Bild 1

Per-Olof Åstrand
21 October 1922 – 2 January 2015
Images from a life
A composition by Peter Schantz with
contributions from the archives of GCI-GIH
and the Åstrand family
Images from a life
A composition by Peter Schantz with
contributions from the archives of GCI-GIH
and the Åstrand family
P.H. Ling
In 1944 POÅ started his studies to become a physical education teacher
at the Royal Gymnastic Central Institute (GCI) in downtown Stockholm.
P.H. Ling
In 1944 POÅ started his studies to become a physical education teacher
at the Royal Gymnastic Central Institute (GCI) in downtown Stockholm.
It was here that Per Henrik Ling had developed the Ling gymnastics,
and the Department of Physiology was founded in 1941.
GCI was moved to its current location in 1945.
Behind the flagpole a special house had
been built for the Department of Physiology.
The inauguration of the new GCI was held in the gymnastics hall
to the left, which today is the auditorium where we are sitting.
King Gustav V, Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf, and Prince Gustaf
Adolf were present at the inauguration of the new GCI.
What they did not know was that among the students
was one who would honour GCI in a way that had not
been experienced since the days of Per Henrik Ling.
At the end of the fall semester
1945 this student wrote his
final exams in physiology in
such an advanced fashion that
he was soon recruited as an
amanuensis at the:
At the end of the fall semester
1945 this student wrote his
final exams in physiology in
such an advanced fashion that
he was soon recruited as an
amanuensis at the:
…..which had been founded in 1941 by
professor Erik Hohwü Christensen.
Christian Bohr
August Krogh
Johannes Lindhard
Erik Hohwü Christensen
Per-Olof Åstrand
Irma Rhyming (g. Åstrand)
Bengt Saltin
Wilhelm von Döbeln
Jesper Stenberg
Björn Ekblom
In the tutorial tree of Erik Hohwü Christensen (EHC) …
Ingvar Holmér
Christian Bohr
August Krogh
Johannes Lindhard
Erik Hohwü Christensen
Per-Olof Åstrand
Irma Rhyming (g. Åstrand)
Bengt Saltin
Wilhelm von Döbeln
Jesper Stenberg
Björn Ekblom
In the tutorial tree of Erik Hohwü Christensen (EHC) we find the
Danish Nobel Prize winner August Krogh, and also the other
persons in this scientific culture representing the best possible
Ingvar Holmér
Christian Bohr
August Krogh
Johannes Lindhard
Erik Hohwü Christensen
Per-Olof Åstrand
Irma Rhyming (g. Åstrand)
Bengt Saltin
Wilhelm von Döbeln
Jesper Stenberg
Björn Ekblom
As a doctoral student of Erik Hohwü Christensen,
POÅ became part of this tradition.
Ingvar Holmér
The thesis.
EHC congratulating POÅ in 1952 after a successful doctoral thesis defence.
Some examples of articles and book titles after the thesis will follow…
At the department POÅ met Irma Ryhming, who became a
doctoral student tutored by him, and later they married.
Christian Bohr
August Krogh
Johannes Lindhard
Erik Hohwü Christensen
Per-Olof Åstrand
Irma Rhyming (m. Åstrand)
Bengt Saltin
Wilhelm von Döbeln
Jesper Stenberg
Björn Ekblom
Ingvar Holmér
The ergometer cycle created by Wilhelm von Döbeln and Harry Hagelin
was used in studies that led to the Åstrand-Ryhming fitness test.
During the White Mountain High Altitude Research Expedition.
A strong pedagogical trait was disclosed in books
with the aim of communicating to a broader
audience. Here is the first example from 1960.
Different kinds of sports made use of his knowledge.
Here with the skier Rolf Rämgård. Based on his tests
teams were selected for championships….
Leaflets with advice on exercise, nutrition and health
were printed in more than 20 million copies.
POÅ had a keen interest in understanding
the development of mankind -- our
biological heritage….
This led him also to visit and study the
living and physical activity behaviours of
the Kalahari bushmen in Botswana.
Christian Bohr
August Krogh
Johannes Lindhard
Erik Hohwü Christensen
Per-Olof Åstrand
Irma Rhyming (g. Åstrand)
Bengt Saltin
Wilhelm von Döbeln
Jesper Stenberg
Björn Ekblom
First Irma, then …… more doctoral students
Ingvar Holmér
Christian Bohr
August Krogh
Johannes Lindhard
Erik Hohwü Christensen
Per-Olof Åstrand
Irma Rhyming (g. Åstrand)
Bengt Saltin
Wilhelm von Döbeln
Jesper Stenberg
Björn Ekblom
First Irma, then more doctoral students.
