November & December 2014 VOLUME 44 Fall 2014 Ceremonial December 5th & 6th Friday Evening • December 5th, 2014 5:00 pm ...................................................Candidates Registration and Screening - Business Office 7:00 pm ...............................................................................................................Novice Orientation 9:15 pm .................................................................................. Candidates Hospitality - Unit Rooms Saturday • December 6th, 2014 6:30-9:00 am .....................................................................Directors Staff Breakfast - Lower Level 7:30 - 8:30 am ........................................Candidates Registration and Screening - Business Office 8:30 am ................................................................................... Temple Meeting - Potentate’s Room 8:30 am ................................................... Invocation, Ritualistic Section - Main Level Auditorium 10:45 am .......................................................... Candidates Class Picture - Main Level Auditorium 11:15 am ..............................................................Ceremonial Parade - outside, weather permitting 12:15 pm ......................................................................................Ceremonial Lunch - Lower Level 1:15 pm ............................................................................ Introductions of Unit Heads, Rajahs and Committee Chairmen - Main Level Auditorium 1:45 pm .......................................................................... Introduction of Potentate, Divan, Trustees Past Potentates, Honoree and Guests - Main Level Auditorium 2;30 - 4:00 pm ............................................................................................ Main Level Auditorium 8:00 pm ......................................................................... Fez Presentation and Dance - Lower Level 2014 DIVAN UPCOMING EVENTS Potentate ......................................................................Greg Nelson Chief Rabban ...................................................... John Richardson Assistant Rabban ...................................................... Paul Trausch High Priest & Prophet .............................................. Greg Keeling Oriental Guide ........................................................Rick Anderson Treasurer .............................................................. Jack Munsey-PP Recorder.................................................... Dr. Michael Pfander-PP 1st Ceremonial Master............................................ Chuck Oheim 2nd Ceremonial Master.................................... David Porterfield Director .................................................................. Charlie George Marshal ........................................................................ Scott Houge Captain of the Guard .................................................. Frank Keyes Outer Guard ............................................................ Bradley Roam ABA Trip...................................................................... 21 Annual Election Notice.................................................. 5 Call of Business ............................................................. 5 Ceremonial Dance/Christmas Party............................. 30 Kids Christmas Party ................................................... 25 Pote’s Calendar ............................................................ 31 Pote’s Roast.................................................................. 26 Shrine Mosque Monthly Events .................................. 10 Shrine Ladies-Cheri’s Light Roast............................... 26 Shrine Ladies-Debbies Night....................................... 28 Shrine Ladies-Ceremonial Luncheon .......................... 23 Shrine Mosque Birthday Party..................................... 23 Tailgate Party ..............................................................BC ELECTED BOARD OF TRUSTEES ARTICLES Kelly Lakin ................................................................ Steve Overbey............................................................ Darrell Houser .......................................................... Tim Good.............................................................. Rob Lockmiller .......................................................... Douglas Pitts.............................................................. CLUB & UNIT REPORTS Jack Munsey-PP ........................................................ 417-887-3231 Mike Pfander-PP ...................................................... 417-743-2937 John Thomas-PP........................................................ 417-343-5971 Pote’s Message............................................................... 3 Cheri’s Chat ................................................................... 3 2015 Dues/Fall Ceremonial Novice Fees ...................... 5 Hospital Trips................................................................. 9 Notes from our Chaplain.............................................. 27 Preservation Association................................................ 6 Proposed 2015 Budget ................................................. 13 EX-OFFICIO ABA Sportsmen ........................................................... 29 Barton County.............................................................. 17 Carthage/Train Crew...................................................... 5 Clowns ........................................................................... 9 Cruisers ........................................................................ 12 Directors Staff .............................................................. 21 Greeters .......................................................................... 4 H.O.S.T. ....................................................................... 19 Hospital Dads............................................................... 14 Joplin Shrine Club ....................................................... 16 Laclede County.............................................................. 7 Lake Stockton .............................................................. 17 Lawrence County......................................................... 11 Legion of Honor........................................................... 15 Past Masters ................................................................. 20 Pirates........................................................................... 18 Pomme de Terre ........................................................... 12 Shell Knob ................................................................... 20 Taney County............................................................... 19 BOARD OF GOVERNORS SHRINERS HOSPITAL FOR CHILDREN-ST. LOUIS UNIT Associate Member .................................................. Richard Fuller Emeritus Member-Past Chairman ............ Mark Ringenberg PP IMPERIAL COUNCIL Emeritus Representative .................................. Jimmie D. Lee PP Emeritus Representative .......................... Walter S. Pettit, Jr. PP POTE’S EXECUTIVE AIDE Bobby Pinegar............................................................ 