FIRST CHURCH AT WORSHIP November 16, 2014 Traditional Service - 9:30 a.m.

A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Ambler, Pennsylvania
November 16, 2014
Traditional Service - 9:30 a.m.
South Ridge (Contemporary) - 11:00 a.m.
Please remember to silence all electronic devices.
(During the Prelude you are invited to prepare your hearts to worship God.)
From the Inside Out
Youth Band
Joe Charles, Kaycie Wolper, Mitch Thomas, Jenn Pascual, Laura Hillhouse,
Ani Mason, Maddie Marlowe, Rachel Warner, Dani Kratz, Nick Valentine
If you are a visitor and you take a moment to fill out the Connection Card
found in the bulletin, we will gladly send you information about our church.
Just put the card in the collection plate or hand it to an usher. If anyone has
a joy or concern to include during the PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE, please
fill out the yellow Prayer Request Card found in the pew rack, and give it to
an usher or one of the pastors at this time.
Alex Yum
O sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth.
Sing, and give praise to God's name;
tell the glad news of salvation from day to day.
Let us worship God together!
* HYMN #458
Earth and All Stars
Ani Mason
Merciful God,
we confess that we have sinned against you
in thought, word, and deed,
by what we have done,
and by what we have left undone.
We have not loved you
with our whole heart and mind and strength.
We have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.
In your mercy forgive what we have been,
help us amend what we are,
and direct what we shall be,
so that we may delight in your will
and walk in your ways,
to the glory of your holy name.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son,
And to the Holy Ghost:
As it was in the beginning,
Is now, and ever shall be,
World without end. Amen, Amen.
Katherine Schoenberg
[Children participating in Sunday School are dismissed at this time]
Every Move I Make
Youth Band
JJ Franke and Clare Balsan
Louisa Mulbah
Deuteronomy 24:19-22
John 12:1-8
Acts 4:32-37
"How to Move Ahead"
The Reverend Balsan
* HYMN #293
Kyla Wolper
This is My Father's World
Sarah Klitsch
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy
kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as
we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power
and the glory, forever. Amen.
Youth Video
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise Him, all creatures here below;
praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
* HYMN #422
God Whose Giving Knows No Ending
Tyler Brown
Tyler Brown
Earth and All Stars
*Indicates to please stand if you are able.
Head Usher: Martijn Driehuis
Greeters: Sarah Klitsch
Jenny Landells
Ushers: Caleb Balsan
Caitlyn Marquard
Dallas Miller
Henry Marlowe
Clare Balsan
Alex Miller
Yasmine Kearns
Justin Heckler
Soundboard: Bob Wagner
Driving folks Harry Heckler, Jr. and
to church today: The Dreshers
FOR EVERYONE’S CONVENIENCE – There are hearing devices,
large print hymnals and bulletins, and children’s worship packets.
Ask an usher for assistance.
Our Nursery welcomes infants to three-year-olds ten minutes
before worship and is located in the main hallway on the 1st floor,
Room 101.
SUNDAY SCHOOL: We offer the same program during the 9:30
AM and 11:00 AM worship services. Our Pre K & K class
welcomes children, 3 years old through children in Kindergarten, 10
minutes before worship. This class is located on the 3rd floor in
Room 307.
Grades 1 through 5 begin in worship with their families. Children
will be invited to meet their teachers in the back of the Sanctuary.
Elementary-age homerooms are located on the 2nd and 3rd floors.
You can register your children for 2014-2015 Sunday School
at church or online at
Sandra Brandreth
Audrey Buchholz
Richard and Arlene Crowell
John Detwiler
Lois Domm
Mary Duncan
Art Elliott
Falcone family
Eileen Honert
John Kirch
Dot Lynch
Ellen Morrow
Evelyn McAdam
Dick McNeal
Betty Rawlins
Lindsey Robinson
Charles Siegmann
Kyle Stevens
Jeff Stone
Mim Theobald
If you would like to add someone to the prayer list, contact the
church office ([email protected]/215-646-3030). The church
staff prays for concerns during our weekly staff meeting.
