NORTHERN REGIONS SECUNDA RALLY 29 November 2014 Round 6 of the 2014 Northern Regions Special Stage Rally Championship SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 1. TITLE AND STATUS The NR Secunda, Special Stage Rally will count towards the 2014 MSA Northern Regions Special Stage Rally Championship, for Drivers and Co-drivers, and the 2014 SAHRA Northern Regions Special Stage Rally Championship, for Drivers and Co-drivers. Any member of any club affiliated to MSA and who is domiciled within the areas under the jurisdiction of the MSA Northern Regions or MSA Free State, KwaZulu Natal, Northern Cape Motorsport Committees, and who holds a minimum of a regional competition licence, is eligible to enter. 2. JURISDICTION Held under the General Competition Rules, the Standing Supplementary Regulations of MSA (including amendments), the Northern Regions Special Stage Rally Championship Regulations Circular 014/2014 the Northern Regions SAHRA Rally Championship Circular 014/2014 and these Supplementary Regulations. 3. MSA PERMIT NO: MSA 13562 4. DATE OF EVENT: 29 November 2014 5. PROMOTERS AND ORGANISERS SA Rally Association c/o Private Bag X26 Auckland Park, 2006 6. OFFICIALS MSA Steward Club Steward Clerk of the Course Assistant Clerk of the Course Secretary of the Meeting Tony Crowder Steve Grobbelaar John Ogden (Lic No: 543/14 Grade A) Barry Kemp (Lic No: 358/14 Grade C) Jackie Schreiber Cell: 083 608 4193 Email: [email protected] Route Director Robbie Coetzee/ Johan Els Route Note Directors Chris Coertse/Robbie Coetzee Chief Scorer Jackie Schreiber Scrutineer SA Scrutineers Association Chief Marshal Thys Franken Chief Radio Marshal Johan de Bruin Chief Medical Co-Coordinator Mike Russell of Mibern Medical 7. PLACE AND TIME OF START AND FINISH 7.1 7.2 7.3 Start venue: Start Time: Finish: Lake Umuzi, Secunda The first car will start at 09h00 Lake Umuzi, Secunda ± 15h00 8. DESCRIPTION OF THE EVENT The event will comprise of a series of special stages held on private and public roads linked by road sections on private and public roads. The total distance will be ± 200 kms of which ± 90 kms will consist of special stages. 9. ENTRIES 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 10. Entries open immediately and must reach the organizers before 17h00 on 25 November 2014, which will be the closing date for entries. Late entries close on 26 November at 17h00. No entry will be accepted or shown on the entry list, unless accompanied by the appropriate entry fee. NO EXCEPTIONS - Refer to GCR 95. Entries must be done online at and the payment of the entry fees must be made to the following account, with the relevant car number being used as the reference. Proof of payment can be emailed to [email protected] The bank details are as follows: Name of Bankers: ABSA Branch: 632005 Branch Code: 632005 Account Number: 4079325114 Entry fee R 850.00 (Includes Route Notes and DVD) Late entries, telephonic or electronic entries and entries not accompanied by an entry fee may be subjected to a late levy of R100.00, possibly start at the back of the field and possibly not appear on the published entry list. The closing date for late entries is 26 November 2014 @ 17h00 The Organisers reserve the right to cancel the event if less than 20 paid entries are received by 25 November 2014 at 17h00. DOCUMENTATION 10.1 Documentation will take place at Lake Umuzi, Secunda. A driver's briefing will be held, with the time being confirmed in the first Bulletin. 10.2 Provincial Driver's Licenses (SSR 165) and Competition Licenses will be checked at documentation. 11. SCRUTINEERING (Refer to GCR 254) 11.1 Scrutineering will take place at Lake Umuzi, Secunda. All cars must be presented for Scrutineering at least one hour before their start time. A map showing the parking, documentation, scrutineering and the start area, shall be included in Bulletin 1. 11.2 The following particulars will be checked (SSR 163" refers):a) Make and model of car b) Safety belts and crash helmets c) Warning triangles d) Indicators / tail lights / stop lights / head lights e) Mounted fire extinguishers and expiry date (not older than 6 months) (GCR 257 refers) f) Competition numbers (SSR 167* and 193.9B refer) g) Advertising decals as supplied by the organizers. (SSR 168* and 193.9b 1 refer) h) Medical aid board i) Medical aid kits as per the regulations j) Valid car licence k) Overalls — Refer to Northern Region’s regulation 12.1 l) Enviro Mats — these are not available from MSA they can be purchased through ATS. m) FIA or SANS approved helmets n) Driver's licenses (SSR 165.1 refers) o) Competitors must ensure their safety belts have not expired. Refer to Northern Regions Regulations 12.2 and GCR 239 regarding the extension of the expiry date. PLEASE NOTE: Homologation papers for homologated cars must be produced together with the car. 12. RESULTS 12.1 Provisional results will be announced as soon as possible after the last car finishes or not later than 17h00. 