417-863-0942 SHRINE NEWS ADVERTISING Email: .............................................. [email protected] Call Wes Joy: ............................................................ 417-869-9164 DIRECTOR FRATERNAL AFFAIRS ABA INFORMATION Advertise in Shrine News ............................................ 26 Dues Payment Options................................................... 4 Temple News Deadline .................................................... Abou Ben Adhem NEWS 417-669-3554 417-858-9001 417-496-3548 417-858-2412 417-886-0152 417-368-6330 Wes Joy (Kim) .............................................. 417-869-9164 ext. 106 Cell .............................................................................. 417-848-5603 OFFICE MANAGER Linda Hyde (Danny) .................................. 417-869-9164 ext. 101 Official Publication of SECRETARY Abou Ben Adhem News Volume 44• Number 6 601 St. Louis Street Springfield, Missouri 65806 Sarah McCrory ............................................ 417-869-9164 ext. 102 SHRINE WEBSITES On Facebook Shrine Preservation Association THE “ABOU BEN ADHEM NEWS” (USPS 995-500) is published January, March, May, July, September, and November each year for $9.00 per year by Abou Ben Adhem Temple, 601 St. Louis Street, Springfield, MO 65806. Periodical postage-paid at Springfield, MO. Postmaster send address changes to ABOU BEN ADHEM NEWS, 601 St. Louis Street, Springfield, MO 65806. Greg Nelson, Editor................................................ (417) 869-9164 TEMPLE OFFICE .................................................... (417) 869-9164 Temple Fax .............................................................. (417) 863-7444 2 POTENTATE’S MESSAGE CHERI’S CHAT by Illustrious Sir Greg Nelson Fall has arrived! What a great time to be a Shriner! We had a great day for the Pote’s Golf tournament at Fremont Hills Country Club. Thanks to all the Nobles who played this year! A special thank you to O’Reilly Automotive, who donated gift certificates for the winners, Fremont Hills CC, and Auto Zone, and all the hole sponsors. Wes Joy did a fabulous job putting this together! The second annual Beach Ball Bash on October 4 was enjoyed by all who attended! Thanks to Ill. Sir John Thomas and Lady Sheryl for chairing this event again this year. What a fun night! The Family Night dinner on October 10, chaired by Douglas Pitts, on behalf of the Shrine Preservation Association, was very successful, with nearly 100 Nobles and their families in attendance. Noble Pitts also coordinated the Zombie Prom on October 11, and event which was open to the public, to benefit the Shrine Preservation Association. It was also a great success, with over 250 in attendance. Remember, the November Temple Business meeting is November 13, when Chief Rabban John Richardson will share plans for 2015. We are gearing up for Fall Ceremonial to be held December 6 & 7, so get your candidates lined up! I would like to see at least 75 new Nobles join us in December!!! Help our fraternity grow by inviting fellow Masons to join Abou Ben Adhem Shriners! Current fees for Novices are listed is page 5 of this magazine, and can also be found on the website. The direct link is 2014 is nearing the end, and I want to thank all of you for the great memories Cheri & I will have of this year! We have shared laughter and heartache, and through it all, your support and friendship has meant the world to us. Thank you for making this year such a great experience! by Cheri Huxley Hello Ladies, Well here we are at the end of the year already. It has been lots of fun, and trying at times, with lots of calendar changes but we’ve almost made it! Thanks to all of those who helped with the Beach Bash. It was great with the fish painting, light hanging, cooking and shot making. Big shout out to the Shell Knob Bunch for making the Shot Shack come to life. Everyone seemed to have a great time. We have Debbie’s night at Springfield Brew Co, downtown Springfield, November 13th. Please come and give her your support and find out what she and John have in store for you next year. December 6th is Ceremonial at University Plaza ”Convention Center”. We have a great guest speaker lined up for you all. Cost is $30.00. Lunch after the parade. Please plan to attend. Send RSVP to: PO Box 3017, Springfield, MO 65808 or e-mail or text Brenda Porterfield at 417-861-9296. Better to be early so you won’t miss out. I want to thank all of the Aides, especially Janet Halbrook, the Divan, and especially all of the past Presidents for all their support and guidance throughout this year. Without them all, I would have been lost, so thanks again. Check the “webpage” for future updates. There’s Hope & Lots of fun, Cheri Sincerely yours in the faith, Greg Nelson ARTICLE DEADLINE FOR the Jan/Feb Issue of the ABA News December 1st Get your articles in early to ensure they make it in Shrine News. Lots of recent updates to our webpage. Back issues of the Shrine News are on-line. Links to Clubs & Units • Picture Galleries Online fillable Petitions, Masonic & Shrine. Send us your suggestions to: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Fax: (417) 863-7444 Mail: ABA News 601 St. Louis Street Springfield, MO 65806 3 GREETERS NEWS November 7th – Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Temple Birthday Party, 5:00pm to 10:00 or so. The bar will be open but there will be cake and ice cream too! by Alfred Painter Welcome to Fall our brother Greeters! CSSA in Tulsa was a blast as they all are and big thanks to all the Greeters who helped out in whatever was needed. It seemed like every time you turned around there was something to laugh about!!! (Damn Jeep), anybody seen that thing lately? We had a great Stated Meeting on September 24th with almost 80 Greeters in attendance. The fish fry was excellent thanks to the cook crew and Howard Feagan. At that stated meeting we awarded two crutches, one to Greg Smith and one to Richard Brownsburger and we also inducted 6 new members! By the time this issue reaches you, the October meeting will most likely have occurred, hope you were there!! I was. Check out Smitty at the Pote’s Tournament, he had a double blow out, never seen that before! He got re-shod at the turn though. We had the 2nd Annual Beach Bash, if you missed it, (I wouldn’t admitted it), sorry but don’t miss the next one. November 15th – MMA fights, we’ll need the usual help upstairs for the bar, beer, tokens, ID’s and the doors, etc… the sign-up sheet is in the Bar. Be there around 5:00pm. Greeter’s shirt. I think Wes is working on about four of these fights over the next 6 months, we’ll see. Ceremonial is just a month or so away and we have a friendly wager with some other units on who can bring in the most new nobles. Gentlemen, the Greeters have always brought in more than any other unit so let’s keep that tradition alive! I wanna see the Directors staff serve us dinner, yea I know, I’ll just feed myself. The Greeters Oasis Bar is open every Tuesday (4:30PM) with the third Tuesday being Ladies Night. WE NOW HAVE DRINK SPECIALS EVERY TUESDAY! Watch for Bruce’s emails letting you know about other specials and upcoming events! If you are not getting the emails contact Bruce Monroe at [email protected] or 417-880-5937. Watch your emails for notices about these