NOVEMBER 12, 2014—NOVEMBER 25, 2014 ▪ VOLUME 13, NO. 23 ADVENT……A SEASON OF WAITING………………by Pastor Ken Gibson “Wait for the Lord, whose day draws near Wait for the Lord: be strong, take heart!” ELW Hymn #262 The Advent hymn above has only these two lines and when we choose to sing it during advent each year it is sung in repetition. And after doing such it becomes a melodious rhythm that we hear in our ears and it seems to become almost a pattern for our breath, as we vocalize in Taize Community tune, these words again and again. I enjoy this hymn and also many other hymns that we sing only in our short season of Advent. In a very real way I find myself longing for and waiting for this season of “waiting,” ironically enough. But it has to do, for me at least, with the purpose of it all. In a world where we wait for very little I love the chance to be still and wait a bit. To take a moment or two and contemplate the coming of our Lord, again in a few weeks and focus on the reality that He came! Jesus came and we wait again for this truth to take hold in our hearts. Seems strange perhaps, for someone to enjoy some intentional waiting I suppose, but it is true. I am pleased that, in the church, we have a season to help us wait, to slow us down as it were and to bid us to be strong in our waiting and to take heart in our waiting. Think about it; How often do we get accustomed to the speed that guides our daily lives? Think of the last time you went through a drive through window and how you may have gotten frustrated that; the person in front of you who surely must have ordered everything on the menu, as it is taking all of three to five minutes to fill their order and all you wanted was a small coffee to go. Or, think about the last time you actually used a teller at a bank and not banked on line or went through the drive through. Just the whole concept of “drive through” should tell us something about the way in which we live today. And how many of us would be lost without the speed and completeness of our “smart” phones? Well, I am going to ask all of us to find some time to do as this hymn pleads. WAIT! One place you might want to find some waiting time is during our special Weds night Advent services which will begin on Weds December 3. This year Christmas Eve is on a Weds so we will only have three special services where we will use Holden Evening Prayer as our guide with ample time for silence and waiting. These are special service and they bid us all to find some “waiting time.” So again: “Wait for the Lord, whose day draws near Wait for the Lord: be strong, take heart!” THANKSGIVING ALTAR DISPLAY— We are in need of pumpkins, squash, colorful gourds, apples, potatoes, Indian corn, and corn stalks. Please leave your donations in the entryway on the upper level the week of November 17th. Please be sure that these items are cleaned of any dirt or mud before you bring them into the building. All edible produce will be donated to the Food Pantry after November 30th. Any questions contact Judy Reilly 815 353-4638 or [email protected]. WORSHIP TODAY Sunday, November 16, 2014 Lectionary 33, Proper 28 Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost INTRODUCTION: Our readings during November speak of the end times. Zephaniah proclaims that the coming day of the Lord will be filled with wrath and distress. Paul says it will come like a thief in the night and urges us to be awake and sober. Jesus tells the parable of the talents, calling us to use our gifts, while we still have time, for the greater and common good. In a world filled with violence and despair, we gather around signs of hope—word, water, bread and wine—eager to welcome the good news of Christ's coming among us. READINGS: Zephaniah 1:7, 12–18 Psalm 90:1–12 1 Thessalonians 5:1–11 Matthew 25:14–30 Sunday, November 23, 2014 Christ the King / Lectionary 34 INTRODUCTION: On this final Sunday of the church year our gospel is Jesus' great story of judgment. In the end, the faithful are those who served Christ by ministering to those who are poor, hungry, naked, sick, or estranged. In the first reading God is the shepherd who seeks the lost, weak, and injured and feeds them with justice. We gather this day to celebrate the reign of Christ and his victory over death, yet awaiting the consummation of all things yet to come. Acknowledging Christ as our merciful ruler, we go forth that his reign may be known in our loving words and deeds. READINGS: Ezekiel 34:11–16, 20–24 Psalm 95:1–7a Ephesians 1:15–23 Matthew 25:31–46 PRAYERS-Please lift up these petitions in your prayers—To become a praying member