Document 436463

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Tr i n i t y
L o v e s Vi s i t o r s ! !
Trinity United
Methodist Church
729 Paul W. Bryant Drive
Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401
Sunday Services begin at 10:30 a.m.
Office hours:
Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Our congregation includes people of all
backgrounds and perspectives. We gather
together with a common love for God and all
God’s people. We’re glad you are with us this
Our pastor is Reverend Penny Ford, who can
be reached through the church office Monday
through Thursday (759-4206) or at [email protected]. You can also
join us on FACEBOOK at “Trinity UMC Tuscaloosa, AL.”
NURSERY: A nursery is available during all worship services. Our nursery
conforms to all current safety standards. We have a wireless pager system for
parents, who receive a pager when they leave their children with the trained
nursery workers.
REST ROOMS: Men’s and women’s rest rooms are on the lower level at the
bases of the steps on either side of the narthex. There is also a family restroom
on the main level in the area behind the choir loft.
HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY: There is an elevator in the education
wing that accesses all levels of the church—the sanctuary, the fellowship hall,
and all the Sunday School rooms. Handicapped parking spaces are in the rear
of the church.
HEARING ASSISTANCE: We have hearing assistance aids available located
in the brown box on the table in the narthex. Or you can just ask an usher!
READY TO JOIN? There are several ways you can join with us in serving
God and others. If you are ready today
you can fill out a yellow card (front
and back) in the pew, and you can
come forward during the last hymn of
any service. Or, you can make a private appointment with the pastor.
Full (Professing) Members are those
who join Trinity UMC to serve God
through their prayers, presence, gifts,
service, and witness. Your church
membership can be easily transferred
from another UMC church or a church
of another denomination.
Affiliate Members are members of
another United Methodist church who
join Trinity UMC temporarily, while
retaining membership in their home
United Methodist church. (Lots of
students choose this option).
Associate Members are people who
have been baptized in another Christian
denomination and who want to connect with Trinity UMC, but also wish
to retain their current denominational
To foster an intergenerational community that thinks deeply, serves
passionately, and loves generously, following the example of
Jesus Christ, reaching out to the
University of Alabama community
and beyond.
Trinity U MC Weekly Schedule
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* 8:45 am - C hap el Com m uni on
* 9:00 am - C offee Ti m e - Sunset / Funset Room
* 9:30 am - Sunday School for all ages!
* 10:00 am - C ho i r wi t h Dr. K evi n Chance - k .t .ch an ce@gm
* 10:30 am - Wor shi p i n t he Sanct uary
3-5:00 pm
- C ub Scout Pack 6 - Cont act Dani el Powel l - 535- 6753
5:00 pm - WM U - Angel Doves ( m eet s t he l ast Sunday onl y i n each m ont h)
6:30 - 8:30 pm - Turni ng Poi nt / Dom est i c Vi ol ence Survi vors
Cont act Wanda Locket t - 758- 0808
11:30 am - WM U - Expl orers ( m eet s t he f i rst Tuesday onl y i n each m ont h)
6:30 pm - Wome n ’s G roup of Al cohol i cs Anonym ous - Room 212
* 6:00 pm - C hoir wi t h Dr. K evi n Chance - k.t .chance@gm ai l .com
7:00 pm - Handbel l Choi r
7:00 pm - C hronic Pai n Support G roup - m eet s every 2nd & 4t h Wed.
C ont act Sue Ri chardson at 394- 0377
8:15 pm -E L E V A TE Col l ege Bi bl e St udy - Meet s i n Q ui rkey’ s
C ontact K el l i Reese at kreese2@cri m
7:00 pm - Sur vivors of Sui ci de, m eet s every t hi rd Thursday
Contact Mary Turner at [email protected] or 247-5011
5:30-7:00 pm - Wom en’s G roup of Al cohol i cs Anonym ous Bi g Book Meet i ng
Room 212
* N ur s e r y Availabl e
WEBSITE - www.t ri ni t yum c.i nf o
FACEBO O K - Tri ni t y UMC Tuscal oosa, AL
FA C E B OOK CO LLEG E PAG E - El evat e - Tri ni t y Col l ege Mi ni st ry
INTERN O N- CALL PH O NE - 205- 393- 7735
CH URCH PH O NE: 205- 759- 4206
Welcome to Trinity
United Methodist Church
Twenty-Third Sunday
November 16, 2014
The Apostles’ Creed
I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen
Trinity United Methodist Church
November 16, 2014 - Worship Service 10:30 a.m.
Rev. Penny Ford, Senior Pastor
Dr. Kevin Chance, Director of Music Ministries
Sandy Wilson, Children’s Minister
Collin Webster, Organist
Catherine Hoop, Children’s Music Director
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* CALL TO WORSHIP (by Sarah E. Weaver)
Rev. Penny Ford
Delight! Children of God, delight!