Prayer requests from extended family and friends
(listed in the order received):
All those suffering from addiction
Fran Clark and family, friends of Chuck and Irma Bewley
Peter Callegari, brother-in-law of Linda Callegari
JoAnn, friend of Carol Durham
Hank Thode, father-in-law of Joanie Brumbaugh Thode
Richard Mabry, step-father of Kristin Baird
Gert Hedrick, mother of Cheryl Kurpiel
Pop-Pop and Grandmom of Sophia and Samuel Bortnick
Marsha Tara, friend of Kirk Kiernicki
Love family, for strength and healing
Mary & Bill Waterman, friends of Sharon and Ron Moritz
Family affected by a fire in western PA including 4 children
Rochelle, friend of Ashley DiIenno
Abi, daughter of Georgina Bard
Swirski family, friends of the Reff family
Kristen, friend of Kirk
are given in celebration of Marge Stowe’s birthday
from her grandchildren: Morgann & Jacob Shaner;
daughter, Carolyn, and her husband Tom Shaner.
The cornucopia is presented today
to the glory of God and to give thanks
for all the blessings of the year.
Our thanks to Marilyn Lobley for
creating this beautiful display.
CONCERN contact the church office ([email protected]/215646-3030).
If you are on FACEBOOK or FOURSQUARE, check in from First
Presbyterian Church of Ambler, and let your friends know you are
worshiping with us today.
PARENTS, you are welcome to feed your babies
wherever you feel comfortable. If you would
like a quiet place, Marie Thomas, our Children's
Ministry Director, is making her office available.
Marie's office is behind the balcony on the third floor,
Room 301.
AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION. With the cold and flu season upon us,
feel free to take a squirt of hand sanitizer from the new dispensers
provided for the health of our congregants.
is November 23rd.
Bring your personal commitment cards with you
to present in worship that day.
2014 Fall Sermon Series:
Serving Our Abundant God.
CAPITAL PROJECT NEWS! We are happy to announce
that we are partnering with Kimmel-Bogrette Architecture +
Site for the planning and design of our capital project, which
will better align FPCA's space to our mission. An important
part of the process will be getting input from all of the
ministries in our church, so we will be reaching out to
committees and other groups soon to help them prepare for
focused discussions with our architect.
We are also looking for people (of any age) who want to
participate by...
• Sharing an idea or concern you'd like the project team
to consider
• Being part of discussions that shape the way your
ministry will use this building in the future
• Sharing your professional expertise as an ad-hoc advisor
(during design and/or implementation)
• Joining my project advisory team for the next few months
- no experience required
Be a part of shaping FPCA's future! Contact Sarah Dence
([email protected]) and we'll figure out the best way to plug
you in.
SOUP KITCHEN. Sign up at the Help Desk for our next
Soup Kitchen on Friday December 12th and/or Saturday,
December 13th. You can be part of this effort by helping to
prepare the meal Friday night at our church, serving the meal
in Frankford on Saturday morning, or both. Contact Mark
and Barb Yantek (215-641-4928/[email protected]).
Clothing items are also needed:
new socks, shoes,
coats, sweatshirts, small blankets and special Christmas
donations of mittens, gloves, hats and scarves (men,
women and children). Items can be left in the container
Fellowship Hall coat racks.
BASSES. Do you enjoy singing but have a schedule that
doesn’t allow you to commit to rehearsing on a weekly basis
throughout the year? Here is a special opportunity to share
your talents and sing to the glory of God. We are looking for
singers (members and non-members alike) who would like to
participate in the Advent Choir for a very special service on
December 21st at the 9:30 AM service. Interested? If so,
you are invited to join the choir for rehearsals on Wednesday
evenings: November 12th, 19th, December 3rd, 10th, and 17th,
from 8:00-8:30 PM as the choir prepares two anthems for the
9:30 AM service on December 21st. We only ask that you
commit to attending at least three or four of the rehearsals
and show up at 9:00 AM on December 21st.
