PresbyNews Volume 25, Issue 11 November 2014 Consecration Sunday Is Coming Sunday, November 23 Congregations that approach financial stewardship from a biblical perspective do not view the money Christians give to their church merely as a way to pay its bills. Rather, such congregations see financial contributions as a way to help people grow spiritually in their relationship with God by supporting their church’s mission and ministry with a percentage of their incomes. Our congregation’s Stewardship Committee has selected the New Consecration Sunday Stewardship Program as a way to teach the biblical and spiritual principles of generous giving in our stewardship education emphasis this year. New Consecration Sunday is based on the biblical philosophy of the need of the giver to give for his or her own spiritual development, rather than on the need of the church to receive. Instead of treating people like members of a social club who should pay dues, we will treat people like followers of Jesus Christ who want to give unselfishly as an act of discipleship. New Consecration Sunday encourages people toward proportionate and systematic giving in response to the question, “What percentage of my income is God calling me to give?” During morning worship on Consecration Sunday, we are asking our attendees and members to make their financial commitments to our church’s missionary, benevolent, and educational ministries in this community and around the world. Every attendee and member who completes an Estimate of Giving Card does so voluntarily by attending morning worship on Consecration Sunday. We urge people to attend who feel strongly opposed to completing a card. The procedure is done in such a way that no one feels personal embarrassment if he or she chooses not to fill out a card. We will do no home solicitation to ask people to complete cards. During morning worship our minister will conduct a brief period of instruction and inspiration, climaxed by members making their commitments as a confidential act of worship. We will encourage participation in Consecration Sunday events through the Consecration Sunday team and governing board members. Since we will make no follow-up visits to ask people to complete their cards, we will make every effort to inform, inspire, and commit everyone to attend Consecration Sunday worship. Immediately after church, the entire congregation will be invited to a Thanksgiving dinner of gratitude and generosity in Fellowship Hall. This is not a potluck but a catered Thanksgiving meal. All are encouraged to come! Invitations and reservation cards will be forthcoming. Thanks in advance for your enthusiastic participation in Consecration Sunday events. Governing Board Chairperson, Tim Rudd “Hooray for the Pumpkin Pie!” Always looking for a good sermon title, I found that line in a Wall Street editorial by Eric Felten. He was writing about the fact that Thanksgiving is more and more crowded out of the calendar by Halloween and Christmas. He invokes the 19 century poem “Over the River and Through the Woods,” which ends: “Hooray for the fun, Is the pudding done? Hooray for the pumpkin pie!” “Christmas creep” seems to trample over the gratitude of Thanksgiving earlier each year. As we receive our bountiful harvests, I wonder whether we have lost our capacity for gratitude. We of all people have been so richly blessed. Here in this church we have so much for which to be thankful, and our gratitude is expressed in our generosity toward God and one another. Our own giving reflects our thanksgiving. I must confess, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, only because it is so simple and untarnished by commercialism and consumerism. We gather with friends and family just to say “Thanks” and “Hooray for the Pumpkin Pie!” It would make for a wonderful table blessing! Blessings to you at your table, Greg Paul’s Journey Delayed! The decision has been made to delay the proposed trip to Greece and a tour of Paul’s journeys. We had launched the idea of having this trip next September; however, many of you indicated that your plans have already been made, and it would be difficult to put together a sufficient number of church members who might be able to go on the trip. We have made the decision to delay the trip one year until September, 2016. We have received strong indication from the Hamilton Presbyterian Church that they will have several members join us on that trip. In fact, John Lewis and the Hamilton Church are very excited about assuming leadership for this wonderful experience. Please mark your calendar for September 2016, for a ten-day journey to trace Paul’s Missionary Journeys. Further information will be forthcoming. Men’s Mission Trip We are still soliciting men to join us on our week-long journey for the Men’s Mission Trip to New Orleans, March 1 – 7, 2015. We very much would appreciate volunteers to join us in this wonderful mission experience. Please contact Greg at the church office. Tuesday Morning Advent Bible Study: Beginning on Tuesday, December 2, and for two weeks, thereafter, we will be studying the different