12.2 Should provisional results not be available at this time, an announcement will be made as to when they will be available. 12.3 Subject to protests, the provisional results will become final half an hour after the announcement of the provisional results. (Refer to GCR 200. viii). 12.4 The organizers reserve the right to have a car stripped if necessary. Post event scrutineering may take place. 13. PRIZES AND AWARDS 13.1 The prize giving will take place at Lake Umuzi, Secunda 13.2 Food and refreshments will be available at the finish venue. 13.3 The following prizes will be awarded:st 1 Overall 2 Trophies nd 2 Overall 2 Trophies 3rd Overall 2 Trophies 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each Regional class 2 Trophies 1st, 2nd, 3rd S2000 2 trophies 13.4 The organizers reserve the right to increase these prizes. 14. MEDICAL FACILITIES / SAFETY PLAN A roving medical team will be available during the event. The Safety Plan, which will incorporate emergency telephone numbers, will be included in the Open Sections publication. 15. PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE Public Liability cover is R 25, 000,000.00 with excess of R25, 000.00 payable by the claimant. Cover Applies only while competing on the event as per the MSA policy. Competitors enter and compete at their Own risk. The organizing Clubs and Officials decline liability in any incident/accident caused by or to competitors and their vehicles during the whole event. Entrants, Competitors will have no claim against the Organizers or Landowners of private property arising out of the act or default of or by them, their servants or officials before, during or after the rally. 16. COMPETITORS ATTENTION IS DRAWN TO THE FOLLOWING CLAUSES OF SSR 193: 16.1 Starting Order - The starting order will be determined by the Organizers according to the driver's seeding on the Northern Regions Seeding List. After the entry list has been finalized, a crew may substitute one car for another but may not change the starting order except for reasons of safety only and then only at the discretion of the Clerk of the Course. National competitors will receive preference in starting positions if entries are received. 16.2 Delete SSR 193 1.11 and replace with: A crew is made up of two persons aboard each car. The two members of the crew will be nominated as a driver and a co-driver. During a special stage, only the nominated driver may be in control of the vehicle. Each member of the crew must possess a valid MSA Competition Licence for Rallies. Also see SSR 164. 16.3 Pre-Start requirements - SSR 193.15 16.4 Road book and controls - SSR 193.8 and 193.18 16.5 Regroup controls - SSR 193.18.10 16.6 Timing - SSR 193.19 16.7 Parc Ferme - GCR 252, SSR 180 and SSR 193.20 16.8 Ties - SSR 193.22 16.9 Protests and appeals - SSR 193.24 16.10 Results - SSR 193.21 16.11 Identification and publicity - SSR 168*, SSR 193.10 16.12 Littering and excessive noise - For any substantiated instances of littering and excessive noise (GCR 245) and/or reckless driving by competitors, as determined by the Stewards, the following penalties may be applied: Exclusion from the final results (SSR 187 (a) and 188 (c)) Report to MSA Right to refuse entry in future events 16.14 16.15 16.16 The attention of competitors is drawn to SSR 173* - Traffic Regulations and Speed Restrictions. If this clause is contravened by the service crews, then b) and c) will apply 16.13 In terms of SSR and193.24.3 the deposit payable shall be not less than R2000.00. Delete SSR 193.16.3 and replace with the following: Any late arrival ascribed to the crew, at the start of the Rally or a leg or of a section or at the exit of a service park, or at any Timing Control shall be penalised by 5 seconds for every minute or fraction of a minute late. Any crew reporting more than 15 minutes late at the start of the Rally shall not be allowed to start. The use of studded tyres is prohibited in all the rallies of the MSA Championships SSR 193.13.1). SSR 193.17.7 refers. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in a penalty of R 500.00 being imposed. 17. UNREALISTIC STAGE TIMES The Clerk of the Course may, at his sole discretion, adjust any stage time he considers unrealistic and the offending crew will be afforded a time of 20 sec/km or part thereof slower than the fastest car in the same class, or if the offending crew is the only car in the class, 20 sec/km or part thereof slower than the fastest crew in the next class. Deviation from route: SSR will apply. 18. SERVICE CREWS, EXTERNAL SERVICING AND REFUELLING 18.1 As service crews are clearly connected with the rally, competitors are asked to ensure that their Crews obey all traffic regulations, especially in built-up areas. Refer SSR 193.11, SSR 173* and SSR 188 c. 18.2 Refuelling facilities are only permitted in the Centralised Service Area. External servicing is freely permitted within the Open Sections of route. 18.3 Service crews are advised to familiarise themselves with the MSA Environmental Code in the MSA Handbook. See Appendix A of these regulations. 