S turday a Trinity Episcopal Church 120 Sigourney St., Hartford, CT, 06105 Sunday, November 16 Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 8:00 P.M. Holy Eucharist – Church Choir Rehearsal – Church Choir School Pancake Breakfast – Goodwin Hall Godly Play – Classroom 3 Holy Eucharist & Rite-13 Ceremony– Church Choir School Pancake Breakfast – Goodwin Hall Sunday Symposium – Library Christian Formation for all ages CVSO Rehearsal – Church CVCO Concert – Church Narcotics Anonymous – Huntington Hall Choir Rehearsal for Compline – Choir Room Compline – Church Monday, November 17 5:00 P.M. Trinity Academy Development meeting – Conference Room Tuesday, November 18 9:30 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 2:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 6:00 P.M. 7:16 P.M. Staff meeting – Rector’s Office Alcoholics Anonymous – Room 3 Loaves & Fishes crew – Kitchen Probationer rehearsal – Choir Room Chorister/Novice rehearsal – Choir Room Vestry meeting – Library Wednesday, November 19 11:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. Loaves & Fishes serving – Offsite Al-Anon – Outreach Room Trinity Academy Music program – Church Trinity Academy Cultural Night – Goodwin Hall Alcoholics Anonymous – Room 3 Drumming – Church . Thursday, November 20 12:00 P.M. Trinity Academy & Choir School planning meeting – Library 5:30 P.M. Probationer rehearsal – Choir Room 6:00 P.M. Chorister/Novice rehearsal – Choir Room 7:00 P.M. Trinity Choir rehearsal – Choir Room 8:00 P.M. Alcoholics Anonymous – Room 3 Friday, November 21 No Events Scheduled Saturday, November 22 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 5:00 P.M. Brotherhood of St. Andrew meeting – Library Acolyte Training – Goodwin Hall Alcoholics Anonymous – Huntington Hall Private event – Goodwin Hall trinityhartford.org 860-527-8133 November 16, 2014 Today’s Schedule of Christian Formation Programs --------------------------------------------------------------- CHILDCARE for children under age 3 is offered during the 10:00 a.m. service --------------------------------------------------------------- CHURCH SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN Beginning at 10:00 a.m.: Children ages 3 – 2nd Grade: Godly Play – Classroom 3, 2nd floor From 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Children ages 3 – 2nd Grade: Arts & Crafts – Classroom 3, 2nd floor Sunday School, Grades 3 & 4 – Classroom 2, 2nd floor Sunday School, Grades 5 & 6 – Classroom 4, 2nd floor --------------------------------------------------------------- JOURNEY TO ADULTHOOD SESSIONS From 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.: Rite-13 (grades 7 & 8) – Classroom 6, 2nd fl. J2A (grades 9 & 10) – Classroom 5, 2nd floor YAC – Upper Library, 2nd floor --------------------------------------------------------------- ADULT FORUM 11:30 a.m. in the Library: Today: An Exploration of the Examination Process for Would-Be Priests in the Episcopal Church, led by The Rev. Dr. Frank Kirkpatrick. Have you ever wondered what tests a person has to pass to become a priest? Frank knows a lot about ordination exams and may even be willing to share some opinions about what is working and not working with that process. Next Sunday: Trinity Academy Open House, the independent school housed in the Trinity Church buildings A Special Note: Sunday November 30 there will be no Godly Play, Church School or Sunday Symposium. Childcare will be offered in the nursery. Sunday, November 23 Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 11:30 A.M. 6:00 P.M. Holy Eucharist – Church Choir Rehearsal – Church Godly Play – Classroom 3 Holy Eucharist – Church Sunday Symposium – Library Christian Formation for all ages Narcotics Anonymous – Huntington Hall Yummy Pancake Breakfast Today The Choir School of Hartford will be serving a pancake and bacon breakfast today between the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. services. Extra pancakes will be offered to go following the 10:00 a.m. service. Fee: $5 per person; $20 per family. All proceeds support travel for the Choir School. Hola! Namaste! Ciao! Konnichiwa! Bonjour! Please join Trinity Academy in celebrating amazing cultures from around the world on Wednesday, November 19th from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30. The eighth graders will be the Masters of Ceremony for