Curriculum vitae including list of publications as of march 2015 Ann-‐Sofie Henriksson, born 1965 Kungsgatan 11 SE-‐753 32 Uppsala Tel. +46 8-‐ 790 9653 (work), + 46 70-‐1900 553 (cell) E-‐post: [email protected] Work experience: My work experience has resulted in acquiring the following competencies: • Extensive experience and knowledge of concrete and strategic development of individuals, leaders, teams, activities and organizations. • Very solid experience of leadership in knowledge-‐intensive organizations • Extensive experience in marketing, negotiations and agreements regarding commissioned education and the implementation of the same. • Extensive experience in strategic development, regarding for example, leadership, quality improvement, adaptation of courses, development of e-‐learning etc.. • Very large insight, knowledge and experience in the development of strategies for educational development and policies on diversity issues, including gender, LGBTQ issues and inclusive teaching for students with disabilities. • Extensive and well-‐documented expertise in networking at various levels of the organization and with external stakeholders such as other universities, the Swedish National Union of Students etc. • Consultative approach, vast experience in management and professional development of own and others' employees. • Ability to inspire and acknowledge individual and group and create motivation, vision and drive of a business in combination with a good working environment. • Fluent in Swedish both orally and in writing. Writes and speaks English at an academic level. Some knowledge in French and German. Work life experience and other assignments (a selection): 2015-‐ Municipal politician (position of trust) in the social welfare area, Uppsala 2014-‐ Mentor for Ph.D. student at Karolinska Institute, within the area of higher education pedagogy. 2015 -‐ Chairman FP Fyris, Uppsala. October 2013-‐2015 Board member of the Liberal Women’s Association, Uppsala. April 2012-‐ Director for KTH Teaching and Learning Unit. Full budget and personnel responsibility. May 2012 Invited keynote speaker at the Åbo Universities on the topic assessment criteria. Also gave an invited workshop on the theme inclusive teaching. 2012 -‐2014 Mentoring a colleague that is working as an educational developer at another university. 2012-‐2013 Mentoring a director of studies at a large Swedish university 2011-‐2012 Mentoring a colleague working a department that offers commissioned courses at a large Swedish university. 2011-‐2012 Mentoring a fellow unit head within the Stockholm-‐Uppsala University Network (SUUN). 2011-‐2013 Member and Swedish representative of hte ICED council, The International Consortium for Educational Development, 2011-‐2013 -‐ Chair for Swednet 2010-‐2013 Chief editor and founder of the scientific e-‐journal Högre utbildning (further info available in English on the website) April 2010 Keynote speaker at a Swedish conference: Lärandemål, examination och betygskriterier. The conference: “Pedagogiken i juridiken”, 29 april 2010, Lund, Sverige. 2008-‐2009 Editorial board member of 2006-‐2007 External expert of The Council for Equal Treatment and Equal Opportunities at the University for Teacher Education, Stockholm. 2001-‐2012 Educational developer, deputy director at the Department for Development of Teaching and Learning, Uppsala University. 2000 Course director for the semester 5th semester of the law programme at Uppsala University (tax law, corporate law and accounting law), ca 15 co-‐ workers, budget-‐ and staff responsibility. 1999 Chair for the Equal Opportunities Committee, Faculty of Law, Uppsala University. 1995-‐1998 Tax consultant, KPMG AB 1992-‐1994 CEO Bergabiten cooperative day care facility, full budget-‐ and personnel responsibilities. Training and research (a selection) • Master of Laws, 1989 • Developmental Leadership, course, fall 2014. • Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Certified user. Spring 2014. • TUFF leadership training. Coaching leadership II, spring 2014. • TUFF leadership training. Coaching leadership I, fall 2013. • Leadership program for women, Uppsala University 2012. • Assessing pedagogical skills, course, , October -‐ December 2010. • UGL: leadership training (UGL iis short for Development, Group, Leadership), Gällöfsta September 2010. • GDQ-‐certified (Group Development Questionnaire), may 2010. • Dialogue concerning educational developers practice, course, , 7,5 ECTS, KTH, 2008. • Strategic pedagogic development, course, 2005, equivalent to 7,5 ECTS. • Courses in Higher Education pedagogy, e.g. basic course for university teachers, mentoring, Supplemental Instruction, English in the Classroom, all together apr. 24 ECTS. • Continuing courses in tax law given by the tax authorities and KPMG AB. List of publications as of June 2014. (only in the areas of pedagogy and leadership, Publications in the field of law is omitted here.) Books or book chapters (those available in English in bold font) • Elmgren, Maja & Henriksson, Ann-‐Sofie (2 uppl., 2015). Universitetspedagogik. Studentlitteratur. Under arbete, publiceras hösten 2015. • Elmgren, Maja & Henriksson, Ann-‐Sofie (2014). Academic Teaching. Studentlitteratur. • Elmgren, Maja & Henriksson, Ann-‐Sofie (2010). Universitetspedagogik. Studentlitteratur. • Henriksson, Ann-‐Sofie, Modet att lita till sin erfarenhet. Ingår i El Gaidi, Khalid & Högfeldt, Anna-‐ Karin (red.) (2009). Den beprövade erfarenheten: Pedagogiska utvecklare : ett yrkeskunnande i vardande. Stockholm: KTH Learning Lab. § Henriksson, Ann-‐Sofie (2012). Undervisa tillgängligt! Pedagogiska strategier för likabehandling av studenter med funktionsnedsättning. 