Distance Learning Committee Minutes November 18th, 2013 Los Angeles Southwest College Meeting attended by: Absent from meeting: Guests: Date: Time: Location: Minutes submitted by: Stephanie Brasley, Kimberly Carpenter, Angela CranonCharles, Jessica Drawbond, Vibha Gupta, Majid Haghoo, Christopher Herwerth, Syed Hussain, Kang Kim, Carolyn Magee and Celeste Phelps Linda Brady, Dr. Jonathan Bremen, La Shawn Brinson, Kathi Cliff, Kimberly McBride and Celeste Phelps None Monday, November 18th, 2013 11:00a.m.-1:00p.m. (the meeting started at 11:13a.m.) AV 109 Traci Tippens Agenda Topics Topic #1: Duration/People Responsible/ Deadline Duration: 2 minutes Review of Old Business: Approval of October 21, 2013 minutes Discussion Process A Cranon-Charles inquired about approving the minutes from October’s meeting; T. Tippens reminded her that all minutes have been reviewed by her and submitted to the PIO to upload to the campus website, with the exception of September 2013, which is still under review. Action Item A. Cranon-Charles will follow up with the PIO about uploading the agendas and minutes from the DE Committee meetings. 1 Topic #2: Duration: 1 minute Review the Draft DE Plan Discussion Process A. Cranon-Charles will send it again via email. C. Herwerth sent his feedback, but it needs to be finished by the end of the semester. Topic #3: Duration: minutes Distance Education Online Add Policy – to be sent to the Curriculum Committee on Thursday, November 21, 2013 Discussion Process A. Cranon-Charles asked if anything needed to be added. She shared that Dr. Jefferson and Dr. Howard have been in communication via email regarding circulating faculty email addresses in the schedule of classes. It has been sent to the department chairs (the deadline is Monday); then it’ll go to the Curriculum Committee the following day. A. Cranon-Charles spoke to the DE Coordinator at Chula Vista CC and he has handled everything solo for13 years, so it is apparent that all schools handle DE matters differently. Dr. Howard requested until next week to discuss this, not this week. A. Cranon-Charles will email the department chairs to see if it can be on the table this Thursday. K. Kim suggested that it can be done and he will support moving forward on this (also suggested that she email Mr. Morris-Chair of Chairs). K. Carpenter feels that the policy is unrelated to some remaining student issues. Action Item S. Brasley A. Cranon-Charles and S. Hussain need to meet prior to 12/9 to reiterate policies and must be implemented by department chairs. Topic #4 Duration: 3 minutes Update: Student course evaluations for Fall 2013 classes Discussion Process Evaluations are not anonymous as what has been specified. Sometimes students will not fill out surveys for fear of retaliation based on the feedback that they’ve provided. S. Hussain said he had a process developed for evaluations. 2 J. Drawbond said that the step should be added that whomever has access will check for the announcement. Access in needed by week #6; the announcement should be sent during week #7 and the surveys should be available as of week #8. S. Brasley added that data gathering starts in week #6 and this semester, we’re behind (the surveys should close in one week). Duration: 3 minutes Topic #5: December DEC meeting date Discussion Process A. Cranon-Charles inquired what date can the committee meet in December; the date of December 9th at the usual time was proposed and will be sent via email for feedback. Hopefully everyone can be available on that date because the semester is quickly coming to an end. The 3rd Monday of which the committee normally meets on is the last day of school, which could greatly reduce the number of people on campus that would be available to attend the meeting. Topic #6: Duration: 30 minutes New Business Attended the District’s DE Coordinators meeting to review the presentation to the District’s Stakeholders on the pros and cons of having a common LMS. Discussion Process Attended by A. Cranon-Charles and C. Herwerth. Faculty needs to be more involved and the District is considering 3 using more than one system. This will be discussed further at the meeting of DE Coordinators on 11/25. Topic #7: Duration: 30 minutes Put together a list of minimum requirements for DE instructors to follow that must be implemented for all online courses. Discussion Process S. Brasley and A. Cranon-Charles discussed this previously. The proficiency manual is supposed to address this for people teaching for the very 1st time. Faculty have said that you cannot hold them accountable without training; the manual says we will teach CAOT 133; per C. Magee, it was cancelled, but was scheduled to be taught this semester. The manual needs to be revised. S. Hussain taught Edutech at LAVC and it cannot be held exclusively for the faculty. There should be a series of training via Staff Development vs. traditional set up. Topic #8: Duration: 30 minutes Dr. Lee asked that we post an orientation online of “What to expect when taking an online course”. Discussion Process Postponed until the next meeting 4 Topic #9: Duration: 1 minutes Announcement Drs. Allison Moore and Sandra Lee invited all faculty to the next Faculty Summit to be held on Friday, December 6th, 2013 from 10:00a.m.-12:00p.m. Topic #10: Duration: 30 minutes Student course evaluations were implemented last month. Each department chair received a specified email address where the surveys are automatically submitted. Discussion Process Evaluations have been opened by J. Ferrer for A. CranonCharles based on the list of faculty to evaluate from Dr. Jefferson, then A. Cranon-Charles forwards the respective names to the department chairs and J. Ferrer, then A. Cranon-Charles imports the evaluations to the ETUDES shells (A. Cranon-Charles also informs the department chairs to notify the faculty members to be evaluated). V. Gupta asked if IT can be removed from the process. A. CranonCharles says IT is very necessary for the process to be intact. S. Hussain shared that when he the DE Coordinator at LAVC for2 years, he did the same exact thing without IT’s assistance. C. Herwerth stated the Center for Excellence has helped with DE matters at his prior campuses (he did not specify the names). V. Gupta added that IT’s involvement with DE id taking away from day-to-day IT duties. S. Brasley shared that a further separate discussion needs to take place to properly assess exactly what J. Ferrer is doing in order to determine if it can be forwarded to A. CranonCharles and then determine the best form of action. Action Item S. Brasley wants to meet with V. Gupta and S. Hussain to further discuss IT duties to the DE Committee. 5 Topic #11: Duration: 30 minutes Web-enhanced definition revisited Discussion Process S. Brasley and A. Cranon-Charles need to meet to reorganize it. S. Hussain shared that face-to-face hours cannot be substituted (LAPC does exams online). A. Cranon-Charles will resend the definitions for feedback. S. Brasley inquired if definitions from other sister campuses can be factored in for the best interpretation. Next meeting will be held on Monday, December 9th from 11:00a.m.-1:00p.m. 6
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