the evening and will lead you through an evening that will begin with food and beverages from around the world followed by musical performances by the very talented third graders. RSVP to [email protected] or to 860-670-2580 by Monday, November 17th We hope to see you there! Merci! Thank you! Let Us Pray Parish Cycle of Prayer: In our parish cycle of prayer we pray for Azubuike and Comfort Igboanugo; Emeka, Ester, Emmanuela, Michael and Marvelous Igboanugo; Pat Jackson; and the Journey to Adulthood participants and leaders. In our diocese, we pray for St. Paul’s, Windham; Grace Church, Windsor; St. James’, Winsted; All Saints’, Wolcott; women's ministries; Women's Global Mission groups in CT; and Anglican Women's Empowerment. In the Anglican Cycle, we pray for the Lusitanian Church, and especially for our partner church, Mbugani Anglican Holy Trinity Church in Tabora, Tanzania and for the mission churches of Tumbi and Mpungu. We ask your prayers for Vince Adell and Marsha McCurdy-Adell; Claudia Ayer; Joy Bennett; Dianne Bowens-Waller; Edie Brunelle; Ginny Catanzaro; Sandi Cone; Alice Custer; Robin D’Oyen and family; John Doyle; Annabelle Duva; Lori Eckhardt; John Ector; Althea Francis; Nigel Francis; Jane Gentles; D. B. Grant; Fr. Don Hamer, John Hinkston; Keith Hook; Dwight Lee; Florence Lloyd; Fred Margeson; Antoinette McCrary; Dorothy McLachlan; Valentina Moore; Boo Morton; Paul Nelson; Ann-Marie Pierce; Jon Reik; John Robinson; Lillian Sandford; Bob and Pat Shields; Lucy Shores; the Troiano family; Hellen Strassner; Sonia Watson; Trudi White; Janet Wilkinson; Amy Williams; Carl Williams; Pam Williams; Deborah and Shakeem Williams; Bruce Williamson; Jean Williams; Alma Graziani; Vickie Lucey; Steven Wojtilla; Linda McGrath; Hyacinth Kondratowrcz; T. J. Carbone; Hyacinth; Joan Collier; Dean Morgan; Kenneth and Carol Vreeland; Nancy Boyer; Ray Bertram; Alex Cheyney; Roland Cheyney; Margaret Packe; Patricia Patton; Debi and John Irby; Sam Parsons; Joan Conner; Dennis Rocke; and for those who mourn for loved ones. We pray for Henry Peterson, in whose loving memory the flowers in the church are offered this week. We also pray for those who have died, especially Linton “Pete” H. Estes, Jr. and those who will die this week, that they may meet their Lord in faith and hope. A service of Holy Eucharist will be held on Thanksgiving Day, November 27 at 10:00 a.m. Plan to come to Trinity on Thanksgiving morning and join with others from our faith community in following the charge of George Washington to honor the day “by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God.” CT Valley Symphony Orchestra and the Manchester Symphony Orch. Today at 3:00 p.m., the CVSO will join forces with the Manchester Valley Symphony here at Trinity Church. There will be over 100 musicians sharing the stage. Tickets will be available at the door for $15, $12 for students and seniors. Join Us for Compline The Trinity Choir Schola will offer Compline this evening at 8:00 p.m. in the church. Join us for sung Prayer at the Close of Day in preparation for the week ahead. The Sigourney Street doors of the church will open at 7:50 p.m. You may sit in the chancel with those offering the service, or, if you wish, you may sit in the darkened nave. Sign up Now for Foyer Groups These are groups of 7-8 people who will meet once a month in homes for the simple purpose of getting to know our fellow Trinity worshippers better. Meetings will begin in mid-January and continue until all who wish to host a gathering have had that opportunity, most likely finishing in the spring. Groups will be formed with the goal of 1) including a cross section of the parish - singles and couples, long-time members and newcomers, etc., and 2) keeping geography in mind. Sign up by filling out the sheet that's available at the table in Goodwin Hall. If you have any questions, talk to the folks there. Hope you can join us! Bach ClavierFest, A Celebration of Keyboard Music from the time of Bach with Edward Clark and Christa Rakich performed on harpsichords, lautenwerk, clavichord and portative organs on Friday, November 14, at 7:30 p.m. Special guest artists: Christopher Krueger, traverse flute and Emlyn Ngai, baroque violin. Tickets: $25, $10 students Warm Clothing for Trinity Academy’s Students It's starting to get cold outside and some of Trinity’s grade 3 students do