Gospel narratives on the birth of Christ. In doing so we will imagine going to a Christmas Party at the homes of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to see how they would celebrate Christmas. The study will not only be interesting, but very entertaining. Pastor Nominating Committee It was difficult getting the nine members of the PNC together this summer, but we are now meeting regularly, working through five questions that need to be completed for our Ministry Information Forms (MIFs). This is an important process for two reasons. First, it is required by the Presbyterian Church USA. This form helps pastoral candidates understand who First Presbyterian Church of Middletown is, and what our expectations will be for the person selected for Head of Staff. The benefit to the committee comes about through our lively discussions about the questions, and how we as a committee and representatives of our congregation will best serve you and our future pastor. Please continue to pray for the search process, for the committee, and for our future pastor who is unknown to us. We find strength knowing that God is in control. Feel free to speak to any of us. We will communicate back to the committee your comments and concerns and of course words of encouragement. PNC Committee: Kieron Boyle, Donna Chaney, Dianne Gerber, Pattie Horton, Steve Lane, Allan Smillie, Sandi Templeton, and Bill Wooley Dianne Gerber PresbyNews Deadline The deadline for the December edition of PresbyNews will be Friday, November 14. Please turn in your news items and calendar dates to the church office by this date. Thank you! For Your Information November Birthdays 03 .................... Jean Lyons 04 ........ Mary Montgomery 05 ................ Jessica Weber 06 .................. Grant Miller 07 ............. Peggy Dobrozsi 07 ..................... Bill Dugan 07 ...................Jack Newlin 09 .................Loyce Martin 09 ........... Sandi Templeton 10 ................. Bill Sandston 10 .................. Neila Barnes 11 .................. Carol Minge 11 .................Nancy Shafer 12 ................. Fearn Gerber 13 ................. Mary Enochs 13 .............. Sharon Perkins 14 .............. Lou Borneman 14 .................... Paul Nisbet 15 ................. Barbara Steel 15 ....................Bill Wilson 17 ............ Julianne Nickell 17 ................... Josh Biddle 19 .................. Helen Haass 19 ................ Chuck Minge 19 ................... Tony Susco 12 ................ Babette Dean 22 .............. Mary Marshall 22 ................. Fred Ruscher 25 ................ Annie Brehm 25 ............. Andrew Horton 25 ..................... Ron Sutter 26 ................ Ida Mae Peck 26 ......... Martha Robertson 28 .................. Carol Braun 28 ..................... Jim Harris 29 .................. Sarah Wiley 30 ..... Ann Stoutenborough 30 ........... Catherine Taylor We extend Christian Love and Sympathy to the family of. . . . . . Louise Lee, who died on October 14. . . . Mildred Thomas, who died on October 19. Men’s Monthly Meeting is an opportunity for the men of the church to get together and socialize over dinner. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month. On November 11 the meeting will be at The Clubhouse Sports Grille, 250 N. Main St., Monroe, at 5:30 p.m. Hope to see you there! ATTENTION: ALL CHURCH GALS AND FRIENDS! YOU ARE INVITED TO A FUN AND CASUAL EVENING AT LAROSA’S PIZZERIA 4900 ROOSEVELT BLVD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 6:30 P.M. – IN THE BACK PARTY ROOM PLEASE RSVP TO PAT HATHAWAY AT 513-422-3915 Invite your friends and fellow members to join us in an afternoon Christmas Tea at Mount Pleasant on December 9, in the Community Room at 2:00 p.m. Margaret and Joyce will provide the music, refreshments will be served, and we will conclude our fellowship with communion. We have purchased the new bus for the church and presently the logo is being placed upon it. As soon as we receive the bus, drivers will be trained, and we will begin use of our bus for transport of Mount Pleasant members to church each Sunday, as well as using the bus for other youth and adult activities. In the next few weeks we will be unfolding a new website design and program which, hopefully, will provide much better communication in the life of the church and for outreach to visitors. The sermons will be more accessible, and the activities and announcements will be kept current. Please make sure that the church has your email address so that you will receive all communication. Please contact Sandy if the church does not have your email address. GIFT CARDS The holidays are coming! Make your shopping easy— give the gift that is easy to use! Dunkin Donuts new $25 Gift Card Outback Steakhouse new $50 Gift Card Groceries Visit the Great Lakes Scrip website at to find more retailers. Gift cards will be ordered Mon. Nov. 3 & Nov. 17. Please have your orders into the church office by noon on Monday. Thank you for your continued support! (In December, Gift Cards will be ordered on Mondays, December 1 and December 8.) November Worship Services Sunday, November 2 ++10:00 a.m. worship Communion Sunday Rev. Greg Gibson will preach. Music by the Sanctuary Choir Baptism Sunday, November 9 ++10:00 a.m. worship Rev. Greg Gibson will preach. Music by the Sanctuary Choir Recognition of 50-Year Members Sunday, November 16 ++10:00 a.m. worship Rev. Greg Gibson will preach. Music by the Central State Choir Sunday, November 23 ++10:00 a.m. worship New Consecration Sunday Rev. Greg Gibson will preach. Music by the Sanctuary Choir, Ambassadors and Brass Quartet & Reception of new members Sunday, November 30 ++10:00 a.m. worship Communion Sunday First Sunday of Advent Rev. Greg Gibson will preach. Music by the Sanctuary Choir Rosa Parks Elementary update: A big thank you to all of you who responded to the needs of the children of Rosa Parks this past month. This month the youth group organized the donated personal care items into 59 care kits for these students. Fay Smillie, Marge Wooley, Larry Anderson, and Dianne Gerber delivered the kits to the school’s most appreciative social worker, Joy Carouthers. Joy has a passion providing for these children’s needs hoping to give them not only physical comfort, but also the transformation of the child’s self-esteem when given the ability to walk into school clean and clothed. She has witnessed improved attendance of those same children. It is our prayer that these children of God walk into school knowing their community cares November 2nd is our next big collection Sunday. Please consider the donation of socks (sizes 5-11), underwear (sizes 4-16), bath towels, and washcloths. It gave us pause for thought when Joy said that having bath soap does not mean these families have towels and washcloths. The mission committee has agreed to Joy’s request to provide two people every Thursday morning to meet the Shared Harvest truck at Rosa Parks and help unload the food backpacks which will take at the most 15 minutes. For a majority of the children these bags of food are all that they will have to eat on the weekend. Marge Wooley will be making calls each week requesting help from our congregation. Sunday, December 7, we will be collecting the Personal Care Products for the families in need at Rosa Parks Elementary. This month we are concentrating on the personal hygiene products listed in bold print. Thank you for helping us to Share God's Love with the children of Middletown. Household: toilet paper, laundry detergent, kitchen towels, paper towels, dish detergent, and lice treatment supplies. ♫ Music Notes ♫ We certainly did give thanks and sing praises to the Most High God with voices and pipes and drums on Sunday, October 12, when we celebrated the Kirkin’ of the Tartans Service. So much thanks and appreciation goes to all the “willing hands,” both volunteers and staff, who made the Kirkin’ of the Tartans Service such a wonderful worship experience! A note of interest: our many singers ranged in age from 5 to 102 years old. What a wonderful lifetime gift God has given us in the gift of music! Looking forward to an inspiring December: Voices of Christmas—Christmas Cantata “Each year during the Christmas season we pause to consider the miracle of Christ’s birth. We are swept away by the wonder of it all, thrilled and amazed at the magnificent grace that brought God’s perfect light into our world of darkness. The music of Christmas falls on the lonely ears of the world like gentle snow. It rests tenderly on the heart and wraps tired spirits in a warm blanket of assurance and love. In the ringing of the church bells, the singing of children, and the echo of treasured carols we affirm the hope that is found in Christ Jesus. As we worship this Christmas, may we listen for God’s still small voice whispering from a manger, “Come embrace the miracle, raise your voice and join in the music of grace.” These inspiring words from composer and lyricist, Joseph Martin, describe his beautiful cantata, “The Voices of Christmas”, which will be presented on Sunday, December 14, during the 10:00 a.m. worship service by the Sanctuary Choir, soloists, chamber orchestra, and sacred dancers from The Academy of Dance Arts with choreographers Melanie Malicote and Danita Scoggins. Be sure to mark your calendars to be part of this inspiring morning. The Christmas Chronicles---Children’s Christmas Musical The Bethlehem Chronicle newspaper is in big trouble! If subscriptions don’t increase, the paper will be shut down forever. Now it’s up to Scoop Early (cub reporter and part-time shepherd), Sally O’Callahan (social columnist) and Rock Gibraltar (sports reporter) as they search for the biggest news in Bethlehem to help save the paper. Add a heavenly host of angels and shepherds and you’ve got a miracle at just the right time! The true message of Christmas delivered by the voices of children will delight and inspire you. Join the CAAMP Children’s Choirs in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, December 21, at 4:00 p.m. for The Christmas Chronicles. A very special Christmas remembrance. . . Christmas trees adorned with beautiful ornaments create some of our most