F i r s t C h r i s t i a n C h u r ch ( D i s c i p l e s o f C h r is t ) The Christian Visitor November 2014 D J Lewis Passes Away Mr. Derry Jackson (D.J.) Lewis age 88 of Griffin Passed Away, Monday, October 20, 2014 at Brightmoor Hospice DJ was born in Cordele, Georgia on May 13, 1926. He is preceded in death by his parents Lynton Cevera Lewis and Helen Delores Thompson Lewis. Mr. Lewis was a veteran of the United States Rev. Tom Van Laningham, Navy having served in World Pastor War II. He was a member of the First Christian Church Eileene Keene, Music Director and former owner/ operator of Specialty Products. Charlotte Silvestri, Board Chair Survivors include his wife of Rev. Annette Ford, Editor 62 years, Sue Lewis; daughter, Susan Lewis Husted and her husband, William D.; grandson, Matthew Colin Husted; sister-in-law Joan Waits and her husband, Richard; several nieces and nephews among them a special niece, Aprille Gladis. A crypt side service for Mr. D.J. Lewis was held Wednesday, October 22, 2014 at 2:00pm at the Oak Hill Mausoleum. Reverend Tom Van Landingham officiated. We all knew him as DJ. He was a joker and a southern gentleman. He had a ready smile and a loveable sense of humor. He was a deacon and a member of the board of First Christian Church. The congregation will miss his smile and his optimistic nature. DJ Lewis 1926-2014 T HE C HR I ST I AN V I SI T O R November 2014 PAGE 2 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 9 10 16 17 6 7 8 11Veterans Day 12 13 14 15 Lonnie Spangler Jason Conner Birthday Regional Assembly Assembly Doris McKay 21 22 8 am to 3 18 5 19 20 Regional pm Christmas Bazaar 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Decorate Church for Christmas 9 am 30 First Sunday in Advent Larry Conner T HE C HR I ST I AN V I SI T O R PAGE 3 October is my favorite month. This one has been a challenge. We are in good financial shape. We have had a very positive experience with Tom Edmondson’s classes on the Jewish background of the Christian church. At the same time we have had some more loss of loved ones. Since we have not been “on time” with our newsletters over the summer, I am counting the loss of Marvin Jenkins, Mary Alverson, and DJ Lewis along with family members like Charlotte’s grandson Isaiah or Annette and Sandi’s long-term family friends, Tracy’s coworker, and Jane’s daughter in law. Whether the death was an older person or a tragic loss of a young life, its vibrations continue within us both individually and within the group. One of the differences between a young congregation and an established one is what I am learning to call “the gift of loss.” Younger congregations hardly experience death. Many young adults have never sat beside the bed of a dying loved one, have never been to a funeral, and don’t have any frame of reference. Young congregations are busy building, growing, promoting, doing. It’s all about activity. Older congregations have a history of with death, many hours of sitting by bedsides, and rituals in the days and weeks following a loss. Instead of death being an outside intruder, it is part of the life of a mature person and a mature congregation. The gift of loss does not automatically come with growing older, however the opportunities for facing loss come more often. And so does the mature ear that “hears” the gospel and begins to understand that the “life” and hope it brings also paradoxically walks hand in hand with death. We hardly perceive it at first but there it is—in order for the new to come, the old must pass away. In our living and in our dying we belong to God. On and on. This does not make the loss any easier; far from it. Loss can take us down a dark path of rage, depression, total helplessness, angry, and the awful feeling of being adrift in the world, without purpose. Totally alone. After we have lived there long enough, we may be ready to accept the Presence that is there. The Silence that is there. Jesus says, “Happy are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God.” Arriving at that point, I realize that I do not have to do anything or believe anything. In the emptiness, God is here. In the emptiness, the great mystery is that God is able to find me. See you Sunday as we continue this mystery. Tom PAGE 4 T HE C HR I ST I AN V I SI T O R Ways to Support Christmount smile.amazon.com Use smile.amazon.com kust like you would for amazon.com. All of your setting will transfer. Designate Christmount as your charity. Christmount receives .5% of your purchases. Labels for Education Cut labels for Education UPC from participating products. Christmount sends in