Customizing Page Authoring (Touch-Optimized UI) Customizing Page Authoring (TouchOptimized UI) Overview / Adobe Experience Manager / Adobe Experience Manager 6.0 / Developing / Extending AEM Features / AEM provides various mechanisms to enable you to customize the page authoring functionality (and the consoles) of your authoring instance (touch-optimized UI). • Clientlibs Clientlibs allow you to extend the default implementation to realise new functionality, while reusing the standard functions, objects and methods. When customizing, you can create your own clientlib under / apps; the new clientlib must: • depend on the authoring clientlib: /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/editor • be part of the appropriate cq.authoring.editor.hook category; for example, where foo is the name of your module • Overlays Overlays are based on node definitions and allow you to overlay the standard functionality (in /libs) with your own customized functionality (in /apps). When creating an overlay a 1:1 copy of the original is not required, as the sling resource merger allows for inheritance. NOTE • • • • • Javascript Namespace: ClientLib category hook: cq.authoring.editor.hook Overlays are managed by: overlayManager The Editables for the current page are in: A lot of page data is in: These can be used in many ways to extend the page authoring functionality in your AEM instance. A selection are covered below (at a high level). NOTE For further information see: • Using and creating clientlibs. • Using and creating overlays. • Granite • Structure of the AEM Touch-Optimized UI for details of the structural areas used for page authoring. CAUTION You must not change anything in the /libs path. This is because the content of /libs is overwritten the next time you upgrade your instance (and may well be overwritten when you apply either a hotfix or feature pack). The recommended method for configuration and other changes is: 1. Recreate the required item (i.e. as it exists in /libs) under /apps 2. Make any changes within /apps ADD NEW LAYER (MODE) When you are editing a page, there are various modes available. These modes are implemented using layers. These allow access to differing types of functionality for the same page content; the standard layers are: edit, preview, annotate, developer, targeting. Standard Layers In a standard AEM installation: 1. /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/editor/js/layers/Layer.js This holds the base definition, all other layers inherit from this. © 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Page 1 Created on 2014-11-10 Customizing Page Authoring (Touch-Optimized UI) 2. /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/editor/js/edit This is the definition for the edit layer. This the default layer. Your new layer should inherit from this. This folder contains the definitions for: • edit.js - edit definitions • edit.Layer.js - layer definitions • edit.actions.js - actions • edit.Overlay.js - layer overlay - defines the behavior/look-and-feel for the layer and therefore how you interact with the content • edit.Toolbar.js - toolbar Creating a New Layer To create a new layer definition (within your clientlib) you have to: 1. Implement: • setUp • tearDown CAUTION A layer must return the editor to the state it was before the layer was activated. It is very important that a layer must be responsible for cleaning what it introduced. This is done in the tearDown function. 2. 3. Register the layer (includes the constructor): • layerManager.registerLayer With the constructor you need to specify: • name • icon (iconClass) • overlay (overlayConstructor) • toolbar (toolbarConstructor) Code Sample aem-authoring-extension-layer-msm is a sample package showing how to create a new layer in page authoring. The example is using MSM data and highlights it in the layer. To try it you may use Geometrixx Outdoors or any other LiveCopy page. ADD NEW SELECTION CATEGORY TO ASSET BROWSER The asset browser shows assets of various types/categories (e.g. image, documents, etc). The assets can also be filtered by these asset categories. Standard Categories in the Asset Finder In a standard AEM installation: 1. /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/assetfinder Holds definitions related to the asset finder. 2. /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/assetfinder/js Holds definitions for the asset categories collated and shown in the asset finder. The following are available in a standard installation: • document • image • video Creating a New Asset Category To create a new asset category to the asset finder (within your clientlib) you have to: © 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Page 2 Created on 2014-11-10 Customizing Page Authoring (Touch-Optimized UI) 1. 2. Define the asset category: • loadAssets searches for appropriate assets based on mimeType (asset type) Define the handling required for actions such as drag/drop, copy/paste, etc. Code Sample aem-authoring-extension-assetfinder-flickr is a sample package showing how to add a new group to the asset finder. This example connects to Flickr's public stream and shows them in the sidepanel. ADD NEW ACTION TO A COMPONENT TOOLBAR Each component (usually) has a toolbar that provides access to a range of actions that can be taken on that component. Standard Actions in a Component Toolbar In a standard AEM installation: 1. An action is registered with the call to: • editableToolbar.registerAction For example, as in: /libs/wcm/msm/content/touch-ui/authoring/editor/js/msmEditorHook.js Creating a New Action To create a new action: 1. You need to define the characteristics of the new button that will appear in the component's toolbar: • icon • text • condition (e.g. for toggled buttons) • handler Code Sample aem-authoring-extension-toolbar-screenshot is a sample package showing how to create a custom toolbar action to render components. ADD NEW INPLACE EDITOR Standard Inplace Editor In a standard AEM installation: 1. 2. /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/editor/js/editors Holds definitions of the various editors available. There is a connection between the editor and each resource type (as in component) that can use it: • cq:inplaceEditing for example, /libs/foundation/components/text/cq:editConfig • property: editorType Defines the type of inline editor that will be used when the inplace editing is triggered for that component; e.g. text, textimage, image, title. Creating a New Inplace Editor To implement a new inplace editor (within your clientlib): © 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Page 3 Created on 2014-11-10 Customizing Page Authoring (Touch-Optimized UI) NOTE For example, see: /libs/cq/gui/components/authoring/clientlibs/editor/js/editors/editorExample.js 1. 2. 3. Implement: • setUp • tearDown Register the editor (includes the constructor): • editor.register Provide the connection between the editor and every resource type (as in component) that can use it. ADD A NEW PAGE ACTION To add a new page action to the page toolbar, for example a Back to Sites (console) action: 1. To achieve this you need: • extend the cq.authoring.editor.hook clientlib to define the functionality: /apps/wcm/core/components/backtosites/clientlibs • a header action as the means for the user to access that functionality: /apps/wcm/core/content/editor/jcr:content/content/items/content/header/items/headerbar/items/ backToSites © 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Page 4 Created on 2014-11-10 Customizing Page Authoring (Touch-Optimized UI) Code Sample aem-authoring-extension-header-backtosites is a sample package showing how to create a custom header bar action to jump back to the Sites console. © 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Page 5 Created on 2014-11-10
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