TODAY WELCOME TO GRACE WELCOME TO GRACE MINISTRY STAFF Pastor Glyn Knight, Senior Pastor Pastor Jonathan Farrell, Associate Senior Pastor, Adults Pastor Brad Habegger, Children’s Ministries Pastor Caleb McClarren, Junior High Ministries Pastor Steve Kellerstrass, Senior High Ministries Pastor Tim Bertsche, Missions & People Care Pastor David McGrew, Worship Rod Boyd, Administrative Director November 16, 2014 “None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God. All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” (Romans 3:9-12) WELCOME & ANNOUNCEMENTS Pastor Brad Habegger SCRIPTURE READING Romans 3:9-12 OUR VISION is to be a loving community that invites our neighbors to join us in becoming devoted followers of Jesus who impact the world for Him. WORSHIP IN SONG “Break Every Chain” “Jesus Paid It All” “Not What My Hands Have Done” PASTORAL PRAYER IS THIS ONE OF YOUR FIRST TIMES AT GRACE CHURCH? Thank you for worshiping with us - we are so glad you're here! In the pew in front of you is a "Connecting Card” with information about our church family and ways you can get connected. We'd be glad to have you stop by our Fireside Room today - we have refreshments and a small gift for you! And please join us for our next Discovering Grace Lunch where you can come enjoy a meal with us, meet some of our pastors and church family, and hear more about what God is doing among us and in us as followers of Jesus! OFFERTORY “By Grace Alone” 9:00 A.M. – MORNING WORSHIP When prompted during the service, parents of children age 4 through Kindergarten are invited to lead their children to the foyer where they will be welcomed and cared for during the remainder of the worship hour. 10:30 A.M. – ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL, Fellowship Hall 11:30 A.M. – D & K PETERSEN PRAYER TEAM, Fireside Room 2:00 P.M. – CHILDREN’S CHOIR DRAMA PRACTICE, Sanctuary 4:15 P.M. – CHRISTMAS CHOIR REHEARSAL, Choir Room 5:00 P.M. – S.E. ASIA PRAYER TEAM, Conference Room 6:00 P.M. – CONGREGATIONAL MEETING, Sanctuary 7:00 P.M. – COLLEGIANS, Fireside Room (following the Congregational Meeting) Tonight we will be discussing “Contemporary Questions & Issues from a Biblical Perspective”. Q’s: Contact Pastor Dave, 214-1413. 7:15 P.M. – QUIZ REVIEW, Matthew 1-10, Children’s Wing MONDAY: 6:00 P.M. – PUPPET PRACTICE, Children’s Wing 6:30 P.M. – GRIEF SHARE, Fireside Room 7:00 P.M. – DEACON BOARD, Conference Room WEDNESDAY: 5:30 P.M. – CHILDREN’S CHOIR, Sanctuary 6:30 P.M. – ADULT PRAYER GATHERING – Conference Room 6:30 P.M. – MINISTRIES FOR ALL AGES, various locations THURSDAY: 6:30 P.M. – GRACE CHOIR REHEARSAL, Choir Room 6:45 P.M. – DIVORCE CARE, Fireside Room 7:00 P.M. – WORSHIP TEAM REHEARSAL, Sanctuary SATURDAY 2:00 P.M. – CHILDREN’S CHOIR DRESS REHEARSAL, Sanctuary SERMON “Man Is Sinful” Pastor Glyn Knight COMMUNION GRACE CHILDREN’S CHOIR “The Light Has Come” Saturday, December 6 at 11 a.m. Sunday, December 7 at 6 p.m. GRACE CHURCH CHOIR “Rejoice! Carols of Grace & Gladness” Sunday, December 14, 6 p.m. MISSIONS MATTERS WOMEN OF GRACE [email protected] MISSIONARIES FOR TODAY Pastor Steve and Esther Poirot Lincoln Bible Church, Lincoln, Illinois “Thank you to our Grace family and friends for your prayers, cards, food and flowers during our most difficult time – our daughter, Debra Melvin’s home-going. We also want to say thank you for the Gideon Bibles donated in her name. We are so thankful to have such a caring church family.” Brett & Ramie Melvin and Henry & Glenda Kruse “Many thanks to all of you who remembered us on our 65th wedding anniversary. It was great to see so many friends! We appreciate the flowers, the cards, the gifts, and the candy! We still cannot believe we’ve been married 65 years! Thanks especially for all of your good wishes and thoughtfulness for attending our anniversary party.” Alice & Doug VanEtten TODAY IS THE LAST DAY TO ADOPT A FAMILY. Please sign up this morning at Sign-Up Central THE DAILY DOZEN items for next Sunday, November 23: Facial Tissue, Toilet Paper, and Paper Towels THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE – November 26 at 7 