St. Mary of the Woods Christ the King Sunday November 23, 2014 Mass Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday ........... 8:00 am Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday……..12:10 pm Wednesday ................................. 8:00 am and 6:30 pm Saturday ...................................... 8:00 am and 4:00 pm Sunday ............................. 7:00 am, 8:30 am, 10:00 am Confessions: Saturday 3:00 pm or anytime by appointment Penance Services Held during Advent & Lent Marriage: Contact the priest at the parish office six months before the wedding date. Baptisms: Contact pastor. Baptisms are held at your convenience. A.A. and Al-anon: Meeting Sunday 8:00 pm, Cafeteria Parish Office: 10534 Main Cross St, Whitesville, KY Phone 270-233-4196 Hours 7:30 am - 4:00 pm St. Mary School: Phone 270-233-5253 Trinity High School: Phone 270-233-5533 STAFF Mission Statement St. Mary of the Woods is a family of faith, committed to Catholic values, centered in the Holy Eucharist and dedicated to serving the needs of the universal Church with compassion and care Pastor Rev Gerald H Baker [email protected] Associate Fr John Broussard [email protected] Administrative Assistant Sharon Coomes [email protected] Dir of Faith Formation DeeAnna Wathen [email protected] Business Manager Lane Rhodes [email protected] Maintenance/Custodian Chris Bickwermert [email protected] Principal - THS Ron Williams Principal - St. Mary School Sister Suzanne Sims WJOR 93.1 Catholic Radio PASTOR’S CORNER Dear Parishioners: A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful, who piously recite the Act of Dedication of the Human Race to Jesus Christ King. A plenary indulgence is granted, if it is recited publicly on the feast of our Lord Jesus Christ King. Prayer: Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before you. We are yours, and yours we wish to be; but to be more surely united with you, behold each one of us freely consecrates himself today to your Most Sacred Heart. Many indeed have never known you; many, too, despising your precepts, have rejected you. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to your Sacred Heart. Be King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken you, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned you; grant that they may quickly return to their Father's house, lest they die of wretchedness and hunger. Be King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and the unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd. Grant, O Lord, to your Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give tranquility of order to all nations; make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: Praise to the divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to it be glory and honor for ever. Amen. Prayer Source: Enchiridion of Indulgences , June 29, 1968 May God Bless you on this great Feast! Father Baker Budget News Building & Grounds Fund Balance……………6,847.00 Weekly Parish Budget Needs………………...18,058.00 Unpaid Operational Bills………………….. 43,349.44 Unpaid Diocesan Loan ($45,000)…………….45,000.00 Unpaid Diocesan Assessment (’13-’14)……. 35,819.04 Unpaid Diocesan Assessment (‘14-’15)…. 14,400.99 Unpaid Diocesan Capital Campaign……….. 371,056.00 New Gym Fund with Diocese……………… 964,311.00 Cemetery: Checking $1,610; Savings ……… 80,204.00 SMWS Tuition Assistance …………………. 2765.65 THS Endowment Fund………………………659,188.00 BULLETIN INFORMATION Just a reminder—deadline for submitting in writing to the bulletin is Monday at 10 am. Fax to parish office 233-5557 or email to [email protected] Envelopes—766 out; 242 turned in Weekly Envelopes 11/16//14…………….$17,134.11 Building & Grounds ……………………. 