2. uppl. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet. § Henriksson, Ann-‐Sofie (2008). Att förebygga plagiat i studentarbeten: en pedagogisk utvecklingsmöjlighet. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet § Henriksson, Ann-‐Sofie (2003). Undervisa tillgängligt!: Pedagogiska verktyg för likabehandling av studenter med funktionshinder. Uppsala: Uppsala universitet Conference contributions, abstracts or proceedings (those available in English in bold font) • Borglund, D. & Henriksson, A-‐S. Att bygga en praxisgemenskap. Bidrag (peer review) och presentation vid konferensen NU2014 vid Umeå universitet i oktober 2014. • Borglund, D. & Henriksson, A-‐S. Towards a community of practice. Abstract (peer reviewed) and presentation ICED-‐conference, 15-‐18 juni 2014, Stockholm. • Cleveland-‐Innes, M., Henriksson, A-‐S. och Gumaelius, L.; Leadership and Pedagogical Change: Accidental, Ad-‐Hoc, or Arranged? Conference hosted by the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (CSSHE), Victoria university, Canada, June 3-‐ 5, 2013. • Session chair (moderator) på CDIO-‐konferensen, Stanford och MIT, Boston, juni 2013. • Sonesson, A. Och Henriksson, A-‐S., Publicera i Högre utbildning, Abstract och workshop på NU2012-‐konferensen med temat ”Gränslöst lärande”. • Henriksson, A-‐S., Elmgren, M., Bolander Laksov, K., Mårtensson, K., Roxå, T., Weurlander, M., Eriksson, S. B. och Ågren, PO. Pedagogiska ledare som nyckelpersoner vid utvecklingsarbete (Educational Leaders as Key Agents in Developmental work), Paper och presentation vid SUHF:s konferens om "Att leda högre utbildning", Stockholm 14-‐15 november 2011. • Apelgren, K., Winka, K., Elmgren, M. och Henriksson, A-‐S. Från ideal till praxis – pedagogiskt program som drivkraft i utvecklingsprocessen. Abstract och session vid konferensen ”NU2010. Dialog för lärande”, 13-‐15 oktober 2010. • Eriksson, S. B., Ågren, P-‐O., Elmgren, M. och Henriksson A-‐S., Vilket stöd behövs i rollen som pedagogisk ledare? Abstract och session vid konferensen ”NU2010. Dialog för lärande”, 13-‐15 oktober 2010. • Henriksson, A-‐S och Elmgren, M., Universitetspedagogik – ny bok för den praktiskt verksamma universitetsläraren. Abstract och session vid konferensen ”NU2010. Dialog för lärande”, 13-‐15 oktober 2010. • Apelgren, K., Henriksson, A-‐S & Elmgren, M. Policy implementation – true participation or empty rethoric? Abstract and session at ICED 2010, “Enhancing Strategies for Global Quality Learning in Higher Education”. • Henriksson, A-‐S and Apelgren, K. Educational developers as change agents. Three cases. Abstract and session at ICED 2010, “Enhancing Strategies for Global Quality Learning in Higher Education”. • Eriksson, S., Ågren, P-‐O, Henriksson, A-‐S & Elmgren, M. Supporting Pedagogical Leaders. Abstract and session at ICED 2010, “Enhancing Strategies for Global Quality Learning in Higher Education”. • Henriksson, A-‐S. Lärandemål, examination och betygskriterier. Huvudtalare vid konferensen “Pedagogiken i juridiken”, 29 april 2010, Lund, Sverige. • Elmgren, M. Grysell, T, Henriksson, A-‐S & Reinholdsson, P. A New Challenge in Teaching for Phd Supervisors. Paper i proceedings för den internationella konferensen “9th Quality in Postgraduate Research Conference. Educating Researchers for the 21st Century, 13-‐15 April 2010, Adelaide, South Australia. • Henriksson, A-‐S och Apelgren, K., Accreditation of Teacher-‐Training Programs . Abstract och presentation vid ICED Conference “Towards a Global Scholarship of Educational Development”, June 12-‐15, 2008, Salt Lake City, Utah. • Elmgren, M. och Henriksson, A-‐S, Kvalitativt lärande på begränsad tid. Paper i proceedings till samt presentation vid konferensen ”NU2008. Lärande i en ny tid.”, 7-‐9 maj 2008, Kalmar, Sverige. • Henriksson, A-‐S och Elmgren, M. Aspekter på relationen mellan progression och betygskriterier. Bidrag till och presentation vid Swednets årskonferens 17-‐18 april 2008, Borås, Sverige. • Henriksson, A-‐S. Utveckla examinationen för att minska plagiaten! Abstract till och presentation vid Högskoleverkets kvalitetskonferens ” Den nya högskolan”, 10-‐11 oktober 2007, Umeå, Sverige. • Henriksson, A-‐S., Hydén, B. & Apelgren, K., Hur långt ska jag som lärare behöva anpassa mig? Bidrag till och presentation vid Högskoleverkets kvalitetskonferens 26-‐28 mars 2003, Malmö, Sverige. • Henriksson, A-‐S. Studenter med funktionshinder – pedagogiskt hinder eller möjlighet? Hur undervisar vi tillgängligt? Bidrag till och presentation vid utvecklingskonferensen för högre utbildning, Rådet för högre utbildning. Gävle 26-‐28 november 2003. Other publications • Carstensen, Gunilla & Henriksson, Ann-‐Sofie (2007). Undervisa tillgängligt: om funktionshinder och undervisning: konkreta tips och övningar för lärare. Uppsala: Avdelningen för utveckling av pedagogik och interaktivt lärande (UPI), Uppsala universitet. (broschyr, 28 sidor).
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