DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING, MONITORING AND EVALUATION IN THE PRESIDENCY Private Bag X944, Pretoria, 0001 |Union Buildings East Wing, Pretoria | TERMS OF REFERENCE / SPECIFICATIONS Request for proposals for: Delivery and Supervision of Evaluation Courses for Government Officials at National and Provincial Level for the period Jan-Sept 2015 SCM reference number: DPME T11/2014 Closing date and time: 5 December 2014 at 12h00 Compulsory briefing session: None 1. BID INFORMATION Information on the format and delivery of bids are contained in the attached bid documents. Please take note of closing date and date of compulsory briefing session (if any). Please note that you may apply for both evaluation course facilitation (A) and supervision (B) but successful bidders will only be contracted to do one (A or B). 2. PROPOSAL FORMAT 3. Annexure A must contain the published terms of reference (this document). Annexure B must contain the proposal and services offered. Annexure C must contain a summary of qualifications of employees and past experience. Annexure D must contain pricing information. Price proposals should be fully inclusive to deliver the outputs indicated in the terms of reference and must be submitted in a separate envelope. Annexure E must contain all other forms / certificates required (SBDs, Tax clearance certificate etc. – see bid documents). CONDITIONS OF BID 3.1. Administrative compliance See bid documents 3.2. Functional Evaluation Only bids / quotes that comply with all administrative requirements (acceptable bids) will be considered during the functional evaluation phase. All bids / quotes will be scored by the Bid Evaluation Committee against the functional criteria indicated in the Terms of Reference. Minimum functional requirements: Service providers that submitted acceptable bids and that scored at least the minimum for each element as well as the overall minimum score (75%), based on the average of scores awarded by the Bid Evaluation Committee members. The Department reserves the right to call bidders that meet the minimum functional requirements to present their proposals. The Bid Evaluation Committee may decide to amend the scoring assigned to a particular bid based on the presentation made. 3.3. Price evaluation: The PPPFA See bid documents T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 1 ANNEXURE A – TERMS OF REFERENCE 1. BACKGROUND 1.1. The National Evaluation Policy Framework and Plan The National Evaluation Policy Framework (NEPF) was approved by Cabinet on 23 November 2011. This includes the establishment of an annual and a 3 year rolling National Evaluation Plan (NEP) as a focus for priority evaluations of government. This focus was initially at national level (i.e. national priorities), but has expanded to provincial and departmental level. The Plan is led by the Evaluation and Research Unit (ERU) of DPME, supported by a national Evaluation Technical Working Group, including Auditor General, Treasury, DPSA, DSD, DBE, Health, Human Settlements, Stats SA, the Public Service Commission, a number of sector departments, and the Offices of the Premier for Gauteng and Western Cape. 1.2. Capacity development to support the National Evaluation Plan (NEP) 1.2.1 The Evaluation Capacity Development Plan The ERU has developed a capacity development plan to provide government officials with the necessary background knowledge and skill set to be able to successfully evaluate their policies and development programmes in accordance with the NEPF. In addition to aligning directly to the NEPF, this capacity development plan coincides with the annual NEP cycle. Whilst the content of the courses correspond to the NEPF, the timing of the courses correspond to the annual NEP cycle. This process will evolve at both national and provincial level. The annual cycle of the NEP involves a number of different elements. A number of capacity development events have been developed to assist officials and evaluators in producing high quality evaluations that contribute to effective programming and that maximise the likelihood that evaluations will be used to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of government’s work. It is critical that these happen at the right point in the lifecycle of the Plan to maximise the likelihood that the learning with be utilised effectively. 1.2.2 Collaboration with CLEAR The course material has been developed by DPME in partnership with Regional Centre for Learning on Evaluation and Results – Anglophone Africa (CLEAR-AA). CLEAR is a global initiative aimed at strengthening developing countries’ capacities in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and performance management (PM) to support a focus on results, and evidence-based decision making. DPME has a framework agreement with Wits acting through CLEAR around M&E in South Africa and internationally. As CLEAR has access to significant training capacity, as well as international experience with capacity development, DPME collaborated with Wits acting through CLEAR in the development of the courses. 