100.00 Christ the King Sunday November 23, 2014 PLEASE REMEMBER IN PRAYER: Bernadette Gilmore, Alexis Coomes, Christine Westerfield, Ruth Anderson, Easton Pedley, Ashley Johnson, Susan Stearsman, Louise Howard, Tommy Payne, Billy J Boarman, Ouida Sheffield, Lafern Ling, Edith Payne, Stephanie Mattingly, Chapel Estes, Barbara Shultz, Mary C. Roby, Amelia Evans, Kendall Kidd, Charles Mayfield, Edwina Neel, Jesse Daniels, Celena King, Theresa Clouse, Allyson Funk, Norbert Howard, Kim Schindler, Imogene Fitzgerald, Diane Sosh, Madeline Payne, Bernice Knott, Bertk Howard, Joan Wells, Jeff Ralph, Jennifer Rudd, Jennifer Howard, Stephanie Ware, Doris Colbert, Jeremy Young, Thomasine Clouse, Blake Daugherty, Tony Hardesty, Georgia E Wilkerson, Mike Nugent, Steve Postlewaite, Patricia Phelps, Linda Berg, Debra Williams, Bobby Haynes, June Evans, Jackson Lemmons, Kellie Burch, Penny B Johnson, Lou & Martine Boarman, Harold Mills, Bryan Coin, Cassie Edge, Mayleigh Augenstein, Pauline Aud, Junior Lee Willis, Mark Atkisson, Arvel Church, Tim Pirtle, Pam Byrne, Bud Clark, Teresa W Krampe, Luke Howard, Genevieve Boarman, Jenny Hamilton, Sherman Chandler, Martha & David Jennings, Sarah Renee Streett, Charles D Payne, Shirley Edge, Debbie C Peters, Catherine Hardesty, Lilly Boarman, Annie Payne, Herman Payne, Amy Jo Roach, Megan Rhodes, Peyton Howard, Howard Kirby, Margaret Beyke, Mary Howard, Hannah Mills, Norman Wright III, Jessica C Burks, Rollie Pike, Brian Payne, Darlene Dickens, Terry Murphy, Bob Robinson, Kay O’Bryan, Ellis Edge, Michael Ransom, Blaise Mills, Aaron Knott, Jamie Wedding, Jeneen Coomes, Loretta Keller, Jean Wedding, Stewart Payne, Barbara Stone Morris, Ruby Anne Coomes, Nelda Tierney, Ronnie Hayden, Daniel E Blair, Dwayne Wells, Ruby Young, James (Augie) Cecil, Mary Arnold, Donna McKinley, Diddle Lanham, Reese Payne, Lawrence Wink, Larry Sandefur, Denise Wilson, Lois Fitzgerald, Elmer Schepers PICNIC NEWS St Mary of the Woods Quilting—Have started back up Mondays from 8-12 At St Mary’s Quilting Bldg. Any questions call Barbara Roberts 270-233-9277 * * * * * * * * * * CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Saturday and Sunday Dec 6-7 from 8-2 St Mary of the Woods Parish Hall Need Christmas Items, Nativity Sets, Ornaments, Snowmen, Angels, Religious Items, Wreaths, Centerpieces, Homemade items such as wood items, tie blankets, baby blankets, children’s wear, kitchen towels, gift items, quilts, Barbie dolls, clothes, shoes. Call Sharon 233-4196 if any questions. All-You-Eat Soup and Salad Luncheon Saturday, Dec 6 from 11-1 St Mary of the Woods Parish Hall * * * * * * * * * * Breakfast with Santa Sunday, Dec 7 after All Masses ALTAR CARE NOV: Patty Wright, Faye Wathen and Sandy Thompson St Mary of the Woods & Catholic Charities have partnered to provide confidential counseling services at reduced rate. For info & list of counselors call 270-852-8328 or see Counseling Services on diocesan web catholic_charities/counseling.php NOV 23—30 READINGS Sun: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17 Ps 23:1-3, 5-6 Cor 15:20-26-28 Mon: Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5 Ps 24:1b-4b, 5-6 Lk 21:1-4 Tues: Rv 14:14-19 Ps 96:10-13 Lk 21:5-11 Wed: Rv 15:1-4 Ps 98:1-3b, 7-9 Lk 21:12-19 Thurs: Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a Ps 100:1b-5 Fri: Rv 20:1-4, 11—21:2 Ps 84:3-6a, 8a Lk 21:29-33 Sat: Rv 22:1-7 Ps 95:1-7b Lk 21:34-36 Sun: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7 Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19 Cor 1:3-9 Mk 13:33-37 Christ the King Sunday WEEKLY MASS SCHEDULE 22Sat 8:00am Roland Pike 4:00pm L/D Doe & Liz Hamilton/Joseph Bernard Montgomery 23Sun 7:00am +Frank Keller 8:30am Rick & Karen Stiff & Family 10:00am St Mary of the Wood Parishioners 24Mon 8:00am +Dorothy Crisp 12:10pm +Mary Ann Howard 25Tues 8:00am Mr & Mrs James Aug Cecil 71st Wedding Anniversary 12:10pm +Jamie Sue Wedding 26Wed 8:00am Theresa Howard & Family 6:30pm Karen Mullen & Family/Kim Payne 27Thurs9:00am +Ann Newby/Kenneth Howe 12:10pm No Mass 28Fri 8:00am Rachel Rowland & Family 12:10pm +Doe Hamilton 29Sat 8:00am +Frank Keller/Dorothy Crisp 4:00pm L/D Alice & Walter Franey Family/ Beulah Robinson 30Sun 7:00am Karen Mullen & Family 8:30am St Mary of the Wood Parishioners 10:00am Fran & David Evans EXPOSITION OF SACRED RELICS Treasures of the Church Friday, December 5th at 7 PM Saint Peter and Paul, Hopkinsville, KY Presented by Fr Carlos Martins of the Companions of the Cross. Over 150 relics will be shown, some believed to