Sunday, 26 October 2014 ...

New - As some of you may know Penny Smith is currently undergoing chemotherapy.
She and Kate would very much appreciate the occasional meal, (nothing spicy or
exotic please!) left on her doorstep, preferably in a freezable container. So next time
you cook a stew, cottage pie or similar, perhaps you could make a couple of extra
portions. For more details speak to the clergy or 'phone Mel Le Vesconte 07775
New - We are instituting a regular Dads’ Curry Night as a new St Mary’s tradition to
help us all get to know each other better. The first Curry Night will be on Thursday
27 November, 8pm at Red Chilli, 467-469 Upper Richmond Rd West SW14 7PU
For more details contact Tom - [email protected] - 8878 7548, or James
Marshall – [email protected] - mobile: 07912 126 903.
New - Advent Quiet Day: Reflections on a Christmas Carol. At St Mary’s,
Saturday 29th November, 10am-4pm (after the 9.30am Eucharist). No need to
book. Bring packed lunch. Tea and coffee provided. Contacts: Mel Le Vesconte
(8878 2298) or Tom Carson (8878 7458).
New - All Saints Jazz Supper - Saturday 22nd November, at All Saints, at 7.30pm.
Featuring the Blue Harlem band with hot supper, and dancing. Tickets £20 available
in advance from All Saints on Sundays, or email:
[email protected]
Church Heating: The church heating has broken down and will not be usable this
winter. A working group is looking at options for repair or replacement and is reporting
back to the Consultative Group. We may well need to fundraise for a replacement
system and further information will be given as soon as we know more. In the
meantime and as an emergency measure, additional electric heaters have been
purchased. These will be sited mainly on the North side of the church (the partition
side), so you may like to bear this in mind when choosing where to sit during the
colder months.
Volunteers: Thank you to all who serve St Mary's and our local community in ways
too numerous to mention. If you are not yet involved, or would like to try doing
something different, please read the leaflet explaining how you can play your part
and sign up on the board at the back of church.
Parish Christmas Lunch & Tea: Help still needed before and on the day with
cooking, serving, raffle gifts, driving, organising, entertaining, socialising, lending
equipment. If you can help or would like to be involved in any way, please contact
Olwen 8876 7183 or [email protected]
Christingle Party – volunteers still needed - on Sunday 30th November for our
family Christingle Party between 3 - 5pm. There will be activities, a Christingle
service and party tea. To make this happen we need lots of volunteers! Please sign
up at the back of church to help on the day. For more information, contact Kat
Graham (8408 9007) or Tom & Marian Carson (8878 7548).
Knitted Sheep needed: This year we are producing a good number of knitted sheep
in connection with some 'sheepish' additions to St Mary's Knitivity. If you can help please speak to Susie Lansbury - [email protected] or one of the clergy.
in the
Mortlake with East Sheen Team Ministry
Parish Office 88761630 - [email protected]
Team Rector Revd Canon Dr Ann Nickson 8876 4816 [email protected]
Parish Curate Revd Tom Carson 8878 7458 [email protected]
St Mary’s Website;
Follow us on Twitter: @mortlakerector
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Last Sunday after Trinity
Holy Communion at High Altar [BCP] p.288, Readings p. 247
Holy Communion – at the Nave altar [Common Worship - Order One]
3.00pm Memorial Service at All Saints
We welcome the families and friends of Charlie Herald and Joseph Tedd
who are to be baptised today
27 October – 1 November 2014
NO Tiddlywinks at St Mary’s – half term
Holy Communion followed by coffee
Jesus and Brian at Christ Church
NO Songs and Stories at All Saints – half term
NO Songs and Stories at Christ Church – half term
Holy Communion + coffee shop until 12 noon
Parish Circle Dancing at St Mary’s
The Eucharist is also held at Christ Church (Wed) and All Saints (Tues, and Thurs)
Speak to clergy for details or see Parish Link
Mission and Community Concern: The Bible Society working to help the
church engage with the Bible effectively and through the arts, education, media
and politics to make the Bible accessible and credible in our culture.
Parish/Church Concern: For all the volunteers who serve our three churches
and our local community.
World/UK Concern: For all under attack from Islamic State in Kobane and
other parts of Syria and Iraq, especially children, the elderly and other
vulnerable people.
Community For Guides and Brownies, Scouts and Cubs and their leaders.
The sick and those in need: Veronica Jolly, Ted Garnett, Penny Smith, Clive
Oxley and Val Brooker.
Those who have died: Alan Deller, Jan Newton, Nick Phillips
Parish Website: