THE MEMORIAL MESSENGER Memorial Baptist Church exists to glorify God; and is committed to helping each individual understand that they are truly loved by Him, accepted by His followers, and offered life-changing hope in Jesus. Memorial Baptist Church Phone: (307) 322-3236 202 19th Street Wheatland, WY 82201 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Please join us for… Thanksgiving Dinner ~ on Sunday, November 23, 2014 12:30 p.m. Following Morning Worship ~ Please invite your relatives and friends, and join us us for a day of praise and thanksgiving to our Lord. Memorial Baptist Church will provide baked turkeys, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, rolls, and beverages. Please bring along your favorite vegetables, salads, and/or desserts to share. share. The Hostess Committee Committee requests that each dish be large enough to provide at least six servings. We ask that you please telephone 322322-3236 to R.S.V.P. You are invited to remain afterward to “deck the halls” of Memorial Baptist Church for the Christmas Season! The Art of Thanksgiving… The art of thanksgiving is thanksliving. It is gratitude in action. It is applying Albert Schweitzer’s philosophy: “In gratitude for your own good fortune, you must render in return some sacrifice of your life for another life.” ▪ It is thanking God for the gift of life by living life triumphantly. ▪ It is thanking God for your talents and abilities by accepting them as obligations to be invested for the common good. ▪ It is thanking God for all that men and women have done for you by doing things for others. ▪ It is thanking God for opportunities by accepting them as a challenge to achievement. ▪ It is thanking God for beauty by helping to make the world more beautiful. ▪ It is thanking God for inspiration by trying to be an inspiration to others. ▪ It is thanking God for health and strength by the care and reverence you show your body. ▪ It is thanking God for the creative ideas that enrich life by adding your own creative contributions to human progress. ▪ It is thanking God for each new day by living it to the fullest. ▪ It is thanking God by giving hands, arms, legs, and voice to your thankful spirit. ▪ It is adding to your prayers of thanksgiving acts of thanksliving. In the Name of Him Who has pushed back the horizons of our hopes and invited the brave to follow Him. ~ Author unknown BRIDGE YOUTH THANKSGIVING PROJECT This Thanksgiving, BRIDGE Youth of Memorial Baptist Church would like to help feed Wheatland’s local families in need by providing many of them with a “Thanksgiving Basket.” We are asking the members and friends of Memorial Baptist to help with this local ministry by donating non-perishable food items, as well as monetary contributions, with which to purchase a Thanksgiving ham for each family. Food items needed include: canned fruits and vegetables, pie fillings, pie crusts, stuffing, bread mixes, cake and frosting mixes, powdered milk, instant mashed potatoes or boxed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pasta, etc. In order to prepare and deliver these baskets in time for Thanksgiving (which is November 27th), we would appreciate your donations by Sunday, November 23rd, as the youth plan to assemble the baskets at 5:30 p.m. that evening. Baskets will be delivered on Wednesday, November 26th. There will be a drop box in the entrance of the church for food items, and an envelope in the church office for monetary contributions. Be thankful for God’s blessings on your family by helping to bless another family this Thanksgiving! Peace and love, Eric & Jenna Brown, Youth Leaders DEACON ORDINATION SERVICE Sunday, November 16, 2014 3:00 p.m. Reception to follow The Board of Deacons of Memorial Baptist Church is very pleased to announce that Dr. Ty Battershell is to be ordained as a Deacon of our church body at 3:00 p.m. on the afternoon of Sunday, November 16, 2014. You are invited and encouraged to be present to show him your support in this special service of dedication. The Memorial Baptist Church family would like to express its gratitude to and support of Dr. Battershell for his willingness to follow God’s call upon his life, and to serve our Lord in this