of the Friends in Prayer, please submit name and e-mail address to [email protected]. World: Bishop Eaton, Bishop Wollersheim; those serving in military conflicts, Arusha Town Lutheran Parish in Tanzania (our companion parish), Scott Bunch serving in the military, Tyler Stiemke serving overseas, Pfc. Henry Trebes (friend of the Laird family), Army Reserves, deployed to Cuba Woodstock: Pastor Ken Gibson and his family; Pastor Amanda Bergstrom and her family; Grace Staff; Grace Council Health Concerns: Katie Arana, Marge Birk, Frank Bunch, Gertrude Cox (grandmother of Angie Ribbe), Dennis Daily (friend of Marilyn Vanskike), Gloria & Ken DeRango (mother and step father of Brian Pilgard), Ken DeVogelaere, Marge Dierksen, Betty Dusthimer (sister of Diane Thurow), Tannie Fiorina (mother of John Fiorina), Patrick Fraily (friend of August and Theo Hutchens), Maroulla Hahne (friend of Bill & Martha Fleck), Gloria Holy, Patrice Hoover, August Hutchens, Theo Hutchens, Ruth Iwanicki, Christina Jaggi (friend of Adele Petersen), Donald Janavyak (friend of Shirley Berna), Fila Johnson (sister-in-law to Roberta Herzog), John Johnson (brother of Jerry Johnson), Vincent Lopez (father of Tom Lopez), Nancy McCormick (cousin of Martha Fleck), John McMahon, Gail Mueller, Jesse Myjak, Daniel Nattress, June Noel (mother of Marylee Steinwehe), Herb Neubaum, Don Nusbaum, Carol O’Brien (sister of Bill Larsen), Gloria Ogle, Alice Pate, Shawn Rank (son of Bert & Carol Rank), Joshua Rumschlog (great grandson of Eileen Weide), Joan Russell (mother of Sheri Conover) Ellen Schulz (daughter- in-law of Diane Schulz), Margaret Stawicki (mother of Nan Goerlitz), Carol Thompson (daughter of Marge Dierksen), Josh Tillman, Brian Tobin (grandson of Enn Teetsov), Jerry Virgil (father of Melynda Mauer), Karen Wells, Jeannie Wilcox, Ruth Zirves Joy: Baptism of Nicole Christine Diane Behm If you wish to add a prayer request for this newsletter, please call the church office at 815-338-0554. Your prayer concern will run for one week and may be renewed. Submissions to the Friends in Prayer e-mail and phone teams may also be submitted by telephone to the church office or by e-mail to Due to confidentiality laws, hospitals no longer notify churches or pastors when a member is hospitalized. If you or a member of your family have a medical procedure planned or is admitted to the hospital, please call the church office at 815-338-0554. Page 2 NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Worship ~ Evangelism ~ Ministry with the Poor ~ Spirituality ~ Discipleship ~ Youth ~ Leadership February 27, 2008 Page 2 Worship Evangelism Ministry with the Poor Spirituality Discipleship Youth Leadership GOD BLESS YOU AND GOODNIGHT… Pastor Amanda Bergstrom Each night as part of a nighttime routine, Jon and I enjoy reading a bedtime story to Johanna. We have quite a few ‘bedtime themed’ stories to choose from, and even as we rotate through the mix, they are becoming quite familiar. There are the lovely details of what one finds ‘in the great green room,’ scenes from creation describing ‘the night you were born,’ the story of ‘ten sleepy sheep,’ and so much more. One of the bedtime stories we read is God Bless You and Good Night, written by Hannah C. Hall. The story is not terribly profound, but there’s something about its simplicity that gets stuck in my head. Here are the words from one page in the middle of the book that I’d like to share with you all this day: Let’s settle down and settle in And close our eyes to pray. You’ve wrestled, raced, and run and chased. “God, thank you for this day.” On many days, I find it so easy to wrestle, race, run, and chase, that sometimes I forget to settle down and pray. When I read these words in the quiet time just before going to sleep, what a welcome reminder it is to give thanks for each day. At the beginning of November, we gathered to give thanks on All Saints Day, and at the close of this month, many will gather for fellowship around Thanksgiving meals. I invite you, in these days in between to find time each day to settle down and close your eyes to pray, “God, thank you for this day.” Blessings on your days and nights, your running and racing, and your settling and praying. God bless you, and goodnight! CHRISTMAS FAMILY SHARING—You are invited to come be a part of the Christmas Family Sharing (CFS) Ministry at Grace. We will be supporting Bethel New Life's Christmas Store and the Family Health Partnership Clinic (FHPC). Please come visit the CFS table in the narthex on November 15/16, 22/23, and 29/30 to ask questions and get your gift buying information. All gifts