,
who is above all and through all and in all.
We are called by God to be the Church of Jesus Christ, a sign in the world today of
what God intends for all humankind.
The Great Ends of the Church are the proclamation of the gospel for the
salvation of humankind; the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the
children of God; the maintenance of divine worship; the preservation of the
truth; the promotion of social righteousness; and the exhibition of the
Kingdom of Heaven to the world.
Laurey Hartwell Murphy, the grace bestowed upon you in baptism is sufficient for
your calling because it is God’s grace. By God’s grace we are saved, and enabled
to grow in the faith and to commit our lives in ways which serve Christ. God has
called you to particular service. Now show your purpose by answering these
Who is your Lord and Savior?
Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
Will you be Christ’s faithful disciple, obeying his Word and showing his love?
I will, with God’s help.
Will you be the Moderator, in obedience to Jesus Christ, under the authority of
Scripture, and continually guided by our confessions?
I will, with God’s help.
Do you welcome the responsibility of this service because you are determined to
follow the Lord Jesus, to love neighbors, and to work for the reconciling of the world?
I do.
Will you serve the people with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love, relying on
God’s mercy and rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit?
I will, with God’s help.
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Will the Presbytery please stand.
Do we, the members of the Presbytery, accept Laurey Hartwell Murphy as our
Moderator, chosen by God through the voice of this Presbytery to guide us in the
way of Jesus Christ?
We do.
Do we agree to encourage her, to respect her decisions, and to follow as she guides
us, serving Jesus Christ, who alone is Head of the Church?
We do.
O God, You claim us in baptism, and by Your Spirit You work in our lives,
empowering us for the service to which You call us. We thank You for leading
Laurey to this time and place. Strengthen her for this work, and guide her by Your
Spirit, that in Your service she may grow in faith, hope, and love, and be a faithful
disciple of Jesus Christ, to whom be all honor and glory, now and forever.
Almighty God, in Jesus Christ You called disciples and, by the Holy Spirit,
made them one Church to serve You. Let Your Spirit rule Your Church, so that
we may be joined in love and service to Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.
Laurey Hartwell Murphy, you are installed to service as Moderator of the Presbytery
of New Covenant for 2015. Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the
name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God through him. And may the God of
peace make you holy in every way, and keep your whole being, spirit, soul, and
body, free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
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Montrose Street Reach meets on
Wednesday evenings on the
parking lot at the Presbytery
Center, 1110 Lovett Blvd.
They seek assistance providing and
serving snack items on the fourth
Wednesday evening of each month.
Available dates are:
November 26
January 28
February 25
March 25
April 22
May 27
June 24
July 22
August 26
September 23
October 28
November 25
Please contact Patricia Brantley at
the Presbytery Center to sign up.
[email protected]
Montrose Street Reach meets rain
or shine. They serve about 150
people each week, with worship
and a meal. Snack items are an
extra gift to help feed hungry
people in Houston.
Montrose Street Reach provides food (physical and spiritual) and a real sense of community. They
also provide practical assistance through the Wednesday night outreach – job search information,
referrals to drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs, help in obtaining IDs, blankets and clothing
distribution, and even help with family reconciliation.
Montrose Street Reach meets every Wednesday of the year, except for the week of Christmas.
Montrose Street Reach is well organized, orderly, and full of happiness!
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