capacity. Ty, and his wife, Dr. Lauri Palmer, are the parents of three fine young women, Hannah, Rachel, and Grace; all of whom are active members of our fellowship. Ty will join our pastor, Craig Cagle, and Robert Lowder, Duane Huffaker, and Rex Johnson on our Deacon Board. Let us make a commitment to keep these gentlemen and their families in our prayers. A reception will follow the special Deacon Ordination Service on November 16th. Please make plans to be on hand for this special event. Planning Our Church Budget... We are rapidly approaching the time of year when those who are serving on the Memorial Baptist Budget & Finance Committee will need to prepare our budget for the coming year. Here’s where you can help…if you are the chairman of a committee in our church, please contact your committee members and try to estimate the financial needs of your committee for the next year. Finance Committee Chairman Robert Lowder has Budget Request Forms available, both in the office and in the church fellowship area. Please pick up a form, complete it, and return it to either the office or to Robert at your earliest convenience. This will make the task of our Finance Committee much easier, as they seek the Lord’s guidance in being good stewards of our funds over the course of the next year. Thank you so much for your help! Current Session of Ladies’ Bible Study to Conclude Conclude Soon… Participants in the study of Angela Thomas’ book, Stronger, have remarked about what a powerful and inspirational experience it has been. Women’s Ministry Director Julia Farris has announced that the final dates for this study will be Tuesday, November 17th, and Wednesday, November 18th. Ladies’ Bible Study groups will not meet again until after the first of the year, when another great study will begin. Thanks to Julia for leading these wonderful groups of women. How to Spot a “Geezer” “Geezers” are easy to spot. This is slang for an old man. During a sporting event when the National Anthem is played, they will hold their caps over their hearts and sing without embarrassment. They remember World War I, the Depression, World War II, Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal, Normandy, and Hitler. They remember the Atomic Age, the Korean War, the Cold War, the Jet Age, the Moon Landing, and Vietnam. If you bump into a geezer on the sidewalk, he will apologize. Pass a geezer on the street, and he will nod, or tip his cap to a lady. Geezers trust strangers and are courtly to women. They hold the door for the next person; and always, when walking, make sure the lady is on the inside for protection. Geezers get embarrassed if someone curses in front of women and children; and they don’t like violence and filth on television and in the movies. Geezers have moral courage. Geezers seldom brag, unless it is about their grandchildren in Little League or music recitals. This country needs geezers, with their decent values and common sense. We need them now more than ever. It is the geezers who know our great country is protected not by the so-called politicians or police; but by the young men and women in our military who are serving their country in foreign lands, just as they did, without a thought except to do a good job and the best they can and to return home to loved ones. Each and every one of us should thank God for Old Geezers! …Author unknown Veterans’ Day Is Tuesday, November 11, 2014. Please make it a point to thank our veterans and servicemen and women for protecting our nation’s freedoms. Let us help you Celebrate Your November Birthday... Birthday... “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” ~ Satchel Paige If you are a woman with a November birthday, you are about to receive a little bit of pampering! Your church family and friends want to take you out to lunch! Mark your calendar for our November Women’s Birthday Club Lunch, and make plans to join the women of Memorial Baptist this month! We’ll celebrate with those having November birthdays, and enjoy a great time of fellowship over some good food and a yummy dessert. Remember, all women are invited to the lunch…not only those who are celebrating birthdays! Date & Time: Monday, November 10, 2014 at 