We are delighted to be here together; to worship as a family
and to be united in a common ministry.
We gather in worship to praise God and celebrate this community.
We celebrate the love that we have for one another, the support
that we offer to others and the journey we are on together.
We come together this day to delight in offering our gifts.
We delight in the gifts we are giving, the pledges we are
making and the future we are creating.
We join our hearts and our spirits today and delight in giving.
We are here! We are delighted! We are united!
Let us worship the God who loves when we delight in giving.
Let us worship God!
To God Be the Glory
Annette Watters
Dr. Kevin Chance, Piano
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom
the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
After the children’s choir sings, children ages four to second grade
are invited to go the Children’s Church with Ms. Sandy Wilson.
They are also welcome to stay in the sanctuary if they wish.
Nursery is provided for children three and under.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Little Innocent Lamb
This is the word of God for the people of God.
Thanks be to God.
“All of Me”
-- Mark Hayes
Luke 21:1-4
Rev. Alan Head
* Please stand as you are able.
Today we welcome Rev. Alan Head as our guest preacher. Alan served
Trinity UMC from 2001 to 2007 and is now at Pleasant Hill UMC in
Birmingham. Alan and his wife Missy have eight children from ages
11-23. Welcome back Alan and Missy!
Please join us for
Trinity’s Stewardship Celebration Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall.
This is a complimentary catered lunch following the service
and everyone is welcome.
CHARGE CONFERENCE with District Superintendent
Sunday, November 16 at 2:30 p.m. - St. Mark UMC
In Loving Memory of my nephew, Nelson Smith.
This memorial is given
by Joyce Daniel.
We are excited to have the children’s choir participate in worship today!
Catherine Hoop is the director of the children’s choir and we appreciate
the fine job she is doing. The children will sing again on December 14 for
the live Nativity. Children ages 4 years to 5th grade are invited to sing!
The children practice Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. and Sundays during
Children’s Church.
Trin ity
New s an d No t e s
November 19 at 5:30 p.m.
Contact Kelli Reese for
more information.
[email protected]
Saturday, November 22
UA Football Game
Meet at Trinity an hour before the
game and tailgate then walk
to the stadium together.
Wednesday, November 26
No Bible Study
We are tickled with joy to say,
Little Jay is on his way!
Please join us for a baby shower for
Allison & Robby Verhine
and Baby Jay!
Sunday, November 23rd
2pm - 4pm
Trinity’s Sunset-Funset Room
Registered at
Target and
Women, men, and children welcome!
For more info contact Kelly Johns at
256-345-4681 or
[email protected]
The “fall ball” season is over and Trinity
is proud of its co-ed softball team. Our
team won some and lost some, but no
other team had as much fun as we did.
The best thing about Trinity’s team was
its members. We had different ages,
races, skill levels, church membership
status and, of course, both men and
women. The players ranged in age from
the minimum age of 16 through people
in their 50s. Skill levels varied widely,
too. (The youngest were not always the
Everybody enjoyed encouraging
everybody else—no prima donas, no
sour pusses, no old grumps. Coach
Denise said, “Everybody contributed
and everybody was appreciated. In the
most important ways, we had the best
team in the league.”
Trinity anticipates participating in
PARA’s church league softball program
again in spring 2015. Get ready to play,
or come and cheer!
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Tuesday, December 2 at 5:30 p.m.
Potluck Dinner
Please bring your unwrapped
Christmas gifts for the
“Tuscaloosa One Place Children”.
Trinity UMC is sponsoring 30 children
this year to help provide a Christmas
for them. The families are referred
through Tuscaloosa One Place and all
children are between ages 0 and 8.
Please consider sponsoring one or
more children. Classes or friends may
go in together to sponsor a family
group, or a child may be sponsored
You will find a Christmas Tree in the
Narthex with an ornament with each
child’s name, sizes and wish list. You
do not have to provide every item on
the list. Please place the unwrapped
gifts in a box with your child’s
information on it along with a roll of
wrapping paper and tape and bring it
to the church at our Trinity Christmas
Party on Tuesday, December 2nd at
5:30 p.m. We will have a blessing of
the toys in worship on Sunday
December 7 and will take all the boxes
to Tuscaloosa One Place for you.
This is a wonderful way to share the
excitement and joy of Christmas with
children who are in need!
What Sweeter Music
Sunday, December 7
Sunday, December 14
If you would like a copy of our financial
report, please contact Lara Townsley at
409-3566 or [email protected]. She
will get you one via email or hard copy
and answer any questions. Our finances
are open and we want the congregation
to be informed. -- the Finance