be as old as 2000 years. For any information call 270-885-8522 If you want to participate in Perpetual Adoration please call: Overall Coordinator Dwight Beyke 233-5884 Cell 929-4915 Quarterly Division Leaders: Majella Mills 233-5481 Midnight—6:00 AM Hope Brey 314-1638 6AM-Noon Sharon Boarman 233-9697 Noon—6PM Dottie Pogue 233-4943 6PM — Midnight You Can Help Your Marriage Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Do you argue...or have you just stopped talking to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille (pronounces retro -vi with a long i) help couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program has helped thousands of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information about or to register for the January program beginning with a weekend on Jan 30, 2015 call 270-683-1545 ext 346 or email: [email protected] or visit the website at November 23, 2014 MINISTER’S SCHEDULE 4:00PM SATURDAY-NOVEMBER 29 LECTORS: Larry O’Bryan SERVERS: Dillon Mattingly/Aaron Dickerson/Andy Dickerson MUSICIANS: Ryan USHERS: Randall Hamilton/Fred Barr/ Frank Mayfield/Volunteer EUCH MIN: Martha Jennings/Travis Roby/ Krista Hamilton/Brittany Morris/Carrie H 7:00AM SUNDAY-NOVEMBER 30 LECTORS: Lane Rhodes SERVERS: Nathan Tinsley/Blaise Morris/ Reuben Morris MUSICIANS: David USHERS: Johnny Aud/Lewis Jean/ Volunteer/David O’Bryan EUCH MIN: Jenny Hagan/Minnie Clark/ Bruce Hagan 8:30AM SUNDAY—NOVEMBER 30 LECTORS: Natalie Grey SERVERS: Tyler Howard/Lauren Howard/ Juliana Bickwermert MUSICIANS: Laura USHERS: Gary Smith/Brian Bickett/Ron O’Bryan/Volunteer EUCH MIN: Abby Booker/Marvin & Mary Ann Bickwermert//Valerie Roby/Teresa S 10:00AM SUNDAY— NOVEMBER 30 LECTORS: Parker Driskill SERVERS: Brandon Wathen/Deven Wathen/Cade Mills MUSICIANS: Laura and Choir USHERS: Jerry Morris/James Edge/Mike Edge/Volunteer EUCH MIN: Bob Cinnamond/Deanie Midkiff/Susan & Parker Driskill/Brent Graham USHERS NEEDED!!!!! We are short 15 Ushers. Any parishioners over 14 years of age can be an usher (ladies included). If you would be willing to help out call Frank Hagan at 270 -729-2904 or 270-231-3328. Christ the King Sunday St. Mary’s Grade School 135 Years of Teaching the Faith 1879 – 2014 Happy Thanksgiving! Congratulations The students and their families are the blessing of our School. We especially congratulate and praise God for the students whose talents are recognized by the Duke (University) TIP Awards for their outstanding scores on the Spring ITBS: Grade 4: Nicholas Goetz, son of Roxi & Jeff Goetz Cecelia (Cece) Miller, daughter of Christie & Frank Miller Grade 5: Taylor Pedley, daughter of Jenny & Brad Pedley Bailey Wright, son of Davida & Jeff Wright Grade 6: Erin Beatty, daughter of Robin & Joey Beatty Jamison Mills, son of Carrie & Derek Mills. Weekly Lucky Angels Raffle Rose Kimley (Owensboro) is the “Lucky Angel” ($100) for 11-14-14. We still have tickets to sell. Each ticket (only 300 will be sold) costs $30. Please buy a ticket and wait for that Friday afternoon/evening call. License 0142. Amadora Sheets for Christmas? Once again, we have the sales brochures for the Amadora microfiber sheets (like 1500 count Egyptian cotton) available through our School. They also have throws and a variety to new patterns. Stop by the office or call and we will get the brochure to you if you are interested. Each sale does help our School even if it is not an official fundraiser. Save a trip and the shopping fatigue. Choose Amadora. Hold the Dates New Year’s Eve Dance: Wednesday, December 31, Parish Hall, Proceeds for class trip to D.C. by the 8th grade parents. Get your table together. Tickets are available at the school office! Mardi Gras Gala 2015: Saturday, February 7, Parish Hall, PTO-in-high-gear. Like us on “Facebook” March for Life St. Mary of the Woods youth will be going to the March for Life in Washington D.C. in January. Youth are taking orders for Boston butts, ribs, and chickens that will be ready on 12/6.If you are interested in supporting the trip, sponsoring a youth, or placing an order, please contact DeeAnna Wathen for more information. November 23, 2014 