12:00 noon Location: Big A Restaurant, 1553 South Street Birthday Cake provided by: Diane Wight November Flower: Chrysanthemum November Birthstone: Topaz Celebrating Birthdays This Month: Sherri Cullen (November 1) Bonnie Johnson (November 5) Abby Mickelsen (November 9) Shirley Lawrence (November 12) Shirley Niemczyk (November 12) Penny Teel (November 12) Sharon Wagner (November 12) Carolyn Williams (November 15) Melissa Peasley (November 27) Helen Howell (November 28) Sharon Oman (November 30) Are you a November birthday person, and do not see your name listed here? Please contact Carol at the church office right away! We surely don’t want to leave anyone out! If you would like transportation, or would just like to have further details, please telephone the church office at 322-3236. Pumpkin Pie Smoothie (A quick, tasty, and healthy treat shared by Dr. Erin Cook Grady…) 1 cup canned pumpkin 1 apple, cored (No need to peel it…get that extra fiber!) 1 to 2 teaspoons honey 1 to 2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice 1 tablespoon flax seed or chia seed (ground or whole) ¼ cup rolled oats 8 to 12 ounces milk or milk substitute (almond or coconut milk, for example) Ice cubes to taste (or no ice at all) Blend together in your blender, and enjoy the taste of pumpkin pie without all the work! We have turned back our clocks, and the days are getting shorter. May the following article help you feel the comforting warmth of Jesus’ Light on your face as your turn toward Him and realize that He will never leave you to face your darkness alone… Season of Longer Darkness… Darkness… “Weeping may go on all night, but joy comes with the morning.” (Psalm 30:5 NLT) “For God has said, ‘I will never fail you. I will never forsake you.’ That is why we can say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper, so I will not be afraid.’” (Hebrews 13:5-6 NLT) “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:38-39 NLT) Ah, it’s now November. Winter starts settling in as autumn’s colors fade to duller hues of gray and brown. Hints of winter’s coming chill shock our unsuspecting faces. We leave for work or school in the slow fade of the night’s darkness. We return home in the early evening’s dark embrace. From the beginning of November until late December, each day brings a longer darkness. Each night descends with more haste and departs with greater reluctance. We live in the season of longer darkness. Not a few folks of faith find themselves in the spiritual season of longer darkness. A job loss, an unwanted divorce, the death of a loved one, the lingering illness of someone precious, the diminishing reserves of retirement, the bitter loss of the mind’s ability, a grievous wounding by a friend, the spiritual failure of a hero…any of these and many more hurts can leave us in the season of longer darkness. In this season, faith’s fire doesn’t burn as brightly and its moments of shining don’t last as long. Life is much more a struggle and faith is very much a battle with our wills. How do we survive the season of longer darkness? Where do we find fresh hope to continue what seems like a longer and harder journey of faith? In the physical season of longer darkness, there are surprising moments of joy and delight, things like… The refreshing chill in the air after a long, hot summer. The beauty of a cold, clear night where the world sparkles under a full moon. The purifying clean and the soft hushed tones of the new fallen snow. The opportunity for more rest during the longer nights. In much the same way, God brings us blessings in the spiritual season of longer darkness. Because life is more of a struggle and the spiritual dimensions of our lives are more of a battle, we often miss these touches of grace, these surprising moments of joy and delight. However, if we look closely, we will find them. While sometimes overworked, the little poem, “Footprints”, still resonates within our hearts because we have found its message true. God does join us in the darkest parts of our seasons of longer darkness. In truth, in the darkest of those days in this long season, He carries us and sustains us in many ways… He sends a friend to help with an encouraging word or a needed