Legislative Digest for Monday, November 17, 2014 Legislative Actions At A Glance SENATE ACTIONS The Senate stands Adjourned until Wednesday – November 19, 2014 at 12:00 PM. a. INTRODUCTIONS | 0 Bills or Resolutions Filed Today b. MAJOR ACTIONS | 0 Bills had Major Actions Today c. REFERRAL ACTIONS | 0 Bills had Referral Actions Today d. COMMITTEE ACTIONS | 0 Bills had Committee Status Changes Today e. SPONSOR/CO-SPONSOR ACTIONS | 3 Bills had Sponsor Changes Today HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ACTIONS The House stands adjourned until Wednesday - November 19, 2014 at 12:00 PM. a. INTRODUCTIONS | 4 Bills or Resolutions Filed Today b. MAJOR ACTIONS | 3 Bills had Major Actions Today c. REFERRAL ACTIONS | 0 Bills had Referral Actions Today d. COMMITTEE ACTIONS | 0 Bills had Committee Status Changes Today e. SPONSOR/CO-SPONSOR ACTIONS | 24 Bills had Sponsor Changes Today EXECUTIVE & MISCELLANEOUS ACTIONS a. EXECUTIVE ACTIONS | None COMMITTEE SCHEDULE SPONSOR/CO-SPONSOR ACTIONS HB5333 SCH CD-BLACK HISTORY-REPORT (Davis M) Amends the School Code. Requires a school district, at the end of each school year, to file a report with the State Board of Education that summarizes each school's instruction on Black History for that school year. Provides that, on or before August 1 of each year, the State Board of Education shall compile these reports into a statewide report and file the statewide report with the General Assembly. Alternate Chief Sponsor Changed to Sen. Emil Jones, III HB5485 PUBLIC LABOR REL-MANNING (Mayfield R) Restores current law and further provides that the case of fire fighter, and fire department or fire district paramedic matters, the arbitration decision shall be limited to wages, hours, and conditions of employment, including manning and also including residency requirements in municipalities with a population under 1,000,000. Effective immediately. Added as Alternate Co-Sponsor Sen. Michael Noland SR1519 EDUCATION PENSION COST SHIFT (Rezin S) States the opinion of the Illinois Senate that the proposed educational pension cost shift from the State of Illinois to local school districts, community colleges, and institutions of higher education is financially wrong. Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Wm. Sam McCann 217 East Monroe Street, Suite 93 | Springfield, Illinois 62701 Office 217.679.0453 | [email protected] | www.hannah-il.com Page 1 of 8 INTRODUCTIONS HJ114 LINCOLN DEATH ANNIVERSARY 150 (Brady D) Designates May 2, 2015 through May 4, 2015 as days of remembrance in honor of the 150th anniversary of President Abraham Lincoln's death and funeral, and requests the Governor to order the United States flag and the flag of the State of Illinois to be flown at half-staff on those days. Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Dan Brady HJ115 CAHOKIA MOUNDS-NAT'L MONUMENT (Costello J) Urges Congress to elevate the national status of Cahokia Mounds and thematically-connected Mound Complexes that are deemed suitable and nationally-significant as a non-contiguous National Historical Park. Alternatively calls upon the President to exercise his authority by Executive Order to designate Cahokia Mounds as a National Monument. Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Jerry F. Costello, II HR1333 SHELDON PECK HOMESTEAD 175YRS (Pihos S) Recognizes the Sheldon Peck Homestead on its 175th anniversary. Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Sandra M. Pihos HR1334 TCD 40TH ANNIVERSARY (Pihos S) Congratulates the staff and administration of the Technology Center of DuPage on the occasion of the Center's 40th anniversary. Filed with the Clerk by Rep. Sandra M. Pihos 217 East Monroe Street, Suite 93 | Springfield, Illinois 62701 Office 217.679.0453 | [email protected] | www.hannah-il.com Page 2 of 8 MAJOR ACTIONS HB4075 TRANSPORTATION-TECH (Madigan M) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Provides that the Secretary of State shall issue distinctive registration plates for vehicles used in commercial ridesharing arrangements. Provides that vehicles used in commercial ridesharing arrangements must have proof of financial responsibility. Motion Filed Override Governor Veto Rep. Michael