p.m. Join us for this special annual celebration of worship, praise, and thanks to God for His faithfulness to us. This year’s Thanksgiving Offering will be distributed to those local ministries we supported this summer during our GIG week. Just as we had the opportunity to serve and encourage them this summer with our time, energy and prayers, our desire is to care for and encourage them again this fall with this unexpected gift. Midwest Food Bank Women’s Pregnancy Center Peoria Rescue Mission South Side Mission Mission Mart Camp of Champions, USA BACE (Before & After School Christian Experience), Morton ____________________________ THE GRACE OFFICE will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 27 and 28 to provide Thanksgiving ‘family time’ for our staff. COUNSELING PRIMARILY FOR WOMEN is now available at Grace Church provided by Angela Geyer on Tuesdays 9:00am-4:00p.m. There is no fee for this service. Call the church office for appointments. WINGS TOO! (Widows in God’s Strength) Tuesday, November 18 – Eat and socialize at Busy Corner in Goodfield! Carpool from church parking lot at 4:30 p.m. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE: We are looking for six people to serve in the nursery (babies, toddlers and two-year-olds) during Sunday School in December. Please contact Melissa Saxsma (263-8441) or Pastor Brad (266-9281). STUDENT MINISTRIES SENIOR HIGH [email protected] HIGHER GROUNDS MISSIONS TRIP INFORMATIONAL MEETING Calling all Junior/Senior students and their parents to attend an informational meeting regarding this opportunity from 3pm-4pm today! _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BABY SHOWER You are invited to a baby shower for Jean and Joy Viguier on Thursday, December 4 in the Fellowship Hall. The couple request that due to shipping restrictions, any gifts be provided from their registry at Target (or Those wishing to contribute toward a cash gift may do so at the shower – a group card will be available. Please RSVP at Sign-up Central. Our Praying Sisters' Ministry is now underway, and each volunteer has a small group of randomly assigned women for which to pray. Our desire is to have each woman at Grace prayed for specifically and intentionally, so please allow us to pray for you. ~ Annie Weeks, Prayer Coordinator HOLD THE POSTAGE! CHRISTMAS CARD EXPRESS is here! Exchange Christmas greetings with friends, families and new acquaintances who attend Grace Church. Starting November 30, you can drop your Christmas cards off in the mailbox located in the main foyer. Because many families share the same last name, please use the full name on the envelope. Please put your cards in alphabetical order by Last Name and rubber band them together before you drop them off in the mailbox. Check for your “mail” at the Christmas Card Express table starting December 7. CHRISTIAN HEIRS – Thanksgiving Feast, Friday, November 21 at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Turkey, drinks and table service will be provided. Please bring your traditional recipes, based on your last name initial. Can’t wait to see you! ~ Jordan & Jessica Rocke A-E: Pie O-R: Rolls F-I: Potatoes (Mashed/Sweet, etc.) S-V: Stuffing J-N: Fruit or Vegetable side dish W-Z: Lettuce Salad RSVP on CCB or email [email protected]. BARNABAS FELLOWSHIP GROUP – Christmas Buffet at Sazani’s in Pekin, December 5 at 6:15 pm. Please call to RSVP and pay ($15.11/ person) by December 1 to Linda Funk 263-7136. THE MORTON COMMUNITY CHORUS will present portions of Handel's Messiah on Sunday, November 23, 2 p.m. at Grace Church. There is no charge for admission; however, a freewill offering will be received. The public is invited to attend. YOU ARE INVITED TO A RECEPTION PARTY celebrating the marriage of Anne Weaver and Dave Forbes on Saturday, November 29 from 2-5 p.m. at Faith Church, 9125 N. College Ave., Indianapolis IN 46240. Your RSVP would be appreciated – please phone 317-730-0656. No gifts, please. Complete sermon booklet is available on Mondays, together with the audio recording at the “Recent Sermon” tab.
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