perspective. He supplies increased strength to weather our raging nighttime storms. He prevents an unseen attack from the evil one when we are most vulnerable. He answers hundreds of prayers, even though the one we want most seems to remain unaddressed. He speaks to us through His Spirit in the songs we sing with other believers and in the words of Scripture when we open ourselves to His Word. He pours His love into our hearts through His Spirit and strengthens us in ways we cannot know in response to the prayers of others on our behalf. Yes, sometimes, and maybe even often times in the season of longer darkness, we face grueling periods of perseverance brought on by life’s trials or our own failures and sins. But even in this long season, and even in the darkest of nights that try the human soul, we are not abandoned. No matter what our circumstances suggest, our God is faithful and He has promised that the night will pass; He will not forsake us. No matter how long the night may seem, morning will come with its joy. So hold on if you are in the longer season. And if you are not, find someone who is; and help point them to the Light until their darkness passes. …reprinted from an article by Phil Ware Christmas Play Rehearsals in Full Swing! Preparations are well under way for our annual Children’s Christmas Play. Rehearsals have been going well, and the children and their sponsors are working hard on this year’s production. Please note that rehearsals are now held at 5:00 p.m. each Sunday evening. This year, the children’s group will present the action-packed musical, Christmas in Egypt! Using the Holy Family’s flight to Egypt as historical background, author Kathie Hill explores the possible relationship that Mary, Joseph, and the Christ Child might have had with their Egyptian neighbors. In the author’s own words, she describes this musical as a different, but creative, approach to the Christmas Story, which serves to give children a glimpse into Jesus’ life beyond the manger. The kids love wearing the Egyptian garb, and the characters of the Pharoah, the Herald, and the Belles of the Nile are simply hysterical! Kathie Hill describes Christmas in Egypt as one of her favorite musicals which she has written…so funny, and yet so tender. This is a musical which will be thoroughly enjoyed by all ages! Even the most stoic or skeptical adults will learn to see Christmas through the eyes of a child. Directors Nancy Cagle and Julia Farris relate that help will be needed with costume pieces for this play. They say, “If you can sew, our characters need you!” There are many opportunities for adults to volunteer their assistance with the production of Christmas in Egypt…ranging from costume crafting and set construction to meal preparation. If you have questions, please contact Nancy or Julia, who will soon share the date for the production of the play. Remember that our annual Soup & Pie Fellowship Supper will be held in conjunction with our Children’s Christmas Play. Community Thanksgiving Service Scheduled Save the date for the 2014 Community Thanksgiving Service, scheduled to be held at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 23, 2014, at the First Christian Church. The format will be different this year…there will be no community choir, as such; and there will be no sermon. It will be a time when the whole community can gather and sing praises of thankfulness to our Heavenly Father for His goodness to us. There will also be an opportunity for groups and individuals from the churches in our community to share group numbers and solos. If you are interested in providing special music, please contact Adam Lovitt of First Christian Church at 322-3132 or David Weber of Community by Grace Church at 331-0779. Please make your plans to attend this great event, which has become a Thanksgiving tradition in the Wheatland community. …………………………………………………………………………… High School Lunch Schedule November 3rd: Charlotte Klein, Roxie Wickam, Kelley Hocker, Liz Lauck, & Carolyn Williams th November 10 : Nancy Cagle, Sherri Cullen, & Elaine Chason November 17th: Ruanne Miller, Becky Benton, & Candice Boersma November 24th: Carolyn Nix, Janelle Hester, & Melissa Peasley