19. JUDGES OF FACT Judges of Fact will be appointed to observe certain stages to eliminate any possible short cutting of the route. This includes turning corners inside the arrow gates, and also for littering offences. 20. ALCOHOL It is forbidden for any competitor to consume alcohol while taking part in an event, or the time period between the competitor completing the event and lodging an official protest. (GCR 118). 21. SMOKING Attention is drawn to SSR 172 regarding smoking in special stages. Judges of fact may be appointed to Observe and report any transgressions. This also applies to open sections on farms, and while Competitors are waiting at the start of stages, and to any service crews recovering a car. 22. DECALS & SPONSORS ADVERTISING Advertising material will be supplied by the organizers and is to be affixed in accordance with SSR 193(9.2.1). 23. MSA FLAG The Organizers undertake to display the MSA flag at the start of the event and at the prize giving function. 24. CENTRALISED SERVICE AREA A centralised service area will operate. Servicing of competitor's cars will also be permitted outside this area, but no re-fuelling. 25. TIME CARDS AND INCIDENT FORMS In the event of a crew breaking down in a stage, please take note that it is prohibited to remove the said car out of the stage before the "sweep car" has picked up your time card and an Incident Form from the crew and crew member. Refer to SSR193.17.7. A penalty of R250.00 will be imposed on any crew who does not hand in their time card after withdrawal from the event for any reason. No broken down car is allowed to be left in a stage without both or one of the crew members looking after the car. A penalty of R500.00 may be imposed on any crew who contravenes this clause. 26. EARLY ARRIVAL AT FINAL CONTROL No penalty will be incurred for early arrival at the final Time Control where competitors can nominate their time. 27. EARLY RETIREMENT WHILST ON A STAGE As all the stages are held on farm land, no broken down car is allowed to be left in a stage unattended. One or both crew members must remain with the car until collected by their service crew or other means. A penalty of R 1 000,00 will be imposed on any contravention of this rule. 28. WARNING TRIANGLES AND MEDICAL BOARDS Competitor's attention is drawn to SSR 163 (iii) and (v). 29. CLASS S2000 Class S2000 competitors are welcome to enter the event, but they will not score any points towards st nd rd the Northern Regions Championship. There will be trophies for 1 , 2 and 3 in class. 30. ENVIRONMENTAL CODE Competitor's attention is drawn to the MSA Environmental Code. The use of Environmental Mats during servicing is compulsory. (Refer MSA Environmental Code 18.7 and 14.13.3). In the case of confirmed spillage, a fine of R1000.00 will be levied and the relevant crew/s will have to clean-up the spillage to the land owner's satisfaction and pay the costs thereof. 31. GENERAL INFORMATION 31.1 The prize giving function will be open to all involved in the rally. 31.2 Refreshments will be available at the start, service and finish venue. A cash bar will be available and meals will be available to all participants and crew at a cost. 31.3 Day licences will NOT be available at the start. Competitors are advised to make their own arrangements with MSA. Please contact Karin Brittion at the MSA Offices on (011) 675 2220, or email [email protected] 31.4 Subjective Route Notes (Pace Notes) will be available. However, these must not be considered part of the documentation, and the organising committee do not hold themselves responsible for any error which may arise therein. Further information regarding this will be posted in Final Instructions. 31.5 Competitors, service crews, families and officials must be aware that participation in or at motor sports events regularly may result in hearing loss if protective devises are not utilized. 31.5 Cars must be stationary at the start of a special stage. Penalties for false starts as per SSR193.19.8 31.7 A champagne ceremony will be held at 17h00. 31.8 Prizegiving will commence once final results are available 31.9 DVD and notes will be ready for collection from 09h00 on the Monday prior to the event from Electrothread Head Office, 82 Roan Crescent, Corporate Park north, Midrand. GPS S 025° 55’59.3 E 025° 08’46.5. If a competitor needs to make other arrangements, please contact Robbie Coetzee on 082 308 3480. 32. ROAD BOOK 32.1 Whilst the Road book remains the official document of the route, organisers attention has been drawn to the fact that only the open sections are used therefrom. In order to save costs and the environment, competitors, competitor will be required to print their own books, which will be available for download on the private section of the website. Senior Officials will have a copy of the Road Book should a competitor raise a query. End of Supplementary Regulations Recommended accommodation: Umuzi Lodge 017 631 3452 The Merchant 017 631 3452 Inngreen 017 631 3452
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