Allstars dokumentation.indd

Vid Malmvägen i Sollentuna ligger ett område som byggdes under miljonprogrammet. Området har
fungerat som Sollentuna/ Turebergs centrum, med många lokaler för kommersiell verksamhet och samhällets
sevicefuktioner. Sedan ett nytt centrum byggts på andra sidan järnvägen har Malmvägen förlorat i betydelse.
Få utomstående hittar hit, och flertalet av lokalerna står tomma. Området ger ett slitet intryck, och flera
förändringsprojekt diskuteras. Invånarna känner en otrygghet inför sitt områdes tillstånd och framtid.
En kurs för internationella studenter på
Arkitekturskolan, KTH, kommer att arbeta
med Malmvägen under ett läsår, och frågade
Testbedstudio Arkitekter om de ville leda den
första kursveckan. Vi menade att studenterna
i första hand behöver lära känna området
och dess invånare. Vi föreslog att arrangera
en fotbollsmatch på planen i Malmparken,
som ligger mitt i området. Detta är ett
evenemang som enkelt och direkt kan göra
något för och med invånarna på Malmvägen
– Malmparken Allstars.
Anders Johansson
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By arranging the football game we had to get in touch with a lot of people to gain attention and get players
for the match. Mainly kids from age 5 to 12 took part in the game. They were enthusiastic and happy to
play, allthough it was raining. There were 3 matches, each 20 minutes. During the game we took part in the
match and acted as referee. Allthough the lack of time to prepare – we had to organize the players on the
spot – the game turned out to be a success, for both the kids and us. Lots of fun for everyone. During this
event we got to get a closer look at the social situation at Malmvägen, and we realized that sport could be a
significant factor when rearranging the area.
Sigrid Bjørkum and Erik Axel Sellhorn
Our basic task was to provide coffee and drinks
for the visitors of the Malmparken Allstars event
– that’s why we installed the coffee bar next to
the entrance to the football ground. Moreover,
as we were offering a “demografifika”, we tried to
find information in an indirect way and involve
the participants of the event in our demographic
game. The main idea was to build out of the used
coffee cups a “demographic tree”, which will show
us what these people like to do in their free time.
However, the aim was above all to involve all the
visitors and allow them to create a nice object in
the fence of the football ground. Thanks to this
game we interacted with the people who live in
the area, and above all got closer to the kids who
are every day in the park playing football and other
Maria Klaucova, Pernilla Ofvergard and
Francesca Sartori
The idea was to make a movie with Malmvägen’s
inhabitants, showing and also filming their favorite
place, together with pictures of the facades during
a couple of hours showing the light change. After
spending a day and an evening at site we found
it difficult to get adults to cooperate but we met
children that generously participated. The result
was a five minute clip about the favorite activity at
Malmvägen: Football! In spite of the pouring rain
we succeeded and showed Malmvägen Moviestars
while the real football match went on at the field
Klicka på bilden ovan för att se ett klipp ur
filmen “Malmvägen Moviestars”.
Emmanuelle Blondeau, Jennie Nilsson and Barbora Simeckova
The initial intention was to build a simple model of the area and for it to be used as a blank canvas whereby
ideas or aspirations for the area might be articulated. The spoken language was a barrier to communication
but the visual language of art helped to transcend those barriers. A child’s imagination has no boundaries
but an adult’s is constrained by it’s own box: Is it a present? No. Is something inside? No. What is it then?
It certainly wasn’t seen as a representation of a building through the eyes of a child...
Lucie Holopirkova, Mia Ivarson and Julia Ng
We wanted to learn about Sollentuna’s Malmvägen area and understand how it works, and decided that the
best way to do it would be by meeting the people living in the Malmvägen area during the football match
and engaging them in an ”interactive collage map”. Each person could pin prepared photos of the area, or
their own drawings or texts, to a schematic map of the area. They could also map their daily routes in the
area with ribbons. The information gave a collected Malmvägen map.
Lina Goldman, Maria Josa and Kristina Nadaska
Our intention was to use the football ground as a huge advertisement for the people looking out from their
windows. Lines on the field show as a symbol that football is going to take place. Enormous words are
written on the ground. Words fade naturally during the football match.
Madeleine Morberg and Víctor Sanz
The purpose of the light installations is to create a special feeling and to guide the way to the event. The
candles on the ground will awake people’s interest to walk towards the football field. They also change the
impression of an ordinary park in the dark into an interactive happening. The lights around the goal signal
football – not only for the players but also for the viewers from the surrounding houses. But most of all it
gives you a unique feeling when you hit the ball into the gleaming goal.
Anna Carlsson and Florian Krebs
De boende på Malmvägen i Sollentuna
Testbedstudio Arkitekter
Anders Johansson, Erik Wingquist
KTH Arkitekturskolan
Lova Lagercrantz, Karin Stenqvist
Sigrid Bjørkum, Erik Axel Sellhorn
Maria Klaucova, Pernilla Ofvergard, Francesca Sartori
Malmvägen Moviestars
Emmanuelle Blondeau, Jennie Nilsson, Barbora Simeckova
Lucie Holopirkova, Mia Ivarson, Julia Ng
Lina Goldman, Maria Josa, Kristina Nadaska
Space Rulers
Madeleine Morberg, Víctor Sanz
Anna Carlsson, Florian Krebs
Mannen från rivningsföretaget som lånade oss ström
Speciellt tack till The Stars from Malmvägen
David Arutiujnan, Hamza Seker, Murat Yuksel