Bingo Teams First Monday — Team Captain—Andrea Aud Second Monday—Team Captain— Robin Isbill Third Monday-Team Captain- DeeAnnaWathen Fourth Monday—Team Captain— Sue Mills 1st Thurs—Team Captain-Jerry/Vickie Morris 2nd Thurs—Team Captain– Stephanie Kinsey 3rd Thurs —Team Captain— 4th Thurs— Team Captains Sue Howe Volunteers needed for Bingo. If you can give an hour, a whole night, any amount of time & talent would be deeply appreciated. Call Sue Mills THS 233-5533 Our Lady of Lourdes Knights of Columbus will have another Fish Fry on Fri, Dec 5 from 5:30-7PM in their Parish Hall. All you can eat catfish fillets, white beans, French fries, hush puppies, cole slaw, desserts & drinks. Adults $10, Kids 5-12 $5, Kids 4 & under Eat Free!! Trinity High School Important Dates 11/22/14 11/24/14 11/25/14 11/26/14 12/01/14 Girls Bball at Hopkins CC Y Club Blood Drive Boys Bball at Whitefield Acad Thanksgiving Break Begins School Resumes from Thanksgiving Break New Trinity App Exciting news! Trinity High School has a NEW Athletic App for all android and apple products! Simply search for THSAthletics to find the new app. This app will give live updates for all athletic events, roster information, schedules, team news, athletic department news, and so much more! Be sure to subscribe to notifications when you download the app! YClub Blood Drive On Monday, November 24th, Trinity’s Y Club will be having their annual blood drive through WKRBC! Come out and support those in need by giving blood anytime from 9am-4pm in the Trinity High School parking lot! All donors must meet the following requirements: at least 17 years old or 16 with parental consent, weigh at least 110 pounds, must check medications with center staff, should have eaten a good meal prior to donation, and must allow 56 days between donations. Enrollment If you would like to enroll your child or know someone interested in enrolling at Trinity High School, please call Kim Rydecki at 270-233-5533 or email her with any inquiries you may Christ the King Sunday FAITH FORMATION 11/23/14 PREP: 9:40-10:45 No Youth Group 11/25/14 No RCIA 11/30/14 No PREP, No Youth Group 12/2/14 RCIA: 6:30-8:00, activity room 12/6/14 March for Life meat sale, IGA Parade, 3:00; Christmas Tree Lighting, 5:15 12/7/14 No PREP; Breakfast w/ Santa Youth Group (grades 6-12), 5-7 Please join Bishop William Medley and Bishop John J McRaith as they celebrate Bishop John’s 80th Birthday with Mass at St Stephen Cathedral On Friday, December 5, 2014 at 12:05 PM. St. Gerard Life Home in Owensboro, Ky.— provides free shelter & services for pregnant women 18 & older in a crisis pregnancy. A woman may come to us at any point in her pregnancy & may stay for up to 3 months after the birth of her child. There are no limitations on race, nationality or religion. Let us help. Call 270-852-8328 or email: [email protected]. A ministry of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Owensboro, Ky. Cathechist Spotlight Mary Hill is the Kindergarten PREP catechist. She has been volunteering with Kindergarten since she moved to Whitesville and enrolled her son in PREP. The past three years she has loved spending time with the kids. She plans to continue to volunteer her time teaching the children about God’s love for them. Join the Feisty Fifties of Immaculate Parish April 26th to May 2nd As we journey to Savannah, Jekyll Island & Beaufort, SC We will visit each place & tour St Simons Island & Parris Island Marine Base. The Ocmulgee National Monument Visitor Center in Macon, GA is also on the agenda. Price $534 ppd, includes lodging, breakfasts & 4 dinners. Call Mickey 270-685-3015 for a flyer. SCRIP NEWS UpComing Holiday Hours Scrip Office will be OPEN Wednesday 11/26 3-7 PM Scrip Office will be CLOSED on Thursday 11/27 Normal Scrip Hours: Thursdays 3:00—7:00 PM Saturdays After Mass Sundays After Masses Scrip Office is located in Parish Hall Music Room November 23, 2014 Bishop Soenneker Home is a non-profit Personal Care Home serving up to 66 residents. We’re located at 9545 Hwy 144, Knottsville, KY, beside St Williams Catholic Church. We offer assistance with medication