J. Zalewski HB5331 Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. (Zalewski M) Amends the Illinois Vehicle Code. Amends the Section concerning registration plates and registration stickers if and only if House Bill 4075 of the 98th General Assembly becomes law. Provides that the registration plate requirements for commercial ridesharing vehicles apply to vehicles used in commercial ridesharing arrangements as provided in the Ridesharing Arrangements and Consumer Protection Act for more than 36 hours in any 2 week (14 consecutive day) period, rather than 18 hours per week. Amends the Ridesharing Arrangements and Consumer Protection Act. Amends a Section concerning home rule regulation of commercial ridesharing arrangements amended by House Bill 4075 if and only if House Bill 4075 of the 98th General Assembly becomes law. Motion Filed Override Governor Veto Rep. Michael J. Zalewski SB1740 PROP TX-ASSESSMENT FREEZE PROG (Trotter D) Amends the Property Tax Code. Creates the Community Stabilization Assessment Freeze Pilot Program. Provides that any the chief county assessment officer in a county with 3,000,000 or more inhabitants may reduce the assessed value of certain improvements to residential real property for 10 taxable years after the improvements are put in service if certain conditions are met and the residence is located in a census tract where more than 10% of the residences have had at least one foreclosure filing since the 2005 calendar year. House Floor Amendment - Filed No. 3 Filed with Clerk by Rep. John E. Bradley 217 East Monroe Street, Suite 93 | Springfield, Illinois 62701 Office 217.679.0453 | [email protected] | www.hannah-il.com Page 3 of 8 SPONSOR/CO-SPONSOR ACTIONS HB3718 MIN WAGE-INCREASE 2014-2016 (Turner A) Amends the Minimum Wage Law. Increases the minimum wage to $9.25 per hour on October 1, 2014, $10 per hour on July 1, 2015, and $10.65 per hour on July 1, 2016. Effective immediately. Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Litesa E. Wallace HB3817 ELECTIONS-TECH (Madigan M) Amends the Election Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning the nomination of candidates for the General Assembly. Added Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie HB6315 ISBE-RULES-UNFUNDED MANDATES (Tryon M) Amends the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act. Provides that for each rule proposed to be adopted by the State Board of Education impacting the operations of any school district, any interested person may request the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules to determine whether the proposed rule is a State mandate. If the Joint Committee determines that the proposed rule is a State mandate, then the running of all periods under the Illinois Administrative Procedure Act shall be tolled, and no Certificate of No Objection may be issued for the rule, until the rule has been approved by a joint resolution of the General Assembly. Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Sandra M. Pihos HJ108 CONGRATS - LOYOLA MENS VOLLEY (Madigan M) Congratulates the Loyola University Chicago men's volleyball team on winning the 2014 Midwest Intercollegiate Volleyball Association Tournament and its achievements over the 2013 and 2014 seasons. Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Barbara Wheeler Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Daniel J. Burke Added Co-Sponsor Rep. La Shawn K. Ford Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Monique D. Davis Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Naomi D. Jakobsson Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Jack D. Franks Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Robyn Gabel Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Kelly M. Cassidy Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Thaddeus Jones Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Camille Y. Lilly Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Kenneth Dunkin Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Christian L. Mitchell Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Carol A. Sente Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Frances Ann Hurley Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Elgie R. Sims, Jr. Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Emanuel Chris Welch Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Emily McAsey SB2887 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECH (Biss D) Amends the Illinois Pension Code. Makes a technical change in a Section concerning State universities. Added Alternate Chief Co-Sponsor Rep. Barbara Flynn Currie SB2905 PROP TX-VETERANS (Hastings M) Amends the Property Tax Code and the Mobile Home Local Services Tax Act. Provides that the disabled veterans' exemption also applies to housing that is donated or improved by a charitable organization if the veteran was eligible to receive federal funds for the purchase or construction of Specially Adapted Housing. Effective immediately. Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Al Riley SB3216 TANF-CHILD SUPPORT DISREGARDS (Lightford K) Amends the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Article of the Illinois Public Aid Code. Provides that the first $100 of child support collected on behalf of a family in a month for one child and the first $200 of child support collected on behalf of a family in a month for 2 or more children shall be passed through to the family and disregarded in determining the amount of the assistance grant provided to the family. Provides that any amount of child support that would be disregarded in determining the amount of the assistance grant shall be disregarded in determining eligibility for cash assistance. Effective immediately. Alternate Chief Sponsor Changed to Rep. Greg Harris SC75 US CONST EQUAL RIGHTS AMEND (Steans H) Provides for the ratification of the proposed equal rights amendment to the United States Constitution. Added Alternate Co-Sponsor Rep. Kenneth Dunkin 217 East Monroe Street, Suite 93 | Springfield, Illinois 62701 Office 217.679.0453 | [email protected] | www.hannah-il.com Page 4 of 8 House Elementary & Secondary Education Committee Rep. Chapa LaVia: (217) 558-1002 Tue., Nov. 18, 2014, 2:00 PM, Room 114 Capitol Building ~ TIME CHANGE ~ HJ107 SCH CD MANDATE WAIVER REPORT (Chapa LaVia L); House Appropriations - Elementary & Secondary Education Committee Rep. Davis: (217) 782-8197 Tue., Nov. 18, 2014, 3:00 PM, Room 114 Capitol Building SUBJECT MATTER: Joint Committee with Elementary and Secondary Education Committee regarding SB16. SB16 EDUCATION-TECH (Cullerton J); House Elementary & Secondary Education Committee Rep. Chapa LaVia: (217) 558-1002 Tue., Nov. 18, 2014, 3:00 PM, Room 114 Capitol Building SUBJECT MATTER: Joint Committee with Appropriation Elementary and Secondary Education regarding SB16. SB16 EDUCATION-TECH (Cullerton J); House Executive Committee Rep. Burke: (217) 782-1117 Tue., Nov. 18, 2014, 3:00 PM, Room 118 Capitol Building ~ Updated 11/12/2014 at 1:30 PM ~ HB3639 VIDEO GAMING-TERMINAL OPERATOR (DeLuca A); HB3817 ELECTIONS-TECH (Madigan M); SB726 LIQUOR CONTROL-0.5% ALCOHOL (Cullerton J); SB1680 LOCGOV EMPLOYEE RIGHTS (Link T); SB2887 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS-TECH (Biss D); SB2933 PENS CD-DWNST POLICE-BOARD (Koehler D); House Appropriations - Human Services Committee Rep. Harris: (217) 782-3835 Tue., Nov. 18, 2014, 4:00 PM, Room C-1 Stratton Building SB3171 MEDICAID-PODIATRY SERVICES (Trotter D); House Public Utilities Committee Rep. Phelps: (217) 782-5131 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 10:00 AM, Room 118 Capitol Building ~ Updated 11/17/2014 at 11:30 AM ~ HB3975 REGULATION-TECH (Madigan M); HB3976 REGULATION-TECH (Madigan M); SB3265 CTY CD-COURT SERVICES FEE (Haine W); House State Government Administration Committee Rep. Franks: (217) 782-1717 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 10:00 AM, Room 114 Capitol Building HJ109 ALAN DIXON BLD - ILL ST MUSEUM (Madigan M); SB218 LOTTERY-TICKET FOR RECOVERY (Cullerton J); 217 East Monroe Street, Suite 93 | Springfield, Illinois 62701 Office 217.679.0453 | [email protected] | www.hannah-il.com Page 5 of 8 House Health Care Licenses Committee Rep. Zalewski: (217) 782-5280 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 10:30 AM, Room D-1 Stratton Building SB649 REGULATION-TECH (Cullerton J); House Labor & Commerce