Contact Michael Joy ([email protected]) or mark your
interest on the Connection Card.
OUTREACH. With the holidays approaching, we are
reminded that the opportunity to SHARE our good blessings
is one of our greatest reasons for thankfulness. The Mattie
N. Dixon Community Cupboard, with the help of other local
churches, businesses and organizations, distributes food and
household goods at Thanksgiving and throughout the year to
less fortunate families in our community. If you would like to
contribute to this worthy cause you may use the
Thanksgiving Outreach envelopes found in your church
mailbox and at the Help Desk. Place your contribution in the
offering plate through November 23rd.
BLOOD DRIVE. The deacons will host a blood drive on
Monday, December 1st from 10:00 AM-8:00 PM at St.
Anthony’s Church (259 Forest Avenue, Ambler). Sign up at
the Help Desk or go to and
enter sponsor code STOP in the “Find a blood drive search
bar” to sign up. Contact Lauren Kellock (215-285-2514) or
Sue Kauffman-DePuyt (215-654-0173) with any questions.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: It’s time to get those
shoe boxes ready! Start the Christmas season by filling a
shoebox with small gifts that will be delivered around the
world to children in need, and help spread the message of
God's love. Look for the OCC brochure in your mailbox for
more details. FPCA will be collecting shoeboxes in the
Fellowship Hall during coffee hour today, November 16
and November 23.
Contact Lauri McCallum
(215-206-7227/[email protected]).
Pres Ambler hosts the Inter-Faith Housing Alliance families
taking part in a short term emergency shelter program. We
share our facilities and hospitality with neighbors who find
themselves temporarily homeless. This is a great opportunity
for you and your family to support our neighbors. There are
several ways you can help:
Sleep Overnight – in one of the Sunday School rooms.
Arrive by 8 PM and leave by 7 AM or earlier as needed.
Cook a dinner - Bring supper to Fellowship Hall and
share the meal with our guests.
Serve as a Weekly Supper Coordinator - Arrive by
5:30 PM each night at Fellowship Hall to greet the
dinner hosts and show them around the kitchen. You
can leave once the hosts are settled in.
If you’d like to help out this year, sign-ups will take place after
services beginning November 16th. Sign up on-line by
following the link on our website at
(Access Code “FPCA”). For more information, kindly contact
John Ingram ([email protected]) or Sara Van Sant
Heartfelt thanks to each of you for
supporting this very important outreach mission of FPCA.
C.S. Lewis is widely known through books like his Narnia
stories and Mere Christianity. However, Lewis was first and
foremost a philosopher and medievalist. These talks will
focus on Lewis as a philosopher and survey his views of
common sense, pleasure and happiness, and the soul. Dr.
Stewart Goetz, a professor at Ursinus will offer the following
classes at both 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM as follows:
11/16 Lewis on Pleasure and Happiness
11/23 Lewis on the Soul
11/30 No Class, Thanksgiving Holiday
12/07 What Makes Lewis Unique?
MIRIAM CIRCLE will meet in Fellowship Hall at noon on
Wednesday, November 19th. Please call Peg Morris (215886-3949) if unable to attend.
TEAM MEMBERS are needed on the first Tuesday of each
month (excluding January and the summer months), to set
up and clean up our P.R.I.M.E. Time catered lunch. This is
a monthly fellowship opportunity for our retired church family
and community guests. If you can serve a few hours
(11:00 AM-2:00 PM) once a month, contact Barbara Schmitt
([email protected]/ 215-643-5315).
CHURCH LIBRARY. Are you attending the class on C.S.
Lewis, so well taught by Dr. Stuart Goetz? Are you
interested in reading more of Lewis’ books? His books are in
the church library on the shelf in front of the desk, plus three
on the table.