and other upcoming events. Thanks to all and make it a great 2014, Alfred Painter, Greeters Secretary Dues Payment Plans & Automatic Payment Options 4 OFFICIAL CALL OF BUSINESS ANNUAL ELECTION MEETING NOTICE Quarterly Business Meeting Chief Rabban Night Notice is hereby given that the scheduled stated session of Abou Ben Adhem Temple, Shriners ness as may come before the Temple. shown below for the transaction of such busi- Thursday, January 8, 2015 session of Abou Ben Adhem Temple, Shriners International, will be held at the time and place shown below for the transaction of such busi- Notice is hereby given that the scheduled stated International, will be held at the time and place ness as may come before the Temple. Dinner at 6:30 pm Meeting at 7:30 pm Thursday, November 13, 2014 Dinner at 6:30 pm Meeting at 7:30 pm 2015 ABA DUES & FALL CEREMONIAL FEES By a vote of the Nobility on September 25th, 2014, the Abou Ben Adhem Bylaws were revised, raising our dues from $54 to $80. Your total dues payment for 2015 will be $100. This includes $15 per capita tax for Imperial and $5 Hospital Assessment, along with $80 Abou Ben Adhem dues, totaling $100. More information on payment options for your dues is on page 4 of this issue of the Shrine News. 2014 Fall Ceremonial Initiation Fees Initiation Fee .................................................................... $125.00 Certificate Fee ...................................................................... $3.00 2015 Dues ......................................................................... $100.00 Total-Fees & Dues .......................................................... $228.00 Fez - Additional to Fees & Dues above. Embroidered Fez ............................................................. $100.00 Jeweled Fez ...................................................................... $130.00 Attest: Dr. Michael Pfander, Recorder Greg Nelson, Potentate CARTHAGE SHRINE CLUB & TRAIN CREW Which are you? Some members keep their Club strong While other join and just belong Some dig right in, some serve with pride Some go along just for the ride Some volunteer to do their share While some lay back and just don’t care On meeting nights some always show While there are others who never go Some always pay their dues ahead Some get behind for months instead Some do their best, some build, some make Some never give but always take Some lag behind, some let things go Some never help their Club to grow Some drag, some pull, some don’t, some do Consider.........which of these are you? 5 SHRINE MOSQUE PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION Do you 'LIKE' us? Visit your Shrine Preservation Facebook page and find out all the upcoming events and activities benefiting the Shrine and Clubs / Units. Type in the following link: Please share the link and all the great events with your friends and family! Keith Richardson “Big Bird” Office Manager Email: [email protected] Amy Lee Crites, Attorney at Law, LLC 1948 S. Glenstone Avenue, Ste. 102 Springfield, Missouri 65804 Office: 417-886-1616 Fax: 417-631-4880 Family Law and Traffic Cases 6 LACLEDE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB by Howard Ridgley GOLF TOURNAMENT The 19th Annual E. D. Rush Memorial Tournament played on August 2nd was a big success. As usual, everyone had a great time playing golf and enjoying the cook-out. Past Rajah Jim Morgan provided his excellent fare and a good time was had by all. GARDNER FREE WILL BAPTIST CHURCH The kind, thoughtful, children of the local Gardner Free Will Baptist Church, after learning of the important job the Shriners Hospital Dads perform in transporting needy children to the Shriner Hospital in St Louis, took up a collection to help support them. Knowing that Noble Jerry Morgan is a Shriner, they gave the offering of $634.00 to him for presentation during our Family Night. Here you see Noble Morgan making the presentation to Rajah Alan Martin in their behalf. Our heartfelt thanks to these wonderful children for their big hearts and understanding. CENTRAL STATE SHRINE ASSOCIATION PARADE. The CSSA Parade at Tulsa, OK was a blast. Not only did our Keg Patrol participate, but members of the Abou Ben Adhem Divan and Office Staff (Rick Anderson and Wes Joy) drove our Keg Cars as well. This just reminds us all how much fun driving the “Kegs” can be. You “Keg Patrollers” know this, so be sure to show up for the Thanksgiving/Christmas Parade so you, too, can once again be part of the festivities. UPCOMING EVENTS NOVEMBER 8: BOWLING TOURNAMENT As I’ve said before folks, this is a fun even on steroids - be there or be square. NOVEMBER 22: THANKSGIVING/CHRISTMAS PARADE There will be Breakfast for the participants beginning at 7:30 am. After the parade, there will be the usual Oasis with delicious smoked hog provided by Mitch Morgan for all to enjoy. It’ll be great! DECEMBER 22: CHRISTMAS PARTY This will be our annual Christmas party and election of officers. Come join in the festivities and be a part of the officer’s selection process. 7 Bar & Grill & Sports & Music 1218 E Trafficway Springfield, Missouri 65802 • • • • • (417) 866-2255 Wings Burgers Sandwiches Salads Nachos Buy 1 Burger or Sandwich at Regular Price Get 1 Half Price! Coupon must be presented at placement of order. Not valid with other offers. Under Clubs & Units are links to Clubs and Units Facebook and webpages. Let us know if yours is not listed or incorrect. [email protected] Limit 1 Coupon per person, per visit Valid til December 31, 2014 8 HOSPITAL TRIPS ABA CLOWNS AUGUST & SEPTEMBER August 1 Jim Heitman 5 Tim Vendt 12 Jim Heitman 19 Jim Heitman 21 Dick Agee 22 Bob Gentry 25 Dan Lawler 27 John Hartley Don Branson Don Powell Mike Wagner Mike Wagner Scott Thompson Don Branson Jerry Inman Dave McCann September 2 Dan Lawler 3 Bob York 4 Don Branson 9 Bill Maggard 16 Tim Vendt 17 Mark Bohon 19 John Hartley 23 John Hartley 24 Dick Agee 25 Don Branson 29 Tim Vendt Jim Heitman Ronny Langston Don Powell Don Powell Jim Heitman Frank Parker Dave McCann Dave McCann Scott Thompson Don Powell Don Branson Brad Branson Owner by Michael McWilliams I've often heard the term "A bunch of Clowns" used many times in a negative light. Every time I hear that, I think to myself if these people only knew what a "Bunch of Clowns" really means. In the past few month I had the unfortunate task of losing my wife’s father and my own mother. What most people will never hear about is how this Bunch of Clowns were there for every tear, they hugged and grieved alongside of my blood family. I can tell you that these great men and their Ladies are there for you in times of need. One very special Brother Clown and his Lady were even in the room when Mom took her last breath. The words "Thank you" just aren't enough to express the true emotions I have for my "Bunch". Shipwreck and Dena, while our blood types may be different, our hearts are of one. I heard someone say that God chooses our blood relatives in the womb, but he puts people in our lives when we need them the most. I can tell you this is true for me! While my wife and her family we’re making arrangements for my father in law. Shippy and another Noble, Cliff King were helping arrange the Masonic service and organizing the Patriot Guard Riders for the funeral. What a great and honorable