special Christmas memories. The Music/Worship Ministry Team invites you to join us once again to create a Memorial Christmas Tree in the Gathering Area. Christened the Christmas bird for its spectacular red color, the cardinal has become a symbol of the beauty and warmth of the holiday season. A glimpse of this brilliant bird brings cheer, hope and inspiration on a gray wintry day. As nature's reminder for us to focus on our faith, the cardinal's scarlet plumage represents the blood of Christ shed for the redemption of mankind. The Christmas Cardinal was artfully crafted for the Bronner’s collection from glass with stunning glitter accents. This remarkable 4½" long shiny glass cardinal ornament with perfect poise will make a delightful addition to our Memorial Christmas Tree or as a special gift. The Christmas Cardinal Ornament will be on display in the Gathering Area and the church office. You have the opportunity to purchase the Christmas Cardinal Ornament in honor or in memory of a loved one. After the Christmas season you may take your lovely ornament home to adorn your tree next year. You may also purchase extra ornaments as beautiful gifts. Just fill out the form on the next page and for only $10.00 each, you’ll help to create our beautiful Memorial Christmas Tree. Christmas Cardinal Ornament I will purchase______ Christmas Cardinal Ornament (s) for the Memorial Christmas Tree. In honor/memory of ______________________________________________________ (Circle your choice.) (Please print information exactly as you would like it listed.) Given by________________________________________________________________ (Please print information exactly as you would like it listed.) Phone____________________ Payment Enclosed_______________ Please detach this section and place it in the offering plate on Sunday, or send/bring it to the church office by Sunday, December 14. Dear Congregants of Middletown First Presbyterian Church, It was such a pleasure to meet you all and share in fellowship during two services over the summer. Thank you for so warmly welcoming me into your worship! Your church simply soars with great music, wonderful messages, and what I noticed to be a great community of leaders and teachers. Thank you for helping me feel at home. My fiancé, Steve, and I were pleasantly surprised and humbled by your generous wedding gift card to Bed, Bath, and Beyond. How very considerate of you to think of us both as we enter our last month of engagement before our wedding. We are very excited for this new, approaching chapter! Thank you for supporting us, it means so much. I will be sure to come visit when I am back in Ohio. Thank you again for so warmly welcoming a newcomer in your midst. I hope Middletown First Presbyterian Church continues to abound in blessings and faith. Warmly, Kate Tombaugh (and Steven Weimer) ~ Make gifts for family family and friends ~ Saturday, December 6 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall No Charge ~ for all children, and adults! We will share The Christmas Story, crafts, cookies, and hot chocolate! Come in your Christmas Christmas attire! Call for reservations or questions: 422422-6365 CHRISTMAS BASKET PROGRAM Each Sunday, beginning November 2, a specific basket item will be designated for that Sunday. It takes a lot to fill the baskets and spreading the items throughout the holiday season hopefully makes it a little easier. Thank you for helping us fill our Christmas baskets one Sunday at a time. November 2 – Macaroni & Cheese November 9 – Pancake Mix & Syrup November 16 – Canned Fruit & Veggies November 23 – Cake Mix & Frosting November 30 – Soup (chicken noodle & tomato) & crackers December 7 – Peanut Butter & Jelly December 14 – Cereal & Oatmeal (instant or oat) Any and all donations can be brought into the church at any time if you wish. If you have any questions please contact Pattie Horton at 513-217-4469. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - CHRISTMAS BASKETS PROGRAM If you wish to participate in this program, please fill out this sign-up form, tear it off this page and either drop it in the collection plate on Sunday, give it to a deacon, or return it to the church office. Your participation allows us to continue this successful program every year! □ Yes! I want to help deliver baskets. YES! I want to sponsor a family and my preferred size is: □ Yes! I want to donate $ ___________ to help pay for the cost of the program. Name: □ I have no size preference: use me where needed. ______________________________________ □ Single Person/Family without children Address: □ Small family (2 – 4 people) ______________________________________ □ Medium family (4 – 6 people) Phone: □ Large family (6 or more people) ______________________________________ Please join us for A Festival of Organ Music Our fifth annual Pipe Organ Dinner/Concert Friday, November 14, 2014 5:00-6:15 p.m. A delicious chicken deluxe dinner prepared by Chef Bob Cover will be served in Fellowship Hall. Proceeds will benefit the First Presbyterian Pipe Organ Support Fund and Choralfest (sponsored by SW Ohio Choristers Guild to