• Nursery Caregivers (during 11 AM Worship). We are looking for
a few more nursery caregivers who will serve no more than six
times a year.
• Teacher/Shepherd (during 11 AM Worship). Team up with one
other person to regularly shepherd elementary age children.
Shepherds escort children to our creative workshops, work on
Bible skills and lead small group prayer times. Prep is minimal.
It is time for children (3 years old through 5th grade) to
sign up to participate in Good News of Great
Joy Christmas Pageant. Practices will continue through
December 7th.
(NO PRACTICE on November 30th, Thanksgiving Weekend).
Pre K & K will practice from 10:45-11:15 AM and during the Sunday
School hour. Children in 1st through 5th will practice from 8:45-9:30 AM.
We will sit with your children during 9:30 worship until they are
dismissed to Sunday School. Sign up at the Help Desk or at the 3rd
floor Children's Ministry Welcome Center.
Child Musicians Needed! Try out today at 10:45 AM in the Choir
Room. If your child plays an instrument and would like to try out for a
solo or be accompanied by our music director, Michael Joy, please let
us know on the Pageant sign-up form.
Contact Marie Thomas ([email protected]/215-646-3030)
The Pageant
will be presented on
Sunday, December 14 during the 10:00 AM worship service.
All classes meet at 9:30 AM in room 304 for
combined worship, followed by smaller group
lessons. Want to come early to hang out, play
games, and eat snacks? Doors open at 9:00 AM.
B.A.S.I.C. (Brothers and Sisters In Christ)
• HS BASIC tonight, Sunday, Nov. 16th!
• NO MS BASIC this Thursday, Nov. 20th…Join us for the FUSION:
Thanksgiving Party on Sunday, Nov. 23rd!
We will be finishing our study of BEING HUMAN: The Good, the Bad, and the
Ugly. Join us for our LAST WEEK of Small Groups! This week we'll be focusing
on the topic of our Purpose. Why did God put us here? What is our purpose in
life? Meet us in the Youth Room on Wednesday, from 6:308:00 PM. Bring your Bible.
1. Turkey Day is coming up soon! We will be celebrating Thanksgiving with a
FUSION Thanksgiving Party on Sunday, Nov. 23rd from 6:30-8PM.
2. Join us for our Winter Service Project at Cradles to Crayons on Tuesday,
Dec. 9th from 5-9PM. We will be organizing, cleaning, and bagging school
supplies for kids in and around the Philadelphia area.
3. Christmas is coming! Join us for our annual FUSION: Christmas Party on
Sunday, Dec. 21st from 6:30-8PM.
4. SAVE THE DATE: Our annual Winter Retreat is Jan.16-18, 2015. We will
be traveling to Spruce Lake Retreat Center this year for a weekend full of
games, fun, worship, snow (hopefully), and growing in our relationship with
God. Cost: $100
5. SAVE THE DATE: Our FIRST EVER family and friends Ski Day will be on
Saturday, Feb. 7th. Want to go skiing/boarding/tubing as a family AND get
the group discount on the slopes? Join us as the FPCA Youth Ministry
hosts a “anyone welcome” Ski Day. Details to follow.
• 2015 Mission Trip to Providence, Rhode Island (June 21-27). This trip is
open to all current 8th-12th grade students. All initial deposits ($100) are due
NO LATER THAN Sunday, November 23rd.
• The Great Escape is BACK (July 27-Aug. 1)!!! This trip is open to all
current 5th-8th grade students. All initial deposits ($150) are due NO
LATER THAN Sunday, November 23rd.
Fellowship Hall (F.H.)
9:30 AM
10:30 AM
10:40 AM
11:00 AM
11:10 AM
12:30 AM
4:30 PM
5:00 PM
6:30-8:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Memorial Conference Room (M.C.R., 2nd floor)
• Traditional Worship/Sunday School for all ages
Café, F.H.