December 1st: Charlotte Klein, Roxie Wickam, Kelley Hocker, Liz Lauck, & Carolyn Williams th December 8 : Cindy Arnold, Nancy Cagle, & Linda Teter December 15th: Beth Douglas, Louise Brinton, & Carol Cook Free lunch, especially for all high school students! Come spend your lunch break with us every Monday that school is in session! Rides to Memorial Baptist and back to school are provided! To get involved, please contact Beth Douglas at 331-1548 or Pastor Craig at 322-3236. …………………………………………………………………………… Sunday Morning Fellowship Schedule Each Sunday morning before Sunday School or between Sunday School and Morning Worship, there are many who enjoy sharing a cup of coffee or juice and a brunch or snack item, along with some good fellowship. Remember, it is not a requirement that foods be home baked! Don’t forget that volunteers are reimbursed for submitted receipts. We appreciate our volunteers! Here is our schedule for this month. If you would like to join our group of volunteers, please contact Lu Lay, Linda Patterson, or Pastor Craig! November 9th: Linda Patterson November 16th: Liz Lauck November 23rd: Lu Lay November 30th: Linda Teter Sunday Evening Meal Volunteers Special thanks to those who serve a light, nourishing supper to our children on Sunday evenings! If you would like to join the meal volunteer rotation, please contact Linda Patterson. November 2nd: Melissa Peasley November 9th: Charlotte Klein & Linda Patterson November 16th: Carolyn Williams November 23rd: No meal, due to Church Thanksgiving Dinner November 30th: Volunteer Needed This Month’s Prayer List… List… Please call the church office at 322-3236 if you would like to have us join with you in prayer for a need. Sympathy: The Family of Frank Farrington The Family of Jim Irvine The Family of Molly Lipscomb The Family of Mark Stevenson The Family of Calvin Thorne Deloris Welken in the loss of her brother Health & Other Needs: Adele (Lu Lay’s sister) Cindy Arnold’s co-worker Cindy Arnold’s niece Jerry Arnold’s cousin Jack & Sue Baker Mike Banta (Dale & Charlotte Klein’s brotherin-law) John Benton’s father Candice Boersma’s grandmother Candice Boersma’s nephew Bonn Boyd Jim Bradley Joan Branscom Don & Louise Brinton Dale Burke (Louthan’s daughter-in-law’s father) Lacey & Jay Byers Craig Cagle’s Aunt Wiley & Glenn Chance David & Renee Chebotarev & children (Ukraine) Christians in Iraq Jennie Cline College Students Brud Coy Philip Cunningham Marietta Dannar Louie DeBerry Vera Donaldson (aunt of Judy Huffaker) Amanda Douglas Donna Douglas (Ernie Douglas’ mother) Ernie & Beth Douglas Trevor Douglas Don (father of Kay Loveland’s friend, David) Linda Eliason & Family Louise Elling Elmer (Lu Lay’s brother) Claire Evans Michael & Julia Farris Cody Floyd (military) T.J. Gaddis & Family Glenn (Lu Lay’s father) Gertrud Goetz Vi Goodrich Erin Grady’s friend Georgia Graves Dorothy Hanks Chase Harrison (friend of Evelyn Kessinger) Linda Herman Kayo Hernandez Pedro Hernandez Kathy Hill Kevin & Kim Hill Ruth Irvine Jimmy (father of Candice Boersma) Joe & Barbara Irwin Heather Isabell & Family Char Jackson (Judy Huffaker’s cousin) John Kavanagh (Ruanne Miller’s grandson) Keith (friend of Mickelsens) Hunter Kent Dana & Phyllis Kinsley Ellen & Tim Kirkwood Leslie (Shelley Sterling’s friend) Lou Lankford’s children Delaney Ledkins & Family Tara Lockman & Family Merl & Dorothy Lockwood The Louthan Family Kay Loveland’s co-worker John & Marilyn Maxon Fred McDade (father-inlaw of Christine Italiano McDade) Barbara McGuire Joanie McKee Casey & Melanie Fischer & baby Michael (Lena Mohn’s brother) The Mickelsen Family Ruanne Miller Juanita Mitchell Joyce Moon Tamy Moretz Jerry & Ellie Orr Kent Owens Paula & Family (Billy Hatton’s sister) Steve Peasley’s brotherin-law & family Platte County children & families Leo Preuit Betty Price Rebecca (Dave’s sister) Coach Tommy Reeder of Haynesville, Louisiana Rick (Bakers’ son) Caisey Ricker Louise Roberts (Patty Johnke’s sister) Rosemarie Roby Ron & Carmen Roche (children of Elaine Garland) Josh Ross Justin Ross Sarah & Family (Elaine Chason’s niece) Lester Schultz (Cindy Schultz Arnold’s father) Joe, Ophelia, & Bobby Scott Jean Shackelford Kip Shore Doris Small Tony & Samantha Smith