need to be returned by noon on December 7. Please feel free to call or email Mary Beth Martin-Bellavia at 815-338-5194 or [email protected] for more info. BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS—The Spirituality Team and Nancy Kreznor will be offering free blood pressure checks in the narthex between Sunday services, 9:30—10:30 am. The dates for 2014 are Nov. 16 and Dec 21. CRANDALL’S CHICKEN DINNER FUNDRAISER— An all-you-can-eat chicken dinner on Monday, November 17, 4-8 p.m. at Crandall’s in Hebron will support next summer’s trips to Confirmation Camp and the ELCA Youth Gathering. Come support our youth as they serve beverages, and clean tables. NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION—It is time for a new member class! Grace will be hosting a new member orientation breakfast on November 22, at 10 a.m., in Grace Center. We will be having juice, coffee and some homemade goodies. Those that would like to become members of Grace or get more information on what it means to be a member of the family here at Grace, please sign up at the Information Center in the activity binder or call the church office, 815-338-0554. YOUNG ADULT BREAKFAST WITH THE PASTORS—College students & young adults are invited to breakfast with the pastors on Wednesday, November 26 at 9 a.m. at Three Brothers Restaurant. Please spread the word! See you soon! LIGHTING OF THE SQUARE COOKIE DISTRIBUTION— Join fellow Grace members on the Woodstock Square on Friday, November 28, at 6:30 p.m. as we distribute home-made cookies and spread the joy of the season. Watch for a sign-up sheet on the Activity Board, and join us the week before to bake the 800 cookies too!! Worship ~ Evangelism ~ Ministry with the Poor ~ Spirituality ~ Discipleship ~ Youth ~ Leadership NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Page 3 LUNCHES FOR LEARNING—For the last three years Grace has, through an endowment grant, supported the school Policarpo Paz García in Honduras via the Lunches for Learning program. By providing lunches for the students throughout the school year they are able to attend classes instead of begging or working menial jobs to earn their daily bread. By enabling students to study through graduation we give them the chance to get good jobs, improve their country, and break the cycle of poverty which is so prevalent in Honduras. As in previous years, the graduates wrote Grace a letter of invitation for our members to attend their ceremony on November 17th: We greet all the members of the church and hope they are well in their daily work. At the same time we make them a cordial invitation to attend our year-end closing. We bid you farewell with a big hug. In the letter each student told of their future plans. Here are a couple: ~ I desire for my future to study hard and become a police officer to work and help my family. ~ I desire for my future to study hard and be a stylist to work and help my family out of poverty. It will be my honor to represent Grace at their graduation ceremony this year. Please keep the graduates in your prayers that their wishes may be fulfilled, and for all the students that they may continue their studies so that they have the same chance to graduate and move on to a better future. In Christ, Andy Bellavia SENIOR LUNCHEON – Tuesday, November 18 (3rd Tuesday) - With winter quickly approaching, we have Cheryl Levinson, RN–BC from Family Alliance coming to teach us how stress affects our bodies and what we can do to deal with it. Another step in staying healthy this winter. Our delicious meal starts off with a Raspberry Salad, Creamy Beef Stroganoff Meatballs, Egg Noodles, Broccoli Florets, Rye Bread and No Bake Pumpkin Spice Layer Dessert. Cost is $5.00, bring a friend. Please sign up in the Activity Binder by November 16 Questions, call Shirley Busse at 815-338-9063 SUNDAY BY SUNDAY BOOK CLUB is a discussion group that reviews the Sunday Bible reading and then applies them to our lives as we read through the Sunday by Sunday Books. We invite you to join our lively discussion as we start a new church year on Nov. 30 at 9:45am in room 102. If you have any questions please call: Shirley Busse at 338-9063 or Ila Randolph at 338-7380. All are welcome! MEN’S BIBLE STUDY GROUP HAPPENINGS! GOSPEL OF MARK AND GRUMPY OLD MEN! - The Men’s Bible Study Group will continue to meet on Tuesday mornings at 6:30 AM while eating Breakfast at Three Brothers here in Woodstock. The men are now about to work their way through the Gospel of Mark. Check the church calendar for dates but most all Tuesday mornings we meet, share in the word, and enjoy fellowship