Year 3 Newsletter November 2014 Dates for your Diary The learning journey continues... After a very busy and exciting first half term, we’re all now refreshed and ready to head into the second half term at Avenue Junior! Our main topic is “Global Citizens”. We will be developing our skills in geography, including using maps and atlases, learning about how different people live around the world, and investigating world artists such as Matisse and Rembrandt. We will also be studying folk tales from around the world during our English lessons, including a range of versions of the Cinderella story and the tales of Baba Yaga. In maths, two of the main areas we will be looking at are telling the time and learning times tables. These are ideal topics to work on with your child at home, and we are always appreciative of any extra support you are able to offer in helping your children learn these vital skills. We look forward to meeting you at Parents’ Evening later this term, where we will have the chance to discuss your child’s progress in Year 3 so far. Maths Morning We would like to invite you to a Maths Morning on Thursday 13th November from 9-10am. You will be able to watch (and join in!) with a maths lesson, learning about some of the methods we use to teach addition. We hope to see you there! Year 3 artists take the stage! Classes 3M and 3MA were very privileged this week to have the chance to work with Matt Reeve, a local artist. The children worked together to create special decorations for the Christmas Tree Trail which will be taking place in Norwich this winter. The decorations were based on the Twelve Days of Christmas and will be made into moving animations. The decorations will be on display at the following locations: 3M: Jarrolds 3MA: Hollywood Bowl Thursday 13th November, 9-10am: Maths Morning Come in to see your child’s maths skills in action. Friday 14th November: Children in Need Day Children can wear spotty or superhero clothes. There will also be a themed cake sale. Friday 21st November: International Breakfast Please join us in school to sample foods from around the world, as part of our topic “Global Citizens”. Week beginning December 1st: Parents’ Evenings Look out for sign-up sheets coming soon. Wednesday 10th December Maths workshop for parents. A letter with more detail will follow. Friday 12th December: Christmas Craft Fair Come and join us for festive fun! Monday 15th December: Year 3/4 Christmas Concert at St Thomas’s Church Tuesday 16th December: Year 3 Christmas Party Children can bring in a party outfit to change into as we enjoy some party games and food. PE Days 3B: Tuesday and Thursday We hope you will have the 3M: Tuesday and chance to take part in Wednesday the trail this year and 3MA: Tuesday and see the work of our talented Year 3 artists! Friday School Website: 3T: Tuesday and Thursday Year 3 Curriculum Map Autumn Term 2 2014 English Spoken English, reading comprehension, writing composition Wk 1 Nov 3rd-7th Firework Poetry Wk 2 Nov 10th-14th Traditional Tales Wk 3 Nov 17th-21st Traditional Tales Reading a range of shape poetry. Investigating how poets match shape to subject matter, and their vocabulary choices. Children will read a range of versions of the Cinderella story, and discuss the similarities and differences they can find. Children will explore the Baba Yaga story, using drama techniques to retell and adapt the story. Children will create calligrams and write poetry based on fireworks. They will have the chance to write their poetry up so that it forms a shape poem. They will go on to write their own version of the story using the setting of their choice. Children will write a retelling of the story, using inverted commas to mark speech. Wk 4 Nov 24th-28th Film Literacy – El Caminante Wk 5 Dec 1st-5th Film Literacy – El Caminante Wk 6 Dec 8th-12th Film Literacy – El Caminante Watching the animated short film “El Caminante” and using this to inspire creative writing based on character and setting. Creating a storyboard to tell a story. Planning a sequel to the film in which El Caminante performs in a different setting. Using iPads to create their own short films based on their planning from previous week. Children will create sets and scripts, then film their own masterpieces. Drama activities to explore character in depth. Wk 7 Dec 15th-19th Performance Poetry Investigating a variety of performance poetry. Children will watch videos of poets performing their work and consider how they use tone of voice, action, pitch and volume to create interest. Children will use these techniques to perform poetry effectively for an audience. Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation Vowels and consonants, powerful verbs and adjectives, alliteration, similes, onomatopoeia Conjunctions to express time and place, past tense, capital letters and full stops Correct use of a or an, use of inverted commas for speech Spelling High frequency words Silent letters Suffixes Silent letters Words ending in ‘le’ Words ending in ‘ous’ ‘ee’ sound ‘igh’ sound Words ending in ‘tion’ Maths Using place value to add and subtract 1, 10 and 100 to 3 digit numbers. Presenting data using tally charts and pictograms. Solving one and two step problems. Science Magnets and Forces To establish and reinforce knowledge of forces and the idea of a force as a push or pull. Looking at balanced and unbalanced forces. Telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes. Learning about AM and PM. Investigating the use of time in real life situations. To understand that magnets produce a force. Testing different materials for magnetic properties and looking at the use of magnets in everyday life. To plan and carry out a fair test to test the strength of different magnets. How can we measure how strong a magnet is? Powerful verbs and adjectives for description, adverbs, use of commas, question marks ‘ea’ sound ‘ph’ sound Words ending in ‘sion’ Adverbs, capital letters and full stops Capital letters and full stops, commas in lists, adverbs Rhyme, rhythm, onomatopoeia ‘er’ sound ‘wh’ sound Words ending in ‘ssion’ and ‘cian’ Christmas spelling challenge Investigating arrays and learning multiplication facts. Division as grouping, beginning to encounter the idea of remainders. To know what a spring is and the difference between open and closed springs. Using newton meters, which have a spring inside to help us to measure force. Finding unit fractions of shapes and amounts. (eg 1/2, 1/3, 1/4) Looking at how fractions are used in everyday life. ‘oo’ sound Words ending in ‘el’ A mixture of tion, sion, ssion and cian (how to identify differences) Further development – a chance to work on areas of maths the children may have found tricky this half term. Making and record measurements using different equipment. Designing and making their own forcemeters using elastic bands. Looking at the effects of magnetic field on earth, and creating art work based on the Aurora Borealis using pastels. Looking at the Earth’s gravity field and how rockets overcome the earth’s gravitational pull. Designing and making water rockets. Christmas problem solving challenges! I.C.C Global Citizens What does it mean to be a global citizen? Thinking about connections we have around the world. Beginning to use maps. Using maps and atlases to find information and locate places. Identifying continents, countries and other key features. Comparing lifestyles around the world. Thinking about how other people’s lives are similar or different to our own. UNICEF rights of the child. Investigating the UN convention on the rights of the child, and what this means for themselves and others. Computing Introduction to Coding R.E Why do Sikhs wear the 5 Ks? Introduction to Scratch – trying out different games and programs. Engage: Watching a video on Sikhism and coming up with enquiry questions. Designing a sprite and background environment. Animating a sprite to create more complex movements. Explore: What is the Gurdwara and why is it important to Sikhs? Beginning to program directional control for sprites. Evaluate: What have we learnt about Sikhism? Have we answered our key questions? P.E (3M,3MA, 3T) Invasion Games: Hockey PE (3B) Gymnastics Music Play It Again French Understand the role of attackers and defenders in hockey Find and use space during a game to help the team Be able to pass a ball while running. Receive the ball safely and correctly. To know the difference between attacking and defending skills in hockey. PSHE/Circle Time PATHS Understanding anger and learning how to calm down to solve problems Explore: What are the 5 Ks and what might they represent? Global artists. Looking at artists including Rembrandt, Matisse and aboriginal artists. Creating collage, observational charcoal sketches and 3D art. Creating a maze game using techniques learnt so far. Express: Create a short film explaining key facts about Sikhs that could be shown to other Year 3s. Recognise parts of a performance that could be improved, and find ways to help. Global celebrations. “Mighty Mountains” – Himalayan study. Learning about the Hindu festivals Nanda Devi and Rhaki. Global celebrations. “Terrific Temples” – study of Egyptian festivals. Finally ending with a look at the fiestas in “Spectacular Spain”. Debugging and learning Finishing games and how to solve problems as evaluating achievements they arise. and next steps. Global Celebrations: Investigating some of the different religious festivities that are taking place around the world at this time of year. Understand the rules of hockey and work as part of the team. Practise and refine the skills that have been learnt. The children will be working with a specialist gymnastics coach. They will learn a range of balances and jumps, as well as how to correctly perform forwards rolls and cartwheels. They will then put these together to form a well-designed sequence put to music. Investigating the different instruments of the orchestra. Children will listen to “Peter and the Wolf” and identify the different instruments and their characteristics. We will also be working on learning a variety of songs for the Christmas concert. This term we will be continuing to practise greetings and introductions through role play. We will learn the vocabulary for parts of the body and numbers by singing various songs including ‘Aloutte’, ‘Les os les os’, and ‘Dix dans le lit’. We aim to focus on one story, ‘Le Bateau Rouge’. Making good choices Seeing other people’s point of view Playing fairly and the fair play rules Feeling shy or lonely; making new friends Being a good winner/loser Problem solving strategies
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