Brett Spiker (Russells’ son-in-law) Linda Stapelman Dale Tatman Butch & Bonnie Terrell Tony Testolin Doris Thorne Unsaved loved ones Vicki (Jody Oldsen’s sister) Sharon Wagner Carrie Wakkuri Dennis Watkins Wendy’s daughter (friend of the Harnish family) Connie, David, Darden, & Clint White Neil Wilson (Becky Benton’s father) November November Birthdays & Anniversaries… 1 – Sherri Cullen, Chad Williams 3 – Ryan & Heather Jones (A), Kristny Lauck 5 – Shaeleigh Evans, Bonnie Johnson, Bailey McFadden 8 – Rick & Kate Geringer (A) 9 – Abby Mickelsen 10– Tim & Carolyn Nix (A) 12 – Shirley Lawrence, Shirley Niemczyk, Penny Teel, Sharon Wagner 13 – Rick Geringer 14 – Christina Cook Lilley Lawrence 16 – Richard & Marilyn Russell (A) 17 – Frank Hester 19 – Michael Lawrence, Rob Niemczyk 21 – Scott DeWitt 22 – Emily Young 23 – Rex Johnson 25 – Dr. E.R. & Jackie Cagle (A) 27 – Melissa Peasley 28 – Helen Howell, Bob Johnson 29 – Harry Horblit, Jacob Nix 30 – Sharon Oman Just Around the Corner in December... December... 2 – Quinn Corcorran 3 – Lou Lankford 4 – Teresa Martin 6 – Emily Hester, Khery Otero, Dori Wickam 7 – Camryn Mickelsen 8 – Billy Hatton 10– Donna McGuire 11 – Cooper Lauck, Mick Mickelsen 12 – Steve Peasley 13 – Leah Fabian 14 – Gabe Cook 15 – Kent Owens 16 – Betty Baker 17 – Christian Mohn 18 – Butch Terrell 19 – Trevor Douglas 20 – Jeanette Hatton, James Welken 22 – David & Sharon Oman (A) 23 – Bruce & Sally Goodnight (A) 26 – Lorin Hershey 27 – Daniel & Miken Harnish (A) 28 – Kenny & Connie Bordelon (A), Carol Almand Cook Do we have your birthdays and anniversaries on our list? Please call us at the church at 322-3236, and tell us your special day(s)! “The holidays are almost here. Are your ready? I’m not! I bet some of you are thinking, what do I even have to be thankful for right now? Most of us can identify with that feeling as we’ve navigated difficult journeys in life. When I’m tempted to give in to self-pity, I make an effort to focus on the many things I have to be thankful for. Gratitude is a matter of having the right perspective. This year I faced an incredibly difficult experience, one that has occurred before and is always painful and frightening. I didn’t want to go through it again, and I told God that. But then I remembered to go before my Father and let Him hold me through it. I know He’ll never fail me or abandon me when things get tough. So let’s do something together. Let’s list those things that we can be thankful for, even if we’re in a desert place right now: God knows the details of every situation in my life; He brings good out of everything; He uses my situations to minister to others; the enemy flees when I call out the Name of Jesus. Start a gratitude list today. By the time Thanksgiving Day arrives, you’ll have a right perspective and a grateful heart!” ~ Chris Adams Weekly Opportunities at MBC… At Memorial Baptist, we have many opportunities for Bible Study and fellowship for the entire family. We invite you to join us as we learn and grow together! (Please see enclosed calendar for any schedule changes.) Sunday Mornings: (9:45 a.m.) Sunday School for All Ages: Nursery Preschool Class 1st – 3rd Grade Class 4th – 5th Grade Class Youth I Youth II Adult Class Options include: College Age Class Adult I Class Adult II Class Adult III Class Additional Sunday Activities: Country Club Living Worship 4th & 5th Sundays, 3pm Business Meetings 2nd Sundays at 7:00 p.m. Mondays: High School Lunch at MBC – 11:55 a.m. (every Monday that school is in session) Women’s Birthday Club Lunch 2nd Mondays, noon Bible Study at Country Club Living – 2:30 p.m. Tuesday Evenings: (7:00 p.m.) Ladies’ Bible Study Morning Worship Service: (11:00 a.m.) Nursery provided. Sunday Evenings: BRIDGE Youth – 5:30 p.m. Children in Action (Play Rehearsal) – 5:00 p.m. Adult Bible Study – 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Mornings: (9:00 a.m.) Ladies’ Bible Study Wednesday Evenings: Choir Rehearsal – 5:30 p.m. BRIDGE Youth at 265 YO Ranch Road – 7:00 p.m. Memorial Baptist Church 202 19th Street Wheatland, Wyoming 82201 “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” I Thessalonians 5:16-18
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