Mount hope MUSTANG NEWS oct/NOV 2014 WWW.HWDSB.ON.CA/MOUNTHOPE 905-679-4145 FROM THE PRINCIPAL’S DESK HALLOWEEN UPDATE With Halloween fast approaching, we have a few reminders for students and families. Students are welcome to bring a costume for Halloween on Friday, October 31st. We will be following a special schedule that will allow time after the second nutrition break for celebrations and a Special thanks to The Wing 447 for host- school-wide parade. Lunch will be from ing the barbeque this year. We appreciate 12 to 12:40 p.m. After lunch, students will have time to dress in their costumes. Our working with this local community partfirst parade begins at 1 p.m. ner. (Kindergarten) followed by our Primary/ Our annual Terry Fox event was another Junior parade. Parents and family memgreat success. Thank you to everyone who bers are welcome to join in our celebramade a contribution to help support this tion. We may or may not be indoors for great cause and thank you to Mr. Smith the parades. who organized our event again this year. We are collecting non-perishable food EQAO individual results were sent home items in the lobby again this year starting on Monday October 27th. We hope to fill with our grade 4 and 7 students recently. several boxes for our local food bank. We continue to have strong results as a Should you wish to send some treats for school in all areas that EQAO tests. The the children to share on Halloween day, combined results for the past 3 years show please make sure they are nut-free and that Mount Hope students are achieving at individually wrapped. Your child’s teachlevels higher than the Board and Province er will alert students to any other specific in reading, writing and math. allergies in the classroom. There will be a dance held in the gym for Congratulations to our Sr. Girls and Sr. Boys 3-Pitch teams that took part in tour- students in grades 7 and 8. An alternative activity room is available for students in naments on September 15 and 17. As well, our Grade 3 to 8 Cross Country run- grades 7 and 8. ners did extremely well at their meet on Costumes should be brought to school October 9th, bringing home 4 champion- in the backpack and students should be ship banners—what a great effort by all of able to put their costume on independently. our runners! On behalf of the staff, I would like to express our sincere appreciation to the many families who attended our “Meet and Greet” night. It was wonderful to meet new members of our school community and get re-acquainted with so many others. Our Fall Fun Day on October 10th was a big success—thank you to the parent volunteers who helped out and to our School Council for supporting this event. Mr. R. Maudsley Please do not send make-up for students to apply. Students may wear makeup to school in the morning if this is an integral part of the costume. WEBSITE In an effort to provide more timely communication about school happenings and events, we will be making better use of our schools website this year! Through the school website you can get the latest news, access to the monthly newsletters, and your child’s teacher may also have a class blog that you can access easily through the click of your mouse. We need your help to achieve this! Please visit the school website at On the right hand side there is a Subscribe section. Please click on Subscribe and simply fill in the email address you would like notification of updates to be sent to. You may also choose to opt out of the school board updates by selecting NO to the dropdowns in the subscribe screen, if you leave these as YES you will also receive notices of updates from the school board when available. Once you have filled in this subscription and click on submit, you will receive an email from the school board that you must open and acknowledge to activate your subscription. After completing this, whenever anything new is posted to the Mount Hope school website you will receive an email notification. Thank you for your co-operation with this new initiative, and we look forward to keeping you up to date on school happenings. NO weapons of any kind are to be sent SAVE THE DATE to school (toy knives, guns, pitchforks, SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS etc.) and masks must not hinder vision. NOV 18—Progress Reports go School Council held its first meeting on home (Gr 1-8) September 18th. At this meeting the exec- Please do not send students in “gory” or “bloody” costumes. The point of the NOV 20—Parent/Teacher utive positions for this year were filled by day is to have fun in the school setting and Evening Interviews (Gr 1-8) Sharon Reichheld and Amanda Fehrman not scare our younger students. Save those (Co-chairs), Karen Hancock (Treasurer), types of costumes for night-time trick-or- NOV 21—PA Day No school for students. and Deana Worne-Laing (Secretary). The treating please! Parent/Teacher Interviews for next meeting of the Council is November Gr 1-8 3 at 6:30 p.m.
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