Committee Rep. Hoffman: (217) 782-0104 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 10:30 AM, Room 413 Stratton Building SB1653 LINE OF DUTY SUICIDE (Hastings M); House Revenue & Finance Committee Rep. Bradley: (217) 782-1051 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 10:30 AM, Room 122B Capitol Building HB6303 TIF EXTEND-VILLAGE OF LANSING (Sims E); SB500 LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECH (Cullerton J); SB3397 ROTA-BAD DEBT (Hutchinson T); House Transportation: Vehicles & Safety Committee Rep. D'Amico: (217) 782-8198 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 10:30 AM, Room C-1 Stratton Building SB3509 VEH CD-ONLINE INSURANCE (Muñoz A); House Environment Committee Rep. McAsey: (217) 782-4179 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 11:00 AM, Room C-1 Stratton Building HB4042 SAFETY-TECH (Madigan M); House Judiciary Committee Rep. Nekritz: (217) 558-1004 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 2:00 PM, Room 118 Capitol Building HB4657 LIENS: SUBSTITUTION OF BOND (Turner A); HB5803 LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECH (Gordon-Booth J); HB5804 LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECH (Gordon-Booth J); HC7 CONAMEND-EQUAL RIGHTS (Lang L); House Transportation: Regulation, Roads & Bridges Committee Rep. Beiser: (217) 782-5996 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 2:00 PM, Room 114 Capitol Building HJ111 MONROE FLINN MEM HWY (Costello J); Senate Executive Committee Sen. Harmon: (217) 782-8176 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 2:00 PM, Room 212 Capitol Building HB5485 PUBLIC LABOR REL-MANNING (Mayfield R); HB5878 LOCAL GOVERNMENT-TECH (Rita R); Senate State Government & Veterans' Affairs Committee 217 East Monroe Street, Suite 93 | Springfield, Illinois 62701 Office 217.679.0453 | [email protected] | www.hannah-il.com Page 6 of 8 Sen. Landek: (217) 782-0054 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 2:00 PM, Room 409 Capitol Building HJ91 ILL VET SUICIDE TASK FORCE (Kifowit S); SB3530 UNEMP INS SHARED WORK BENEFITS (Stadelman S); Senate Agriculture and Conservation Committee Sen. Koehler: (217) 782-8250 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 3:00 PM, Room 212 Capitol Building ~ CANCELED on 11/14/2014 at 2:00 PM ~ Senate Education Committee Sen. Delgado: (217) 782-5652 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 3:00 PM, Room 400 Capitol Building HB5537 SCH CD-ST BD ED INTERVENTIONS (Currie B); HJ107 SCH CD MANDATE WAIVER REPORT (Chapa LaVia L); Senate Judiciary Committee Sen. Raoul: (217) 558-6006 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 4:00 PM, Room 212 Capitol Building HB4204 CONDOMINIUM OMBUDSPERSON ACT (Nekritz E); Senate Transportation Committee Sen. Sandoval: (217) 782-5304 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 5:00 PM, Room 212 Capitol Building SUBJECT MATTER: Subject Matter Testimony on: SJR 77 SJ77 TRANSPORT FUNDING TASK FORCE (Sandoval M); Senate Agriculture and Conservation Committee Sen. Koehler: (217) 782-8250 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 5:01 PM, Room 212 Capitol Building ~Joint Hearing With Senate Transportation Committee~ SUBJECT MATTER: Subject Matter Testimony on: Illinois' Aging Water Infrastructure Senate Transportation Committee Sen. Sandoval: (217) 782-5304 Wed., Nov. 19, 2014, 5:01 PM, Room 212 Capitol Building ~Joint Hearing With Senate Agriculture and Conservation Committee~ SUBJECT MATTER: Subject Matter Testimony on: Illinois' Aging Water Infrastructure Senate Local Government Committee Sen. Jones: (217) 782-9573 Thu., Nov. 20, 2014, 9:00 AM, Room 212 Capitol Building HB3707 TWP CD-TOWNSHIP BILLS (Osmond J); House Public Utilities Committee Rep. Phelps: (217) 782-5131 217 East Monroe Street, Suite 93 | Springfield, Illinois 62701 Office 217.679.0453 | [email protected] | www.hannah-il.com Page 7 of 8 Thu., Nov. 20, 2014, 10:00 AM, Room 114 Capitol Building ~ CANCELED 11/17/2014 at 11:00 AM ~ House Mass Transit Committee Wed., Dec. 10, 2014, 9:30 AM, C-600 Bilandic Building SUBJECT MATTER: Services Boards' 2015 Budgets. Rep. Riley: (217) 558-1007
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