and food. All men of the church are welcome! Also, the Men’s Bible Study Group is hoping to sponsor some Men’s Movie Nights. Our first MMN will be Nov. 30, featuring the Movie “Grumpy Old Men.” In keeping with the good spirit of the film, this will be an Ice Fishing Theme night! Come wearing your best dressed flannel shirts and winter hats! Best “lookalike awards” will be given to the guy or guys that look the most like the two main characters! Who knows, we may even eat some “Spam”, some “beef jerky” and maybe even enjoy a “Schmidt” beverage! All in all this will be a very fun night with a round of questions to help us men talk about how we, as men, live and work through our relationships. Please sign up for the event so we know how much Spam to buy. You can sign up at the welcome desk there will be a sign up sheet in the green binder. Look for the sheet that smells like fish bait! (Just kidding) Plan on gathering at the Hansing home around 6 PM and we will roll the film at 6:30! “Shingles Smingles!” GRACE PRESCHOOL—Our preschool is in need of substitutes. Contact Mrs. Chris for additional information. 815-338-0554 x 213 or [email protected]. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE —All Grace for Today articles for the November 26 issue should be sent to Lynn Nattress at [email protected] or to the church office by noon on Tuesday, November 18. Page 4 NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Worship ~ Evangelism ~ Ministry with the Poor ~ Spirituality ~ Discipleship ~ Youth ~ Leadership February 27, 2008 Page 4 Worship Evangelism Ministry with the Poor Spirituality Discipleship Youth Leadership THE 2015 SABBATICAL – FOCUS ON FAMILY AND RENEWAL— Grace Lutheran is honored to be one of just a few national recipients of a Lilly Endowment National Clergy Renewal grant. This grant will aid us in our strategic goal to support the long-term spiritual, physical and emotional health of our pastors by providing opportunities for sabbatical leaves. Sabbatical leaves are a time for personal and professional renewal; they are a time for intentional exploration and self-reflection. The sabbatical provides time and focus for regaining the enthusiasm and creativity that a pastor needs to maintain a long-term, healthy relationship with their congregation. The sabbatical is not just for the pastor, it is also a time for congregational renewal. During the sabbatical period (July - September, 2015) we, at Grace, will parallel Pastor Ken’s activities as we focus on our Grace family and renew those bonds and celebrate the love of God that brings us together. We will also share in Pastor Ken’s learnings as he follows the path that Luther traveled during the writing of his Small Catechism. We will start with an old-fashioned Grace family reunion picnic at the end of June. This will be an opportunity to strengthen our Grace family ties as we offer our prayers and best wishes to Pastor Ken as he embarks on his personal time for renewal. Through the funds obtained in the grant, we will also provide each family with a copy of the Small Catechism and information to follow and learn with Pastor Ken during his travels in Germany. Children will also receive a coloring book of the Luther sites. At the conclusion of the sabbatical, we will again gather at Grace for an Oktoberfest family reunion as we welcome back Pastor Ken. This will be a time to further strengthen our Grace family ties, celebrate our German heritage and provide Pastor Ken an opportunity to begin sharing his experiences with the congregation. We will continue to share information about the details of the sabbatical with the congregation after the Christmas season. Respectfully, Ken Hansing and Corey Tafoya SHOPPING DAY / CHILD CARE FUNDRAISER—The Preschool Committee will be holding a special child care day on Saturday, December 6, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. $15 per child or $30 for a family. Children will enjoy crafts, movie time and free play in the classrooms & gym. Watch for more details, and for more information please contact Heidi Olsen or Patty Kozlow. PROGRESSIVE DINNER AND CHRISTMAS PARTY—The Weekender's Progressive Dinner and Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, December 6 starting at 6:00PM at Grace with appetizers in the Narthex. Parties will then divide off to hosts homes for salad and dinner and then meet back at the Cornell house for Dessert and fellowship. Cost is $15 per person for non-hosts which includes beverages and dinner. All adults are invited to attend. Couples and singles are welcome, young, old and anywhere in the middle. We