not have the proper jackets or sweaters for walking to and from the YWCA. If you have any extra medium or large children's jackets or sweaters, pleas e consider donating them to the Trinity Academy students. Hats, gloves and scarves would also be appreciated. Donations can be dropped off in the parish office or placed on a donation table in Goodwin Hall on Sunday mornings. The offices and buildings will be closed Thursday, November 27, Thanksgiving Day, and Friday, November 28, with the exception of the 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist on Thanksgiving Day and 12-step meetings Outreach: Foodshare Following both services on Sundays from November 2-23, the Outreach Team will have for you information about Foodshare, and about opportunities to contribute to this organization. Foodshare is the regional food bank for Hartford and Tolland Counties, and is part of the national "Feeding America" network. At this time of the year Foodshare has a special campaign: "A Turkey and A $30". They collect turkeys for thanksgiving distribution, and money that will help feed families year round. A $30 donation to Foodshare provides enough food to feed a hungry neighbor for a month. We invite you to learn more about Foodshare at the Outreach table in Goodwin Hall, and to find out about ways you can help in this important campaign. Book Group In December, Trinity's Book Group will celebrate the season with the theme of Pageants. The reading selection, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson, is a children's book that appeals to all ages. At the gathering itself, we'll read and act out nativity pageants written by Mark MacGougan. This meeting will be on Friday, December 12th, 7:00 9:00 p.m., at the home of Jane Harris in Glastonbury. Please let her know if you plan to attend by calling 860-280-8121, or emailing to [email protected]. All are welcome to attend this gathering, which promises to be festive! “Lark and Clark” Concert Pianist Lark Popov and baritone Will Clark will return to Trinity Church to offer a performance of music for piano on Saturday, November 29, at 7:00 p.m. in the church. There is no set admission charge for this event; a free will offering is requested. ADVENT GIVING 2014 The Outreach team invites you to participate once again in an Advent Season of Giving, to make a difference in the lives of people you do not know. It will be a season of sharing with and caring for people in need, for the hungry and the homeless and through us, sharing God's love with them. - First Sunday, November 30: Our Giving Tree will be up, filled with the gift requests of local children through Covenant to Care. - Second Sunday, December 7: We will collect toiletries and clothing, and invite you to purchase one of our green Trinity bags for $5 for us to load up and give away to the homeless and those in need. - Third Sunday, December 14: We will be gathering in and blessing all the Giving Tree gifts. - On Tuesday December 16 and Wednesday December 17: The Loaves & Fishes ministry teams will be preparing for and servicing meals at Immanuel Church. - Nearly the fourth Sunday - Saturday, December 20: Everyone in the parish is invited to help wrap and prepare everything to fill our Trinity bags to bring to Bushnell Park for our Feeding in the Park/Church by the Pond ministry. More details on all of these activities will be in the Sunday bulletins and on special "Advent Giving" flyers on the Welcome Table and the Outreach bulletin board in Goodwin Hall. Please mark your calendars and plan to participate in every way you can. Our Advent Season of Giving will help each of us get ready in our lives for the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Penny Pearson, Outreach Liaison Coming up next: Schroder, written by Trinity parishioner Amity Gaige. Get your copy now! 2015 Calendars Needed Please donate in your extra 2015 calendars of all sizes. Wall calendars, purse or pocket size: one of Helen Hart’s clients will be glad to have it. Helen works with her 80 plus clients to have them record their appointments. You can help by donating your unused calendars. Bring them with you the next time you come to Trinity and place them on the name tag table in Goodwin Hall. The boutonnieres for Trinity’s veterans last Sunday were made by Percy Williams.
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