organization we belong to. With mom's service about to begin, I was truly humbled (and as anybody who knows me will attest that's not an easy task) with the presence of Our Bunch of Clowns. Captain Vaso, Past Captains Homie, Cravin, and Grimee along with some future Captains Slappy were just some of the Bunch present. It truly is inspiring to be a part of the Bunch. Central States just finished and we are very proud to congratulate Brad "Cupcake" Newlon for Second Place in Whiteface, Ken "Grimee" Taylor for Second Place Senior Tramp and First Place 2 Man Skit Grimee and Tator. Congrats also, to my Brothers in SOCMO "Sealbeam" First Senior Tramp and Ritz 3rd Place Auguste. Best in Parade for ABA "Cupcake". Septembers clown meeting we were surprised by Illustrious Sir Greg Nelson visiting us. The real surprise was that we weren't in trouble. He had the honor of dispatching a crutch to Noble Gary "Stew" Stewart. On that note Congratulations also to our newest Noble "Rum Rum" for also receiving a crutch. Way to go that’s what we're all about. Parade season is coming up soon and we can't wait to see everyone out there. And ceremonial will be upon us soon. If you're interested in spreading smiles and having a lot of FUN we meet the 3rd Friday, come see what it’s all about! Some parting thoughts: If you think I wrote this in the nude, you're wrong. I'm wearing a sombrero and a candy necklace. I saw a guy at the beach yelling "Help! Shark, Help!" I laughed, I knew the shark wouldn't help him. Entertaining guests 101: Freeze Mentos in ice cubes and serve time bomb sodas! My Doctor told me to watch my drinking. So I'm off to find a bar with a mirror. Have Fun and Spread some laughs Michael "Grease Monkey" McWilliams 9 SHRINE MOSQUE PRESERVATION ASSOCIATION Rick Anderson [email protected] Jeff Edwards [email protected] FAMILY DINNER NIGHT-November 14th STEAK NIGHT with The Gate of The Temple Lodge Springfield, Missouri Tim Garrett [email protected] Local:(417) 881-7010 - (417) 881-1414 Wats: 800-641-4341 - 800-992-0175 Fax: (417) 881-1597 - (417) 881-8643 The Abou Ben Adhem Shrine Mosque Family Night will be held in conjunction with the Gate of The Temple Annual Steak Dinner. We will be serving 12 ounce Rib eyes, Baked Potato, Texas Toast, Salad and Dessert will be available. Tickets are required and are $15 each, please contact Rodger Poole or The Shrine Mosgue @ 417-869-9164 for tickets. So Bring The Family and Friends this is open to the public! PS - Music Night at the Shrine (third Tuesday) has been canceled. However, the Greeter Bar will be open - in fact it is open every Tuesday night. Come down and enjoy. END OF THE YEAR DONATIONS - TAX WRITE OFF!!! Did you know that the Shrine Mosque Preservation Association is dedicated to refurbishing your Shrine for the 100 year celebration? Did you know that the Association is a fully recognized 501c3 by the IRS and as such, donations to it are tax deductible up to the full extent of the law? Did you know that your Association has spent or committed to spend almost $100,000 this year alone to repair the roofs and boiler system? I hope the answer to all three questions were 'Yes!' and then 'Where can I help?' Make a Donation Today Gifts can be made in honor or memory of a loved one, and as a one-time donation or on a sustaining basis. Planned Giving Opportunities Learn more about how to give through bequests, wills, annuities, and other ways. David Porterfield President Appreciated Assets Make a gift of securities, real estate, or other appreciated assets. 1-888-369-6906 Non-Monetary Gifts Interested in donating something else? Learn more about equipment, services, and other non-monetary gifts. For more information please contact Douglas Pitts, Director of Development and Preservation, at 230-5660. Proud to Support The Shrine Mosque Preservation Association is a fully qualified 501(c)3 charitable organization under IRS regulations. Donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent provided by law. Please contact your accountant for tax guidance. Abou Ben Adhem Shrine 417.742.2533 10 LAWRENCE COUNTY SHRINE CLUB by Darold Farless The Lawrence County Shrine Club’s annual fish fry, September 15, at Rick Rose place was an outstanding success. Members enjoyed a feast of fried catfish and mountain oysters and were able to wash the meal down with ice cold beverages served from a real bar. We were privileged to have the Illustrious Potentate Greg Nelson and many members of the Divan and Staff with us. We appreciated the many guest who were able to be there with us and it was great seeing some members we haven’t seen for awhile. Special thanks to Rick Rose, Gene Messenger, Rajah Bill Allen, and the many others who put this annual event on. Under Clubs & Units are links to Clubs and Units Facebook and webpages. Let us know if yours is not listed or incorrect. [email protected] At the fish fry the drawing was conducted for the Henry Octagonal Barrel .22 Mag rifle the unit has been raffling. The winning ticket was held by Abou Ben Adhem’s First Ceremonial Master Chuck Oheim. Congratulations Chuck. And thank you Chuck for donating the rifle back to the unit for another future raffle. Plan now to get your tickets beginning at the Fall Ceremonial December 6. As stated in a previous meeting, the Rajah, Bill Allen, plans to use the proceeds received from our monthly meal charge to have a no charge Christmas Dinner in December. Watch your mail for further details. It’s hard to believe it has been almost a year since Bill’s installation. Not only a fast year but an eventful year. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for 2015. Next meeting will be October 20 at the Mt Vernon Eagle’s Club. Meeting room is on the South end and there is a private entrance. See you there and wear your Fez. Jim Harrington President 11 CRUISER NEWS POMME DE TERRE SHRINE CLUB by Scott Mobus Greeting Nobles, With Fall Ceremonial just around the corner it means that another great riding season has passed and with the cooler weather another season begins. Get out and participate in our fine Shrine Units events. There are a number of events scheduled so bring a potential new Shriner and show them what it is like to be an Shriner. There is plenty of time to get them in for the Fall Ceremonial. Remember that Ceremonial are the first weekend in December. So Fellow Cruisers, let’s make a good showing for the Ceremonial Parade - big bikes or minis - it doesn't matter, just be there. We sure have had a busy year with a number of events and rides. Many of these events are annual events, so plan on attending next year. It has been said that we are our own best supporters. So come out and join us. I hope that everyone that joined us enjoyed themselves. Our Captain wants to thank everyone that came out and supported our Unit this year. It sure has been a busy one. It’s that time of year again when we start electing our new officers and planning for the upcoming Holiday season and the New Year. Remember to attend our meetings so you can have your voice heard for this planning. Our Annual ride-out the Old Year and ride-in the New Year will be again on Table Rock Lake at the Port of Kimberling. Come on, it will be a blast, it always is with the Cruisers, so please, everyone come and join us on Dec.31 and bring in the