schedule, personal care, prepared meals according to diet, personal hygiene and a loving home. Our motto is Committed to Caring. Please stop by for a tour or call 270-281-4881 and ask for Paula. My Daily Insight The question is not how to survive, but how to thrive with passion, compassion, humor and style. ——May Angelou Come Visit Our Prayer & Bible Study Group Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit From Word Among Us Wednesdays 7:00 PM St Mary’s Cafeteria If anyone needs any help with food, clothing or utilities please call or come by St Vincent de Paul, Phone 233-1802. They are in need of the following foods: Canned food such as soup, fruit, vegetables, pork’n beans, sloppy joes, tuna, crackers, mac & cheese, dried beans, spaghetti & sauce, cereal, corn meal, instant milk, peanut butter and plastic bags. Volunteer Tax Preparers and Screeners Needed Please consider serving as a volunteer income tax preparer or screener for the Green River Asset Building Coalition in the 2015 tax season. Last year the coalition’s volunteers filed over 4500 tax returns free of charge for working low to moderate income families. It saved them an average of $150$200 in tax preparation and filing fees—money that can be used to meet the basic financial needs of their families. An accounting degree is not necessary but basic computer literacy is important. Learn more at or email [email protected] or call 270-685-1603. GIVING TREE The Giving Tree will be put in church on November 20th. If you have any questions either on a heart you take off the tree or on a family in need call Pat Burch 270-233-5976 or Tricia Masterson 270-314-1115. All gifts need to be returned to church by December 21st. Attach your heart securely (use lots of tape) to the gift. Please pray for our American Men & Women who serve our country in all parts of the world. Keep them safe O Lord & bring them home soon. Casey Brey, Tony Burch, Greg Roby, David Stiff, Adam Roberts, Scott Connor, Chris Roberts, Chad Roberts, Jody Roberts, Dwayne Roberts, Heath Conder, James S. Hunt, Phillip Mills, Todd Jump, Michael Bickwermert, Michael Murphy, Vanessa Clark, Derek & Jamie Vantuyl, Adam Cecil, Michael Beavin, Damion Monarch, Jaren Wells, Chris Cecil, Nick Husk, Jesse Burch, Travis Morgan. Knights of Columbus Turkey Shoot November 23, 2014 Knights of Columbus Grounds Haynes Station Rd Win Hams, Turkeys, Cash Scatter Boards Target Shoots 50/50 Pots OUTREACH NEWS!!!! Pitino Shelter St Mary’s Community Outreach is considering cooking/serving a meal @ Pitino Shelter in Owensboro the 1st Saturday of every month. Anyone interested in this service project, please call Frank/ Connie Hagan (270-729-2904) for more info. Community Christmas Tree Lighting St. Mary of the Woods is creating a youth choir to sing two Christmas carols at the Whitesville Community Christmas Tree Lighting on 12/6/14, 5:15 PM. There will be practices 11/23 & 11/30 after 10:00 mass in church. Call DeeAnna Wathen or Connie Hagan for more information. Bulletin Bites “Whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.” How can we identify a real king or a queen? Is it the fine clothes & jewel encrusted crowns they wear or their regal demeanor & stately appearance? Do they sit on thrones raised above all the other people & give orders that make others fearfully rush to fulfill their every command? No!!!! Hollywood may portray them as such & that may be how some kings & queens actually lived. But a real king or queen is one who cares equally about everyone for whom they are responsible. David was a real king. Despite his well documented faults & sins, he sought to assure that all of the Kingdom of Judah shared equally in the resources & protection of the kingdom. He understood that whatever he did for the least in God’s kingdom, he did for God. That is why the Northern Kingdom of Israel prevailed upon David to be their king. Jesus is a Davidic King so today we honor him as Christ the King. Jesus challenges us to be Davidic kings & queens who understand that whatever we do for the least in God’s kingdom, we do for God. DATES TO REMEMBER Nov 