Children/Youth Bell Choir
• SouthRidge Worship/Sunday School for all ages
Children’s Chimes Choir
Haiti Trip Mtg., Parlor
IGNITE Dinner, F.H.
A.A., M.C.R.
HS B.A.S.I.C. Youth Group, F.H.
A.A., M.C.R.
• Brownie Troop 7641, Room 308
• Jr. Girl Scout Troop 7464, Room 201
• Young Adult Bible Study, Yoo Home
• Adult Ed Meeting, Library
• Ruth Circle, Parlor
10:00 AM
Women’s Bible Study, Parlor
10:30 AM Staff Meeting, Pastor’s Office
5:30-6:45 PM Ambler Marbles Club, F.H.
6:00 PM A.A., M.C.R.
7:00 PM
• South Ridge Team Mtg., Parlor
• Youth Committee Mtg, Youth Room
Traditional Worship Mtg., Pastor’s Office
7:30 PM
9:30 AM Library Staff Work
6:00 PM A.A., Women Beginners, Parlor
6:30 PM
Youth Fall Small Groups
7:00 PM
• Joyful Ringers, Sanctuary
• Buildings and Grounds Mtg., F.H.
8:00 PM Choir Rehearsal, Choir Room
8:30 PM H.O.G.S. (Men’s Bible Study), Parlor
6:00 PM A.A., M.C.R.
6:30 PM MS B.A.S.I.C. Youth Group, F.H.
7:00 PM
• Gates of Jerusalem, Room 201
• S.R. Band Rehearsal, Sanctuary
8:30 PM
CHICS, Parlor
6:00 PM
A.A., M.C.R.
First Presbyterian Church
4 South Ridge Ave
Ambler, PA 19002
Phone: 215-646-3030
Web Site:
Fax: 215-643-0621
E-mail: [email protected]
Ministers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All baptized members of the congregation
Carol Anders, Organist and Parish Visitor .............................................. [email protected]
Ryan Balsan, Pastor, Head of Staff……………………………………………[email protected]
Brian Bortnick, South Ridge Music Director .......................................... [email protected]
Michael Joy, Director of Music
Cheryl Kurpiel, Church Administrator....................................................... [email protected]
Leslie Thomas, Director of Youth Ministries ............................................. [email protected]
Barbara Schmitt, Parish Visitor ....................................................................... [email protected]
Marie Thomas, Director of Children’s Ministries........................................ [email protected]
Jodi Wolper, Secretary of Publications and Publicity ................................. [email protected]
Class of 2015
Trey Halkett
Susan Buehler
Dave Klitsch
William Martin
Teri McMasters
Robert Nance
Class of 2015
Cindy Bowman
Suzanne Kauffman DePuyt
Lauren Kellock
Linda Moulton
Rich Myers
Amy Ruhf
Memorials Committee
Liz Ferry
Katie Marlowe
Mary McGready
Ed Morgenson
Cindy Reed, Clerk of Session
Class of 2016
Kristin Baird
Rachel Coley
Jeff DePuyt
Sherri Gannon
Christina Hughes
Ron Moritz
Class of 2017
Karen Driscoll
Scott French
Judy McKee
Bob Walters
Anne Whitney
Mark Yantek
Class of 2016
Tom Bender
John Brasch
Sara Halkett
John Ingram
Deb Koziol
Andy McClure
Cristy Robertson
Class of 2017
Lisa Astler
David Coley
Martijn Driehuis
Tahir Thomas Kinsey
Carol Kocher
Andrew Schielke
Tom Shaner
Endowment Committee
Jeff DePuyt
Rich Krauss
Dick McNeal
Bill Messerschmidt
Eric Rudolph
Keith White
Tom Wynn
Nominating Committee
Mike Bowman
Cheryl Kurpiel
Bill Lobley, Deacon Rep.
Robert Nance, Session Rep.
Cristy Robertson
Bruce Ruhf