1.2.3 Lifecycle of the Plan The annual cycle of the NEP involves a number of different elements. As this is a fairly new process, a number of capacity development events have been developed to assist officials in producing high quality evaluations that contribute to effective programming and that maximise the likelihood that evaluations will be used to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of government’s work. It is critical that these happen at the right point in the lifecycle of the evaluation to maximise the likelihood that the learning with be utilised effectively. The likely timings for the 2014/15 evaluations are: April 2014 Dec 2014- Feb 2015 Feb - March 2015 April - June 2015 Work underway on all evaluations Draft reports Final reports approved Improvement plans developed The likely timings for the 2015/16 evaluations are: 30 July 2014 26-27 August 2014 22-23 September 2014 November 2014 Oct – Dec 2014 Evaluations selected to the NEP ToC workshop Design Clinic NEP approved by Cabinet TORs developed for evaluations T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 2 ANNEXURE A – TERMS OF REFERENCE January 2015 March 2015 April 2015 Dec 2015- Feb 2016 Dec 2015 - Jan 2016 February - May 2016 1. Procurement initiated Evaluations commissioned Work underway on all evaluations Draft reports Final reports approved Improvement plans developed OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF PROJECT The DPME is requesting the submission of quotes/proposals for the delivery and supervision of evaluation training in the form of the delivery of a suite of short (3 day) courses to government officials at national and provincial level during January to September 2015. 2. DELIVERABLES Course 1a – How to Manage an Evaluation on the National Evaluation Plan Course 1b – How to Develop a Terms of Reference for an Evaluation Course 2 – Deepening Evaluation Course 3 – Evaluation Methodology For each course what is required of the training delivery service provider (A) is: 1. Supply 2 facilitators and take care of all their requirements (travel, accommodation, fees & laptop etc.). 2. Facilitate/ run training workshops successfully. 3. Complete attendance registers and participant course evaluation forms. 4. Write a course report (to include any suggestions for refining the course - example to be provided). 5. Submit deliverables 3 & 4 by no later than the Friday following the week in which the course was run. For each course what is required of the training delivery supervisor (B) is: 1. Supply supervisor and take care of all their requirements (travel, accommodation, fees & laptop etc.). 2. Supervise training workshops successfully. 3. Provide formative (verbal and/or written) feedback to the training delivery service provider during each course. 4. Provide formative (written) feedback to the training delivery service provider on their course report 1 day prior (Thursday) to the deadline of submission of their report. 5. Write a course report (to include any suggestions for refining the course - example to be provided). 6. Submit deliverables 5 by no later than the Friday following the week in which the course was run. For each course DPME/Office of the Premier will provide: 1. The list/register of attendees 2. The training venue 3. The training materials 4. The certificates of completion. All training needs to be complete and all reports submitted by 1 September 2015. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1. Proposed Methodology / Approach 3.1.1. For the training delivery service provider (A) An experiential approach should be followed, providing maximum time for participants to work on exercises (learning by doing) and minimum classroom style teaching, balancing theory with practice, interactive and participatory. A programme, PPT slides, facilitators guide, and learner manual will be provided by DPME incorporating theory, examples, exercises, glossaries, and references for further reading. At the end of the course participants should have been taken through a process of developing their own products (where applicable) and have clear direction on how to finalise them. T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 3 ANNEXURE A – TERMS OF REFERENCE The successful candidates need to demonstrate their understanding of the national evaluation system. 3.1.2. For training delivery supervisor(B) A formative/ supportive approach should be followed, providing quality assurance of the course facilitation. A programme, PPT slides, facilitators guide, and learner manual will be provided by DPME incorporating theory, examples, exercises, glossaries, and references for further reading. Throughout the course facilitators should receive verbal and written feedback on their deliverables. The successful candidates need to demonstrate their understanding of the national evaluation system. 