New Years and join us for our New Year’s polar bear plunge together. I know it seems early, but it will be here before you know it. And best thing yet you don't have to ride. Cage it, if that is what you prefer. Call and make reservations at 417-739-3883. ABA Cruiser confirmation number is 20735. They have hotel rooms and RV sites with full hookups as well, so there is no excuse. by Tom Gill The Shrine year is coming to a close. The Pomme de Terre Shrine Club has had a good year, thanks to the Officers, E-board, and liquor board and the Membership as a whole. The Motor Corps has been to several local parades, Hillbilly Clan #127 had two land poker runs that turned out better than anticipated. The three Lake poker runs was well attended. The Lounge is doing better under the liquor board and with Brother Ken Grunow as the Bar manager. The Gun and Knife show wasn't as well attended as last year we feel this happened because of the Bridge between Hermitage and the Shrine Club is closed for repairs. If you have been or never been to the Pomme De Terre Shrine Club we hope you will try and make a trip to see us. We are proud of our club. I would like to say it has been a pleasure this year to write about what is happening at the Club and units. It is time for me to let someone else do this job. See everyone at Fall Ceremonial. SHRINES AND THEIR LADY ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT THE POMME DE TERRE SHRINE CLUB Our Cruiser Christmas Party is tentatively planned to be held at the Gate of the Temple again this. Keep on the look out for exact date and time. Remember that we are not a Harley group, we are an all-bike group. So if you are a Shriner or know someone that wants to be a Shriner and have any make of bike 600cc or more, come and see us. We meet the first Monday of every month on the lower levels of the Shrine. We hope to see you there. If you can't make a meeting and want more information contact Scott Mobus at 417-399-3911. 12 $%28%(1$'+(06+5,1(56 352326('%8'*(7 &$/(1'$5<($5 5(675,&7(',1&20( 3(5&$3,7$'8(65(675,&7(' +263,7$/$66(660(175(675,&7(' 727$/5(675,&7(''8(72,03(5,$/ 727$/$'0,1,675$7,9( %8,/',1*23(5$7,2165(17PR %8,/',1*23(5$7,216 727$/352027,2138%/,&,7< &+$5,7<0(0%(56:(/)$5( 6+5,1(35(6(59$7,21)81' %8'*(7('6853/86 727$/(;3(16(6 ,1&20( ,1,7,$7,21)((6# &(57,),&$7()((5(7$,1('# 129,&('8(6# # $118$/'8(6# 6+5,1(35(6(59$7,21)81'5(675,&7(' '8(65(0,7 ,17(5(67',9,'(1',1&20( 32.(5581 *2/)72851$0(17 0,6&(//$1(286,1&20( 727$/,1&20(815(675,&7(' (;3(16(6 $'0,1,675$7,9( 6$/$5,(6 3$<52//7$;(6 3267$*( 2)),&(6833/,(6 &3$5(9,(: %86,1(666(66,216&(5(021,$/6 %86,1(666(66,216 6(&7,21(;3(16( 5()5(6+0(176 (17(57$,10(17 0,6&(//$1(286 727$/%86,1(666(66,216&(5(021,$/6 (17(57$,10(17 327(17$7( 6%$// &25152$67 7(03/(63(&,$/$&&2817 6+5,1(/$',(6 327(63,&1,& 327(6&+5,670$63$57< 727$/(17(57$,10(17 9,6,7$7,213,/*5,0$*(6 ,03(5,$/6(66,21 ,035(&25'(575($60(0%6+36(0,1$56 ,03(5,$/2)),&(566(0,1$5 &66$%86,1(666(66,21 &66$&(5(021,$/6(66,21 &/8%81,7),(/'(;3(16( 7(03/(9$1(;3(16( 7(03/(9$1/($6( 727$/9,6,7$7,213,/*5,0$*(6 352027,2138%/,&,7< 0(0%(56+,3 $:$5'6*,)76 0,6&(//$1(286LQFOZHEVLWH 13 HOSPITAL DADS by Douglas Pitts As the year wraps up and the cold weather starts to approach it is time for reflection, family, and PARADES!!! Ah yes, the great parade season is upon us with so many great opportunities to get into the publics eye. If you have not had the chance to take part in one you are missing out – it is a great sense of community and pride in all that we do as Shriners! Talk with your club / unit about being part of their parade unit. You are also welcome to join the Hospital Dads – we always have room in the Hospital Van. Call Capt. Dan the Man at 736-2504. UPCOMING CONCERT INFORMATION & TICKETS Visit In other news, the Hospital Dads proudly sold the winning ticket for the Price Cutter Charity Championship 2014 Mustang. Dick Fuller met with Rick Sillman from Ashland, Nebraska to hand over the keys – thank you Dick for coordinating the ticket sales. The golf tourney is always a great event and chance to have fun and help out – the next one is August, 2015. Thanks to all the Dads for your hard work! As I am writing this article, we are gearing up for the 2nd Annual Hospital Screening at Library Center. Last year we saw 15 kids and helped 12 of them! Amazing! Thank you to everyone (especially the nurses) for helping to fulfill our Fraternity’s mission of helping kids! Don’t forget about the 91st Birthday Celebration on November 7 at the Shrine from 5:30 till 7:30. We will have self-guided tours, the museum opened, live music, and refreshments. Bring down your family and show them around! Also, don’t forget about the monthly meeting – first Wednesday of every month (5pm social, 6pm dinner, and 7pm meeting). The door is always open to all Nobles – just come on down! ADVERTISE IN THE & FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: WES JOY by Email [email protected] or Phone 417-869-9164 14 LEGION OF HONOR by Darold Farless Central States Shrine Association Convention in Tulsa was another memorable event for Abou Ben Adhem Legion of Honor. Representing our unit were Past Commanders Frank Sanchez, B J Benton and Bill Huffman, along with Darold Farless and Bill Allen. BJ as the outgoing CSSA LOH Commander put on a tremendous CSSA LOH convention on Thursday beginning with annual business meeting and election. Main business was the addition of Emeritus Membership to CSSA LOH to the by-laws. The Necrology Service followed and included the Fallen Warrior Tribute. Thanks to Past Commander Cecil Davis for construction of the base used in this ceremony (see picture). A wonderful luncheon followed with an Oklahoma Classic BBQ Buffet. The meal was great and Abou Ben Adhem had the same menu for its Temple dinner on Friday night. The Banquet was superb with Kansas City Strip Steaks or Chicken Cordon Bleu. John Henry Mashunkashey, a chief of a local tribe, a Viet Nam Veteran and member of the Marine Corp League was the guest speaker and received a rousing standing ovation. Officers installed for 2014-2015 are: Commander Jerry Rodman, MIDIAN Temple, 1st Lieutenant Commander David Kinzie, ARAB Temple, 2d Lieutenant Commander Darold Farless, ABOU BEN ADHEM Temple, 3d Lieutenant Commander John Hodges, KAABA Temple, Adjutant Ron Buchanan, ARAB Temple and Finance Officer “Smokie” Siecgrist, ABDALLAH Temple. (see picture). The Installing Officer was Imperial Oriental Guide Jeffery Sowden and the Installing Marshall was International Association Legions of Honor Commander Theodore “Ted” Henderson. (see picture). Following installation the outgoing CSSA LOH Commander, BJ Benton conducted the drawing for the Henry Golden Boy “Military Service” Tribute Edition Rifle. The winning ticket was held by Abou Ben Adhem’s own Wes Joy. Congratulation Wes and his financier Rick Anderson. By the time you receive this edition we will have completed another successful apple sale. I tasked Lieutenant Commander Shane Wolfe the first of the year with the responsibility for unit fundraisers for the year. I am happy to report that he has done an outstanding job first with onion sales, apple sales and the “Judge” raffle. The unit moved close to 2000 pounds of apples during the month of October. The “Judge”, tickets still available, will be raffled during the Fall Ceremonial, 6 December. Thank you Shane for your hard work and congratulations to you and your Plebe. The November meeting will be 4 November and will be the election of officers for 2015. I have appointed Past Commanders Cecil Davis (Chairman), Frank Sanchez and Bill Huffman as the nominating committee and they will present their slate of nominations that evening. Nominations may also be made from the floor at that time. The November meeting is the annual meeting of the unit and this constitutes notification of member for said meeting. Hope you have a wonderful autumn and always remember “It’s an Honor to belong to the Legion of Honor!” 