Ingvar Holmér
Then came the series of international recognitions, being selected
as fellow of academic societies and as doctor honoris causa.
Here two examples….
POÅ as honorary fellow at the American
College of Cardiology in New Orleans 1970.
The textbook which became the bible in exercise physiology.
A voice in the chorus:
Richard Burke, doctoral student at the
University of Tennesse, USA, in 2008:
Per-Olof Åstrand ”has made a significant
contribution to my life.”
“Everything came together” through
reading Textbook of Work Physiology.
POÅ became a most wanted lecturer at conferences, and thereby a lecturing globetrotter
POÅ became a most wanted lecturer at conferences, and thereby a lecturing globetrotter
For example, here in Beijing 1988.
… and guest researchers came, here Elliot Stein from USA
Dr Katsumi Asano from Japan
Dr Katsumi Asano with family
more writing, now in the 1980´s
Multi-disciplinary studies at GIH in 1987.
Inspecting the work of the sculptor Peter Linde,
as part of the 175th anniversary of GCI–GIH in 1988.
With the department staff at the 175th
anniversary of GCI–GIH in 1988.
The gift from the staff and numerous scientists over the world
when POÅ retired in 1988. It alluded to his interest in philately.
POÅ was a keen all year around cycle commuter. The one
way trip between GIH and Näsbypark was 15 km.
And he wrote
about his and
others’ cycle route
and followed the works of GIH:s first doctoral student
on route environments for cyclists, Lina Wahlgren.
Christian Bohr
August Krogh
Johannes Lindhard
Erik Hohwü Christensen
Irma Rhyming (g. Åstrand)
Bengt Saltin
Wilhelm von Döbeln
Jesper Stenberg
Björn Ekblom
Once upon a time the tutor and two
of his doctoral students…... later…
Ingvar Holmér
Three professor emeriti: Björn Ekblom, Per-Olof Åstrand
and Bengt Saltin outside GIH in 2008.
Music was very important for POÅ, and he loved to play and
sing for the students at GIH. Here playing at the Christmas
party in 1979 together with professor Björn Ekblom.
And here at the popular TV show ”Hylands hörna” in 1963,
when he was singing, playing the guitar and whistling three
different tunes at the same time.
In POÅ:s home at the grand piano, playing ”quatre mains”
with the concert organist Gunnar Idenstam in 1988.
POÅ also realized
the importance
of the physical
environment for
physical activity
and invented the
fitness trails in
1957. They
included outdoor
Here three examples of the Åstrand fitness trails,
all established in the woods close to GCI-GIH in Stockholm.
From: Sveriges Natur 63 (2) 75-76, 1972
And in his books as well as in articles he argued for
the importance of a physical planning for physical
activity within the population.
POÅ was a nature lover, a keen ornithologist and nature preserver.
With Irma in the national park of Kvill in 1980.
POÅ in his family´s loved park in Småland, 1988
When outdoor recreation areas close to the
inner urban areas of Stockholm were threatened
by exploitation, he argued for their preservation.
Here a debate article in 1991 by POÅ together
with Lars Gyllensten and Peter Schantz.
When outdoor recreation areas close to the
inner urban areas of Stockholm were threatened
by exploitation, he argued for their preservation.
Here a debate article in 1991 by POÅ together
with Lars Gyllensten and Peter Schantz.
When outdoor recreation areas close to the
inner urban areas of Stockholm were threatened
by exploitation, he argued for their preservation.
Here a debate article in 1991 by POÅ together
with Lars Gyllensten and Peter Schantz.
When outdoor recreation areas close to the
inner urban areas of Stockholm were threatened
by exploitation, he argued for their preservation.
Here a debate article in 1991 by POÅ together
with Lars Gyllensten and Peter Schantz.
In 1994 the Swedish Parliament took a
unanimous decision and protected the
areas as a national urban park.
Thereby it became the…
The Royal National Urban Park in Greater Stockholm
Endless was his wish to guide the students, here after a lecture for
the class L4K of PE students at GIH on September 22, 2009.
Endless was he a source of inspiration, knowledge and reflections.
Here speaking with professor Peter Schantz after a guest lecture
at Mid Sweden University in Östersund in 2009.
A letter from the philatelist POÅ to a former student at GIH,
recruited as amanuensis by POÅ, and later the rector of
Karolinska Institute, professor Harriet Wallberg.
On the way to the last big celebration together with Dr Hans Rosdahl.
….at the 200th anniversary of GCI-GIH at the
Town Hall in Stockholm in May 4, 2013.