3.2. Skills Required 3.2.1. Prospective service providers (Bidders) must be competent in the areas of evaluation as detailed below. It is imperative that bidders offer the appropriate qualifications, skills and experience. The Department will draw on these skills and competencies for evaluation course facilitation and/or supervision. 3.2.2. The competencies for this contract are provided in table 1. These are drawn from the Evaluation Competencies available on the DPME website but customized to this contract. In some cases these are for the company, in others staff members (who may have that competency working with other organisations). Table 1: Summary of customised evaluation capacity development competencies Domain/descriptor 1 Overarching considerations 1.1 Contextual knowledge and understanding 1.2 Ethical conduct 1.3 Interpersonal skills 2 Evaluation leadership 2.1 Project management 2.2 Composition of the team 3 Evaluation craft 3.1 Evaluative discipline and practice 3.2 Research practice T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training Demonstrated ability to Have knowledge of relevant sectors and government systems in relation to the 14 priority outcomes and can appropriately relate the evaluation training to current political, policy and governance environments Have knowledge and experience of evaluation capacity development in South Africa (preferably with government officials) Perform appropriately in cross-cultural roles with cultural sensitivity and attends appropriately to issues of diversity Understand ethical issues relating to evaluation, including potential or actual conflict of interest, protecting confidentiality/anonymity, and obtaining informed consent and ethical clearance from evaluation participants where necessary. Lead an evaluation capacity development activity and its processes using facilitation and learning approaches, to promote understanding and application of knowledge by participants Lead and manage a team effectively and efficiently, and manage the project effectively to completion in a way which delivers high quality evaluation training and builds skills of participants. Strong project manager, evaluation capacity development specialist (may be the same person) Use knowledge base of evaluation (theories, models including logic and theory based models, types, methods and tools), critical thinking, analytical and synthesis skills relevant to the evaluation training Design specific research methods and tools that address the evaluation’s research needs. This may include qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods. Systematically gather, analyse, and synthesise relevant evidence, data and information from a range of sources, identifying relevant material, Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 4 ANNEXURE A – TERMS OF REFERENCE Domain/descriptor 4 Implementation of evaluation 4.1 Evaluation planning Theory of change Design 4.2 Managing evaluation 4.3 Report writing and communication Demonstrated ability to assessing its quality and spotting gaps Develop clear theory of change with quality programme logframes with good programme logic and indicators Design and cost an appropriate and feasible evaluation with appropriate questions and methods, based on an evaluation’s purpose and objectives. Manage evaluation resources to deliver high quality evaluations and related objectives within budget, on time and to appropriate standards Write clear, concise and focused reports that are credible, useful and actionable, address the key evaluation questions, and show the evidence, analysis, synthesis, recommendations and evaluative interpretation and how these build from each other In addition we will want to know your expertise in relation to the 6 types of evaluation in the National Evaluation Policy Framework: Diagnostic evaluation (diagnosis of current situation root causes and options) Design evaluation (testing the robustness of the theory of change and design of an intervention) Implementation evaluation (evaluating how an intervention is being implemented, and how it can be strengthened) Impact evaluation (assessing the impact at outcome or impact level of an intervention, and how far changes can be attributed to the intervention) Economic evaluation (cost benefit, cost effectiveness, PETS) Evaluation synthesis (undertaking rigorous analysis across evaluations to draw out evidence) 3.2.3. For the training delivery service provider (A) The training provider must have experience of running 2-4 day training using an experiential approach. Course developers and facilitators must have a minimum of a Master’s degree in a relevant field plus a minimum of 5 years proven experience of having conducted programme planning/monitoring and/or evaluations before. Course developers and facilitators must have a minimum of 5 years proven experience of having developed and facilitated programme planning/monitoring and/or evaluation courses before. 