15 JOPLIN SHRINE CLUB by Paul Holland News from the far reaches of the most southwestern part of the ABA Shrinedom!!! I hope everyone had a great summer!! I know I did. Great Drinks • Shuffle Board Friends • Fellowship • Fun The new building is coming together, just a few more details and it will be done.( Unfortunately the list of little details continue to grow!!) Every Tuesday Nite The Pirates are having a Halloween party on Nov. 1 at the new building. Please mark your calendars NOVEMBER 16 , Sunday we are having a KC Chiefs tailgate party along with a chili cook off, There will be 2 classes of chili. CASI style and a no rules chili! Please check out our Facebook page for more details! Chili starts cooking at 11:00 a.m., kick off at noon and chili turn-in is at 1:00 p.m. Also, we are having a home-made salsa contest, no rules, just bring it in. All winners will be announced at half time. This is our first fundraiser for the Joplin Shrine Club in almost 4 years (besides onion sales and coloring books) Please come and enjoy the new building! Last but not least: The sermon.... Sorry ain't one! Been too busy with the new building to even think of one. I will leave you with one thought, as Ill. Sir Greg says “There is Hope!” A man without hope is lost ! Don't give up hope, together we win & when we win, the kids win! Open to all Shriners & Friends/Prospective Shriners 3rd Tuesday-Ladies Nite Open to all Shriners & their Ladies, Friends/Prospective Shriners & their Ladies Come Join Us! Abou Ben Adhem Lower Level Until next time, Peace brothers MEMBERSHIP CHALLENGE!! The Membership committee is challenging every Club and Unit to bring 2 candidates for Fall Ceremonial in December. t 16 LAKE STOCKTON SHRINE CLUB SHRINE MOSQUE 91st BIRTHDAY!! by Mike Gardner Nobles, another year is slowly coming to an end, and what a year it's been. Hospital trips, parades, concerts at the "Historic Shrine", an all-around good year. As we speak, we're getting ready to take another trip to St Louis for the 'Walk Of Love" for Shriners Hospitals and on the way, drop off a care package for the kids. We would like to congratulate two of our members on their recent accomplishments, Noble and Past Rajah Ty Bewley and Noble Herb Stewart received their 25 year pins; congratulation Nobles. I would also like to personally thank Diamond S Auction of Bolivar for their donation to Shriners Hospitals. Thank you, Cody, for making this happen, as it takes great amounts of money to provide world class care for children. Our next stop will be Ceremonial and hope to see everyone There. After that, will be our annual Christmas Party and induction of new officers on Dec 13. Everyone stay safe and we hope to see you out at one of the many events we as Shriners participate in. HAPPY 91st BIRTHDAY SHRINE MOSQUE!!! Come celebrate with us on Friday, November 7 from 5:30 – 7:30! After the event, spend some time downtown for the First Friday event! Our beloved Temple was dedicated on November 3, 1923 and it has served as a reminder of all the good we do as Shriners! Please join us in the upper level front hall for this free celebration with music, arts, the museum and refreshments. Artwork by our local patients will be on display. This will be a yearly event counting down to our 100 year celebration! This event is open to the public so please invite your friends and family! Please call Douglas Pitts at 230-5660, Director of Development and Preservation, for questions or to volunteer. BARTON COUNTY SHRINE CLUB At the Barton county Shrine Club meeting September 8, 2014, Bro. Dusty Cook (center) was presented a crutch by Rajah James Snodgrass (right) and Bro. Bob Davis, Hospital Chairman (left). 17 JOPLIN PIRATES by Paul Holland Joplin Pirates are in full swing with the ship. We are planning on sailing into Mt. Vernon for Apple Butter Making Days parade and the Carthage Maple Leaf parade on the 18th. Reminder: Halloween party November 1 at the Joplin Shrine Club!! Clothing optional. ( I mean costumes!) Should be a blast. Rogersville, MO Sorry this is short 6959 E. US Hwy. 60 Rogersville, MO 65742 Remember we meet the 4th Monday of each month right after the Joplin Shrine Club meeting. Come join the fun! Store Hours: Mon. - Fri. 7:30am - 5:30pm Sat: 7:30am - 2:00pm Sun: Closed Peace brothers !!! for Sales Call: Mark Fesperman Scott Crowder To arrange care during business hours contact the Business Office at: (417) -869-9164 for Service Call: Chase Ridings Darrell Houser After Hours contact Mike Edwards, SBI Chairman (417) 249-0090 Phone: 417-753-4333 Toll Free: 866-815-5252 18 TANEY COUNTY SHRINE CLUB H.O.S.T SHRINE CLUB by John Grisham Over 80 people attended our 2014 Fish Fry in September. Noble Gene Kenyon caught and prepared the fish to go with the fixings. Thanks Gene! Among our guests were 6 past potentates—Buddy Roberts (1991), Scott Schaefer (1995), Mickey Tolliver (2006), Ron Bell (2008), Jeff Lee (2009) and Rick “Fuzzy” Love (2012), Divan members, Potentate Aides, Rajahs and Club members and their Ladies. Great food and fellowship! We had a very good turnout for the Temple Quarterly Business Meeting on September 25th. Nobles receiving his 50 year pin was Marlyn Glen Cameron (photo below) and receiving his 25 year pin was Lawrence Dunham Manser (photo below). Congratulations to all Nobles that received their 25 & 50 year pins. Saturday, September 27th TCSC hosted a large group at Lucas Oil Speedway in Wheatland, MO for the Sprint Car Nationals. The VIP suite reserved and organized by Past Rajah Jerry Carsten was attended by Nobles of Abou Ben Adhem Temple, Dallas County, Christian County, Shell Knob, Temple clubs, units, Ladies and friends. Past Potentate B.J. Edwards was responsible for the surprise visit we had from Forrest Lucas, owner of Lucas Speedway. by TY Porter Greeting Nobles! It's time to get your wood cut and watch the leaves fall. Last month's H.O.S.T meeting was our annual Steak Fry at the Willow Springs Hunt Club. It was a wonderful evening with lots of good grub---especially thanks to Jack Lyon's prowess at the grill. Rajah Joe Powell and all H.O.S.T. members were especially pleased to have 3 members of the Divan present: Frank Keyes, Chuck Oheim, and of course our Temple Rep, Bradley Roam. The icing on the cake that evening was when Vice-Rajah Reese Bucher received his 25 year pin from Bradley. Congratulations Reese, I'm proud to call you my brother. In other news, H.O.S.T will be bringing a caravan to the Beach Ball Bash, which will be long gone by the time you read this. Make it a point to swing by our table, and visit the next time you see us--you'll be glad you did. If you ever make it down to this part of the world on the