the UPCs and receives computers and camp supplies in retun. Look for a list of participating products at www.labelsforeducation.com. Ink/Toner cartridges Bring your used ink/toner cartridges to church and give them to Sandi or Annette. Christmount receives a check for recycling them. Coke codes Save the codes from bottle caps and box flaps of Coke products. Camp Lakey Gap, the camp for austistic children uses them to get camp supplies. T HE C HR I ST I AN V I SI T O R PAGE 5 Outreach Christmas Activities This year we will be supporting the Christmas Dinner for the Homeless that will be provided by Rushton’s Hope on Saturday, December 20, 2014 from 11:00am to 1:00pm The dinner will be held in the gym at Second Baptist Church and they are expecting to feed 550 people. First Christian Church will be providing the Dessert for the dinner. The dessert selection is Cakes. We will need to provide 40 cakes for this dinner. Please see Tracy Larison if you’d like to bake a cake for the homeless. These will need to be at the church the afternoon of December 19th or by 9:00am Saturday, December 20th. We will also be collecting $5 toys to be given to children at the event as well as scarves, hats and gloves to be given to the adults. You can find $5 toys at Dollar Tree, Big Lots and any other Dollar Store. These need to be at the Church by Sunday, December 14th. Volunteers are also needed to serve that day. Please see Tracy Larison if you’d like to help serve. We would like to have at least 10 volunteers that day and more are welcomed. Tracy will have signup sheets available each Sunday, until December 14th, for cakes and volunteers. PAGE 6 T HE C HR I ST I AN V I SI T O R Area Meeting Held With Rev. Denise Bell the new Regional Minister On Thursday, October 30th, Annette Ford and Sandi Bruner attended an area meeting with the new Regional Minister, Rev. Denise Bell, at First Christian Church of Warner Robins along with members of Damascus, Williamson, St. Andrews, Macon First, Liberty Christian, Central of Columbus and of course Warner Robins Christian Church. Warner Robins provided a meal for all of those who attended the meeting. Rev. Denise Bell presented information about herself and answered question from the congregation. The consensus of the congregation is that the Board chose an excellent candidate for our new Regional Minister. Her only regret was that more people did not attend the get acquainted event. Christmas Bazaar November 22 9am to 3 pm It is that time of year again. The Christmas Bazaar will be held on November 22, 2014 from 9am to 3 pm. Breakfast of sausage biscuit and drink for $1.00 lunch BBQ sandwich chips and drink for $3.00. BBQ by the pound (please preorder with Charlotte / $8.00 per pound). Cakes, pies, bread, cookies, wood crafts by renowned wood crafter Jason Prigmore, pocket books by our favorite pocket book lady Sara Morris, Jewelry, wreaths, and much, much more will be for sale. Come and do all of your Christmas shopping and dessert buying for Thanksgiving. Door Prizes, trash and treasures, music, candy, fun! T HE C HR I ST I AN V I SI T O R A poem of remembrance Grant peace, O Lord, across our strife-torn world, Where war divides and greed and dogma drive. Help us to learn the lessons from the past, That all are human and all pay the price. All life is dear and should be treated so; Joined, not divided, is the way to go. Protect, dear Lord, all who, on our behalf, Now take the steps that place them in harm's way. May they find courage for each task they face By knowing they are in our thoughts always. Then, duty done and missions at an end, Return them safe to family and to friends. Grant rest, O Lord, to those no longer with us; Who died protecting us and this their land. Bring healing, Lord, to those who, through their service, Bear conflict’s scars on body or in mind. With those who mourn support and comfort share. Give strength to those who for hurt loved-ones care. And some there be who no memorial have; Who perished are as though they’d never been. For our tomorrows their today they gave, And simply asked that in our hearts they'd live. We heed their call and pledge ourselves again, At dusk and dawn - we will remember them! Veterans Day NOVEMBER 12, 2014 PAGE 7 F IR ST CH R I ST I A N CH U R CH ( D I S C I PL ES O F CH RI ST ) 291 South Pine Hill Road Griffin, Georgia 20224 Phone: 770-227-2737 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.firstchristiangriffin.org "A movement for wholeness in a fragmented world." ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������
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