3.2.4. For training delivery supervisor(B) The training provider must have experience of running 2-4 day training using an experiential approach. Course supervisors must have a minimum of a Master’s degree in a relevant field plus a minimum of 6 years proven experience of having conducted programme planning/monitoring and/or evaluations before. Course supervisors must have a minimum of 6 years proven experience of having developed and facilitated programme planning/monitoring and/or evaluation courses before. 3.3. Structure of Proposal (for both A & B) The Bidder must provide the following details. Failure to provide this will lead to disqualification. 3.3. 1. Be clear as to whether you are applying to be a course facilitator (A) or course supervisor (B) or both (A & B). 3.3.2. Understanding of the brief and the ToR 3.3.3. Approach, design and methodology for the course facilitator and/or supervision 3.3.4. Detailed budget (in South African Rand, including VAT) T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 5 ANNEXURE A – TERMS OF REFERENCE 3.3.5. Competence (include list of related projects undertaken of developers and facilitators and/or supervisors, making clear who did what, and contact people and details for references). 3.3.6. Team (team members, roles and level of effort) 3.3.7. Capacity development elements if any (building capacity of PDI/young) 3.3.8. Quality assurance plan (to ensure that the process and products are of good quality) 3.3.9. Attachments – evidence CVs of course developers and facilitators and/or supervisors including 3 references for each. A list of programme planning, monitoring and/or evaluation assignments already conducted (including assignment names; dates; and contactable references) as evidence of meeting the required skill. Programmes of courses already developed and facilitated and a list (including course name; dates run and contactable references) as evidence of meeting the required skill. An example of a training manual and slides of any relevant short course you have developed and facilitated 3.3.10. Completed supply chain forms, tax clearance etc. Please note that huge documents are not welcome (except a relevant example of previous work if necessary). 3.4. Costing of Proposal (for both A & B) 4. Your fee per 3 day course (regardless of location) Your disbursement cost per 3 day course per province (include all travel accommodation etc. which must be a fixed cost per province) FUNCTIONAL EVALUATION CRITERIA Scoring system: 1 – Does not comply with the requirements 2 – Partial compliance with requirements 3 – Full compliance with requirements 4 – Exceeds requirements 4.1. For the Training Delivery Service Provider (A) Functional Evaluation Criteria Weight Score Weight X Sco re Minimum Lead facilitator has a Master’s degree (if not disqualify) Proposal addresses the requirements of the TORs 1= does not satisfy 2= covers most but not all of the requirements 3= covers all requirements (minimum) 4= covers all requirements and gives evidence of world class insight into the use of evaluation Proposal demonstrates understanding of South Africa’s (government) approach to evaluation 1= No or cursory mention of the evaluation system 2= Demonstrate awareness of the evaluation system 3= Demonstrate good understanding of the evaluation system (minimum) 4= Demonstrate deep understanding of the evaluation system, the issues where capacity is needed, and the challenges the courses need to address Lead facilitator experience of running evaluation courses 1= Run courses in planning or M&E generally but not evaluation specifically in last 5 years 2= Run 2-3 courses specifically in evaluation in last 5 years (minimum) 3= Run 4+ courses in evaluation in last 5 years 4= Run 4+ courses in evaluation in last 5 years, as well as courses in programme planning including logframes and theory of change T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training 5 15 5 15 5 10 Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 6 ANNEXURE A – TERMS OF REFERENCE Functional Evaluation Criteria Weight Lead facilitator experience of programme planning/M&E 1= <5 years proven experience of having conducted programme planning/monitoring and/or evaluations before 2= 5 years proven experience of having conducted programme planning/monitoring and/or evaluations before, with a minimum of 3 evaluations conducted (minimum) 3= 5-10 years proven experience of having conducted evaluations before, with at least 5 evaluations conducted 4= >10 years proven experience of having conducted evaluations before, with at least 10 evaluations conducted, including international evaluations Company experience of running courses in evaluation (examples of product and process to be provided) 1= Run courses in planning or M&E generally but not evaluation specifically in last 5 years 2= Run 2-3 courses specifically in evaluation in last 5 years (minimum) 3= Run 3-4 courses in evaluation in last 5 years 4= Run 5+ courses in evaluation in last 5 years, as well as courses in programme planning Company has demonstrated strong experience of running experiential training in the M&E field 1= Less than 2 courses in planning or M&E generally where the approach has been explicitly experiential and a product produced 2= Run 2-3 courses in planning or M&E generally where the approach has been explicitly experiential and a product produced (minimum) 3= Run 3-4 courses in planning or M&E generally where the approach has been explicitly experiential and a product produced 4= Run 5+ courses in planning or M&E generally where the approach has been explicitly experiential and a product produced TOTAL Score Weight X Sco re Minimum 4 8 3 6 3 6 25 4.2. For the Training Delivery Supervisor (B) Functional Evaluation Criteria Weight Score Weight X Sco re Minimum Lead facilitator has a Master’s degree (if not disqualify) Proposal addresses the requirements of the TORs 1= does not satisfy 2= covers most but not all of the requirements 3= covers all requirements (minimum) 4= covers all requirements and gives evidence of world class insight into the use of evaluation Proposal demonstrates understanding of South Africa’s (government) approach to evaluation 1= No or cursory mention of the evaluation system 2= Demonstrate awareness of the evaluation system 3= Demonstrate good understanding of the evaluation system (minimum) 4= Demonstrate deep understanding of the evaluation system, the issues where capacity is needed, and the challenges the courses need to address Supervisor experience of running evaluation courses 1= Run courses in planning or M&E generally but not evaluation specifically in last 5 years 2= Run 2-3 courses specifically in evaluation in last 5 years (minimum) 3= Run 4+ courses in evaluation in last 5 years T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training 5 15 5 15 5 15 Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 7 ANNEXURE A – TERMS OF REFERENCE Functional Evaluation Criteria Weight Score Weight X Sco re Minimum 4= Run 4+ courses in evaluation in last 5 years, as well as courses in programme planning including logframes and theory of change Supervisor experience of programme planning/M&E 1= <5 years proven experience of having conducted programme planning/monitoring and/or evaluations before 2= 5 years proven experience of having conducted programme planning/monitoring and/or evaluations before, with a minimum of 3 evaluations conducted (minimum) 3= 6-10 years proven experience of having conducted evaluations before, with at least 5 evaluations conducted 4= >10 years proven experience of having conducted evaluations before, with at least 10 evaluations conducted, including international evaluations Supervisor experience of running courses in evaluation (examples of product and process to be provided) 1= Run courses in planning or M&E generally but not evaluation specifically in last 5 years 2= Run 2-3 courses specifically in evaluation in last 5 years (minimum) 3= Run 3-4 courses in evaluation in last 5 years 4= Run 5+ courses in evaluation in last 5 years, as well as courses in programme planning Supervisor has demonstrated strong experience of running experiential training in the M&E field 1= Less than 2 courses in planning or M&E generally where the approach has been explicitly experiential and a product produced 2= Run 2-3 courses in planning or M&E generally where the approach has been explicitly experiential and a product produced (minimum) 3= Run 3-4 courses in planning or M&E generally where the approach has been explicitly experiential and a product produced 4= Run 5+ courses in planning or M&E generally where the approach has been explicitly experiential and a product produced TOTAL 5. 4 12 3 9 3 9 25 GENERAL The consultants will report to Ms. Christel Jacob, Director of Evaluation, Outcomes Monitoring and Evaluation Branch, DPME ([email protected]). T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 8 ANNEXURE B – PROPOSAL AND SERVICES OFFERED T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 9 ANNEXURE C – SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS OF EMPLOYEES AND PAST EXPERIENCE T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 10 ANNEXURE D – PRICING SCHEDULE T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 11 ANNEXURE E – TENDER DOCUMENTS All documentation included in and referred to in the tender documentation pack (SBDs, tax clearance certificate, BBBEE certificate etc.) must be attached as Annexure E. T11 2014 DPME SCM ToR Evaluation Training Ver: 2014/07/05 Page 12
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