are currently looking for 6 to 8 people to host dinner in their homes for approximately 8 people. If you would like to host please contact Billie Cornell at 815-334-0723 or email [email protected]. Child care provided by the Confirmation and High School Youth as a fundraiser. Sign-up and additional information will be posted in the Narthex. Please mark your calendars and sign-up early. We will need to know how many hosts we need and how many youth for babysitting. Hope to see you there! WOMEN’S RETREAT 2015—SAVE THE DATE—The Women’s Retreat will be on January 24,2015. This one day retreat will be held at The Gardens of Woodstock from 9 am — 3 pm. This year’s theme is Seeking Peace, and the guest speaker will be Amy Current. Registration will start in December. Watch for more details to come! SAVE THE DATES— Crandall’s Chicken Dinner Fundraiser—Nov. 17, New Member Meeting—Nov. 22, Adult Bus Trip—Dec. 4, Preschool Shopping Day—Dec. 6, Progressive Dinner—Dec. 6, Women’s Retreat—Jan. 24 Worship ~ Evangelism ~ Ministry with the Poor ~ Spirituality ~ Discipleship ~ Youth ~ Leadership NOVEMBER 12, 2014 Page 5 Here is your link to the Weekend Worship Participants: Schedule: THE WEEKS AHEAD AT GRACE Saturday, November 1 5 Christmas Family Sharing 9:00 AM Band 5:00 PM Worship 6:00 PM Fair Trade Coffee Sunday, November 16 Christmas Family Sharing 8:30 AM Traditional Worship 9:30 AM Blood Pressure Checks 9:30 AM Fair Trade Coffee 9:45 AM Education Hour/Sunday by Sunday 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship 5:15 PM Youthful Spirit 6:15 PM Hand Chime Choir 6:30 PM Laudate 6:45 PM Graceful Ringers Monday, November 17 9:00 AM Preschool 2s, 4s, 4s & 5s 4:00 PM Crandall’s Dinner Fundraiser 6:30 PM Boy Scout Troop 153 7:00 PM Faith Circle Tuesday, November 18 9:00 AM Preschool 2s, 3s, 4s & 5s 12:00 PM Senior Luncheon 7:00 PM Prepare The Way Task Force Mtg. Wednesday, November 19 9:00 AM Preschool 2s, 4s, 4s & 5s 12:30 PM Staff Meeting 5:00 PM Messengers 5:15 PM 2 Year Old Class 5:15 PM PrimeTime —Pizza 5:30 PM Cherubs 6:00 PM Confirmation—Shoe Boxes 6:00 PM Revelation Ringers 6:15 PM Joyful Sound 6:30 PM Grace Dance 7:00 PM Chancel Choir/Grace Dance Thursday, November 20 9:00 AM Preschool 2s, 3s, 4s & 5s 12:00 PM DAP 1:00 PM Naomi Circle 7:00 PM Council February 27, 2008 Page 6 Visit the Grace website for the most up-to-date information for all that is happening at Grace! Friday, November 21 9:00 AM Preschool 4s, 4s & 5s 11:15 AM Adoration Saturday, November 22 Christmas Family Sharing 9:00 AM Band 10:00 AM New Member Orientation 12:00 PM Evangelism Bake Day 5:00 PM Worship Sunday, November 23 Christmas Family Sharing 8:30 AM Traditional Worship 9:45 AM Education Hour/Sunday By Sunday 10:45 AM Contemporary Worship 5:15 PM Youthful Spirit 6:15 PM Hand Chime Choir 6:30 PM Laudate 6:45 PM Graceful Ringers Monday, November 24 9:00 AM Preschool 2s, 4s, 4s & 5s 7:00 PM Chancel Tuesday, November 25 8:30 AM Preschool Feast Day 9:00 AM Preschool 2s, 3s, 4s & 5s 7:00 PM New Praise Singers Wednesday, November 26 8:30 AM Preschool Feast Day 9:00 AM College/Young Adult Breakfast 9:00 AM Preschool 2s, 4s, 4s & 5s 12:30 PM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Thanksgiving Eve Service Thursday, November 27 Thanksgiving / Church Office Closed Friday, November 28 Church Office Closed 11:15 AM Adoration Saturday, November 29 Christmas Family Sharing 9:00 AM Band 5:00 PM Worship GRACE STAFF & COUNCIL Senior Pastor Rev. Kenneth D. Gibson [email protected] Office Phone: 815-338-0554 Home Phone: 815-527-7215 Associate Pastor Director of Senior High Ministries Rev. Amanda Bergstrom Cell Phone: 630-664-9016 [email protected] Director of Communications Lynn Nattress [email protected] Director of Music Ministries Ron Fredriksen [email protected] Parish Musicians Terry Aavang, Jan Burns, Dale Carlson, Tammy Baier, Carrie Filetti Director of Preschool Ministry Chris Learman [email protected] Preschool Staff Tammy Baier, Amy Flores, Julie LaGue, Nancy Mojica, Kristy Nellessen Director of Educational Ministries Office Assistant Carrie Fiorina [email protected] Director of Senior Ministries Shirley Busse Secretary Denise Klabunde [email protected] Building Supervisor/Ken Zank Custodians/Chris & Kim Ethridge Officers & Council Cathy Buhrow; Mike Freeman; Robin Gibbs; Ken Hansing; Claude Hutchens; Sue Olsen; Peter Paulson; Rob Ribbe; Beth Millar; Daniel Nattress [email protected] Office Hours: 8:30 am–3:30 pm, M–Th 8:30 am-12:00 pm, F Worship Evangelism Ministry with the Poor Spirituality Discipleship Youth Leadership
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