28—Thanksgiving Day Dec 6-7—Christmas Bazaar Dec 7—Breakfast with Santa Dec 13—Christmas Church Cleaning 8:30AM, need men & women Dec 25—Christmas Day Jan 1—New Year’s Day Covenant of Love Date Night Thank you to all the couples that attended the potluck dinner! If you haven’t made it to a Date Night yet, it isn’t too late to start! Join us Sat., Dec 12th in the Parish Hall 6-8 PM. Child care is available. All married/engaged couples are invited. It’s an evening (without the kids!) to enjoy adult fellowship & nurture our marriage relationships. Plus it’s free! MARRIAGE MATTERS Selfishness is the cause of marital problems. Selfishness is the root-cause of most marital difficulties and breakups. Selfishness is choosing to do what “I” want and when “I” want, without any regard for its impact on my spouse. We act selffishly when we place “me” at the center of our relationship instead of “us”. Are your conflicts caused by selfishness? Job Opportunities Diocese of Owensboro Food Services has opening for a part time position in the St Mary’s & Trinity cafeteria. Job requirements are knowledge of food/kitchen & maintaining & recording inventories. Must have Safe Environment Certificate. Call Joanna Roberts 270-233-5648 or 270231-3035. café Coordinator of Buildings & Grounds: st Stephen Cathedral Selection Committee is now accepting applications for a part -time Buildings & Grounds Coordinator. This person is responsible for providing adequate maintenance of parish buildings, equipment & grounds to ensure safety to all persons & to extend the life & the appearance of these items. The Coordinator of Buildings & Grounds overseas volunteers & contractors working on projects to assist this position; flexible schedule may be needed. This Coordinator works closely with the pastoral staff. A detailed job description can be found on our parish website: ST. MARY OF THE WOODS CATHOLIC CHURCH 10534 Main Cross Street Phone 1-270-233-4196 Whitesville, Ky. 42378 Fax 1-270-233-5557 Randy Howard Cecil Service Funeral Home Company “Dedicated to Service” Heating - Cooling Geo-Thermal Systems Service & Installation Whitesville, Kentucky 233-4437 Pre-Planning Available 729-2077 Lic. 2507 Annuals • Perennials • Bedding Plants Ornamental Concrete • Concrete Fountains BUILDERS DISCOUNT Marlene’s Garden Center All Wood Custom Cabinets & Countertops 3429 Hwy 54 E GENE & BECKY KRAMPE 6264 Old Hwy. 54, Philpot, KY 42366 (270) 729-4594 Funeral Home Delivery in Davis County 926-4200 Whitesville Drug Store, Inc. JEFF GOETZ OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT Pharmacist Whitesville, Kentucky Phone: 233-4166 A Complete Prescription Service Is Our Trademark Kubota • Stihl • Cub Cadet Scag • Honda • Bad Boy 5600 Old Hwy. 54 325 Salem Dr. Philpot, KY Owensboro, KY 729-4721 684-8488 A&G GARDEN CENTER VESSEL’S 9770 OAK STREET Whitesville, KY Angie & Greg Beyke, Owner 270-929-3846 fax 270-281-5804 [email protected] MINI MARKET 233-9581 Gas • Pizza • Movies Hot/Cold Deli Fresh Rolling Pin Donuts Saturday and Sunday Mornings PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. PUSH Howard’s Body Shop & Auto Sales TALK ................... 24/7 HELP ................... AUTO SALES BUY - SELL - TRADE 24 HR WRECKER SERVICE 233-5436 — 233-0258 We Buy Junk Cars $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH BARRET-FISHER COMPANY Complete line of Janitor Supplies and Equipment Authorized Distributor of Franklin Floor Care Products 4650 Frederica St. Owensboro, KY Authorized Distributor of Nobles Locally Owned & Operated Floor Machines and Carpet Equipment Owensboro’s only Factory Direct Distributor of Kimberly-Clark Paper Products 686-7508 FAST FREE DELIVERY 683-6126 Fax 683-2672 Toll-Free 1 800-234-7186 800 J.R. Miller Blvd., Owensboro 233-9250 10531 Main Cross Street Whitesville, KY 42378 ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Sunday 3-8 • Monday - Thursday 3-9 Friday - Saturday 3-10 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 604850 St Mary of the Woods Church 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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