Dear Pupils, the focus is on Kings, battles and Sutton Hoo.

Dear Pupils,
This half term your topic will continue to be The Saxons but
the focus is on Kings, battles and Sutton Hoo.
You will have the opportunity to watch some of the Orangutan
Diaries. You will also read the Beowulf legend. You will:
 Learn and use persuasive language
 Create a discussion text either on palm oil or a subject of their choice
 Write a persuasive letter
 Write a new legend, set in Saxon times.
 Carry on with Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and Comprehension activities.
Over this half term, the main areas of mathematics you will cover are
 Use mental strategies to multiply and divide by 10 and 100.
 Use written methods to multiply and divide 3 and 4 digit numbers by 1 digit
 Revise vocabulary for 2D shapes and angles; use a protractor to measure
angles. Use compasses to draw circles.
 Place large numbers on a number line, round numbers, compare and order
numbers including decimals.
 Using mental and written methods for addition and subtraction.
 Solving multiplication and division word problems.
 Weekly mental Maths tests and revision of strategies.
In science, you will be finding out about the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. You will
look at space explorations, how planets orbit the sun, how the earth rotates on its
axis and the phases of the moon.
You will use Saxon style illuminated writing to create a design of your initials. You will
then design, measure and make a wooden picture frame to frame your art. Skills
needed will be measuring, sawing, using mitre squares and then an evaluation using
ICT skills – taking photos and uploading them into a powerpoint of
instructions/evaluation of their work.
In History you will be studying the Saxons. You will carry out a historical enquiry on
the sight of Sutton Hoo. You will learn about the different Saxon Kings and key
You will be learning about Islam, focusing on the 5 pillars of Islam
and the Ka’Bah and The Hajj.
In ICT you will be researching information to support science (the Earth, Sun and
Moon) and History (the Saxons). You will produce a powerpoint on Saxon Kings and
battles. You will use hyperlinks to create a quiz. You will learn to use multimedia to
add sounds and pictures.
Physical Education
You will be focusing on gymnastics (PE) and basketball skills (Games).
In French you will be learning about where you live. You will learn vocabulary to talk
about your house, the different rooms and styles of houses. You will also learn about
vocabulary linked to the local area and weather.
In PHSE the topics covered are ‘My relationships’.
We will have our planning session on Wednesday morning 10.15am to 12.15pm. During
this time you will have Games with Chelsea Football Club, RE with Mrs. McKenna and
Music with Mrs. Morton.
Homework and Spelling
Homework is set on a Thursday and is expected in on the Tuesday. Please make sure
you remember to get your homework books signed by your parents.
At least once a week, try to read to someone in your family and get them to sign your
reading record.
Mrs Gibson, Miss Pickering and Mr Wills