promote singing for young children) Visit the Art Exhibit in the Gathering Area. Tickets will be available from members of the Music and Worship Ministry Team, Joyce Zigler, or the church office beginning October 5 Tickets: $10.00 for adults $5.00 for children from 6-12 years old Children 5 and under eat free 7:00 p.m. From Classical to Jazz: an amazing and fun evening! Featuring: Joyce Zigler, organ Margaret Chambers, piano CAAMP Junior Choir with Lara Moon Tyler Graves, trumpet Cinda Pelfrey, saxophone Renaissance Ringers Janet Scott, organ Brian Shepard, tenor Women’s Sextet (Kara Cover, Tara Downie, Diana McVay, Lara Moon, Tina Newlin, Sharon Williamson) The concert is free and open to the public. A free-will offering will be taken. You are invited to a very special and unique worship service. On Sunday, November 16, we will feature the acclaimed Central State University Chorus, under the direction of Jeremy Winston. The nationally nationally renowned CSU Chorus will present all of the music to enhance our 10 a.m. worship service. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION There will be no Third Sunday in November. We want to have the time to enjoy cookies and coffee with The Central State Choir. Please join us on December 21 for for our next exciting discussion! Sr. High Youth This youth group is for any 9th – 12th grader and is led by our Pastoral Resident Ed Soto and Amber Boyle. Every Wednesday evening from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. we meet in the Youth Room for fun, fellowship, and enlightening discussion. Come and bring a friend! Jr. High Youth Calling all 6th – 8th graders! We would like to invite you to our new Jr. High Youth Group. The Jr. High Youth Group will be taking place on every second and fourth Sunday, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. On every second Sunday we will meet in the Youth Room for exciting Bible lessons, discussions, and activities. Then on the fourth Sundays we will venture out into the community with a mission activity. This group is led by Steve and Susie Lane. You will not want to miss this! We already have our missions planned out for the year, so please come and bring a friend! The following is a tentative schedule for the year: November 9: “Called to Serve” 5:00-7:00, Youth Room November 23: Christmas Basket mission! December 14: Christmas Baskets continued Wednesday afternoon Bible Study is back on! Join pastoral resident Ed Soto for an informal Bible study on Wednesdays at 4:15 p.m. Come with any questions or any Bible verses that you might want to talk about. There’s no formal curriculum, just a safe place to explore the different aspects and implications surrounding our Scriptures. Is there a parable or two that you find challenging? Does the Old Testament seem too violent? Ever wonder why we don’t use the Apocryphal texts? Questions like these and all others are encouraged! The best way to root out ignorance and to grow in faith is by diving into education and understanding our authoritative Scriptures. Group participation is highly encouraged for this study. "Linse" will be presented by Peter Seifert on November 18, 6:00 p.m. at MUM, Verity Lodge. Dr. Walter Linse’s Life Under Nazis and Communists Peter Seifert will share the story of his uncle, Dr. Walter Linse. He had strong feelings for justice and the rule of law, not easy to live by under the Nazis and then the Communists in East Germany. Peter learned of his uncle’s conflicts about 10 years ago, from historians and from his own research ( with Engl. Synopsis) As much as possible, Linse supported Jewish business people during the Nazi years, and entrepreneurs in East Germany during the Communist regime. Our Mission . . . to SHARE the good news . . . to NURTURE the spirit . . . to SERVE members and neighbors Middletown Arts Center is hosting a fascinating exhibit of the 1913 flood, “Watershed” The Great Miami River: Then and Now.” Compiled by Dayton Photographer Andy Snow, the exhibit was named one of the 20 Best of 2013 productions by the American Society of Media Photography and will be at the Arts Center from November 8 – December 7. An Opening Reception on November 8 from 4 to 6 p.m. will give visitors an opportunity to meet Snow. In addition to its regular hours Monday through Thursday, the Arts Center will also be open on Sundays, November 6, 16, 23, and December 7 from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday Worship Service – 10:00 a.m. Church School & Adult Education – 9:00 a.m. Greg Gibson, Interim Pastor Ed Soto, Pastoral Resident Joyce Zigler, Director of Music Amber Boyle, Director of Christian Education Margaret Chambers, Pianist Lara Moon, Director of Children’s & Youth Choirs Janet Scott, Director of Handbells Paula Fairchild-Elliott, Dir. of Pre-K Readiness Kim Flesher, Pre-K Readiness Teacher Kathy Harris, Administrative Assistant Sandy Fisher, Secretary Cheryl Jarbo, Custodian Bob Lawwill, Custodian First Presbyterian Church 2910 Central Avenue Middletown, Ohio 45044 (513) 422-6365 Return Service requested
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