second Monday come to a meeting! Ladies are welcome, and a good time can be assured. Our Garage Sale on October 3-4 was a lot of fun and hard work by several Nobles and their ladies. Treasures were purchased by a lot of Taney County friends and families. The unsold items were donated to the Humane Society Thrift Shop. Remember to attend our Shrine Ceremonial December 5th and 6th. Bring a candidate! Attend our Installation of New Officers on December 9th at our clubhouse with dinner and the drawing for the winning ticket of the Silent Messenger raffle. Tickets available from TCSC members or call 417-593-9730 or 417-699-3915. Under Clubs & Units are links to Clubs and Units Facebook and webpages. Let us know if yours is not listed or incorrect. [email protected] 19 SHELL KNOB SHRINE CLUB PAST MASTERS UNIT by Keith Barker by Tim Good Home of the SKSC International Shriners Benefit Buddy Bass Tournament Big changes are coming in 2015. In 2015, the PRIZE AWARDING will return as in the past, your place, your choice. In 2015, there will not only be prizes at the end of the tournament; there will be GIFTS when you show up. We are trying this out to see what the fishermen think of it. When you register, there will be a major gift for your participation in our tournament. This year we are gaining more major sponsors, and to assist in getting our numbers back, we will be giving away substantial gifts simply for registering. I will not at this time elaborate on numbers or names, however this will pique your interest: These gifts will return a minimum of 60% on your investment before you ever get your boat in the water. There are no more problems with weigh in. The prizes are getting back to normal. You get a good return on your investment. And you get to come see us for three days! Now guys, come on, there cannot be that much (STUFF), going on in April. Get off your keasters and come have some fun in Shell Knob. Put it on your calendar - the last weekend in April. All the regulars know this is the place to be. For information on the tournament call, Steve Overbey. You can find him in the temple calendar under trustees, or call me here at 417-858-2412. I will get back to you in the evening Greetings, Nobles, We would like to let everyone know the Past Masters Unit is still alive and doing well! A big welcome and congratulations to all the new Nobles of the Spring class 2014. I know it makes me excited to be a Shriner, for all the works we do for the kids and our hospitals. I’m also proud to be a Past Master of a Lodge. You need to get together with a group of brothers and visit the Blue Lodges in your area. I guarantee they will make you feel welcome. After all, we all knelt at the same altar. Our next meeting will be the Friday night of our fall Ceremonial at 6:00 p.m. in the ABA Sportsmen room (Lower Level). We will be holding elections of officers and going over new bylaws, among other items. Don’t forget that before you became a Noble, you were a Brother first. Keith Barker, Vice President (417)231-5705 Not a great deal going on right now. We are just gearing up for the 2015 bass tournament. Remember one of these days, you are going to need your coat, you can trust me when we took off for your local bass tournament in October, it was a whopping 34 degrees. We have tried to accommodate the wishes of the fishermen to keep you and get new entries, however we cannot get the old tournament back without your help. Bring in one of your Shrine buddies. If you have a good friend, get him into lodge and bring him fishing. That will help you, your lodge and especially him. Don’t forget ceremonial, and congratulations to all the new officers being elected. REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR DUES. So Long from the Lake Tim Good MEMBERSHIP CHALLENGE!! 2200 East Sunshine Street Suite 324 Springfield, MO 65804 [email protected] (417) 763 3307 OFFICE | EXT. 103 (888) 862 8913 TOLL FREE (417) 763 3114 FAX (417) 209 2468 CELL Douglas Bagwell & Co., LLC | The Membership committee is challenging every Club and Unit to bring 2 candidates for Fall Ceremonial in December. 20 SAVE THE DATE!!! April 13-17 Trav s u h t i w l e ic n e c s to Golf Fishing Casinos More details in the Jan/Feb Shrine News! Shopping DIRECTORS STAFF A friendly reminder, if you have not paid your 2014 Staff dues, please do so as soon as possible. by Charles Bare Also, remember that all active Staff members are expected to work the 2nd section at the ceremonial. Please come help us give the novices a warm welcome! Plus you get a fee lunch out of the deal. Greeting to All! Well, I'll keep this short and sweet, so ,see ya soon! Well, the fall season is off and running. I can report that a super time was had by all who went to C.S.S.A. in Tulsa. A little hot but that's August! It was really cool pulling the 1922 fire truck down there, I couldn't believe all the honks and waves we got on I-44. And yes I was on the right side of the road Ole #2 1271 E Montclair St Springfield, MO (417) 877-9595 Our super fantastic cook crew has been taking good care of us for our meals, thanks guys. If for no other reason join us at the next meeting for fantastic vittles! Happy Hour 7 Days a Week - 4-7pm We will be doing a lot of parading this fall so come join the fun! Wings Sandwiches The fall ceremonial is just around the corner so get those candidates ready. Appetizers 21 Lots of TV’s Lunch Specials Outside Seating Coupon good for 1 Half Price Appetizer Coupon must be presented at placement of order. Limit 1 Coupon per Visit Valid til October 31, 2014 22 Saturday, December 6, 2015 University Plaza Hotel Convention Center New Novice Ladies Orientation 9:30 a.m. Check in at Convention Center Cost for the Luncheon is $30 if you RSVP before end of day on Monday, 12/1/14. Any RSVP's after that will be $35 at the door. No exceptions. 23 24 Kids Sunday December 14th 1:30 -3:30 at Abou Ben Adhem Temple Carnival For Nobles’ Kids and Grandkids (age 12 & under) and all Children (12 & under) sponsored to Shriners Hospitals for Children. Sponsors, please invite the children you sponsor to attend this event Food Fun & Games! Santa will be there! Bring Your Camera! 25 at Jimm’s Steak House & Pubb 1935 S. Glenstone • Springfield, Mo January 8th, 2015 A Little Roasting A Nice Dinner For a very caring and classy Shrine Ladies President. $25 Advance Tickets • 6pm Dinner Seating limited to 38 Please R.S.V.P. by sending your check to: Shrine Ladies P.O. Box 3017, Springfield, MO 65808 Meet us at our next stop, the Skybox! We’ll be there around 8 pm for the Election News and to celebrate all the new Appointed and Elected Divan and Trustees! We will have a good time, cross my heart! 26 NOTES FROM OUR CHAPLAIN by Bobby Pinegar We're on the downhill run of Illustrious Sir Greg Nelson’s year but we still have lots of things going on. Ten years ago, Greg and I talked, and we thought we might not make it, but we will give it our best shot. That is how "There's Hope" came into fruition. Never lose hope. Give it your best shot and you could end up pleased and surprised with your accomplishments. So many people just sit on the couch and don't try, but I learned to keep moving long ago. It's harder to hit a moving target, right? As always, I encourage you to get out and visit. Go to your club or unit meetings, Shrine business meetings or to any other club or unit meetings, especially your Blue Lodge. Get a group together and go visit. I guarantee that you will be made to feel welcome. After all we all knelt at the same altar. Until next time, if there is anything that I can do, or if you just want to visit, please feel free to contact me. There's Hope! Fraternally, Bobby Pinegar ADVERTISE IN THE Speaking of going and doing things, I had a great time at CSSA this year. I was honored to be asked by my friend BJ Benton, Past Commander of Central States Legion of Honor to give the benediction for his last meeting at their annual banquet. It set the tone for the rest of CSSA for me, and I thank all of them for their service and a personal thanks to BJ and ABA Legion of Honor Commander Darold Farless for allowing me to be a small part of what they do. Potentate’s Aide Kenton "Kitty" Umlauf had the 22 Model TT all bright and shiny and several of us rode through the parade. I do believe a great time was had by all. A special shout out to new Directors Staff member Gordon Weathers for joining us in his first and probably not his last CSSA. Welcome aboard, my friend! 6 Issue Price: $190 Single Issue Price: $35 6 Issue Price: $1080 Single Issue Price: $200 Inside Front or Back Cover 2015 ABA Temple News 1/4 Page Ad (If available) 6 Issue Price: $1800 Single Issue Price: $350 6 Issue Price: $405 Single Issue Price: $75 Back Cover The annual Corn Roast was a great time and the weather held out and was beautiful. If any of you attended in the past in the middle of July, I'm sure you appreciated the cooler weather. (If available) 6 Issue Price: $2500 Single Issue Price: $500 I'm still traveling with First Ceremonial Master Chuck Oheim and Marshal Scott Houge to their club meetings and various other functions. Even though I don't move real fast, they keep me off the couch! I enjoy traveling to the clubs and visiting with everyone, and I want to take this opportunity to thank Chuck and Scott for asking me to tag along. 2015 ABA Temple News 1/2 Page Ad 6 Issue Price: $675 Single Issue Price: $125 We had a great crowd at the September Temple business meeting. Thanks to all who attended and to those didn't, try and attend in the future. We are all in this together. I had the honor of putting the 50 year pin on one of my Shrine petition signers, Noble Roger Blevins, and also Noble Herb Stewart asked me to put his 25 year pin on him as well. Thank you to both of you guys! Here I go again talking about being blessed with friends! Ain't it great? $100 per year Pote's Pocket Calendar Full Page (Back Cover) $1000 Free with a 6 issue Shrine News Ad or Pocket Calendar Ad. 2014 Fall Ceremonial Initiation Fees Full Page (Inside Cover) $500 Full Page (Inside) $350 1/2 Page $200 Business Card $150 Contact: Initiation Fee .................................................................... $125.00 Certificate Fee ...................................................................... $3.00 2015 Dues ......................................................................... $100.00 Total-Fees & Dues .......................................................... $228.00 Fez - Additional to Fees & Dues above. Embroidered Fez ............................................................. $100.00 Jeweled Fez ...................................................................... $130.00 2015 ABA Temple News 1/8 Page Ad 2015 ABA Temple News Full Page Ad Wes Joy, Director of Fraternal Affairs Cell: 417-848-5603 Office: 417-869-9164 27 Email: [email protected] Shrine Ladies Meeting Debbie’s Night! Come get to know your next Shrine Ladies President! Thursday, November 13, 2014 6SULQILHOG%UHZLQJ&R 60DUNHW6SULQJILHOG02 6RFLDO+RXUSP $SSHWL]HUV#SP &RVWSHUSHUVRQ 0XVW5693E\FKHFN EHIRUH1RYHPEHUWKWR 6KULQH/DGLHV 32%R[ 6SULQJILHOG02 4XHVWLRQV"&DOO 7HUU\2KHLP 'HEELH5LFKDUGVRQ 28 ABA SPORTSMEN by Scott Crowder Greetings Nobles, from the ABA Sportsmen !!! The Sportsmen have had a busy fall. By the time you read this we will have had our first annual ABA Sportsmen Shootacular,Sporting clay skeet shoot. October 31st at Ozarks Shooters. We would like to thank all the nobles who helped make this a success. Alot of different clubs and units got behind us to make this happen. This event was the brainchild of our Firearms Captain, "Rangemaster" Ryan Lakey. Thanks Ryan. We truly appreciate it. Huge thanks to all of our sponsors also. Stop in for our daily meal and drink specials! From premium grade burgers to our famous "Hustler Club," we haven't forgot your taste buds at Billiards of Springfield. Our first camp-out may or may not have taken place by now. Planning on camping on the Shrine land at Shelvin Rock, Oct 11th if mother nature will allow it. WE HAVE A STREAM TEAM !! We are excited about the Missouri Stream Team program, We will be organizing Stream Team cleanups as time and weather allows this fall. Floating down the area waterways, cleaning up debris as we go !!!!! . Across the street from the Shrine Mosque! BIG BUCK CHALLENGE....... Gonna deer hunt this year? Sure ya are. Why not enter into the ABA Sportsmen "Big Buck Challenge"? Just enter in before November 15 $10 entry fee. Send your picture to myself or our president Brandon Gammill. We'll judge the pics and announce the winner at the January business meeting. Please call or check out our FB page and inbox us with any questions or to register. Buy 1 Get 1 Free Appetizer 417-866-4319 Coupon must be presented at placement of order. Not valid with other offers. That's about all I have for now, as always, we encourage you to come check us out. We meet the 4th Tuesday of every month in the Sportsmen room downstairs at the Shrine. Limit 1 Coupon per person, per visit Valid til December 31, 2014 Til next time, Scott Crowder President Brandon Gammill VP Scott Crowder Secretary Matt Blinn Range-master Ryan Lakey 417-655-6004 417-234-2105 417-861-4378 417-838-0402 Support our Advertisers! 29 They support us! Music Camels Milk Saturday December 6th ABA Temple Lower Level Doors Open 7:00pm Free with 2014 Dues Card 30 Mosque Birthday Party Ladies Meeting Debbie’s Night Cheri’s Roast Debbie’s Night 31 Periodical January 17th, 2015 Doors Open at 1:30pm $5 Admission Open to all Nobles, Masons, Prospective Nobles & their Ladies! ADMISSION TICKET REQUIRED FOR ALL PEOPLE ATTENDING, INCLUDING COOKS & BOOTH WORKERS! Tailgating Competition Tailgating Booth Prices: 10’ x 10’ Booth with 5 Tickets: $50 • 10’ x 10’ Booth with 5 Tickets and Banner: $100 10’ x 20’ Booth with 5 Tickets: $100 • 10’ x 20’ Booth with 5 Tickets and Banner: $150 Tailgating Booths will be Judged on: Decorations -Bring an Awning,Table or whatever and decorate your Booth! REMEMBER, THE MORE SUPPORTERS THAT ATTEND YOUR EVENTFood! AND DINE WITH US, Food - Wings, Chili, Chips and Dip, whatever is your best Tailgating Your food will be made available for sampling to the visitors and Judges. A Hot Plate or Electric Roasters are Ok but electric is minimal for each booth. Atmosphere -Dress your team and show visitors to your booth why you are the best Tailgating Team! Peoples Choice -Chosen by the visitors to your booth. ABA Temple Lower Level Bring Your Lawn Chairs! Competition Open to Clubs, Units or Nobles! BANNER SALES END DEC. 28
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